HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-12; City Council; Minutes5 W( PLANNING COMMISSION The Planning Commission budget was discussed. Coinin. Smith of the Commission was present and explained that it had been deoided to deorease the $Z5Qo0O traveling expense item to $100.00. After a brief disoussion, the Planning Commission budget, totalllng $2,985.00, ,was tentatively approved by common oonsent. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The .Chamber of Commeroe- request fbr 8g2,f;OO.OO for publioity and advertisiag was aonsidered. Mr. Nelson read a list of the Chamber's funotions and acoompllshments. Tad Pahl, Chamber direotor, was resent, and stated he felt the amount re: quested oould be reduced to P 1,000.00. Maior Ede returned to the Chair at ll:,OO P. M. C&, MoClellan asked whether the County 'had disoontinued the praotioe of paying 50% of the oost of printing brochures. Mr. Chris- tiansen sta$e.d.:he. believed the County had dlsoontlnued this praotioe at the tlme,of the City's lnaorporation. After some disoussion, it was agreed that the Chamber will itemize their program for the oomlng year, lndioatlng, what .they propose to, do, with the money appropriated by the City, and 'bring ,said qtatement to the 'next meeting of the ComoIl. FIaE DEPARTNEXT Flre Chief Hardin was present and explained the need of the Department for another pieae of equipment, preferably a station wagon or a plok-up truok, to be used In a fire prevention program when the additional man is hired. He stated the equipment oould be used by other City Departments when not ln Fire Department servioe. Mr. Nelson stated he felt the Fire Department oould share one of the vehislea already owned by the City, suoh 88 the four-door Ford used by the Director of Publlo.Works, but Chief krdin stated he felt it imperative that their equipment be radio-equipped so the fire- man would be in oonstant oontaot with the statlon. He stated he felt a sultable vehlole aould be purohased for around $1,000.00. After oonslderable dlsoussion, It was deolded to add $400.00 to the $jOO.OO Fire Prevention and Training item to take oare of the oost,-of the extra pieoe of equipment, Inoreasing the Operational Expense item of the Flre Department budget to $18,400.00. Approved by oommon oonsent of the Counoil, There was a short disoussion on the matter of salar'y of the City Due to the lateness o,f the hour and the amount of work still remaining, it was deoided to hold an adJourned meeting; and Cmn. Sutton moved that the meeting be adjourned to 7:OO P. M, on July 12th, for disousslon of the budget. Seoonded by Cmn. Heltoa, 0I.l ayes, meeting adjourned at 1l:jO P. M. Treasurer, but no aotion was taken. Respeotfully submitted, v M. 0. EWALD, City Clerk """-..~".~"~"""""~"-~~~" """"..)"~...II"~...""""....I).."""" MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL 0 Julv 12, 1955 Meeting oalled to order at 7:OO Po M. by Mayor Ede. Present be- sides the Ma or were Counollmen McClellan, Helton, Castorena, Sutton, (8:25 P. M. 9, Clty Clerk Ewald, City Manager Nelson, Publio Works Direator Anthony, City Attorney Smith, and Police Chief Palkov~ski. Mr. Nelson announoed plans, initiated by the Park6 and Reoreation Commission, for a Clty Pionio on Saturday, July l6th, at Holiday Park, to celebrate the City's third birthday. The City Council was asked to take over the organization of the Pionlo; and Mr. Nelson outlined a program of band musio, oommunity singing, e. bonfire to be lighted at 8:OO.P. M., and refreshments of hot dogs and lemonade, with the Mayor and Counoilmen to do the serving. The Councll.expressed ap- r proval of the plans and thanked. Mr. Nelson for his effioient handling. Attorney Olen Feist, reporting on the Keith exoluslon matter, stated that petitions are now being olroulated, and that he had worked oult a revision with the Boundary Commission whioh would exolude from the territory to be relinquished by