HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-05; City Council; Minutes4. 9 -I photography of sewer lines, but that an item be included in next year t s budget to cover samea City Clerk Ewald read a recommendation of the Parks, recreation, Beach and Tree Commission that the City negotiate with the Gas Com- pany for access rights across their property. Cmn, Ede moved that the City Attorney be instructed:to contact the San Diego Cas b Elec- tric Company by letter 'to open negotiations on the lease or easement rights across their beach-from the.south jetty to the warm water discharge channel. Seconded by Cnn. Castorena, All ayes, motion carried Cmn , Castcarena informed the Council that three of the 'regular police officers had just received their certificates of graduation on completion of a course in police training and techniques from the San Diego Police Academy, .It was proposed and agreed that the City Council of Carlsbad write a letter to the City Council of San ,Diego thanking thes for the opportunity of sending these officers to school; also a letter to each of the police officers expressing the Council's pride and appreciation, The City Attorney reported that efforts to purchase the Felt property,for the sewage disposal plant have resulted in Mr. Felt's proposal to enter into a 99-year %:ease at $500.00 per year, . Mr, - Felt wishes the sign to remain on the property, After discussion, the City Xttorney'was instructed to either work out a sale or begin con- demnation proceedings immediately, . There-being no further business to come before the Council, Cmn, Sutton moved for adjournment, seconded by Cmn, Helton. All ayes, meeting adjourned at 11.~20 P, M, Respectfully submitted, v M, 0, EWALD, City Clerk ======'==rt====Tt""""""" """""""===I MINUTES OF MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY.COUNCIL April 5. 1955, Meeting called to order at 7:lO P. M, by Mayor McClellan, Present besides the Mayor were Cmn, Ede, Helton,.Castorena, Sutton, City Clerk Ewald, City Attorney Smith', Public Works Director Anthony, Police Chief Palkowski, Absent, none, Ge. W, W, Rogers, member of the §an Diego County Water Authority, was present to ask the Council to take a stand against a bill before Congress providing for a. large diversion of water from the Upper Col- orado Basin which will, if passed, jeopardize the water supply of this area. He stated that the California Water Board and Metropolit= an Water District; are opposing the bill in Congress and most of the agencies of Southern California ape passing resolutions aimed at its defeat. After discussion, Cntn, Ede moved the adoption of a resolu- tion similar ta the one submitted, favoring the present status of the Colorado River Compact and opposing the bill which would divert the water; and that the City Attorney be requested'to draft such a reso- lution, Seconded by Cmu. Helton, All ayes, motion carried, The City Clerk read the following carrespondence: Letter Brom Ymyor Richardson of Oceanside- to Mayor McClellan, expressing his intention to co-operate and maintain the present pleasant relationships, and commanding the Mayor for his fine work. Cmn. Ede -stated that Mr, Franklin Lilley, City Administrator of Oceanside, had written a. similar letter, Copy of application of R. Rochin for ABC off-sale beer and wine license at the former Apex Market, Referred to the Chief of. Police, who stated he receives copies of all such applications, which are automatically. granted unless protests are entered, Letter from the San Diego County Department of Public Health announcing that the X-Ray Chestmobile will be in Carlsbad in May, Letter from Sheridan Hegland dated March 25th, advising that the Navigable Stream bill has been set for hearing at 3:OO f, M, 7: April 14th. Deferred until Harbor matters are discussed. Letter from the State Department of Public Works, dated March 26th, addressed to Mayor EicClellan, ' advising' that the Mayor's lttd,er concerning'the sign on the freeway at Carlsbad has been referred to them. I '-3 "i ra lp' -L -4 3 I I -Letter from the Chamber of Commerce requesting that the speed limit on CarZsbad Boulevard be increased from 25 miles per hour. 'It was'explained th.at this sterns from the request to 'the Highway c;o8lmis- simer on the preatise that .if they are to co-operate in diverti,ng, traffic to Carlsbad Boulevaed, the speed limit .should be revisedt Mr. Anthony and Chief Palkowski agreed that..a 35-@le speed limit would be in keeping with the normal traffic, the Chief stating that only 3010th~ of a mile through Terramar will be affected, ..Since ehe matter apparently, is not urgent.; it was agreed to put it on the agenda 7, for the April 19th meetiqg. 