HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-05; City Council; MinutesI, 3 -4 T"d < J "rp .& 1 .. IC .' The oustodian ftem was di:scussed, was. deolded, to de- cream it from $3,000.00 (full time) to o .OO (half-time) tentatively, until It could be determln much time would be required for oustodian duties at the li City offioes, and Holiday Park. The matter of the half- , to be divided be- tween the Pub110 Works Department and of9 Department, was brief lg dhxassed. DEPARTPENT partment budget represente ittle change in addltion of 1* men. Chief Palkowskl e that the half- would be used as a Harbor Patrolman..an -relief man 24 hours per week, and be attached- to the rks Department the other 24 hours, either as maint In whatever oapacity was ,deoided by Er. Anthon that the additlon of a full-time patrolam would en uoe the number of working hours of the present offi week, but .that:- the Department wo Reserves for the 7 PM to m re wepe three p.eople still to take va t whfoh time Sgt. Wolters leaves for sohool. isea the ques- tion of the City's legal respon ling the lagoon , sinoe no lease has been signed pointed out that It would be t Department to work any aocidea FIB 3r, Nelson explain ~... POLICE Mr. Nelson pointed o.ut. tha oposed Pollee De- operational .expense ; that change is the DEPARTWEFT. Fire Department on ADMINISTRATIVE -Mr.. Nelson explained a ., to have Natalie -.-re- OFFICES ,. , -maln,-im -the front offioe to: corn line; and to olose of everyone enter from the f typist to take care of t meat Aat'-bonds will oome out budget, and no action wa8 , . aotlon taken,. would be pu The City Treasurer ' 8 sal I Mr. Nelson stated that under the pla , increases In salary will not be.automatio, but must be recomm nded by.the Department head 8 I I .. After oonslderable dlscusslon as to hry' items irt all ~e- partment budgets, Cmn. EcClellan offered ion to adopt a Resolution approvlng that pnrtion of the 6 budget relating to salary Items in the various departmen budgets, as outlined by the City bnager. Seooaded by Cmn, rena, All ayes, no nays, Resolution adopted. Cmn, HIoClel ted. he hoped the City E'Ianager would try the oustodian f-time basis until it oould be determined whether full4 ioe would be required, Cmn, Helton moved for adjournment, s oonded by Cm,. Sutton. All aye$, meeting adgourned at lO:fj5 P, M .I ' ' . B speotf ully submi teed , 14 0, EWW, C2ty Clerk v ~~======~=~-~~===~===l=~~~~~=~~'~~= for funds for a Federal Aid Airport. City Clerk wa8 asked to .. I . .. .. act ion. Letter from the Divlsion of Highways reporting on anticipated allooations of Special Gas Tax Street Improvement funds as follooos: Projeot # 3 . . . , . . . rfbll,830.00 (Elm Avenue Improvement) (Major Street Miatenanoe) Project #2, , . . . . . . . . 7,800.00 M;r. Nelson oommented that the maintenance all-ocation is $200.00 less than the amount antioipated. Letter from the Division of .Highways requesting that the Cotmoil adopt the enolosed ilesolution and Agreement and forward exeouted oopies to be reoeived by them not later than July 8th. Cmn. MloClellan moved the adoption of Resolution # 182 authorizing the exeoution of the agreement by the proper City Officials, ooverlng use of Gas !Pax fugds. Seoonded by Cm. Helton. Four ayes, no nays, Cmn. Sutton not voting as he was-not present for the disousslon. Resolution adopted, . Mr. Nelson reported that no word had been reoelved 5n reply to the City's offer to purchase the Iafhdany property on Laguna Drive, but that Mrs. Walton, aating as agent for the absentee owner . stated she will advise as soon as word is reoeived,. b.. Nelson reported that a meeting with the Women's olub and the Parks, boreation, Beaoh and Tree Co mmisslon regarding the proposed exohange of property had resulted In 811 agreement, whioh has been signed by offioers of the Women's Club, providing for a 12* roadway from Pi0 Pioo Drive into the parking lot, through to Eureka Plaoe,. to be aocomplished by moving the ohildren's .play- ground 12' toward the uen$er. City Attorney Smith stated that the ' agreement provides for paving by the City of a 10' strip of the 12' easement, After-disoussion, Cmn. MoClellan movsd the adop- tfon of a resolution acoepting the offered deed to the property from the Women's Club, as shown on the tentative map, subject to the reversionary clause affeotlng one paroel of the property, Seconded by Cmn. Castorena. Five ayes, no nags, Resolution adopted. Cmn. Castorena moved that the proper officials be authorized to sign and exeoute the agreement between the Women's Club and the City of