HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-11-02; City Council; MinutesI 2 it would be necessary to submit. a' plan of. the State parks and beaches to be incorporated into the County Mastber Plans. City Clerk Ewald stated he had called Joe Cockrill, chairman of the Planning Commission, and also some members of the Parks, Recreation; Beach and Tree Commis- sion and they suggested calling Xi. Kenyon down here, which had been done. Mr, Kenyon recommended that Carlsbad's plan be co-ordinated with the master plan the State is now working on. It was decided to await further information from the State-. City Clerk Ewald submitted for Council approval a list of bills up to and including October. 19, 195i+. Cmn. Sutton moved approval of the bills listed, UI, to and including October 19, 1954. Seconded by Mayor IXcClellan,. All ayes, motion carried, 5th or 6th of November and will miss the 2nd' of November meeting, the agenda for 8:OO P. Id. on November 16th. Cmn. Sutton stated that he would be gone from October 25th to the City Clerk Ewald was asked to set up proposed Ordinance '#lo32 on Cmn. Sutton proposed that the City Qerk check. into the possibil- ity of including all city personnel under Social Security. He 'wss asked to do so and.report to the City Council as soon as posgible. McClellan moved for adjournment, seconded by Cnn, Sutton, All ayes, meeting adjourned at 11:l.O P. M. .. There being no further business to come before the .Council., Mayor Sespectfully submitted, v 3A . 0 . EWALD ,. ' City Clerk ~""""""~~~""~"""""~"""""-""--""----------"----- % KINcTTES OF FLEETING OF CARLSBRD CITY COUDSCIL November 2, 1954 Meeting Called to order at 7:OO P. X. by Xayor NeClellan. Present besides the Kayor were Councilmen Xde, Castorena; Helton, City Clerk 3- wald, Public 'Jorlrs Director Anthony, and City Attorney Smith, Absent, Councilman Sutton, Reverend Zimmerman of Gospel Tabernacle opended the meeting with and inspiring invocation. City Clerk Ewald read the following correspondence: Telegram from Cnn. Sutton, absent on vacation, congratulating the Paid bill from Carlsbzd Rock and Sand Company covering material furnished on the new City building. The City Clerk was asked to ex- press the Council's thanks, Council on meeting in its new City Iiall, Letter from the Traffic Safety Council to Kajror NcClellanl, announ- city that December 15th will be. proclaified by President Eisenhower as r'3s;fc Driving Dayg and requesting local suppo?t in the re'iease of a pro- clamation on WovernSer I.lth, with a cbpy to them, The. Mayor stated he had received a letter from the Governor on the same sub$,ect and felt that we shou.16 cooperate to the fullest extent, to which the Council . agreed 4 Letter f roin the, City of OeesnSi.de regarding' amecdment of the cornm- uni-cations agreement, Etatifig that their City Attorney will prepare the necessary oapers. City Attorney Smith stated he- had prepared the re- quired notice and resolution, and copies of the resolu$ion were 'gassed to Csunci.1 .meBbers to study, Letter froxi the City of Oceanside regzrding mutual boundaries, at- taching map showin~g three parcels which should be clarified as to road maintenance and police responsibility, etc. The map and letter were circuleted among the Council meribers. Zliscusslcrn was deferred until la- ter in the meeting. 2 Resolution of the Coronado City Council for' assistance given by the Carlsbad Police Depaqtment in their recent emergency. .. Copy of letter to Byrl Phelps fronz the Department of Finance re- garding application for Chapter 47 funds, and enclosing withdrawal re- solutioh forms and application forms . The City Clerk reported that he had attended several recent Civil Defense meeting,s in San-i)iego; that they are finally getting down to a program where outlying cities such as Carlsbad can particrpate. He stated that at a special meeting of OCD Dr. Lanier went into the pro- blem of t?Fall-outn very thoroughly. He read a bulletin in regard to the Civil Defense Training Program, outlining four ,courses for which they asked that trainees be recruited: (1) coroner's; (2) rescue; (3) corn- munieations; and (4) radiological. 1. Letter to the Office of Civil Defense listing the names of Dale Letter from the Office of Civil Defense advisiqg that the League Ginn for the Coroner's course and Norman TJi'hipple for the. Radiological. of California Cities went on record as fully supporting Civil Defense, and asking that a11 communities in the State participate in the pro- gram. $J Letter from Hummelts Exotic Gardens, Mr. E, C. Hummer, 3926 Park 7": Drive, calling attention to the serious drainage problem on Park Drive g~ . and-asking that it be given immediate attention. Deferred until later q in the meeting. 