HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-09-29; City Council; Minutes1
t September 29, 1954
Me.eting called to order. a,t 8:15. P. EB. by Mayor BIIcClellan. Present besides the Hayor. were Councilmen Castorena, Helton, Sutton, City Clerk Ewald, Public Works Anthony.. Ab'sen C&. Ede, City Attorney Smith, .(ar- rived at 9:45 P. M.)
Proposed Ordinance #5020 was .again discussed, and Mayor McClellan invited comments from the audience, Mr. George Kraft, Jr., stated he felt there should be a rninimum'weight.oq the empty receptacles which may be used, so that 50-gal stell drums will not be used. .He also sug- gested the operation of a City dump, for the reason that he' felt condi- tions at the Counby d&p sere becoming very objectionable. Both he and Mr. John Marron stated that they felt -the individual receiving the con- tract should' be at liberty, to sub-let certain areas to a responsible collector if he s.o desires. They also sugges.ted a two-gear contract, to Justify the. purchase of' adequate equipment for the job.
After considerable discussion, the Council arrieved at the follow- .ing suggested,revisio,ns or additions to proposed Ordinance #5020:
SEC..2, ..Pfobablg too restrictive and technical. Objection made to
' regulation on leaving out of receptacles after 6 P. M.,,,
.' etc. It was suggested that this section might be made the
20 < 4 subject 'of, an operating regulation of the Public Works LJ Deptiytment.
SECS. 3, 4, 5, :ahd 6 - possibly too severe, although Ssc. 5 was
SEC. 7, Substitute "Director of Public Works'? for "Superintendent
SEC. 8, ' (b) Mr. Kraft complained that' many, residents'will use 50-gal. barrels as receptacles, weighing approximately 55 lbs. empty, and strongly urged that a minimum empty weight for receptacles be specified.. A minhum weight of 30 lbs. is suggested.
considered as probably nec'essary to protect business houses.
of Streets". .
., (c) Could be eliminated.
SEX. 9. Should be revised to allow burning in approved manufactured gas burners; also to allow landowners to bury garbage, where they have ample room.
SEC. 14. Permit fee considered too high for persons wishing to fill in
SEC. 23.. It was felt that this Section dose not specifically limit the
' rough lalid by operating public dump. .-
collection to one individual; Slso that-a term of two years should be specified, ,to justify the purchase of good equip- ment by the successful applicant.
St was also felt that the person to whom the Certificate is
given area to an approved operator. . granted should have the privilege of sub-contracting any
Mr.. Fred Hutflesz submitted 8 statement,. signed by himself, to ..
I the effect that Mr, Paul Parker of 620 Tamarack Street, denied having stated in his affidavit that the building at 3481 Garfield had been used as living quarters, as such use would have been impossible, due to the fact that the building contained no plumbing, cooking or sanitary facfl- ities, and that he had merely slept there for a short time and used the bathroom facilities, of the adjacent house. Thematter was briefly dis- cussed but it was decided that a better solution to the problem,might be reached if all interested parties were present for questioning, The mat- ter 'was, continued to October 5, 1954, at 9:15 P. M., and the City Clerk was asked to' call or write Mr. Parker and Mr. Osburn and request them to be present. Mr. Hutflesz protested that Mr. Osburn is still working on the house, and it was agreed that he should be warned against fukther work until the matter is settledb
The City Clerk read 'a letter from property owners at the lower' end of Garfield Street asking that they no$ be included in the proposed Sewage Disposal District,. since they cannot benefit from it, due to topograph of
1.. 2 ’ their property. The letter. was .signed.. by 11 property-owners, .and Mr.
0. C . -Jeffers, 155 Chgnquapin, . was.-present. .in ‘behalf of the group, He was sh0wn.a map of the proposed district, wi%h the explanation that the engineer had been instruc-ted .to ..e.xc.luds .. .those owners who cannot benefit by it, Mr. Jeffers studied the map and expressed satisfaction and ap- proval of the district as delineated. He was also advised that any ad- ditional lots to come into the distrSct later would be charged a flat fee as %heir proportionate share, and it was explained that the thinking of the,Counc51 is- toward; a- general obligation bond issue, to be voted by the voters of the district itself.
City Clerk Ewald reporadd that the City owns .52 share of water stock for the sanitary plant, which is inadequate for water consumption at the plant, resulting in excessively high water bills since March, when the 20$ rate became effective, After some discussion,. it was decid: ed to transfer a share of the water stock from the newly acquired prop- ’T: erty on Pine and Pi0 Pic0 to the sanitary plant property. Cmn. Castor- ena moved that. the City Clerk be authorized to transfer one .share of wa- ter stock from the City Park ,property to the disposal. plant property. Seconded by Cmn. Belton. All ayes, motion carried.
Proposed Ordinance #9025-A, amending the subdivision .ordinance, was summarized, Cmn. Sutton moved that first reading of .proposed Ordin- ence #9025-A be waived, and that such waiver constitute first reading. Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. All .ayes, motion carried.
Mr, Anthony submitted for the Council’s inspection a letter and some illustrative material on the use of transite pipe instead of cast’ iron pipe in plumbing installations, with his recommendation that its use be all’owed in the City of Carlsbad. Mr. -Art Snyder protested its use on the grounds that it does not make ‘a tight vent joint. .The mat- ter was deferred until later,
City Attorney Smith arrived at 9:45 P, M., and financing of the sewage disposal plant was again discussed. .After considerable discuss- sion, Cmn. Cagtorena moved that the- City Attorney be instructed to be- gin negotiations with OWelveny & Myers to take the necessary steps to set up the sanitary bond election under the Vernon Act, Seconded by Cmn. Helton, All ages,.potion carried.
There being no further business to come before the Council, Cmn. Sutton moved for adjournment at 1O:OO P. M., seconded by Cmn. Castorena. All ayes, meeting adjourned at said hour,
Respectfully submitted,
v Me 0. EWALD, City Cle.rk
October 5, 1954
Meeting called to order by Acting Mayor Ede at 7:OO P-. M. Present besides the Acting Mayor were Councilmen Castorena, Helton,, Sutton, Mayor McClellan-, City Clerk Ewald, City Attorney Smith, Police Chief Palkowski ,
Cw. Sutton moved the approval of the minutes of the meeting of August 24th as revised. Seconded by Cmn, Castorena , All ayes, motion carried .
1% was noted that. the names of City Attorney Smith and Police Chief Palkowski (arriving late) were omitted from the minutes of the meeting of September 7th as being present;, and the secretary was instructed to make this correction. Can. Helton moved the approval of the minutes of the meeting of September 7th with the addition of the two names. Secon- ded by Cmn. Castorena. All ayes, motion carried.