HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-06-28; City Council; MinutesVp;; front foot line oost and #f;O.OO oapltal oontrlbuti.on oharge for ' eaoh,livlng unit, and- that the area would .be made a part -of the kln'tenanoe and Operation distrlat, subdeot to ad valorum tax levy; also that a property owner may be'.allowed to conpeot a portion of his frontage, provided there is suffiolept frontage remaining on either or both sides to oonstitute another building site or. sites, It was agreed that an interim arrangement .should be made for the Publio Works Direotor to oolleot a oharge for emergenby oonneotions, pending passage of the Ordlnanoe, Hr, Nelson stated that a letter had oome in from Byrl Phelps oontain- ing a .sohedule of the estimated oosts. Cmn. Sutton moved that the Director of Publio Works negotiate with any .property owner who may wish to c.onneot to the sewer line, based on the sokedule prepared by the oommittee, instructing said citizen that his de- posit shall remain as a deposit until the ordinance is passed, but that the oharge on his property will .not varg: more than 10s from the sohedule as presented to him at time of the deposit; said sohedule, to be based on $3.00 per front foot and $50,OO per living unit, and that the property owner shall be notif led that he will be subJeot to the ad valorum tax of the Nalntenanoe and Operation Distriot, Seoonded by Cmn, Helton. All ayes, motion oarried. The bill from the Water Company for approximately $6,500.00 .for TIS and valves was disoussed. During disoussion,. it was agreed to ask the Water' Company to present some sort of a plan of future lnstallatlons. Cmn., 'sutton moved that the neoessarg transfer of funds be made to the fire hydrant fund, at the dis- oretion of the City Manager. Seconded by Cmn, MoClellan, All ayes, mot ion oarried, Cmn. Helton moved the approval for payment of the regular bills,, and the bill for the Seaman Pulverizer, subjeot to the ap- proval of the Auditing Committee. Seoonded by Cm'. MoClellan. All ayes, motion oarrled, . . Cmn. .Sutton moved 'the approval of the payroll up to and ln- oluding June 30th as oertified by the City Clerk and approved by the Auditing Committee, Seuonded by Cmn, Helton., @l ayes, mot ion oarried . Copies of the tentative budget were passed to members for study, and City Manager Nelson Fade an explanation of various items where inereases or decreases are involved, stating that it may be possible to effeet a reduotion $0 80$ on the tax rate, due to substantial inorease in assessed valuation. Cmn, Sutton asked whether' it would be' feasible for the City Nanager to, oontaot Mr. Lilley regarding possibility of the two . oities passing ordinanoes lnoreaslng the sales tax in aooordanoe w1t.h the new uniform sales tax ordinanoe. City Attorney ,Smith .. stated that probably bjr; fall a uniform ordinanoe will be adopted by- the State, County, and Cities. , '. Approval of the minutes of June 7th was deferred. Cmn. Helton' moved that the meeting .be addourned to 7:OO P, PI, on June 28th. Seoonded,by Cma. Sutton.. All ayes, meeting adjourned at 11 :45 P, M, v Bespeotfuily submitted, M. 0. EWALD, City Clerk UPIIIPI~OII=I-PPIII~~~=~~~-=~~~~=I~~~~=~==-~==~~~=~~~=I=~~~~~~==~ ~ - ~~ ~~ ~- ~ " -~~ """ -~ ~-~ "" ~~- ~ MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL June 28, 1955 . , Heeting called to order at 7:05 P. N. by Mayor Ede, Present besides the Nayor were Cm. Helton, NoClellan, Castorena, and Sutton; City Manager Nelson, Publio Works Direotor Anthony, Polioe Chief Palkowski. Absent, City Clerk Evaald. Mr. Nelson reported' 'that a telephone oall had been reoeived .. from Mrs. Walton, advising that the property immediately to the east, faolng Laguna Drive and addolning the Lampton property, was .. . .. .. on the market. 1% was the oonsensu.8 of the oommittee that this would be.-a very wise purohase at the asking price of $3,OOO0OO net to the owner, Mrs. Lahfdany, for this paroel of land, oon- taining 1.05 acres, running approximately 355' southerly from Laguna Drive. He stated the matter had been taken up with the Planning Commission and they had expressed themselves In favor of the acquisftion; and that the cost oould be taken oare of from an item in the next fisoal year's budget of $20,000.00 for Capltal -Outlay. After disoussion, Cm. Sutton moved the adoption of a Resolution instruoting the City Hanager to enter Into ne- gotiations for the purohase of Paroel 2-35-45, oontaining 1.05 aores, owned by Mrs. Lahfdany, and appurtenant water stoa& for $he sum of $3,000,00 net to the seller, arid, that. the neoessary signatures be hereby authorized. Seoonded by Cmn. HoClellan. All ayes, no nays, motlon oarried. Mr. Nelson reported that proposals had been sent' out for bids on automobile and liability- insuranoe, to Bum, Bondy, and Fennel Insurance; that Bondy's had been the lowest bidders on the automobile insuranoe, and on the liability, Fennel's pro- , posal from Hartford- Indemnity was the most favorable. Can . NoClellan mentioned that the fact that Hartford has carried the City's liability lnsuranoe sinoe inoorporation, with suoh favor- able experienoe, no doubt has resulted in a reduotion from the going rate.. Mr. Nelson was authorized to prooeed to work out the matter at his own dlsoretion, Mr. Nelson reported that'a letter had been reoeived from the State Division. of Highways dated- June 13th, setting forth their proposal to change four signs within the City limits of Carlsbad, requesting that the CounoI1 indloate ia wlftlng their feelings as to whether the ohanges are satisfaotory. He sOated he had oheoked with the City Administrative Offioer of Oceanside. and found that the City of Ooeanside had acoepted the proposal and sent a letter to the State approving similar changes in their signing; also that