3 2 Copy of letter to 3yrl Phelps from the Department of Finance sta- ting that the cost estimate on the Elm Avenue.project exceeds the nor- mal cost of 6$, and. asking for an explanation for same. Letter from Larry Norman, Chairman of the Citizens' Advisory Com- mittee to-the Interim Committee on NIarine Affairs, advising that the present attitude of the San Diego Gas 8c Electric Company in regard to development of 'a small boat harbor in Agua Redionda Lagoon was not an- usual or uncommon. I Mrs. Jane Sonneman was 'presant and asked as to the present status of the widening of Grand Avenue. The City Attorney explained that at the time the grant deed conveying the property was given to the City, the Council passed a resolution stating their position that they would pass a Resolution of Acceptance when a police of tiZle insurance is furnished to the City by, the owners. It was decided that the matter Mrs. Sonneman also asked about return or her $25.00 application .. should be taken up between Mrs. Sonneman and City Attorney Smith. fee on the reclassification request for rezoning of the Nielsen and Sonneman property between Grand and Elm, west of the freeway, which was denied, It was recalled that the Planning Commission had asked that the ordinance be revised to allow -retention of the fee but no action was taken by the Council on the matter. Cmn, Ede moved that the rezon- ing application fee paid by Mrs. Sonneman be returned to her, with the exception of that portion e? +he eg9ee~eill that was expended for ad- vertising costs. Seconded by Cmn. Castorena, . ayes, .Cmn. Castorena, Ede, Mbyor McClellan. Nays, Cmn. Helton, I. Referring back to the amendment to the agreement with the City .of Oceanside covering use of communication and jail facilities, Cmn. Ede moved the adoption of the resolution cancelling the communications por- tion of the agreement with the City of Oceanside. Seconded by Can, HeL- ton, All ayes, motion carried, mission: I. The City Clerk read the -following memorandums from the .Planning Com- (1) Recommendation that the application of Army & Navy Academy for special use permit to allow construction of school dormitories on property descrlbed as Lots 117 to 129, inclusive, of Granvills Park #2, located on the south of Pacific Avenue between 0cean.Street and Carlsbad Boulevard, .be approved, After some discussion, cmn* Castorena moved that the recommendation of the Planning COmmisSiOn be accepted .and a - special use permit as requested- be granted to the Army & Navy Academy* Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried. (2) Recornendation that the application of Henry and -Pauline Wueste, Altedena, California, for reclassification from R-2 to R-4 of i4 property described as Lots 39, 40, 41 and 42 of Block A, Hayes Addition to the town of Carlsbad, located. on the. west. side of Ocean Street north of Cedar Avenue, be approved, After discussion, Cmn, Castorena moved that a hearing be set a.t 7:30 P. M. on November 16th to consider the Wueste application for rezoning. Sec.onded by Cmn, Helton, All ayes, motion carried, Cornm. Smi'th of the Planning Commission was present and 'explained that it ,was the intention of the Planning Commission to con- sid.er rezoning at the same time Lots 43 to 46 incltisive, of the same block, but they were inadvertedly omitted from the advertisement, so another hearing will be held on November 8th to consider rezoning of these lots, (3) Recommeiidation from the Planning Commission of approval of the application of Henry and Pauline Wueste for variance to permit reduc- tion in side yard setbacks .to 2$ feet and front yard, setback.to 5 feet from property line, on Lots 39, 40, 41, and 42 of Block A, Hayes Addi- tion to the town of Carlsbad. Cmn. Ede moved that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accpeted and the appIication of the Wueste for variances be approved, Seconded by.Crnn. ReZtan, All ayes, motion carried. City Clerk Ewald read the.foll6wing memorandums from the Parks, Recreation, Beach and Tree Commission: (1)- Request that the Council approve the name "Holiday Park" for the new City Park, but that the name not be publicly released until- the date of the dedication of the park. Cm', Ede npoved that the Coun- cil approve the name "Holiday Park", submitted by the Parks, Recreation Beach and Tree Commission, Seconded by.Cmn. Helton. :All ayes, motion carried (2) Recommendation that the City Council approve.the bid of Val- ley Tree Service of $1000,00 for trimming of 17 trees, Cmn, Ede moved that the Council accept the recommendation of the Parks, Recreation, Beach and ,Tree Commission and authorize the Director of Public Works to .e'nter into a contract with the Valley Tree Ser vice 8.5 recommended by the Commission, . Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. All ayes, motion car- ried , 13) Recommendation that the buildings on the proposed park Site be removed, with the exception of the grease .rack, which can Probably be used by the City, Oity Clerlg Ewald stated that he had had an offer from Bernie to remove the'huildings and pag:,the City for them, 'The City Attorney was asked whether it would be necessary to advertise the intention to sell the buildings and stated he belie.ved 'there Was no requhrement for the sale of personal property as there is in the case of real- property, and that it could be handled by the Director 02 Pub- lic Works.. After discussion,. Cmn, Ed& moved that ,the Publio .Works Director,"be authorized to dispose of the buildings on the Park Site to, the best possible advantage, Seconded by' Cmn, . Helton, All ayes, motion carried, (4:) Memoratidurn advis.ing that the Tillmans had been contacted and had advised that they codd not donate a parcel of their property, lg- ing contiguous to the park site, to the City, but would sell Same for $230Om00* The Commission suggested that the Council negotiate an option from the Tillmans after first having an appraisal made of the property. There was no mention made in the memo of the size of the parcel, After discussion, Cm. Helton moved that the recommendation of the Parks, Re- ~ creation, Beach and Tree Commission be accepted, and that the City Clerk be instructed to have the land appreksed and attempt ,to negotiate -an op. tion on it, Seconded. by Cmn. Ede, Mayor NcClellan mggested that the appraisal be in writing for the guidance of the Council. All ages; mo- tion carried, The City Clerk read a memorandum, signed by him, concerning the' Special Census, stating that he had written Washington to withhold the Preliminary count from. general publication, Mayor McClellan suggested that a specific request be made to the Bureau o'f the Census that they incur 110 further expense in the tabulation of the figures, The City Clerk was asked to write a letter making this request. the Public Works Director and the Planning Commission, Referring back to the maps on the boundary matter. Referred to Referring back to the Hummel request on the Park Drive drainage matter, Mr. Anthony stated he had had a long talk with. Nir. Hmel and . has the matter on his agenda to take care of before the rains, I' ..a =-i x:, <. 3 3 I I 2. Mr. Anthony reported that the.City offi-css will be moved to the new building tomorrow; that. the- painters. ha.ve two more days on the trim and big doors. 'He stated .everything will. be read.y for the opening on the l4t. Cmn. Castorena reported that the dedication ceremonies have definite, ly been set for l:3O P. M. NOvembeFl4th and the invitations will go out in writing, He stated that it had been decided to combine the two cere- monies {dedication of the Park and City building). He reported that the Police Department had moved into its new quarters Friday and Saturday and the Fire 'Department equipment is all in shape to move in and will be moving in gradually this week, City Attorney Smith reported that Mr. htterson has filed an applica- tion for rehearing. in the Court of Appeals, which may be heard during the next- month, He also reported that O'Melveny & Myers anticipate having a resolution .of intention in the sewage disposal plant matter ready for a December 28th hearing, which would call for a bond issue of $60,000.00, a little In excess of $he actual estimated cost f$56,000.00). They asked about the creation 0.f a maintenance and operation-district, and the City Attorney stated he-had discussed the matter with.the Mayor and they felt the Council probably would favor it, City Attorney Smith stated that O'Melveny & Myers estimated an eiection could be held in Niarch, but that he felt this is an optimistic estimate -- that it would .probably be A- pril. He po'inted out that any egcess raised over the cost .would have.to be held in trust for the purpose. of redeeming bonds. nance #loo5 in regard to method of payment of bills. ' After aiscussion, Cmn. Ede moved the adoption of ,proposed Ordinance #1005-A. Seconded by Cmn. Castorena . Second.reading waq given proposed Ordinance #1005-A, amending Ordi- Second reading was given proposed Ordinance a5020 was resumed. ' . After discussion, cmn. Ede moved the adopt.ion of Ordinance #5O2O. Se- conded by Crnn. Helton. All ayes, no nays, Ordinance adopted. the new building was discussed at considerable length, The City Clerk recommended that in order to handle the various offices and duties with- out o%er-reaching the budget, Eilrs. Vermilyea should be moved into the Police Department office, where she-could atte.nd the radio and at the same time do the major portion of the stenographic work of the City of- fices; and City Treasurer Roy Pace be