HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-23; City Council; MinutesS,,? 1 g '%a %- and final adoption of the budget must be delayed, It was suggested the CounclL adjourn until August 23rd, at which time final figures should be available and the tax rate could be set,
,Cri. IVIcClellan moved the ratification of the- payroll for the
period of August 1, 1955 to. August 3.5, 1955 as certified by the City manager and approved by the auditing committee, Seconded by Cmn, Heltou:
All ayes, Plotion carried,
City Clerk Ewaald announced a meeting of the League of cities to be held on Fyiday, August 19th at ?:00 P, M, at the Fireside Inn in Escondido. Reservations must be made by kiednesday noon,
Counczlrnan Eielton moved the meeting be adjourned until August .23rd at 7:oo P, PI. Seconded by Cmn. Sutton. All ayes, Meeting was ad- journed at 10:LbS p. H.
Respeotfully Submitted,
S 11. 0. Ewald, City Clea?k """""-"~"~"~~~"""-"""~~~-""~ "" ~"~"~"""~"""""
Fleeting tms called to order at 7:OJ P, M. by Acting Nayor Castoreaa Present besides the Mayor were -Councilman McC1ella.n and fielton, City Iknager Nelson and City Clerk Ewald, Councilman Sutton was present after 7:25 2. W.
City Nanager Nelson pyesented the figures of assessed valuation, as submitted to the City on IsIonday, August 22, 1955, and the sheets
wem? distribu.ted to the Couvlrtif for consideration,
Copies of the tentative budget for the flsm3i year 1955-56 were distributed to members of the Counoil. City IJIalaages Nelson call& attention to the $j,OOO.OO addition which had been included in the Contingent Fund as approved by the Cow3cZl for acquisition of a. master plan by the Planning Commission. Attention was balled to the increase or $3,000,00 to the Capital Outlay Fund and Mr, 1qeLsm pointed out that the Council had previously discussed an increase of $f;,OOO,OO but due to the obtaining of a more reasonable figure for the paving of parking lot;, it appears the additional amount of @3,OOOoOO will be sufficient. It was also noted that the sewer llne extension fund had
been increased from $~~OOO.OO to $9,000,00.
Cmn, McC1ella-n inquired as to items included in the miscellaneous general fund accounts. Mr, &elson stated this fund would include refunds from the State, collections from the State, collections from owners for fise.hydrants, and matching funds from the State on ci.vil Defense.
Mr. Nelson stated he would like to take this opportunity %o discuss these Capital Outlay items'with members of the Council and the tentative tax rate-which has beea set at eighty cents (806). He pointed out that each one cent (16) woulrl either increase or decrease the tax fund in the amount of $l,b79,00. The Capital Outlay items were discussed in de%t;a42 and approval given*
Cm. Sutton questioned the psychological effect the lowering of the fax rate will have on residents in the event next year's Council should find it necessary to raise the figure, Other members of the CouncII were of the opinlon that all taxing agencies should take into consideration the tax load of the people and, in view of $he over-all tax picture, were in favor of lowering the %ax rate. City &na,ger ?elson pointed out that this decrease in the tax rate is brought about primarily by the increased assessed vaduatioa and he can see no reason s why the assessed valuation should not continue to increase as the amount of new construction, to date, is very favorable,
Cmn. Kelton moved the adoption of the budget as presented for the Cfscal -year 1955-2956. Seconded by Cm-. S~ttox! . All ages. Motion carried ,
City At-,torney Smith readd Seo. 1 sf C'rdinance No, 1042, fixing the
amcufit of revenue for the fiscal yea.r 1955-19.56 at $l,18,321eoo and
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Sec, 2, f.ixing the amount of revenue to be obeained for Sanitary 'kin- tenancdnd Operation at $2,581.00. City Attorney Stated Code numbers need notbe included in the ordinance as descriptions are on file with the State Board of Equalization, Councilman Sutton moved the adoption of Ordinance No, 1042, heconded by Cmn. Helton, .Four ayes: Sutton, Castorena, i41cClellan, and blton. No nays. Ordinance adopted,
Discussion was held on the question of whether the Terramar Lighting District assessments should be collected by the City administration or by the levying of an ad volorum tax. It .was decided that administra- tively it would be mu0.h simpler to levy the tax,.
,&,t.y Mager Nelson stated he would li$e to see the City in a position where the City would pay for lighting out of the General Fund and pointed out that the down-town area residents receiving better lighting mder their general fund tax than the Terramar residents. Installation would begin at traffic hazards, near schools and parks, and continue throughout the entire City,
City Attorney Smith read Sec. 1. of Ordinance No.1043, providing for property tax levy in the amount of eighty cents f80$) on each One Hundred Dollars ($lOO,OO) of property valuation of all taxable property within the City of Carlsbad for the 1955-56 fiscal year be- ginning July l, 1955 and ending June. 30, 1956.
Sec, 2: There shall be and there is heyeby levied .a property tax in the amount of seven cents (7$) on each One Hundred Dollars ($lOO,OO). of property valuation of all taxable property within the Carlsbad Sanitary kintenance and operation District, Carlsbad, California, for the flsoal year 1955-56 beginning July 1, 1955, and ending June 30,. 1956.
Sec, 3: There shall be and there is. hereby levied a property tax in the amount of three cents (3$) on each me Hundred Dollars ($100.00) of property valuation of all taxable property taithfn the Terramar Lighting District, Carlsbad, California for the 1955-56 fiscal year beginning July 1, 1955 and ending June 30, 1956.
tax rate for the City of Carlsbad for the fisc& year 1955-56, Se- conded by Cmn. IhClellan. Four ayes: Sutton, Castorena, %Clellan, Helton. No nays. Ordinance adopted.
