HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-19; City Council; Minutesporary toilets when sewer -conneotion is likely .to be. available In January was disuussed, and it was decided to reduoe the toilet ltem to $240,00 The Parks budget was tentatively approved by oommon oon- sent of the Counoil, as follows:
Toilets ............. .$240.00 Tree Pruning. ... . . 0 0 2000.00 Material & supplies 'I Plantings 1. .... 1060.00 Equipment and storage) water' ............. ~OO-QO
TOTAL $3400 .OO
CAPITAL The paving ltem, transferred from the Parks and Reo- OUTLAY reation budget, was reduoed from $5,950.00 to $2,850.00 after disoussion had brought oue that the work could be done for muoh less than the 3511 per square foot estimate in the Parks .pro osal. The i-tem for sewer oonneotlon for Holiday Park was plaoed at 1650.00, and the Item for the 'Cove aoquisitlon left at $1,000.00 making a total of $X0,400.00 in the Capital Outlay budget per%ainlni to Parks. Other items in the Capital Outlay budget are $5,000.00 for land aoqulaition, to, inolude the property for the Library building
and the $3,000.00 for the property now in esorow adjacent to the pre- sent City bulldlng site; paving of wash rack for the Fire Department,
$gOO.OO, and an equipmeat shed for City equipment, $1,000.00. Ap- proved by common oonsent.
LIBRABY The .Library budget was tenta$ively approved as sub- :m'itted.
... ADHINISTBATNE After 'a short di8ouSSiOn,. operational expense of . ' OFFICES .'. -'$12,,795.00 was tentatively- approved by oommon oonsent
P:;., k. 1 ,Of ..the. COWOIL.
SANITARY City Treasurer Pace reported' that there should be a MAINTENANCE balanoe in this a ooount of approximately $4,000.00. AND OPERATION expenses of the lgll Aot bond oolleotion were ,disaussed, Mr. Paos stating that It oosts about $200.00 per year for posting, mailing, eto., of bond Installment notloes. There was oonsiderable disausslon On the subjeot of compensation of the City Treasurer for the sewer bond oollectlon. The suggestion was made that someone in the City office be deputized to take =re of this work, sinae no lnorease in salary of the City Treasurer during his term of offloe Is possi~e, and it was felt that oharging the Main-
sewer bonds Is-improper. City Treasurer Pace expressed his unwill- ingness to deputize another person to funotion under hi8 bond, pro- posing that he work a minimum 4-hour day during the slauk periods of the year, amounting to about six months, and a full 8-hour day for the busier 6 months of the year, at.a rate of $2.00 perhour. It was decided to explore all posslbllitles of Inoreasing the salary of. the City Treasurer during his term of off ice,
. tenance Distri'ot with oolleotlon of the 1911 Improvement Distriot
Cmn. Sutton moved the authorization of payment of the State Compensation fund bill as presented,. and also the bill for the
t orena . All ayes ,! - mot ion oarried . . Ford Station Wagon, amounting to $l,l5O.OO0 Seconded by Cmn . Cas-
.. .. ..
. :.. ~Shere:-:being no further -business to oome before 'the
... meeting, Cmn. Castorena moved for adjournment, seoonded by Cmn, Suttoa. All ayes, meeting adJourned at 11:40 P, M.
Respeotfully submitted, v M. 0. EWALD, Clty olerk
The meeting was oalled to order at 7:08,PoSM. .by byor Me. Present.besides the Mayor were Cm. Castorena, Helton, McClellan and Sutton, City Clerk Ewald, City Manager Nelson, .City Attorney Smith and Polloe Chief Palkowskl,
Corraspondenoe was read by City 'Clerk Ewald as follows : -
(1) Letter from County Board of Supervisors, signed by Mr. F. A. Gibson, Chairman, regarding proposed airport and stating that a definite date will be set for a tour of the siW.
(2) Application for Beverage License by HEM Investment Company,
(3) Letters from Oscar Cab Company with appllcations for reser-
owners of the Carlsbad Hotel.
vation of Southwesterly corner- of State Street and Grand Avenue listed as 2905 Grand -Avenue, .on a twenty-four (24) hour basis for use as a cab stand. * Cmn. Castorema moveit tut a resolutloa be adopted granthg the cab stand as desoribed In the application as approved by the Chief of Polioe 'and 'PubLlo Works Department. , Seconded by Helton . Ayes, Helton, Castorena, McClellan, Ede. No nays, Sutton absent. Resolutkon ado'pt;edl, - . - . ' - - . - .