put on full-tirne basis with an in- crease in salary to issue licenses and various other permits and handle the cash. Under this plan, Mr.. Pace would also do the bookkeeping. The City Clerk stated that in orller to accomplish this purpose it would be necessary to apply the $100.00 'per month budgeted for a part-time secre- tary to. the City Treasurer's salary, .and also take $40.00 from the San- itary fund, to make a total of $300.00 per month salary. The Mayor asked whether the Treasurer could gut in less than'a.,full day, possibly three- quarters of the day; and Mrd. Ewald stated they felt the work would -re- quire full-time hours., The- questi,on of whether it would be equitable to charge the $40.00 Sanitary Fund, which involves only one-third of the City, for duties which are performed for the entire City, was discussed. . .A proposed resolution assigning additional duties to ?. Roy Pace, and providing for additional salary, was read. Can, Ede moved the adopt- tion of a resolution assigning additional duties to W. Hoy Pace as set forth in the resolution, providing for in effect the payment of $265-.00 in add.ition to the City Treasurer's salary of $35.00 per month, effective Kovember lst, 1954. Seconded by Crnn. Castorena. All ayes, motion car- ried, Cmn.-Ede moved that the City Clerk be instructed that $10'0.00 of the $265.00 per mofith be paid from General Funds as budgeted &?em Bke SeaiSa~g.Fe& for- a part-time secrekary, alrd $125.00 be paid zs,original- lg budge.ted fcom ,the Sanitary District funds a-nd an additional $4.0.00 paid from the Sanitary Funds, Seconded by Cmn. Helton. "yes, Castorena, Ede, Helton,' nays,'lvlcCle~lan '(fur the reason that he believes it inequit- able to pay the $.!+O,OO from the Sanitary Fund.) Motion carried. The question .of distribution of pe-rsonnel when the mne is made to Cmn. Castorena moved the adoption of proposed Urgency Ordinance #lO05-B as read, setting new meeting place for the City Council, Seconded by Cmn. Eelton. All ayes, Ordinance adopted. Second reading was given proposed Ordinance #3015, providhg for con- trol of dogs, licensing, etc. After discussion, Cmn. Ede moved the Adop- tion of Ordinance #3015. Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. All ayes, no nays, Ordinance adapted , 7 Id Second reading was given ‘propqed Ordinance #6030 regulating bench advertising, After discussion, Cmn. Castorena moved the adoption of‘ Or- dinance #eO3O. Seconded by Can. Ede, All ayes, no nays. Ordinance adopted, ., The City Clerk was requested to send the Houston easement and resolu- tion to San Diego for recording. Cmn. Ede reported on the meting of the Co-Ordinating Council Library Committee with Mrs, Sutton, Niss Francis Hahn, County Librarian, and the County A’dministrative Officer. It was recommended py the committee that the Council submit any changes desired in the County agreement as soon as possible. Cmn. Ede st.ated that he will talk with Miss Hahn regarding the number of books to be allotted to Carlsbad, and- other matter, It was brought out that there is a possibility that the Catholic Church will consider a reduckion in rent. (on the Library building). City Attorney Smith stated that as soon as he has ,the information on Social Security he will’ report on the method of paying the stand-by firemen. Nayor XcClellan stated that a report had been received from the engineer on the Chestnut Avenue sewef line cost, in the amount of but that there are no further developments, Cmn. Ede moved that the minutes of the meeting of October 19th be approved. Seconded by Can. Helton. All ayes, motion qarried. The list of bills was passed around the Council table. Cmn. .Ede moved that the bills and payroll as submitted be approved for payment. Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. All ayes, motion carried. Proposed Ordinance #1037, creating a Library Commission was summar- ized, copies being passed to members. The City Attorney explained that under the Education Code, upon petition of 25% of the elect.ors, a Li- brary Commission must be created. Cmn.. Ede,moved that first .reading of proposed Ordinance #lo37 be waived, and that such waiver constitute first reading. Seconded by Can. Helton.. All ayes, motion carried,. The City Clerk.was asked to put a copy of the ordinance into the hands of Mrs. Steen, Library Committee chairman, with the request that-she and her com- mittee study same and make suggestions as to personnel for this.commis- sion. There being no further business to come before the Council, Cmn. Helton moved for adjournment, seconded by Cmn. Castorena. All ayes, meet- ing. adjourned at l0:45 P, M. Respectfully submitted, v M, 0. EPIIALD, City Clerk ”””~””””””-~-~-~”~-~”””””””””-~~””-”~-~””””-~- MINUTES OF MEETING OF: CARLSSAD CITY COUNCIL 4