Carlebad the portion of the Atohl- 8on, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad right-of-way whlah was. inoluded in .. the Commlsslonts proposed map; and he outlined on the map the area to .. be taken in. Nr. Anthony stated that Ernie Taylor, City en ineer of ' Ooeanside, will make up the desoription, and that he feels 8 oemslde . should take the lead ln the matter. The Cornoil resumed dlsoussion of the 1955-56 budget, .as -follows: C-ER OF Tad Pam, Chamber director, presented a breakdown of. -.COMMERCE the proposed disbursement of funds requested of the City, as follows: Christmae Tree deooratlons - - @kOO,OO County Fair booth - - - - - -- 200 .OO Broohures - - I - 0 . - I.. - -- 250.00 Spring Holiday - - - - - - - -$* The City Attorney stated it would be entirely proper to allocate City funds to the Chamber of Commerce, as the law allows a tax levy up to 3p! for thfB purpose. It was suggested that 100.00 be taken off the Chrlstmaas Tree deooratlon item, making it 0 300000, and to tentatively approve the balmme of $900.00 PUBLIC ' . Mr. Anthony reported that ..the deal to hire William DEPARTliJlENT Works Department and Polioe Department, respeotively, .. ._ WOES Stromberg as a half-time employee of the Publio Palled to materillze. :.There was some dlsoussion as to whether,part of Mr. Anthony's time csould ,properly be oharged to the Gas Tax Fund on the Elm Avenue construction, and perhaps a por- tion of it to Sanitary Maiatenanoe and Operation, but no aotlen was taken, The Publio Works Department budget was tentatively approved by oommon consent of the oouncil, POLICE The item of Training Sohool. and Expense was dis- DEPARTHENT . cussed, and the Chief explained that this Item was Intended to oover any ,seminars or short tralnlng oourses in nearby areas whioh our police ocficers are able to attend; and also the Chief '8 expense in gttending the monthly. Chief's meetings In the County, and the Zone meetings oovering Orange, San Diego and Riversltle Counties, whloh he is. required by Attorney General direo- tlve to attend. .:He was asked whether he ,would plan to attehd ,the Leawe of Clties' Convention la San Franoisoo in September and stated he believed he would get considerable benefit from the kw .bforoe- ment division, After some disoussion, the Polloe Department budget was teatatfvely approved by oommon consent. CIVIL 1 , The Civil Defense budget 'wbs tentatively approved, DEFEMSE . . . with .the imderstanding .that the City .Manager. will ceiver before . It, Is purchased. sorutinlze the need for the requested CD radio re- , ,, ,~ i . .. CITY . ,. The. City Attorney explained the item of seoretarhl .. ATTORNEY . servioes, stating hls-seoretaPy spends on an average, item of "Extraordinary Services" was explained as coverlng eruoh matters as the work done on the San ,Dlego Gas and Eleotria Company lease negotiations and other protraoted matters where extra servioes and time are required. The. CIS; Attorney's budget Mas tentatively approved as rendered ($5,975.00 3 by common consent of the Counoll,~ PABKS MD Copies of the Parks, Reoreation, Beaoh and Tree , RECBEATION Commission proposal were passed to ComoIl members. Mr. Nelson explained that oertain items had been transferred to Capital Outlay, and the Life Guard's services had been eliminated, since this fmotion was taken over by the State Beash Commission as of July 1st. After a 20-minute receas, the Cowoil was reconvened at- 9:25 .was oalled and arrived at the meetug. Wr. Anthony. and the City one and one-half days per week on City Work. The Po PI, During the reoess, Chairman Westree of the Parks Commission Attorney were exoused during the reoess. It was brought out durlng the disoussion that it would be im- praotioal to prooeed wlth any large-soale p,laas for the park until faallities for watering and maintenanae were assured, but that the playground and piunlc grounds could be developed, as they would re- quire only a minimum of mainteaanoe. Mr. Westree stated that the $b%swf!