(4) Letter f rom Feist and Feist, Attorneys at Law, oontainlng petition for exolusion of the Keith Traot to be aoted upon by the Council. Cmn. MoClellm state& that he and Public Works Dlreotor Anthony had lxrspected the site, Disoussion was held reggrding the advisability of handling this exolusfon wlth the adjustment of. the, Ooeanslde-Carlsbad .boundary as previously discussed.
- Hr, Glen Feist was present representing Mrs, Keith and sxated that, since the information on his o1ient"s properties is oomplete and in order, he would prefer to proceed with the erolusloa' and annexation rather than be delayed by negotiations on the other pro- perties to be relinquished. It was noted that, at thb present time, there is no aoceas to the property for fire and police pro- tection' except from Ooeanside on Cassidy Street which is approxl- mately one and a half miles distanoe, Mr. %ist called the Counoil's attention to the fact that the orlgfnal desoriptioa set forth by the County Bomdary Commission included the Atohison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway rlght-of-way, which the CounclZ had deolined to relinquish, and that he had b'en able tu ne otiate .the exolusion of this part of the territory. MoClellan move ag the adoption of a re- solution, ln the required form, aonsentlng .to- the detachment of the
Keith Tract as set forth irl the petition. Seconded by Helton. Four ayes. Sutton absent, Resolution adopted.
. The City Attorney read from Seo, 35304 of the Government Code the steps neoessary for exclusion and annexation, The written con- sent mst be- received of' at least two-thirds of the'persons who hold title to the property in the territory.
Communlaations read frm-the Planning Commlssion as follows:
Request of Army and Navy Academy for varianee In side yard set- back to 5' from property line and applloatlon for Speuial Use Per- mit to permit construction of a ohapel In an B-2 Zone. Castorena moved that the reoommendation of the Planning Commiesion to grant variance and speaial use permit to the Army and nTatrrjp Academy be granted. Seoonded by Cm. Helton. Three ayes. Motion carried. Nayor Ede abstalniag from voting.
Memorandum fmm Planning Commiesion on applicatlon of &.'Emmett Roberts for varianoe for reduotion of side yard setback to 5 I on Lot 5, Shangrlla Traot. HoClellan moved that, ln accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Commission, the request .for side yard Feduction from 10' to 5'' on Lot 5, Shangrila Tract be granted to &. Roberts,. Seoonded'by-Castorena, All ayes. Motion ~~8rrled. No appearwoes .
Memorandum from Planning Commission recommending that the appalcation of Pirates' Cove Assoolates for variance to'permit boat ramping, lunch stands, gasoline and oil sales, soft drinks and other usual products sold. at boat landings, as set forth in Beso- lution #. 2 of the Commission, be approved. bClellan asked whether a resolution would be aoceptable or If an ordimme is required, Attorney Smith stated that, in this oase, a speolal use permit or- dinance would be required. City Clerk Ewald read Resolution No. 2 as submitted by Gordon Whitaall & Associates, consultants in regard c to the varianee application. Appearlng in support of Pirates' Cove % Assoolates were Mr. ' C. - C. Walters and Mr. Calvin Young. The pos- sibility of passing aqbmergenoy ordinance was disoussed. . Mr. Felst, representing Arthur H. Glissmn, stated that he felt an emergenay ordinance would be beneficial. Cm. Sutton stated that he feels that the variance should be granted to the area rather than to one person or party; Cm. McClellan stated that he is of the opiaion that this is a temporary measure and that long range p1aan-g will inelude the
whole 'area ,
&W Nemorandum received that the application of Mr. Arthur H, Gliss- man. for varianoe as submitted to the Planning Commission be granted. Mr. Feist, representing Mr. Glissman, stated that the oonditions re- quested in the applioatlon were not olear, and that he has sin-
. talked to Mr. Glissman and he does oontemplate the sale of food and soft drinks. Cmn, MoClellan moved that the City Attorney be direoted
if it is within his judgment, to prepare an ordinanoe in suoh form as is oynsidered proper to grant these permits as requested by Pirates Cove Assooiates and Arthur H, Glissman, and If an emergency ordinanoe is justified, there are no objeotions, Seoonded by Cmn. Castorena, All ayes, Motion oarried,
Cum. MoClellan asked about a requirement that no motor operated oraft should operate at suoh a time 8s to disturb the rest of the re- sidents of the area. Attorney Smith stated that it oould be safe- guarded by some means.
