HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954-12-07; City Council; Minutes2;'d. 1
Ideeting called to -order at 7:05 p.Ivl. by Acting fhyor Kelton', Present besides the Acting I'iayor were Can, Sutton and Ede, City Clerk E~d.d, Pu'olic I.iorks Dlrector Anthony, City Attorney Smith, Police Shier ?alkmmki, Absent, I'layor bClellan , Council.man Castorena,
Consideration. of the minutes of the previous meeting was de- ferred until -later.
The City slerlq read the following correspondence:
4tter signed by Roy L, Balrd making application for special pernit to 'operate an automobile wrecking yard at 3191 Tyler Street in the City of Carls'oad, to be operated by himself and %n Eckhardt, City Attorney Smith quoted from Section 9 .of Ordlance &OOg provfd- ing that such operations can be conducted in an b. zone if enclosed
by 8. 6-foot wall, E'Ir. Anthony stated he could see no objection to it on' aocount of the location and the fact that it would give em- ployment to a number of people. After d.iscussi,on, Can. Ede moved thtt a special permit be granted to Roy Baixld and Dan Eckhardt to conduct an automo5ile wrecking yard at 3191 Tyler Street, .pro.r-iding all restrictions and provisions of Ordinance if9005 and Ordinance #6005 of the City of Carlsbad are met. Seconded by -cmn. Sutton', All ayes, motion carried. The City Attorney stated that an exceIpt por- tion of the minutes sent to the applicant, with a lettes, would be sufficient authority.
Letter from Division of Highways enclosing billing by Ivh, Phelps for fleid work and engineering wo~k for the Elm Avenue improvement, appyoving payment of $$1000.00 from the %.s Tax funds, and suggesting that if the Clty wishes, a trznsfer may be made of funds from con-
StPUCtlO? funds. Deferred until later,
Letter from T, L. Crom, Chairman of a Committee to Contact the
City Council, of the Citizens' %ague for Better Government,- sxpress-
ing o$positiun to the present plan for financing construction of the sewage disposal plant, and offering altermtive sugges5ions. Also read v the I!Ieyor's reply thar,king him and stating that the letter would re- ceive consideration, Both letters deferred until the public hearing on December 14th.
Letter from the Coun.ty of Saa Dieio, signed by &-a Tarshes, advis- ing that the County Counsel is preparing a draft of agreement between the County, the City of Carlsbad, and the Escondido Humane Society, on dog cont;rol, which will be submitted to the Council, No action at this time.
'&NO letters'from the Offie? of Civil Defense on dispersal and evacuation plan, city Clerk qwald stated that the civil Defense is tak- ing more time than he is able. to give it and requested that the Council appoint an Assistant Director. There was no action,
Letter froln the Carlsbzd I'Iutual Water Company regmd.trig a retire- ment plam. After some discussion, h~. Ede moved that the City Council go on record as favoring the retirement plan for the Carlsbacl 1ktf;lvzaZ Water Company, "here wits no second., Cmn. Sutton noved that the Council, go on record agalnst the plaz un-623, all water assesments al-e stopped. There was no second, Iqr, Anthony, as a dlrector of the Water company, explained that; the Company felt that gutt;kng in a good 'retfrement plan wouid result in far less turnover 2nd greater efficiency froa employees, ax it has been tkrelr experience that it takes three months to byeak In a new man and often at, the end of that time the employee leaves for a job with a better future. He sta?ced that this is the only water company in Southern California which has no pension plm; and that the quicker they
can get a Crew who can do the work, the quicker the assessments will be cut do~~n. He also nentioned that the recent improvernent ana repla,cenent
Of obsolete fa.c3lit;ies has resulteti in the company noyr being worth
~800,000.00 as against $105,000.00 a fen years ago, Thz letter tn:as file( with no vote on the questLon,
4, 0 c 2
* Letter from the County of San- Die 0, signed by Miss Frances Hahn, expressing thanks for the .copy of the h'orary Commission ordiance, and
advising that she will be glad to come to Carlsbad to answer any questior in connection with the library. City attorney Smith stated that he'had also had a letter from Miss Hahn, advising that they wished assurance thz the owners are willing to renew the lease .on the present library quarterh and that janitorial services and utilities. would be guaranteed, before making any commitments on additional books'.