%@tes can'be move!. The feasibility of put ing in tem- by Mr Nielse for the Park were gettin past the f porary toilets when sewer wmneotion is likely .to .be available in to $240.00 The Parks budget was tentatively approved by oommon con- sent of the Council, as follows: .x. T.S : January was discussed, and it was decided to reduce the toilet item Toilets . . . . . .. . , . . ,$2bOoO0 Tree Prunlng. . . . . . . .' . . 2000.00 Naterial & supplies 1 Plantings 1, . . . 1060.00 Equ.ipmen t and storage ) tlater- . . , , b . b . , . . , . l00.00 TOTAL $3400 .OO CAPITAL The paving item, transferred from the Parks and Reo- OUTLAY reation budget, was reduced from $5,950.00 to $2,850.00 after disousslon had brought out that the work could' be done for muoh less than the 33$ per square foot estimate in the Parks proposal. The Item for sewer oonnection for Holiday Park was plaoed at p650.00, and the item for the 'Cove aoquisition left at $1,000.00, making a total of $1-0,400 .OO in the Capital Outlay budget per'taiabg to Parks. Other items in the Capital Outlay budget are $5,000.00 for land aoqulsition, to inolude the property for the Library building and the $3,000.00 for the property now in esorow adjacent to the pre- sent City building site; paving of wash rack for the Fire Department, $900.00, and an equipment shed for City equipment, $1,000.00. Ap- proved by common consent. LIBRARY The .Library budget was tentatively approved as sub- ':mitted. , , ' .. .. , ADHINISTRATIVE ..After.-a short. discussion,. ope.rationa1 expense .of . . . OFFICES ... , .$12,795.00 wa8 tentatively..:approved by oommon c consent .. , .. .:. .. t... . . . ..of. the CounolS. SANITAE City Treasurer Pace reported' that there shouid be a MAINTENANCE balance in. this a ooount of approximately $16,000.00. AND OPERATION expenses of the lgll Aot bond collectlon were ,discussed, Mr. Paoe stating that it oosts about $200,00 per year for posting, mailing, etc., of bond installment notioes. There was oonslderable discussion bn the subjeot of compensation of the City Treasurer for the sewer bond oo1lec.tion. The suggestlon was made that someone In the City offioe be deputized to take care of this work, since no lnorease in salary of the City Treasurer during his term of offloe is possilbiLe, and It was felt.'that charging the Main- tenance Dislx?i'ct with oollection of the ' lgll Improvement District 8ewer bonds is. improper. City Treasurer Pace expressed his unwlll- ingness to deputize another person to funotion under his bond, pro- posing that he work a minimum 4-hour day during the slack periods of the year, amounting to about six months, and a full 8-hour day for. the busier 6 months of the year, at.a rate of $2.00 perhour. It was decided to explore all possibilities of inoreasing the salary of- the City Treasurer during his term of office. . .. .Cmn. Sutton moved the authorization of payment- of the State Compensation fund bill as presented, .and also the bill for the Ford Station Wagon , amounting to $1,150 .OO, Seconded by Cmn. Cas- t orena . All aye 6 ,. ~ mot ion carried. . :... ,. -Therei'being no further business to come before 'the .. . :. .. .. .. meeting, Cmn. Castorena moved for adjournment,"seconded by Cmn. Sutton. All ayes, meeting adjourned, at 11:40 P, M. Respeotfully submitted, v M. 0, EWALD, City olerk ~====t=t=========i==========L flIMUTES OF MEETING OF THE CARLSBAD CI'3% COUNCIL - JI&V 39, 1955 The meeting was called to order at 7:08,P,.M..by Mayor Ede, Present besides the Mayor were Cmn, Castorena, Helton, KcClellan and Sutton, City Clerk Ewald, City Manager Nelson, .City Attorney Smith and Polioe Chief Palkowskl. Correspondence was read by City .Clerk Ewald as follows : - (1) Letter from County Board of Supervisors, signed by Mr. F, A, Gibson, Chairman, regarding proposed airport and stating that a definite date will be set for a tour of the site.