The Counoll proceeded to the disoussion of the budget relative to the Harbor Commission, Harbor Commission members present for the disoussion were C, C, Walters, Orville Jeffers, hvid Baird, B. M, Christiansen, and Calvin Young,
Chairman of the Harbor. Commission, setting forth requirements and conditions for the engiaeering survey planned for the Harbor whioh is to be under the direotion of Nr. R. L, Patterson, An estimated
I fee of $6,000.00 has been set for the survey and it may run Bomewhat
I less. Comments were invited from the floor, Mr. Baird stated that
1 he felt that this survey.wil1 do muoh to oreate good will between
1 the City and the San Diego Gas and Eleotrio Company Sin08 they have
City Clerk Ewald read a oommunication signed by David bunne,
publioly stated that they would have no ob3eotion to harbor develop- ment if an engineering survey, approved by their engineers, were presented.
Cmn, MaClellan oommented that-, at t he present time, the City has no aooess to the Harbor and if this survey is made it will influenoe prioes on these lagoon frontages, He further stated that he feels that the City should take steps to aoquire some aooess to the lagoon for publio use.
Mr. David bird stated that the most desirable property 1s looated on the .South side of the lagoon and is owned by the San Diego Gas and Eleotrio Company. Cmn, MoClellan commented that perhaps a private party would be willing to give the City an option and that he feels the Harbor survey and the option srhould be tied together. City Clerk Ewald stated that, at a previous meeting, Mr. Allan Kelly, who own8 property along the North shore of the lagoon had offered approximately sixty acres to the State Division of Parks and Beaohes in .return for their agreement to do some dredging,
:' The Council adjourned for a ten minute reoess at 9:45 P, M,
MoClellan moved that the $6,000.00 item of the Harbor Commission budget for engineering survey be tentatively approved as set forth,
' expenditure thereof to be subjeot to the offer to the City of an op-
frontage at a ourrent value, prioe to be agreed upon by a oommiftee appointed by the Mayor to oonsult with the owners, extending for 4 period of five years from July 1,. 1955; and that the maintenance item of $500.00 be tentatively approved, Seconded by Cmn, Helton. Four ayes.. Nayor iede stated that he felt there should be no strings attached to the survey and that he was voting "No".
9 tion to purohase approximately five hundred (500) feet of water
Mr. Nelsons City Manager, requested that the Cowncil not adopt the budget at this time but that it should be tentatively approved but not adopted, He stated, that In view of what hs happening to the assessed valuations in o$her olties, if our estimates are off it wwld seriously affect what the Counoll might wish to do In regard to Capital Outlay and Contingent Fund. He further stated that he be-
wkioh time the tax rolls will be more oomplete, . lieves the Council should wait until the 3rd Monday in August, at
City Clerk bald read a memorandum from the City Treasurer out- lining servioes performed by him. The City Attorney read a memo- randum of laws prevaillng on the base salary of the City Treasurer, providing that the salary fixed at time of eleotion can not be In- oreased during the term of office but that oompensation could be.
fixed for extraordinary servioes. City Treasurer Pace stated that at
the beglnnlng of his term, he was signing about a dozen oheaks per month whloh were made out and brought to his store for signature, Since that time, his duties have increased to the pout where full. time attention is required. He also pointed out that Ooeanside has just hired a man for treasurer at a ffxed salary of $454.00 permonth. Cxun. HcClellm stated the worth of the work should be asoertaiaed and payment:..be,-made accordlfngly. After reviewag the proposal made by the treasurer that he would. work at the rate of $180.00 per month for three months and. three months at $3OO.00, It was deoided. that In addltfilon to the fixed salary 0-f $420.00 per year, the amount of $2,460.00 would be included for extraordlnary servicQs; It was de- cided that the Treasurer's salary of $420.00 would be charged to the Salary Atmount, with the $2,460.00 to be charged dlreotly to Opera- tional Expense.
the League of California Cltles Convention to be held at San ban- oisao from September 18th to 2lst. City offlc.1als-attending ,are as follows : City Hanager, Chief of P,olioe, .City Attorney- and Cmn . Cas torena . .. . . , ,"
Mayor Ede imnounced the resignation of Dr. Walter L, Glines
The City Hanager announced that reservations must be made for
from the Parks and Reoreation Commission-and invited suggestions from the Coundl. as to persons- interested in appointment to 'this oommission
The resignation of Wr. George Parker from the Harbor Commission was disoussed.
Publio Works Direittor Anthony reported that he ha4 talked with Nr , Phelps and he had-:stated that the plBnsr:on E;lm Avenue will be In about Friday, Also, that there has been no answer from the State on the Sewage Disposal Plant- plans.
City Clerk Ewald read memorandum from the Fire Department re- garding eleotion of officers. Mew Offloers are as follows:
Fire Chief Captain Secretary
Robert Hardin Thomas H. Tuoker . . John MoKaig
Cum. Castorena moved that the Council oonf irm the eleotioa of the off ioers of the Fire .Department. Seoonded by Cxnn, NcClellarI. All ayes. Motion carried,
Gas and Eleotrlo Company stating that the lease should be reoeive8 by the City Attorney this week, but it has mot been reoelved as of this date.