Mr. Lilley had drafted a letter to the Department of Publlo Works asking that they make a survey of the signs in the area for the purpose of making additional changes. Mr. E, 0. Kentner stated that the 74 petitioners he represented were urgigg that the sign at the southerly approaoh to Carlsbad read - RCARLS€3AD-OCEAP3SIDE COAST ROUTE" - and that at the northerly approach to Oceanside be changed to read - "OCWSIDE-CBRLSBAD COAST ROUTEm. It was felt by the Council that it would be inoon-t to approve the suggested changes and. then go over the head of the Division of Highways to the Publie Works' Department, It was agreed to defer the matter to the July 5th meeting, unti'l a more thorough analysis oould be obtalned from the looal people who have been working on 'the matter. Hr. Calvin Young appeared before the Council with the re- quest that some way be found to permit the Pirate's Cove Associates to oantinue to operate their boat ramp over the July 4th holiday, as a water meet has been soheduled and many out-of- town people are expeoted to attend. He pointed out that a speoial use permit had been applied For but could not be granted until after July llth, ynder the time requirement. No aotlon was taken, sinoe the operation is 8 non-oonformWg use in an B-1 zone and it was felt that the Cowall oould not aat contrary to the ordinance, The proposedlgjj-j6 budget was disoussed, as follows: PUBLIC WORKS Mr. Nelson explained the plan for the City to buy DEPARTMENT all equfpment from Joe Apodaca, exoept his pi&- foreman and his men would be empfoyea as City employees. Mr. Anthony explained his operational expense item, point 'by point. Mr. N8lSOn reoommended .that on sewer stoppages, eta., the present oontraotual arrangements be oontinued. UP ; that Joe would work for the City as general gfter a 15-minute reoess, the Council was reconvened at 9:20 Po M. It was explained that under the new set-up "ax EwaLd would be part-time building inspeotor, from 8:OO A. Me to 12:OO noon, and attend to his City Clerk. dut1e.s in the afternoons. a' The oustodian item was dl.scussed, and it was deulded. to de- crease it from #3,OOO.@O (full time) to $1,500,00 (half-time) tentatively, until It could be determined how much time would be required for custodian duties at the library, City offices, and Holiday Park. The matter of the half-time man, to be divided be- tween the Public. Works Department an! the Police Department, was briefly d'iscu'ssed, POLICE Mr. Nelson pointed qut t,hat the proposed Police De- DEPARTPENT partment budget represented very little change in addition of l* men, Chief Palkowski explained that the half-man would be used as a Harbor Patrolman and vacation-relief man 24 hours per week, and be attaohed' to the Publio Works Department the other 24 hours, either as maintenaaoe -'or in whatever oapacity was deoided by Mr. 'Anthony. He stated that the addition of a full-time patrolman would enable him to reduoe the number of working hours of the present officers from 60 to 48 hours per week, bu.t that the Department would still have to rely on Women Reserves for the 7 PM to midnight shift; that there were three p'eople s'till to take vacations before September, at whioh time Sgt, Wolters leaves for sohool, Cmn. IJlcClellan raised the ques- tion of the City's legal responsibility for patrolling the lagoon, since no lease has been signed with the Gas Company. The Chief pointed out that it would be the responsibility of the Poliae Department to work any aooident. oocurring at. the lagoon, FIRE Mr. Nelson explained that it is proposed to add to the DEPARTMENT Fire Department one full-time additional man., No. ADHIMISTRATNE Plr. Nelson explained a .plan to have Natalie re- OFFICES main :in -,the front office to .answer all phones, whicrh corn line; and to dose off the baok- door to the public and have everyone enter from the front; also, to employ a part-time olerk- typist to take care of the evening meetings. ... operational expense; that the mala uhange is the . . action taken. would be put on a four-line Instrument, plus an lnter- The City Treasurer.'s salary for oollecting the 1911 Improve- ment Act'bonds will oome out of the Maintenance and Operation budget, and no action was taken on the matter. . Mr. Nelson stated that under the plan, increa.ses in salary will not be automatio, but must be recommended by the Department head so After oonsiderable discussion as to salary' items in all De- partment budgets, Cmn, MoClellan offered a motion to adopt a Resolution approving that portion of the 1955-56 budget relating to salary items In the various departmental budgets, as outlined by the City Ejianager, Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. A11 ayes, no nays, Resolution adopted. Cmn. MoClellan stated he hoped the City Pknager would try the custodian on a half-time basis until it oould be determined whether full-time serviae would be required. Cmn. Helton moved for adJournment, seconded by Cmn.. Sutton. All ayes, meeting adjourned at 10~55 P, M. .Respectfully submitted, 14. 0. EWALD, City Clerk It -=======~=~a-~===~~====~~~~~~~'~~~ MINUTES OF MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL - JULY 5. 1955 Meeting oalled to order at 7:05 P, 'M. by Mayor Ede, Present besides the Mayor were Counoilman Castorena, Helton, McClellan, and Sutton (7:15 PM); City Manager Nelson, City Clerk Ewald, Publio Works Direotor Anthony, City Attorney Smith, Polioe Chief Balkowski. The following correspondence was read: Copy of letter from the County of San Diego Board of Super- visors dated June 27, 1955, to Jean Vincenz, Direotor of the Depart- ment of Publio Works, requesting that he,make application to the CAA for funds for a Federal Aid Airport. The City Clerk was asked to .write a letter to the Board of Supervisors oommending them on their .d