HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-19; City Council; Minutes{El be given khz Club for utilities purposes. After discussion, Cmn. Ede moved that the recommendation of the Parks, Recreation, Beach and Tree Commission for exchange of properties with the Woman's Club and lease' of a parking area be agproved, subject to the mrking out of spccifi- cations in a manner approved by the City Attorney. Seconded by Cmn. Castorem. All ayes, motion carried. The City Attorney was asked to prepare contract and exchange agreement, Cmn. Ede moved the approval of the minutes of the meeting ~f- March 15th as written. Seconded by Cnm, Castorema. All ayes, motion carried. Mayor ElcClellan stated he was relinquishing the gavel to tlayor- elect Ede with a great deal of pleasure and confiden.ce. The Council inembers were unanimous in expressing their appreciation and gratitude LS the retiring Mayor for the splendid work he has clone during his term of office, The Mayor in turn thanked the Council and particularly ex- pressed his pleasure at the resolution presented to Mrs. McClellan and himself on the occasion of their wedding anniversary. There being no further business to come before the Council, Mayor McClellan moved for adjournment,' seconded by Cmn. Castorena. All. ayes, nokion carried, meeting adjourned at 10:2.5 P. K. Respectfully submitted, V M. 0. EWALD, City Clerk """""""""_ -.""- ""_ """-" _"""""""_"""""""""" KINUTES OF 3fEETIWG OF CARLSBAD CITY CO!JNCZL ' April 19, 1955 Meeting called to order at 7:OO Po $1. by Mayor Ede* Present be- sides tile Flayor were Councilmen Sutton, Castorens, FfcClellans Helt~n .' (7:55 P. x), City Clerk Ewald, Public Works Director AnChony, City At- torney Smith, and Police Chief. Palkowski. Ftpther John Lockerby of St. Michael's Episcopal Chux'ch'was present and opened tile meeting with a short invocation* City Clerk Ewal-d read, the following correspondence: Letter from the Oceanside-Carlsbad Sportsman's Club dated ApriX 3.4th, asking permission to conduct a skeet shoot in Carlsbad during the Spring Holiday. Deferred until later in the meeting. Letter from the American Institute of Park Executives enclosing copy of proposed resolution regarding planning for'parks and recreation services, Referred to the Parks, Recreation, Beach and Tree Conmission; and the Clerk was asked to write then stating that it has been SO re- ferred. Referring back to the application for the skeet shoot, the City At- torney stated that it seems to be in proper form except that Qrdinance #3OlQ provides that the number of rounds to be fired must be specified. Mr. Anthony stated he sees, no objection to the application, and Police Chief Palkowski' stated he had discussed it with George Parker and could see no objection to it, After discussion, Cmn. McClellan moved that the permit to hold a skeet shoot, requested by the Sportsman's Club; be graded, with the condition that a written outline of the safety pre= cautions to be used be submitted to and receive the approwl of the . Chief of Police before the meet is held; and that same be made subject eo checking by the City Clerk that liability insurance is in force tor cover this erent. Seconded by Cnin. Castorena, All ayes, motion carried . Letter from Glenn R. Feiat, dated April 12th, asking on behalf of the Lions' Club that a permit be issued to hold a carnival during Spring IIaliday, at no c'harge for the permit. Cmn. Sutton moved that the request by the Lionts Club for a permit to operate a carnival for charitable purposes be granted, at no charge. Seconded by Cmn. Casto- rena, X11 ayes, motion carried. Letter from'sheridan Hegland dated April llth, advising that ac- tion on the two harbor bills is being postponed; also that he may be able to attend Spring Holiday after all, I yJ 4 n x a a I I 9e Letter from Sheridan Hegland-, same date, advising that AB lZO9 and 1110 had passed the Assembly floor. The Council expressed regret at the pa.ssiag of Ralph Cloyed during the d&y, and appreciation for his many acts of assistance during the past , Letter from the Board of Supervisors dated April 8th asking the City's position in regard to the proposed County ordinance on Air Pollu- tion Control,- copies of which were sent recently. Mayor Ede stated it seemed to be Mr, Fennel's opinion that little progress has'been made' and not much can be done at the present time. Cmn. HcClellan stated he believes the City should indicate its willingness to go along with the County and larger cities on the matter, Cmn. Sutton stated he felt it is not a proper approach to the smog problem. After discussion, Cmn. McClellan moved that a rtjply be made to Mr. Gibson, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, that the City of Carlsbad has been kept aware of the-discussion of the Air Pollution problem through its representative on the Advisory Committee, and it is our .intention to give considera- tion and possibly to adopt, after consideration, identical Air Pollu- tion Control legislation to that adopted by the County and other cities of the County, Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. The City Attorney stated that this proposed ordinance seems to apply not so much to present in- dustries as to new industries coming in, Vote on the motion was deferred until later in. the evening to give opportunity for more study of the pro- posed ordinance, . .. Letter from the Pacific Fire Rating Bureau advising of reduction in fire" insurance rates in the City 0.f Carlsbad. Cmn:i McClellan pointed out that change of classification from Class-10 to Class 8, carrying with it a new schedule of discounts, will reflect substantial savings to the community. Crnn. Castorena commented that it is over a year sigce the present survey was made and the Fire Chief will be ready to recommend another survey within the next two months or so. Mr. 