City Attorney read letter dated July 5, 1955 from the San Diego
A letter from the Chamber of. Commeroe was reviewed regarding payment of expenses incurred by the Citizens' Commfttee in the a- mount of $26.66. It was dealded by uommon consent of the Counoll to Increase the Chamber of Commerce Allocation in the budget to
$930.00 In order to cover the Fairchlld bills,
Seoond reading of Qrdlnance No, 2005-8, changing tera of Fire Chief to an lndetermi3Eate period. Cm. Sutton moved the adoption of Ordinanoe No. 2005-A. Seoonded by Cm, Helton. ' Five ayes, Notion oarried.
The number and tltle of OrdSnance No. 7020, providing sohedule for sewer aonnection oolledtkon fees, was read. Cm, Castorena moved that, with the reading of title and number of proposed Ordi- name No, 7020, first reading be waived, Said waiver to donstitute first reading. Seoonded by NcClellan, Five ayes. Motion oarried,
Cmn. 'ErioClellan reported that there are problems arising on in- dividual septic tanks- in the Southwesterly area and thqt there 1s a need for a general engineering study whiob should inolude property south Of the lagoono
City Manager Nelson suggested that the Council give serious. thought to a Plaster Plan for the City to include sewage and streets, zoning of the Harbor Area, and proposed airport. No oost has been
determined but would probably be under $10,000 and would take ap- proximately two years to oomplete. 34 also stated that Gordon whit-
nail md Associated have Just concluded a master plan for Ooeansfde
' 1- 1
at a cost Of $2!j,000000. ..
cmn. Sutton asked about withholding t on the lifeguard sajaryo.L 1% IqJas deoided that, sinoe he was not a re uhr employees it was not
cm, Sutton moved ratIficatioa of the alary scha~ule to July 15, 1955 88 presented, Seoonded by PI&lella& All ayes. kiiion earried* : I
Cm, Hexton. moved that the bills as ap roved by the auditing oom- mittee and the City Kanager be paid. Seed ded by Castorena, All ayes. Motion carr2ed.. .i
Mayor me called the attention of t moil to the fact that Ooeanside is planning an ino2ease in t y Sales Tm to one per Gent and asked if the council feels that lsbad should also go along with this inorease. Mr. Nelson reported t, at a meeting in Pasa- dena, it was reoommended by the League t if the present sales tax
fts wder one per 'cent, it should be in d so that the County wlll know that a11 cities are one per cent.
Cmn. Sutton moved that the Counci uct the City Attorney to prepa're an amendment to City Ordinan 6025 to increase the City Sales TW to one per cent (1%) e e Ootober 1, 1955 Se- conded by Heltom, All ayes, Motion : ."J
'." 7.YjZ Woman )s Club- has been signed but the lub .has not yet exe- Report from the City Attorney the
t<:fl cuted the' deed to the City, The erty is in escrow and LJ 1 the $3,OOO,OO has been paiil. The dovm on Tuesday to exchange instruments,
A letter was read from Gener City officials tb attend the Ope on August 5th. City officials
. event are as follows: C. A, An Nelson, Roy Pace and Dewey McCl
will be held on July 23rd with s to. begin at 1:3O
Po H.
Invitation rebeived- to atte oh Fiesta which
Wyor Ede asked the members oonsldep whether or not .%be Counoil as'a group'o bould take a stand on the Munioipal Water Distrio on the Issue of the diSp0SltiQri of the Carlsba
Cmn. NcClellan stated that n both issues
Sutton moved $he approval ne 28th and 'the
should await further developments,
3uly s%h meetings. Seoonded carried . I
Helton moved for ad3ournment. Seoonde by ' Sutton. A11 ayes. 1 Meeting adjourned at ll:3O- P. 3.
S 1 speotfullg submitted.
R, 0, Ewald, City Clerk
I = = = -= = = = " = = = = p = = = = = = =
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August 2, 1955
The meeting was called to order at 7:08 Present' besides the Mayor were Councilman H Iton, Castorema, Ma- P, M, by Playor Ede,
Chi,ef Palkowski. Cm, . Public Works Direotor Anthony and Police Clellan, City Attorney Smith, City Manager-gelson, City Clerk Ewald
\ Sutton was present after 7:30 P, M,
The DlnuteS of the July 12th and July :.gth meetings were read and typographical errors noted for correction.
Ssconaed by 1% 8IWr- e an. reotion of typographical errors as noted. be aDproved w thatthe minutes of July, 32th and July 19th Castorena moved