HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-11; City Council; Minutes$"
. ., .. ..
.., ... .. Cmn. Castorena. All..ay.es,-."~eso~ti~ .ad.opted,
Mayor PlCClellaa stated that one of the members appointed to the Ll- bmpy Ccssm.Sssion is unable to serve, and offered for approval of the Couno the appointmat of bs. Leone E. Coll%ns, 1341 oak Avenue. %e question was raised as to whether Mrs. Collins had expressed willingness to serve 01 the Comission, and it was decided to hold the appointment in abeyanoe for the time being.
Cmn. Ede reported that the conmission had its first meting on Honday evening, January 3rd; that Miss &ames %hn, County Librarian, was preseni and stated she had perfeated plan8 for doubling the number of books In the library, increasing library hours from 18 to 22 per week, and inoreasing &so Cole's salary; that she already has the approval of thR Board of su- pervisors, He stated he believed they had set the fourth Thursday a8 thei~ meeting night, at the Library.
The bills were submitted for tke Council's examination-; also the pay- roll', Cme Helton moved that the council approye the payroll up to Janu- ary 16th, as oereified by the city clerk and approved by the Auditing con- mittee. Seoonded by clan, Castorena. 811 ayes, motion carrie&.
Cm. Sutton moved the approval of the bills to &ma& 1, 1955, a8
c;:) sertified by the City Clerk- and approved by the Auditing Committee. secont
T-+ ed by Cmn, Felton. All ages, motion oarried.
e purchase the .road. equipment be reviewed at an early date, and agreed that
LJ this will be done.
q It was suggested that the cmtrzlot with Joe Apodaea an8 the option to
A letter to Mayor MoClellan from Edwarii Ridley, regarding a Northern Cowby 'airport og the blly land, was disoussed, and handed to cmn. Sutton to study and rotate to other members. It suggested a jolnt effort by Carlsbad and OoeansiBe, possibly ineluding Fallbrook and %m~dido, to get the airport established.
City Attorae Smith stated he had asked the County Counsel to-act a8 attorney for the hlio Utility Distriot, as it will require a lawsuit to dissolve the Distrlot. fle stated that he wa8 not satisfled that. the dls- solution has been oompletely aocampllshed and would like to have it de- termlned. by the court in a, suit for deohratory relief. k stated the County Assessor would like to have the County Initiate the suit, but that the County Counsel seemed reluotant. He stated he will oome to the cowoil with 'further details at the next meeting.
hn. Sutton moved approoaf. of the minutes of haember 14th and of De- oearber' 2lst.a~ correoted. Seoonded-by cmn, Helton. 811 ayes, motion ~ar~ied.
mere was disuusslon as to the need for 811 ad3ourned session to oonsfd the Harbor commission reoommendatian on the proposed legislation ..and hn. <oa moved that the council adjourn to January 11th at 4:30 P.g. Sesonded by Cine astorexla. All ayes, neethg adjourned at 10:4j p,~.
Bespeqtfully submftted
Me 0. EWU, City Clerk 1. ~""r"-r".I,~-r-r""~r"rrrr.Irr.- (I"""
M&ting cralled 416 order by Hayor &3Clellm at 4t33 pa%. &-esenti be- sides the Mayor were cm. &le Sutton, %lton, City Clerk ZwdLd, City Attorney ,Smith, Pub110 Works hreotor hthony, Absent cmn. Castorena.k.
:' Also present for oonsultatlon were six members of the krbor commission', as follows: David %ne, ohaim, David Baird, C. C. Waiters, George Parker, B, M. Christiansen, and Orville Jeffers.
the reoommendations of' the %rbor Comml;ssion as to proposed legislation kyor McClellan explained that the meeting was being held to oonslder
*: 1
to be Intrduced at the surrent session of the .bgislattlut.e, .oonoerning deve1.apmn.t; ...- of .,-. the ..... smalL.b.oa%harbor.
Chairman hnne of the &rbor commission was asked to present the moo: laeaaation of the Commission, and outlljled three praposed Bots whioh they recommended be submitted to Senator Kraft fop introduotion Into the hgisl; ture , all pertaining to development of a small boat harbor in Agua Hediond; .Lagoon, as follows c”
of $3O,Q00.00 t
develop the harbor;
(1); h Aot appropriating funds for engineering, in the amount
(2) h kt authorizing an outright grant for $5,OOO,OOO.OO -to
(3) An Ast appropriating funds on a loan babis, In the anount of $5,000,000.QO, develop the harbor.
.He explained that the $30,000.00 engineering fund is the estimated cost of providing a oomprehensive engineering study, wU6h would also inolude’ a report 88 to the eoononio feasibilitg, antioipated revenue; eto.; and that the $5,000,000000 is the engineer s (Mr. Patterson) estimate as to what will be needed for neoessary jetties, breakwaters, dredgin the ohannel, and bash Improvements to the harbor. k stated that f 3) will be offered as a substitute if (2) Is not favorably sonsldered’. .
City Attorney Smith Stated that this bill has many polltioal.possibfL ities; that ooncelvably the session might set up a State agency to super- vise this type of thing.
A portion of a letter from Hr. Norman of the Interig Committee was read, Qutlfning a rotation plan from one f’und to another’.
chairma# kne stated that It was the recommendation of the krbor comrnislslon that the council approve the .three drafts, and that sane be forwarded to our representatives In Saoramento for proper legislatfoe aotlon. ‘phe byor asked if he wished to go further and recomment3 that the Gomission be authorized to follow up the matter and have a repre- sentative appear at the hearings if the bills get into the oommlttee, Cha: man &ann8 stated he felt the commission all agreed that that would be de- sirable and added that to their reoommendation. He stated that the Con- missim, is preparing a letter to the San Diego Oas & Ebctrlo Company whioh will be submitted to the Counoil beforeband, telling them what is proposed and asking their oo-operation,
thoroughness of the work already done. After dis~~8siOn, cmn. Ede moved the adoption of a resolution authorizing the presentation of the three Acts discussed, to OUI? legislators ih Saorarnento, for proper legislative action: and also authorizing the kbor Commission to follow up suoh .legislation and do everything possible to see that it is oarried through: Seconded by can, Helton. Mayor MoClellan asked whether Cmn. Ede and Heltori would consent to an elaboration of the reason8 for-the aotlon, and they dld SO. A11 ayes, motion oarried.
Hayor kclellan oomplimented the, Harbor Conmission on the amount .and
Chairman hne recommended that a rimer agreement be worked out with b. Patterson so that there will be a definite meeting of the minds as to the basis for his bill, so that the bill oan be properly certified by tire Harbor Commission and approved by the Counoil. All members agreed. .
&yor MoClellan comented that -considerable data had been gathered by
MFo Freeland, County Engineer, on ‘the harbor pro jeot, whioh should be of.
60- value to Mr. Patterson and should probably be made available to hi;m’. City Clerk Ewalcl stated that Nr. Patterson has a oopy of the report re- ferred to.
to rib in the Plarch of Dimes parade, to take plaoe Saturday at 1230 P.M.
was deslared adjourned at fj r.35 P.M.
Counoil members were asked to consider. whether they would be available
There being no further buslness to oome before the Council, the meethr
, * Re$Spectfully submitted,
M. 0. mAwD. Cltv clam*