'Dave Evans of Johns-Xanville wa.s present and demonstrated transite pipe for use in plumbing (dry vents) . .He stated that both FHA and VA have approved it and cited numrous large cities where its use has been approved; that it is less expensive and comes in 10-foot lengths which eliminates making a joint in the stack, is.lighter and easier to handle. He stated it is used widely as water pipe and gas vents in some localities. Mr. R. R. Robinson,-of Anderson G: Robinson Plumbing Company, stated.that his company is using this product ir, O.ceansi.de and considers it .excellent and can recommend it. After discussion, Cmn. Sutton moved that the Council approve the use of transite pipe for dry vents in plumb- ing, and that the ordinance be so amdnddd. Seconded by Can. Helton, All ayes, motion carried. Crnn. Helton was asked to see that all plumbers in the community are apprised of the Council's action, and to invite .their comments. Letter from the Chamber of Commerce requesting an ihcrease in the speed limit through Terramar was reviewed. After some discussion, Cmn. McClellan moved that a communication be sent to the Highway Commission that the Council has studied and favorably considered a change in the 25- mile-per hour speed limit through Terramar. Seconded by Cmn. Helton, All ayes, motion carried. It was decided that the entire traffic ordin- ance should be reviewed so that if any-other changes are required, they can be packaged into the same amendment. The City Clerk, was asked to write a letter for the Mayor's signature that it is the intention of the Council to make such a change, The City Clerk read the following memoranda from the Planning Com- mis si on : 1. Recommendation-that the application of George W. and Rose Wade, 4050 Sunnyhill, for variance to permit reduction in side'yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet on said property, be approved. Cmn, Sutton asked to be excused from voting but stated -he heartily approved the applica- tion. .Corn. Engelmann of the Planning Commission reviewed the Planning Commission proceedings in the matter. .4 sketch of the proposed con-. struction was examined, and two letters in favor of granting the vari- ancecwere read. After discussion, Crnn. McClellan moved that the recom- mendationaof the Planning Commission be accepted and the'variance re- quested by Err. and Mrs. Wade granted. Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. All ayes, motion carried, 9 CP 2. Recommendation that the tentative map of the subdivision HARBOR VILLAS UNIT #1, submitted by E. Thacher, be approved, subject to the recommendations of the Fire Chief, the Department of Public Health, and the Public Works Director. The Clerk also read a letter from Mr. Thacher dated April 19th guaranteeing construction of sewer lines; and the recommendations of the three agencies abovz named. The map was studied by the Council. Cmn. Sutton protested the use,of the name "Harbor Drive" for a short dead-end street in the subdivision on the basis that it should be saved for what may some day be a beauti- ful drive around the harbor. Cmn. McClellan commented that extreme car should be taken about the drainage in the subdivision. An explan- ation was made as to how the City could pay for the sewer line through connection charges. .After discussion, Cmn. McClellan moved the adop- tion of a resolution approving the tentative map of HARBOR VILLAS UNIT #1 as recommended by the Planning Commission, subject to the stipulations of the Departpent of Public Health, the Fire Chief, and ' the Public Works Director; and with the further indication to the sub- divider that the Council would preFer another name for the street "Harbor Drive". Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried. It was pointed out that the traverses and computations must be fur- nished and filed with the final map. It was agpeed that the Council begin.to study the possibility of employing a City Engineer on a part-time betainer, or using,the services of the County Sprveyor's office to check engineering data furnished on subdivision maps. Mayor Ede submitted for the approval of the Council, the re- appointment to the City Planning commission of Joe B. Cockrill and Howard Baumgartner for four-year term-s beginning April 12, 1955. Cmn. Helton moved that the appointments of Joe €3. Cockrill and Howard Baum- gartner to the Planning Coyission for four-year terms be approved. Seconded by Cmn. PIcClellan, All ayes, motion carried. After a 15-minute recess, the Council reconvened at 9:200 P. 1.1. Disculssion on the proposed Air Pollution Control Ordinance was resumed. Vote on the motion: four ayes, ,one nay (Sutton). The City Clerk read a memorandum from the Planning Commission recommending approval of the tentative map of HARBOR PARK, subject to three conditions: (1) that the width of the street shall be not less than 36', curb to curb; (2) that the location and size of water lines shall be shown on the tentative map; and (3) that the scale shall ap- pear on the map; also subject to the reco,nmendationsnof c the Bublic Works Director, the Fire Chief, and the Public Health Department. Cmn. McClellan