'CetCer frost. the County of -San Diego dated March 28th, regarding an open itemon the delinquent list from 1933-34, described as Lot 200, Thtm Lands, now state-bwned. The matter.was referred to the City Attorney for his recommendations on method of procedure. .. A bulletin from the League 0.f California. &ties, pertaining to the uniforn sales tax proposal, was passed aroma for members' infoma- tion . .. Letter fromsenator Thomas Kuchel dated March 23rd;pertaining to the petition for reconsideration of the cancellation of Bonanza Air Lines' frsnchise. The City Clerk was asked, to acknowledge the letter and thank him for his help. Letter from Mrs. Eva Felt, Chairman of the "Zany Hat Breakfastn5 asking Council permission to hold the breakfast at the Fire Station pakio, 'on 'May 6th. The City Clerk was asked to answer the letter, 1 advising that permission is granted. Letter from Senator Fred Kraft advising that he will be' in Sacra- mento at- the time of "Spring Holiday" and will be unable. to, gttend; and,that action on the Carlsbad bills must-be held up pending forma- tion of an agency to administer the program; that Assewbly Bill 2939 (Stanley bill-) had been approved by the Commitfee. It was. decided to stand by until action is requested by the Harbor Commission; George Parker stgted the Commission would have a meeting as .soon as copies of the bill are available . Mayor McClellan stated that Mr. Anthony had received a call from Mr. Noble on the request of the Chamber of Commerce for permission to use the upper lagoon for water skiing, etc., during Spring Hbli- day, to the effect; that he would prefer that the City.take.over- temporary authority and establish any;regulations that should be placed in force. Mr. Noble feels the request should originate with the City rather than the Chamber. Mr. Whitey Glissman stated that the Los Angeles Ski C1u.b would place markers. and buoys, etc., .and it was pointed out that the Chamber .will provide ample insurance coverage. It was decided to vest authority in Mayor-elect Ede tQ proceed with, this matter after he is satisfied that the Harbor Corn- 'mission is agreealile. Mr. George Parker stated that Mr . Baird and Chief Palkowski have been appointed by the Harbor Commission as a committee to write some'regulations; and that the Chief has already written for sample ordinances. The Chief stated he has already written the Chief of Police at Newport Beach, who had 'referred the letter to the Harbor-, master, who stated he would be very happy to discuss the matter with him if he could coae up there. Hearing was resumed on the postponed application for zoning of the anzoned territory within the corporate boundaries of Carlsbad. A Since the Planning Commission is.not ready with its recommendation, Cmn, Sutton moved that the hearing be continued to 8:OO P. ,Ma .on May 17, 1955. Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. All ayes,. motion carried. The Ci'ty Clerk read a memorandua from the Pia-nning Commissioq recommending that attached Map #4 be adopted as the proposed beach 16 and park acquisition plan, to be submi6ted for inclusion in the C County Master Plan. Comm. Ledgerwood explained'that the'planning Commission's reason for increasing the cove area beyond Hoover Street was that they felt the recreational area was not large enough and also that Hoover Street 2s the only existing access. Mr. Parker stated that the Harbor Commission feels that the'City should take some steps to acquire the freeway right-of-way. Cmn. Sutton moved the adoption of the recommendation of the Planning Com- mission for the proposed master plan of beaches and parks acquisi- tion. The motion died for lack of a second. The Council attempted to ascertain the source of the Harbor Commission's resistance to the ensargement of the area beyond Hoover .Street; and there was consid- erable discussion. Cmn. Ede moved that the plan submitted by the' Planning Commission of the area recommended by them, plus the freeway right-of-way lying westerly of Freeway 101 as it crosses Agua Hedi- onda, be approved by the Council for inclusion in the County Master Plan for Beach and Park Acquisition, Seconded by Cmn. Sutton. All ayes, motion carried. .. ,. The City Clerk read the monthly report of the Police Department for March, as follows: .Arrests , . ,. . . . . , 9 5 Accidents '. . . '. . 9 Traffic Citations , , , . .. 4 .60 General Cases , . . . . , -96 Cmn. Castorena reported that the Police Department has an'oppor- tunity to send one of the regular officers to school at USC for a Delinquency Control 12-unit college course.which will last three months, Chief Palkowski was asked-to explain the details, and stated that it is quite a comprehensive course, limited to police officers, people from the probation field, and a few from the social field, for a total of 20 people; the fall session beginning in September. The.Chief stated he had an opportunity of taking the course six years ago and feels it was very valuable training. After discus- sion, Cmn, €de moved that the Council approve the sending of an of- ficer to USC for the three-months' training course in Delinquency Control. Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. Chief Palkowski commented that the matter has been discussed quite at length with the men and they. are all willing to hake whatever sacrifices necessary to send ' the officer to school, All ayes, motion carried. Mayor McClellan commented that in conversation:with the Deputy District Attorney, he had stated that the cases handled by the Carlsbad Police Depart- ment are'all thorough and very well-prepared. Robert Pontins and Glen Feist of the Lions' Club were present to request the Council to place an ad.in the Spring Holiday programs' being prepared and sponsored by the Lions' as their part in the Spring Holiday, They indicated that space is available at $20.00 for one-third of a page or $30,00 for a full page, or that the in- side of the back page of the program is still available at $40.00. Cmn. Sutton suggested that this space be sold to the City of Carlsbad for $20.00, Mr. Feist stated he believed it could be worked out with the Lions' Club. Cmn. Helton moved that the City of Carlsbad pay $20.00 for the i-nside of the back page of the Spring Holiday program, for advertising, to be taken from the General Fund. Seconded by Cmn. Ede. All ayes, motion carried, After,a 15-minute recess, the;Council was reconvened at 9:20 PM. Cmn. Ede moved that full reading of Ordinance #SO21 be waived, and with the reading of the title and number of .the ordinance, it be .adopted. Seconded by Cm, .C'astorena. All ayea, no nays, motion carried , Cmn, Sutton moved the approval of the payroll through April lsth, as certified by the City Clerk and approved by the Auditing Commit= tee, fpr payment, Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried. Cm, -HeT.ton moved that payment of bills through April 5th~ as certified by the City Clerk and Department' heads and aPProv6d by the Auditing Committee, be authorized. Seconded by Cmn* Sutton. All ayes, motion carried, I .. :.I “I 0 e* -i A 3 I I T‘ \, Cmn. Sutton was excused at 9:30 P. M. The matter of the expiration of two Planning Commission appoint- me4ts was discussed, .and-Cmn. Ede stated he.had contacted both re= tiring members and one has very definitely agreed to accept Re- appointment and the other will .let him know. Mr. Anthony reported that progress is being made on the matter of the Chestnut Avenue sewer line, and the Mayor ,stated there will be a.joint meeting Tuesday, April 12th, at which time the contmct and final plans for construction of the system will be ready for their consideration. The City Attorney stated that the agreeaent provides that the elementary school district will construct the line, sell to the Oceanside-Carlsbad High School district its proportion- ate share, and then the elementary district will sell the line to the City of Carhbad at cost, less the share of the two distr>cks, to be paid for from connection fees. The total cost of the line was estimated at $20,440.00, of which the Gallinger Corporation will pay $8500.00. The line will come up Chestnut from Pi0 Pic0 to Valley, turn south on Valley to Magnolia, east on Magnolia to Monroe and’ south to Park Drive, He stated the High School.District.felt that the line should be extepdesf two thirds of the way from Valley to Mon- roe a Mr. Anthony stated that in view of several requests being made to him, he recommended tha.t the guard rail at Pine and, Carlsbad Boule- vard be changed where it turns abruptly onto Ocean, by taking ouf, 8 or 10 posts and setting them more on a curve. .Cim, Helton, Public Works Commissioner, cancurred in the recommendation. Mr. Anthony was authorized to use his own judgment in the matter. City Clerk Ewald read the ,monthly report of the Fire Department for March, as follows: .* P Fires.....,.........Z Structural 1 Trailer 1 Smoke checks . . . . . . . , . 2 Miscellaneous . . . . . % . 1 Average- Attendance at Alarms . .16 Structural damage due to‘fires NONE Business meetings . . . * . . 2 Drill meetings . . . . . . 2 Average attendance at meetings i17 ,. Cmn. Castorena reported that five firemen attended the fire school at Bakersfield in March. He stated that the Chief was desirous of holding an oil fire drill and that the San Diego Gas cf Electric Com- pany had donated several hundred gallons of oil for this purpose; a& that time of the drill will be publicized so the public may attend. Proposed Ordinance #9041, changtng zone of a portion of Block *An, Palisades, was summarized. Cmn. Castorena moved that first reading pf proposed Ordinance #9041 be waived, and that such waiver consti- tute first reading. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried. Cmn. flelton reported on the proposal of. Col . Gronseth that the Ordinance be atndndeid to provide for the charging of a fee for in- stallation of fire hydrants at time of taking out building permits, stating that his investigation and discussions with contractors and citizens indicates that it might become a very involved and cumber- some procedure, complicating the bookkeeping, and he would not be ready to make any recornendations on the subject without further study. Cmn. Castorena .stated that from the Fire Department standpoint the matching fund arrangement is working very satisfactorily. It was de- cided to drop the matter for the time being, and the City Clerk was asked ,to advise Col. Gronse.th that the Council feels his.proposa1 has merit but it was decided not to proceed with it at this time as the matching. fund arrangement $.s working so well. The City Clerk read a recommendation from the Parks, Recreation, Beach and Tree Commission that an exchange be effected with the Women’s Club for a lease on Parcel “A“ (as shown on the sketch attached to the recommendation) adjacent to the,Holiday Park site, and that an easesent a bb given the Club for utilities purposes. After discussion, Cmn. Ede moved khat the recommendation of the Parks, Recreation, Beach and Tree Commission for exchange of properties with the Woman's Club and lease' of a parking area be -approved, subject to the working out of specifi- cations in a manner approved by the City Attorney. Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. All ayes, motion carried. The City Attorney was asked to prepare contract and exchange agreement. Cmn. Ede moved the approval of the minutes of the meeting of- March 15th as written. Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. All ayes, motion carried. Mayor McClellan stated he was relinquishing tke gavel to Mayor- elect 'Ede with a great deal of pleasure and confidence. The Council inembers were unanimous in expressing their appreciation and gratitude to the retiring Mayor for the splendid work he has done during his term of office. The Mayor in turn thanked the Council and particularly ex- pressed his pleasure at the resolution presented to ,Mrs. McCZellan and himself on the occasion of their wedding anniversary. There being no further business to come before the Council, Mayor McClellan moved for adjournment, seconded by Crnn. Gastorena. All ayes, motion carried, meeting adjourned at lO:25 P. K. Respectfully submitted, v M. 0. EWALD, City Clerk """""""" """""""" =. ."""" "-"" "- """"""""" MINUTES OF MEETING OF CARLSBAL) CITY COUNCIL April 19, 1955 Meeting called to order at 7:OO P. $1. by Mayor Ede. Present be-' sides the Mayor were Councilmen Sutton, Castorena, McClellan, Helton .> (7:55 P. 14. ), City Clerk Ewald, Public Works Director Anthony, City At- torney Smith, and Police Chief. Palkowski. Father John Lockerby of St. Michael's Episcopal Church .was present and opened the meeting with a short invocation. City Clerk Ewald read. the following correspondence: Letter from the 0ce.anside-Carlsbad Sportsman's Club dated April l4th, asking permission to conduct a skeet shoot in Carlsbad during the Spring Holiday. Deferred until later in the meeting. Letter from the American Institute of PaPk Executives enclosing copy of proposed resolution regarding planning .for.parks and recreation services. Referred to the Parks, Recreation, Beach and Tree Commission; and the Clerk was asked to write them stating that it has been so re- fermd. Referring back to the application for the skeet shoot, the City At- torney stated that it seems to be in proper form except that Ordinance #3010 provides that the number of rounds to be fired must be specified. Mr. Anthony sta.ted he sees no objection to the application, and Police Chief Palkowski' stated he had discussed it with George Parker and could see no objection to it. After discussion, Cmn. McClellan moved that the permit to hold a skeet shoot, requested by the Sportsman's Club,- be granted, with the condition that a written outline of the safety pre= cautions to be used be submitted to and receive the approval of the Chief of Police before- the meet is held; and that same be made subjeck to checking by the City Clark that liability insurance is in force tor cover this event. Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. All ayes, motion carried. Letter from Glenn R. Feist, dated April 12th, asking on behalf of the Lions' Club that a permit be issued to hold a carnival during Spring Holiday, at no dharge for the permit. Cmn. Sutton moved that the request by the Lion's Club for a permit to operate a carnival for charitable purposes be granted, at no charge. Seconded by Cmn. Casto- rena. All ayes, motion carried. Letter from'sheridan Hegland dated April llth, advising that ac- tion on the two harbor bills is being postponed; also that he may be. able to a.ttend Spring Holiday after all.