Carlsbad; and t+t said offioials be authorized to exeoute a deed to the parcel provided in this agreement to be oonveye8 to the Woments Club, Seoonded by Cmn. Sutton. Five ayes, no nays, mot ion oarrled . Mr. Anthony reported that he -had made a survey of possible atmesses to the State-owned land at Agua Hedionda lagoon, and pre- seated a sketoh-for the study of the Council-, showlng two routes, the most feasible of which was through land owned by E. A. Garroe on Harrison Street, . Referred to the Harbor Commissinn, by means of 8 written memorandum. Mr.. Nelson-.reported that the State Division of Natural Re- sources had requested perruission to plaoe a direotional sign on a small portion of the Carlsbad Boulevard right-of-way, at the en- .trance to the State Park. He was authorized to grant suoh permi8- sion by letter. ,' . City Attorney Sm.lth.reported that the Felt oontraot has been signed, agreeing to sell the land to the City for $5,000.00, pro- viding for Polioy of Title Insureme, to be paid for by the Felts in return for walver by the City of the lioease fee for the sign on the property, which is. to be moved at City expense when relooa- tion Is neaessary. City Attorney Smith reported that proaeedlngs for sale of the sewer bonds are progressing satisfaotorlly, The City Attorney summarlzed proposed Ordlnanoe # 2005-A, changing term of offioe of t,he Fire Chief to an indeterminate period. Nr. Nelson explained that it is the reaommendation of'.the Board of Fire &der writers that the Chief have more permanent Benure than that afforded by regular eleotion, as it results .In a more stable Department and better oontinuity in training; and that &W the City Fire Department Is in full agreement. City Attorney Sxith reminded the Counoil that all newly elected offioers must be oon- firmed by the City Counoil, and that the old Chief would serve un- til the new Chief Is so oonf irmed, whioh will serve as a oontrol on any tendenoy to make impraotiaal replaaements, After disoussion, Cmn. Castorena moved that first reading of proposed Ordinanae # 2003-A be waived, and that suoh waiver oonstitute first reading, Seoonded by Cm, Helton, .All ayes, motion oarried. The City Clerk read the monthly report of the Fire Department for June, 1955, as follaws: Fireg----.--oo-.o.012 Grass 8 Struotural 2 Inoinerator 1. Spontaneous oombustion 1 False Alarms - - - - 0 - - - - -- 1 Average attendanoe at alarms-- -- 15 Business meetings - - - - - - - - 2 Drill meetings - - - - - - - - 0- 2 Average attendanoe at meetings- - 17 Monthly report of the Polioe Department for June, 1955, was read, as follows: Arrests----~~------- 3 Aooidents - - - O - 0 .I - . - - - 7 Traffio oitatlons - - - - - - - - 67 General oases - - - - - - - - - -134 Letter from the, Divis$on of Highways was reviewed, proposing ohangeg affeoting four signs in the City of Carlsbad. E. Q, Kentner was present and repeated his request on behalf of the 74 signers of the petition heretofore submitted, that the City Counoil request the State Department of Publlo Works to set a hearing for oonsideration of the petitioners' request for substitution of-a 8igr.reading - nCARLSBAD-OCEANSIDE COAST ROUTEn - for the present "LOS ANGEU3S-CARLSBADfl sign at the south City limits; and a like sign reading - nOCEANSIDE-CARLSBAD COAST ROUTE" - at Oceanside's north City limlts, He pointed out that the Oceanside City Counoil had.already authorized suoh a letter, The Council felt it inoon- sistent to approve the proposed signing as set forth In the Divi- sion of Highways' letter md then go over their head to the Publio Works Department to request additional changes, After some dis- cussion, it was agreed that the three intermediate signs should be approved. and a ohange requested on the most southerly sign. Cmn, PloClellan moved that the City Mana er be authorized to write a letter, in oo-ordination with the 8 ity of Ooeanside, to the De- partment of publio Works, asking a hearing on the requested sign ohange; and also 8 reply to the letter from the Division of High- - ways advising that their proposal is not an aooeptable solution of the,whole problem, and that further ohanges are sought on the southerly and northerly signs, Seaonded by Cmn, .Castorena, All ayes, motion oarried. ,fb was requested that a oopy of eaoh letter be sent to the other agenoy, Cmn, Sutton .moved approval of the minutes. of the meeting of June 7th. Seconded by Cmn. Heltan, All ayes, motion oarried, Cmn. Helton moved approval of the minutes of June 21st as written, with one minor oorreotion, Seoonded by Cmn. Sutton. All