HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-31; City Council; Minutesb :\ (1 :" LA
Council for study and. the City Attorney pointed out that Sec. 10 had been included so that any person who is aggrieved mag make an appeal to the Council and merits of the case will be considered. Any action taken by the Council does not establish a precedent but will apply to the Individual case.
CoisiGerable discussion was held on connection charges for irregular shaped lots a.nd it was the decision of the Council $hat these lots 7~)uld. have to.be considered on their individual merits in accor4ance with Sec, 10 of Ordinance No. 7020.. Can . McClellan moved the adoption of 0rd.lnnnce go. 7020.. Seconded by Cum. Helton. Four ayes: Sutton, Castorena, %Clellan, Helton, No nays, Ordinance adopted,
. . ,-.e Cmn. &Clells?n asked if it would be possible to cross index this ordiinance.with subdivision ordinance so a new subdivider coning in would be advised sf the requirements.
City Clerk Ewald. read a communication from Mr. Donald. Cam da.t&d August 23, 1955, regarding sewer connection on his Froperty on Skyline Drive, i4r. Nelson reported he had. talked with rh Carr previously aad
had suggested he deposit the required $3.00 per foot until the ordinance is established. znd he can then request a hearing and the case tvfll be considered on tht basis. The lot in question is pie-shaped with dirnenskons of 138 feet by 90 feet, Cmn. Sutton offered a motion that, the Council sanction an agreement tht Nr* Garr be alloved to connect to the sewer for, an assessment of $3.00 per front foot based on a mean average width of h.is lot and, in addition to sueh, a capitd. contributior charge of 850,OO shall be paid by %. Ca-rr. Seconded by Cmn. Hebton, A11 ayes. Motion carried .
Can. McClella-n commented that the lot adjoining Nr. Cam's and owned by Mr. seeley, is the same shaped 10% an3 could. be consfaered in the same manner. It. was decided th8.t a separate appeal wou.ld. have to be made by Mr e Seeley at the time he wished to connect,
City Attoneg Smith informed the men;bers of the Council that the policy of complete reading of an ordinance is a self-imposed condition and is not a State law. Cmn. Sutton moved the City Attorney be in- stru.cted to ammend. Ordiname Eo, lOOj to pr0vid.e for minimum reading of ordina.nces as required by State law, Seconaed by Cmn, Eelton , All ages. Motion carried,
Cm, McClel1a.n offered a. motion that the line cost c?onnection fee e.stablished in Ordinance No. 7020 be set at $3.00 per front foot. Seconded by Cmn. Sutton. All ayes. iviotior; carried,
Cmn, McC1ella.n moved the bills, as certified b;p the City Clerk and approved by the auditing cornnittee, be paid. Seconded by Cmn~ Helton. All ayes, kt ior, carr fed ,
Cm, Sutton moved for adjournment which was seconded bY cmn.
HeLton. and the meeting was ad-journed at 9:20 To Pi, -
Hespectfully submitted,
s H. .O. Ewald, City Clerk
%he meeting xa,s called to order at 6:47 P, M. by Mayor IZaymond C. Ede, Councilmen present were'as follms: Castorena, McClellan and- Helton;' City Wana.ger Iuelsort and City Attorney Smith. Absent: Cmn. Sutton .
PIayor Ede announced the main purpose of the meeting was to con- sider an Oru'inance fixing the tax rate, NOTICE OF SPECIAL HEETING was read by the City Clerk,calling a special meeting to be held &gust 31, 1955 at 6:45 P, M, Acknowledgment by members of the, council as to %ime an6 date of receipt of the commnicztion were ndted, z
. City Attorney Smith presented Ordinance No, 10414 wki'l.ch includes a paragraph repealing Ordinamce No. 1043, City Clerk Ewa.1.d gave complete reading to Grdinance ido. 104.4, Repealing Ordinmce No, 104.3 of the City
of Carlsbaa Setting the Tax Kate for the City of Carlsbad and the. CarLsbad Sanit;ary Pkintenance District for the Fiscal lear 1955-56. It was noted that the word rrandlt should appezr in the title of the Ordinance. Title was corrected to read "Ordinance No, 1044 Repealing Ordinance No. lob3 of the City of Carlsbad AND Setting the $ax Bate for the City of CarLsbad, etc."
There hereby is levied a property tax in the .amount of eighty cents (806) on each One Hundred Dollars of property valuation of all taxable property within the City of Carlsbad, California and. a property tax in the amount of seven cents (7$) on each One Huadred Dollars of property valuation of all taxable property within the Carlsbad Sanitary Maintenan DistrPct for the fiscal year 1955-56. This Ordinance sh!ll take effeot on the date of Its passage and adoption.
cm. McClellan moved' the adoption of Ordinance No. 3.(3&b. Secoaded
by Casl;orena. Four Ayes: clan. Ede, Castorena, Helton, kClell8-n- No Nays. Absent : -Sutton 6
There date, the
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being no further business to come before %he Counctl. this meeting was adjourned at 7:08 ?. M.
Respectfully submitted,
N. 0 . Bwnld, City Clerk
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The meeting was called to order at 7 :O7 P. PI.- by. Xayor Me. Present besides the Playor were Souncllmen h5XLellan, Castorena, helton, City T:Ianager Nelson, City Attorney Smith and City Clerk Ewald, Cmn. Sutton was present after ?:X5 P. M.
Mayor Edeexpressed- his appreciation to Magor pro tern Castorena for the capable ma.nner in v~hich he filled the position of Playor in his absence,
The minutes of the August 16th regular meeting, August 23Fd ad- journed meeting and the August 31st special meeting were reviewed and corrections noted-, Cmn. XcClellan moved the minutes of the meeting of August 16th be approved as revised and corrected, Secohded by Cm . Helton, .All ayes, Motion carried,
Can. Hel-bon moved the minutes of the August 23rd meeting be approvei Seconded by Cm, Castorena. .All ayes. Motion carried.
Cmn. Castorena offered 8 motioa that the minutes of the special meeting of- &.gust 31at be approved. Secorided by Cmn. McClellan, All
ayes, Motion carried.
CORRESPONIEXCE: City Clerk Zwald read a petition, slgned by several resldsnts of Ocean Avenue, requesting the City to take measures to reduce. the speed of motorists in that area in order to safeguard pedestrians crossfng in the vicinity of the intersections at Elm Avenue and Oak Stree-b.
City Kanager Nelson stated that Public 'IiJorks Director Anthony, Chief of Police Pnlkowski and himself had inspected the site and found it to be adequately posted as a Ij-mile zone. In their tour, they also ins-oected the length of Ocean Avenue to the Academy an8 it was their
the full width of the street will be included and parking should be authorized on one side of the street only, both South and. North of .f;k Cmlsbad Hotel. It was suggested by Cmn. McClellan that perhaps cross- walks at these intersections would help to control the traffic and safeguard the-rights of pedestrians. After discussion, it; was the decision of the Gouncil that the addition of crosswalks at the inter- sections and st little spot policlng might help to solve the problem and the matter was referred to the City NIanager, Chief of Police and the Public Narks Director and, after consultation, they were requssted to conmunicate with these people the results of their study,
,. opinion that, at a future date, when curbs are installed in this area,
Letter from County of Sari %ego, Board of Supervisors, requesting
the city's PPticiPatiOn in an anti-litter campaign for the BountJr of