stated he would abstain frog .voting because of business as- sociation with the property, Cmn. Iielton aoved that the Council adopt a resolution approving the tentativc.map of HARBOR PARK, in accordance with the recommendation of the Plan.ning Commission, Seconded by dmn. Castorena. Four ayes, no nays, resolution adopted. City Clerk Ewald read a. memorandum from the Harbor Commission reconmending that the recommendation of the Planning Commission in re- gard to the proposed master plan for parks and beach acquisition be reconsidered, as they feel it is a regrettable mistake to include the beach land east of Hoover Street in the plan, After some discussion, the Council decided by cornqoq consent against reopening the matter. Cmn. McClellan reported on a conference held at the County Counsel.'s office, with administrative officers of the school districts, the City Attorney and himself present, on the Chestnut 'Avenue sewer matter. He stated that the County Counsel would not approve the pro- posed plan and contract drawn by City Attorney Smith, so the matter is at a standstill until the County Counsel gives his approval, and specific estimates are available. Kr. Anthony stated he has the figures ready, and it was pointed out that invita-tion for bids could be published and all bids refused, if necessary, .Crnn. Sutton moyed that the Director of Public Yorks be authorized to advertise for bids on the construction of the sewer line to serve the proposed elementary and high schools, Seconded by Cum. Helton. A11 ayes, motion carried. Cmn. Castorena reported that %he Fire aepartment put on a very successful demonstration which (1) served as training for the men and (2) showed the people what they have in the way of fire protection. Nayor Ede commented that the demonstration was very well done, The City Attorney was asked to resume study 'on the fire preven- tion code. 8: Cnn,' CFas6ox.en.a reported that Mr , iIaigilk OF the State Ketiremcnb program was in Carlsbad on Friday arid explained the benefits of the retirement plan to City officials- and Police. Chief Palkowski. Chief Palkowski w8s asked to outline same and stabed that most; sixt,Xz class cities in &lie County, with the exception of Escondido and Carlsbad, have adopted the plan, the Highway Patrol is in it, and 81 cities in the State of California have embraced it, For' police and filaemen it; covers a 20-year period, to age 55 years, although it can be Lxtencted to age 60; on miscellaneous employees, the retirement age is 70, I!e explained that after serving 20 years the eEpl'oyecj' retires at hal-r-pay; if totally disabled GI~ the job he wo~lld be re- tired at' half pay far* life; if killed, his wife would receive half pay untilshe remarried, ~1' the children in event of her passing. The City contributes not quite half of what each participant pays, a~d muat buy up the time since the date of employment. He explained that the first step is a survey filled out on each member, his age, length of service, monthly szlary, etc. Cmn. Castorena recommended that &he survey be made. After discussion, by common cwfisent the City Clerk was instructed to write for the proper forms and proceed with the survey. The City Attorney stated he had received confirmation of tile order .- ., d from the title coalpany .on the Felt land for Lhe sewage disposal .-d plant I) .?. Second' reading was given proposed Ordinance #9'041, changing zone -4 from R-2 to R-3 of Elock '+A", Palisades * Cntn. Castoraenq moveJ the .I adoption of proposed Ordinance #9041. Seconded by Cmn. Sutton. All D .e &. ayes, mction carried, Copies 0.f a rough draft of proposed Ordinance #6035 covering coupon book advertising were passed to members for s'cudy. Can e !ielton moved approval of the minutes of the meeting of March ZZnd, with one minor correction, and of the meeting of April 5th as writken, Seconded by Cmn. HcClellan, All ayes, motion carried. Nayor Ede announced that lie had appointed Cmn. Sutton to serve on thc Auditing CGmmittee in his pzace, Cmnb KcClellan reminded the Council that in the audit report last year it was pointed out &he lapse that had occurred because the auditor was not called fn until August and did not count the cash on hand June 30th; and proposed the adoption of a resolution employing Everts b Esenoff to aadit the City records for the fiscal year 1954- 1955;. "Seconded by Cmn. Iielton. XI1 ayes; motion czrried. ' Cmn. Xelton moved the approval of the payroll from April 16th to April 30th, as certified by the City Clerk and approved by the Auditing Committee, 'Seconded by Cmn. HcClelian. All ayes, motion carried e Cmm, Heltorl moved autllorization of payment of bills from April 5th to 19th, as certified by the City Clerk and approved by, the hditing Committet5. Seconded by Cmn. McClellan. All ayes, motion carried . -. . There being no further business to come before the Council, Cmrl. Helton moved For adjournment, seconded by Cmno Sutton, All ayes, meeting adjourned at ll:OF P. M. -v Respectfully submitted, /s/ 31. 0. EW'ALD, City Clerk ""-.- """-==============="- "-=="""- """* FIIXUTES OF IIEETIXG OF CARLSDAD CITY COUNCIL - - - - NAY 3, l9u xeating called to order at 7:05 ?, M, by Mayor Sde. Present be- sides tine )layor were Cmn, Castorena, IIelton, PlcClellan, Sutton, City Clerk Ewald, Public Works Director Anthony, City AttQi-ney Smith, and I'olice Chisf Palkowski, The City Clerk read the following correspondence: Letter from John D. Butler, addressed to Cmn. McClellan, thanking