ayes, motion oarried , I The City Clerk read a letter from Mrs. George Fredkln asking .that steps be taken to prohibit beach fires on the private beaohes without permission of owners, stating that the beaohes are left in a Very dirty and disorderly oondition, referring partioularlg to the beaoh area between Grand and Elm Avenues, Cmn e MoClellan stated that the matter had dome up at the Chamber of Commerce meeting beoause of the failure of the Counoil to inolude a "Beach Clean-upn item In the Publio Works Department budget. It was brought out that the only City-owned property in the above- mentioned area are 40 feet strips at the end of Elm and Grand. The City Attorney stated that the'expenditure of public funds on private property aould possibly be questioned, unlees an agreement oould be effected to extend publlo use to the Property. The 4 .. possibility of the City being able to exohange the 40-foot strip on Grand for an additional 40 feet on ELm was discussed, Police Chief Palkowski stated that the 1deal"situation would be for all private property to be posted and everyone be diverted to the State Beaoh, The Publlo Works- Direotor stated he would try to get, maps estab- lishing the Mean High Tide Line. The City Manager, P,ublio Works - Direotor and Polioe Chief were asked to investigate and ascertain the attitude of the owners, eto., and make a report back to the Council, City Clerk Ewald and City Hanager Nelson gave a brief out- line of the State's long-range 'plans for the'state Park area. The City Attorney submitted a rough draft of an ordinance pro- viding a schedule for sewer conneotlon charges, and summarized s8111e. The question of giving time payments on sewer oonneations in dis- tress cases was disoussed at considerable length, but no feasible plan oould be worked out. After a 15-minute reoess, the Cotmoll was reoonvened at 9 :3O Discussion was resumed on the proposed sewer oonneotlon oost ordlnan~te. The City Attorney stated that one method of oolleetlon would be to assess a monthly sewer oharge, to be colleoted by one of the other utilities ctampanies; ad Hr, Nelson suggested that a very small general fund oharge oould be made over the entire olty on the theory that sooner or later all property would be served by sewer, The City Attorney was asked to have a draft of the ordinanoe em- bodying the points brought out in the discussion, for the next regu- lar meeting, ". . The City Clerk reat3.a letter fram Mrs. Helen Plllls withdrawing her applioatlon for speoial use permit to allow operation of a printing business at 2850 Highland Drive, in an B-1 zone, and re- questing refund of her applioation fee. Cum, Sutton opposed refund. ing the fee on the basis that the zoning ordinanoe Is silent on the matter of refanding applioatlon fees.. It was pointed out that no printing aosts were involved, and the application blanks do not oon- tain notloe that refunds will not be made in oase of withdrawal, Cm, Sutton moved that no refund be made on the Mills appliaatloa for speoial use permit, Hotion withdrawn for laok of a'seoond. The sanae'question was raised In conneotion with substitution of an app- llozatlon for variance for their rezoning request, filed by'Plrates* Cove Associates, and request for refund of the $lf;,OO balanoe. Cm, Helton moved approval of the-bills to July 5th, with the exoeption of the two rezoning refwds, which have not been,approved by the entire Auditing Committee. Seconded by Cm. McClellan, All ayes, motion carried. . It was deoided to ohange the polioy of approving the payroll Po M, before the end of the pay period as it may result in confusion :In the case of.,part-time 'employees working. irregular hours; and- instead to ratify same at the end of eaoh pay period, The Counoil ,resumed disoussion of the 1955-56 proposed budget, HARBOR; COMMISSION. Tentative budget of the Harbor Commisslon was broken down and each item explained by Chairman David Duane. Other Harbor Commissioners present were Cal Young, C, C, Ualters, David bird, Orville Jeffers, and B. M, Christiansen. 