Letter from Gretchen Tuthill calling attention to her previous request that the trees in the 500 block on Grand Avenue be trimmed. It was pointed out by Mr. Anthony that this is being taken care of at this time. Cmn. Sutton pointed out that the bids for the tree trim- ming, according to the minutes, were to be opened at the meeting of December Zlst, whereas, Mr, Anthony haa already opened the three which
had been received, Mr. Anthony stated -that the bids were opened bpt no contract had-been awarded, and that such action would be held up until the proper time. ..
c.ity Clerk Ewald read Notice of Public Hearing on the applica- tion of -G, D. PbLean for reclassification from E-2 to R-3.A of Lot 5, Wflsonia Tract, locatbd. at 2740 Arland Road. The recommendation of the Planning commission was reviewed, for approval of the request, - providing the rezoning was restrioted to the westerly 175 feet of the lot. cm. Helton was asked whether 1%. Mckan would be greatly in- convenienced if actiton were postponed and stated that the Hckans were anxious to buil&-:.and are already impatient at the delay, . It was suggested that since there is a petition before the Planning com- mission to consider reclassification of .the entire Wilsonia Tract, it might be possible to defer the "kean application to a. later date to soincide with the othep action. After discussion, cm'. Ede moved that the request of G, D, M&an for reclasstfication be gra&ted, as -recommended by the Planning Commission, and that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up an ordinan'ce effecting the change'. Seconded by Cm. Sutton. AX1 ayes, motion carried'.
- Letter from the 0-c Sportsman*s Club advising that a resolu- tion had- been adopted favoring the passage of the Harbor commission ordinance. The Clerk was asked to acknowledge the letteyf.
Hax EwaZd gave a report of the meeting of the Assessor's Ad-
(1) That- construction will begin about 1.956 on the new Court
visory Committee , as follows::
House, to be completed in 1961, and that it will sequire 7(t or 8$ on the tax rate,
(2) That 60% of the County is exempt from taxes by reason of Government-owned lands and different agencies, ve~emns' exemptions, e to'.
(3) That-a special Committee was being set up to study what effect the change In the highway (freeway) would have on property valuation.
(4) If a property owner makes ap?lica,tion, he will be given
(5) Depreciation is figured on a reverse curve'.
(6) The practice of going into homes to assess personal prop- erty has been.,discontinue8; it is now being assessed on a percentage basi (i. e., on a $4000.00 valuation there would be a 10% assessment for per- sonal property . )
special consideration on old or obsolete property.
Letter from Dr. J. D. Askew of the County Health Department urging the City of Carlsbad to provide adequate sewage treatment facilities at the earliest possible moment.
Clw. Sutton asked corn. Stringer of the Planning Commission to report on the special meeting held by the Planning Commission with Mr. &y kllcka of Gordon Whitnall & Associates, planning Consultants-. Commissioner Stringer stated that the result of the meeting was that the Commission found that the @1000.00 alvailable for a planning study would be practically useless, but that they are working on a plan which Chairman Cockrill of the Commission will. present when it is
ready. He stated the Commission had not met since the Conference
with kk. Glicka so he could give no report of an official nature.
Proposed Ordinance #9036, changing zone of Lots 39-4.8, Block A, Hayes Addition of the Town of Carlsbad, was summarized. Can, Ede moved that first reading of proposed ordinance B9036 be waived, and that such waiver constitute first reading. Seconded by Cmn, Ede. A11 ayes, motion carried.
The City Slerk read Notice of Public Hearing on the application of A,A. Marron, and any other applications, for certificate of public necessity and convenience for the collection of garbage within the City of Carlsbad. He stated that three bids were received as
f ollavs 2
A, A, Ibrron, Box #124,; Carlsbad, CaHfornia, twice weekly collection from households, 81.50 per month-for garbage and trash; for garbage only, $1.00 per month; for trash only, $X.OO per month; for daily oollection from business houses, $3.00 to $10.00, depending upon the amount of garbage. €bo Marron's bid listed 'his equipment, as re- quired by the ordinance, and guaranteed payment of 5% of his gross re- ceipts, payable within ten days after the end of each quarte-r'.
George Kraft, Jr.: collection twice weekly from residence units, $1.25 per month;: commercial establishments according to their needs; payment of jk per month, gross receipts. fiescription of equipment was listed as required by the ordinance, and Wr. Kraft's applicdtion stated that Mr. krron would be allowed to continue the collections he is now making, im event the contract Is awarded to Mr. Kraft'.