Cmn. Helton moved the adoption of Ordinance No, 1043, fixing the
City Iknager Nelson, reported on the Elm Avenue project and stated that, since the time of 1%. Phelps'. recommendatfon to the Council that the resurfacing be continued to the railroad tracks. Mr. A, El!! Dunhan, City and County Cooperative Engineer for the State Division of Highways; had been In Carlsbad to look over the progect, After consultation with the City Blanager, Public Works Director and the Ymyor, it has been determined that- there are not sufficient funds to carry out these two additional steps, unless the City could pledge General funas to con- tinue the projeot. It was recommended that the resurfacing should stop at the catoh basins at State Street and Elm as the right level of the street cannot be obtained without the removal of these basins,
A first class job will be completed on the project from the Freeway to State Street andfurther work will progress when additional funds are available. It is planed that work on this project should proceed at the earliest possible date so the major portion of the projeot could be completed before a large amount of rainfall,
City Manager Melson presented an informal offer of property for purchase by the City, Property is located on the Agua Hedionda lagoon, two lots removed from the Freeway, contains approximately one acre of land and a small !house, and is offered by the owner, Mr. Don Hubbard. of Encinitas,. at a price of $15,j00.00, Mr. Nelson stated that Mr. Kay Kalicka, Public Works Director Anthony and himself had. looked over the property and Mr. Kalicka was very much impressed with the property and felt it could be a great asset to the City, It was the general opinion of the members of the Council that the price was somewhat high but the City Manager was ask@ to look into the matter and report back to the Council at the next meeting,
Ci%y i%udger Nelson reported that reservations are still avaflabl e for the League of California Cities convention to be held from Sept, 19th to September 21st.
Second reading was given Ordinance No. 7020, providing schedule for sewer conneotion collection fees. Copies were passed to members of the
2 Council for study and the City Attorney pointed out that Sec. 10 had been included so that any person who is aggrieved may make an appeal to the council and merits of the case will be considered. Any action taken by the Council does not establish a precedent but will apply to the individual case.
Considerable discussion was held 'on connection charges for irregular shaped lots and it was the decision of the Council Ghat these lots would have to be considered on their individual merits in accordance with Sec. 10 of Ordinance No, 7020. Cmn, McClellan moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 7020, Seconded by Cmn. Helton, Four ayes: Sutton, Castorena, %Clellan, Helton , No nays. Ordinance adopted. - -.>,tu?
Cmn. I4cClellan asked if it would be possible to cross index this ordinance.with subdivision Ordinance so a new subdivider coming in would be advised of the requirements.
City Clerk Ewald read a communication from Mr. Donald Carr dated August 23, 1955, regarding sewer connection on his property on Skyline Drive, Mr. Nelson reported he had talked with Nr. Carr previously and
had suggested he deposit the required $3.00 per foot until the ordinance is established and he can then request a hewing and. the case will be considered on that basis. The lot in question is pie-shaped with dimensions of 138 feet hy 90 feet. Cmn. Sutton offered a motion that the Council sanction an agreement tkt Mr. Carr be allowed to connect to the sewer for,an assessment of $3.00 per front foot based on a mean average width of his lot and, in addition to such, a capital contributior charge of $5O,OO shall be paid by %. Carr. Seconded by Cm. He-lton, All ayes. Notion carried,
Cmn. HcClellan commented that the lot ad joining Nr. Carr's and owned by Mr. geeley, is the same shaped lot and could be consfdered in the same manner. It was decided that a separate appeal would have to be made by Mr. Seeley at the time he wished to connect.
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City Attoney Smith informed the members of the Council that the ,cy of complete reading of an ordinance is a self-imposed condition is not a State law. Cmn. Sutton moved the City Attorney be in- structed to ammend. Ordinance No, 1005 to provide for minimum reading of ordinances as required by State law, Seconded by Cm. Helton,
All ayes. Motion carried.
Cmn. IqcClellan offered a motion that the line cost connection fee established in Ordinance No. 7020 be Set at $3.00 Per front foot. Seconded by Cm. SuttOn. All ayes. i'btion carried.
C&I. 14cClellan moved the bills, as certified by the City Clerk and approved by the audiging committee, be paid, Seconded by cum. Helton. All ayes. Motion carried.
Can. Sutton moved for adjournment which was seconded by Cmn, Helton and the meeting was adjourned at 9:ZO P, PI. -
Respectfully submitted,
is 1%. +O. Ewald, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order at 6 :47 P. M. by Nayor Raymond C. Ede. Councilmen present were:.as follows: Castorena, McClellan and. Helton;' City Manager Iqelson and City Attorney Smith. Absent: Cmn. Sutton.
Nayor Ede announced the main purpose of the meeting was to con- sider an Ordinance fixing the tax rate. NOTICE OF SPECIAL IYIEETIEJG was read by the City Clerk,calling a special meeting to be held August 31, 1955 at 6:45 P, M, Acknowledgment by members of the, council as to %.%me ad date of receipt of the communication were n ted. 4, - City Attorney Smith presented Ordinance No. 1044 whch includes a paragraph repealing Ordimnee No, 1043. City Clerk Ewald gave complete reading to brdinance No, 1044, Repealing Ordinance No. 1043 of the City