'fhe item of $7,000,00 for engiaeering was disoussed at oonsiderable length, some Cornoilmen feeling that due to the rather Intangible ' aspest of this expenditure, the Counoil should prooeecl with oon- siderable oatation,. although the long range value was reoognized, Chairman Dwvle outlined a tentative plan to employ Mr. B, L, Patterson as engineer, stating they felt that in order to seoure Federal Aid it is imperative for the City to Indicate its interest and co-operation by appropriating funds for the preliminary work. He stated negotiatlaas with Mr. Patterson had not prooeeded far enough to determine exactly what can be prooured for #7,000.00, After disoussion, it- wa8 agreed by mutual consent that the three other Items Included in the budget be tentatively approved; and that as soon as the figures are obtained from Mr. Patterson further oonsideratlon will be given to the engineering item, ~ byor Ede was temporarily exoused at lO:3O P, M,, Cmn. Castorena taking the chair, .u. x-: PLANNING COHMISSION The Planning' Commission budget was discussed, Comm, Smith of the Commissian was present and explained that it had been decided to decrease the $Z5Q,OO traveling expense item to $100.00. After a brief discussion, the Planning Commission budget, totalliag $2,985.00 , .was tentatively approved by common oonsent , CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The .Chamber of Comrneroe request fbr $2,500.00 for publioity and advertising was considered, Mr. Nelson read a list of the Chamber's funotions and acoomplishments, Tad Pahl, Chamber direotor, was resent, and stated he felt the amount re- quested oould be reduced to P 1,000.00. Maxor Ede returned to the Chair at ll:,OO P. M, Ci. McClellan asked whether the County had discontinued the praotlce of paying 50% of the cost of printing brochures. Mr. Chrls- tiansen sta$ed.',.he..believed the County .had discontinued this praotioe - at the time,of the City's inoorporation. After some dlsoussion, it was agreed that the Chamber will itemize their program for the oomlng year, indioating what .they propose to,.do with the money appropriated by the City, 'and bring said statement to the 'next meeting of the COU3011. PIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief Hardin was present and explained the need of the Department for another pieoe of' equipment, preferably a station wagon or a piok-up truok, to be used in a fire prevention program when the additional man Is hired, He stated the equipment could be used by other City Departments when not in Fire Department servl~e. Mr. Nelson stated he felt the Fire Department aould share one of the vehioles already owned by the City, such as the four-door Ford used by the Director of Publla .Works, but Chief Hardin stated he felt It imperative that their equipment be radio-equipped so the fire- man would be In oonstant oontaot with the station, He stated he felt a suitable vehiole oould be purohased for around $1,000.00. After considerable disoussion, it was decided to add $400.00 to the $jOO,OO Fire Prevention and Tralnlng item to take oare of the oost:.of the extra pieae of equipment, lnoreasing the Operational Expense item of the Fire Department budget to $18,400,00. Approved by oommon oonsent of the Counoil. There was a short disoussloa on the matter of salar'y of the City Due to the lateness 0.f the hour and the amount of work still remaining, it was deolded to hold an adjourned meeting; and Cmn. Sutton moved that the meeting be adjourned to 7:OO P, M, on July Uth, for discussion of the budget. Seoonded by Cmn. Helton, All ayes, meeting adjourned at ll:jO P. M. Treasurer, but no action was taken, v Fiespeotfully submitted, M. 0.. EWALD, City Clerk """"""-.""""""""~~"" ~""~."~"o""o""""""""-~~ .. HINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF CARISBAD CITY COUNCIL - JulV 12. 1955 Meeting oalled to order at 7:OO P, M, by Mayor Ede, Present be- sides the 14a or were Counoilmen McClellan, Helton, Caetorena, Sutton, (8:25 P. M. 7, City Clerk Ewald, City Manager Nelson, Public Works Director Anthony, City Attorney Smith, and Police Chief Palkoviskl, Mr. Nelson announced plans, lnitlated by the Parks and Recreation Commission, for a City Pionic on Saturday, July 16th, at Holiday Park, to celebrate the City's third birthday. The City Council was asked to take over the organization of the Pionla; and Mr. Nelson outlined 8 program of band muslo, oommunity singing, a bonfire to be lighted at 8:OO P, PI., and refreshments of hot dogs and lemonade, with, the PSayor and Counollmen to do the serving. The CounaPl .expressed ap- proval of the plans and thanked. Mr. Nelson for his effiolent handling, Attorney Glen Feist., reporting on the Keith exclusion matter, stated that petitions are now being oiroulated, and that he had worked out a revision with the Boundary Cornmission whioh would exolude from the territory to be relinquished by Carlsbad the portion of the Atchi- son, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad right-of-way whloh was included ia the C~mmission~s proposed map; and he outlined on the map the area to