% 9. Goodwin, San Diego; twice weekly. collection of rubbish and garbagqGl.50 per month from residences, $l";'O for apartments of 4 units. The City Attorney pointed out that Mr. Goodwin's bid is not in proper order as it does not comply with the 0-rdinance in two respects. The City Clerk pointed out that %he Kraft bid was accompanied by the . 8l5.00 application fee but that the check had been returned by the bank'. The City Attorney stated tha-t non-payment of fee would not bar 'the bid from consideration but before it is accepted the fee shouiLd be aid. Mrs. Griffin of was present and commended b. graft upon his Bervice, stating that he had also rendered wq~y free services to householders. The City Clerk read a statement signed by 183 satis- fied custoners of f.lr, Kraft, I%?. brron was asked whether he would be willing to enter into an agreement with Hr, Kraft to share the collec- tion, but stated he was ready to invest $4,000.00 in a cooker and wanted to be certain that he would have the garbage to process*.. The City Clerk expressed concern over the City's control problem if responsibility is shared by two collectors; but it was pointed out that the"prirne contract- or would be responsible to the City and any sub-contractor would be an- swerable to him. Kraft wag asked whether he cooked the garbage and stated that it must be cooked under State law, and that his was taken to Reginald I'Iarron for processing. As a matter of information it was ob- served that A&. krron resides in County territory, while fieginald Marron resides in the City. After considerable discussion, Cmn. Sutton moved that hearing on the garbage collection applications be adjourned and action deferred until 8:OO EON. on December 14th. Seconded by Cmn. Ede'. &, Kraft and Mr. Marron were advised to get together and come in next week to the meeting with a more definite agreement between them. Vote on the motion:: all ayes, motion carried,
for November, as follows :: The City Clerk read the monthly report of the Fire Department
Structural - - 2. Grass - - - -1 Standby - - - -1
Fires- .I - - -- - - e -- ... --- 4
FalseAkrms - - m - - - - . - ... - -1 bsaues-- .- - -, - - - - - - - - "+ Tokl Runs - -- - - - - - - - - -
Damage due ^to fire - - - - - - -$25.00
Average attendance at alarms - - - - - - - - - 14 Business meeting - - - - - -- 2 Drill meetings - - - - - - - - 3 Average attendance" - - - - -18
.. d '.'g.
The City Clerk read a letter from Raymond I?. Ray, attorney-at- law representing Ivlr, E. C, Hummel on Park Drive, urging that re= nzdial action be taken at once to solve the drainage problem on
Park Drive, Hr, Anthony reported that he had done some work on the matter last spring, and last Thursday .had czlled a meeting with the property owners on the street, at which Mayor I'lcClellm was present. As a result of the discussion, Mr. Don &est expressed willingness to accept the amount of drainage that had come down in 1940, accord- ing to contour maps as the water had alwa.ys goae that way, and the City Attorney advised that the water be turned in there, lk, An-
thony reported it had been declded to put in a 36" culvert, He was asked to reply to the letter froin Fir. Ray.
After a, 20 minute recess, the Council was reconvened at 9:lO
Second reading was given proposed. Ordinance 81032, creating a , .
P , PI'.
Harbor omm mission, After discussion, Cmn, Ede moved the adoption of Ordinance as amended by three minor c'mnges. Seconded by cm, Sutton, Ayes, Cmn, Ede, Suttm, lielton; nays, none; notion czmied.
City Clerk Ervald read reports from $[,We Rogers and Claud - Fennel, appraising the parcel of the Robert Tillrnnn propel-ty ad- joining .the city Park property at Pine ancl Pi0 pico, at $1650.00 and $1550.00, respectively,' The two reports were filed for future infornation,
Letter from League of California Cities.advising that a resolu- tion had been passed at the 56th annual oonfesence th-st proposals for uniforn sales tax be presented to the California kgislature this wfn- ter; and outling such proposals. Cmn, Sutton moved that the City Attorney be instructed to draft a resolution indicating the Council's support of the proposal for uniform salefi tax throughout the State of, California, seconded by Cmn, sde, A11 ayes, motion carried.
City Glerl: Ewald read the Police Report for November,.'.1954, as f OllOVJS :
Arrests - = - - e - -. - -2
Accidents - - - -- - - -9 Traffic Citations- - - = 51 General. cases- - - - - -822
Approval of the mfautes of the meetings of November 2nd, November 16th and November 23rd was deferred until th next meeting.
Cmn, Ede moved the approval for. payment of the- payroll. to Decem- ber 16th, and of the bills to December 7th. Seconded by cmn. Sutton. All ayes, motion carried,
CInn. Sutton moved for adjournment to December 14th at 7:OO P.11, Seconded by Can, Ede. A11 ayes, meeting adjourned at 9:45 p,1q,
Respectfully submitted,
M; 0, EWrZIJ), " City Cleyk
De- 14-
Meeting called to order by Mayor C, De F~c/Jlellan at 7:OO P.M. Pr-esent besides the Mayor were Councilmen kymond C, Ede, Claud R, i-Ielton and Robert M, Sutton, City Clerk PI, 0, Ewald, public Works Di-
rector Charles A. Anthony, City Attorney Bruce Smith, and Police Chief u, Max Palko~~skL, Absent, Councflqn Captorena',