HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-11-01; City Council; Minutes"$ 8- b e&- for a. major improvement, The City knager and Director cf Public 'iorlcs we~e instraucted to study 8.11 possible exyendftures and report back tc' the CounDi3.. the-lr recommendatLons Cmn, Sutton moved sqroval of the ,payment of the bills for the period October 4th to Uth, .In the mount of @3,831,19, as ce?:.tified by the Ci%y Clerk and a:>proved by the Auditing Conrnittee, Seconder? by Cnn. Castorena. ALL aye s. Plot ion carried.. Cmn. Hobinson moved ratifica%ion of the pagrclbl as of October Zj 1 1955 9 its certified by the Clty Clerk and approved. by the AucIit,ing Com- mittee, Seconded by Cmn. Castorena., All a.tyes. Motion oa.rried. Cmn. Sutton moved for ad. journmenk and it, was seconded by Cmn, Castorena, meting adjourned at lO:'3O P, M. " Respectfully submitted, S i4. 0. E'I.!:AL,D, C3.q C_lerk ~~~~BII==~PIP~='~PE'==~~~=-- ,=531==3=B r NINUTES (33 THE REGULA2 IGETING OF THE CAllLSBAD CiTY $2GUXCIL Novercber 1, 1955; 1 The regu&ar meeting of the Ctty Council. was called to order at 7:QO P 0 M , Preser;t were Councilman Robinson and City Clerk ~wald, The meeting was adjourned at 7:Ol 3, W, until November 8, 1955 at ?:Oil P. M. \ a, spectf ullg su~xnrtted, """""""""_______CD__________ S""""""""""" M . 0 * EG&Q, -C idt;~ C_lErk, - - b - - - MIMU!i?XS OF THE ADJOC?IlTED KZETIiTG C.F THE CARLSBAf) CITY COLNCIL November 8, 1955 The meetling was called to order at 7 :00 .$. K, by Mayor €b.ymond C, Ede, Present besides the Xayor were Councilmen Robinson, Heltcn amd Castorena,, City Ymnager Nelson, City Attorney Smith, Bubll.c liorks Dip- ector Anthony, and City Clerk Ewald, Cnn, Sutton was proesent after 7:20 P, PI. The Ccuncil immediately proceeded to the opening of the bids for the Olive Drive Sewer scheduled for 7:OO P. ivL City clerk Ewald. opezed the sealed bids and announced the Coatractor and each bid in quantity and amount; in the order listed: Don Eubbard, 1,. Ca.stil.lo and Bussell Thibadcr, Vista, !$alter K, 3arbur, Dorco General Sngineerlng and Constmetion, oceanside, an? Shaffer and Stcxer, San Diego, The bids were then tumed over to the City Attomejr for tabulation an6 app~oval of fora. Cirri. Castorena, moved the approval. of the mtlnutes of the regulaw meel;ing of h'cober 18th, a.& written, with indicated connection. Seconded by Cmn., Kobinson. All ayes. Motior: carried. Can, Robinson moved apprcval of the minutes of the regular meeting of November Ut, Seconded by Csstorena. All a.yes. Motion carried . Correiwocdence: City Clerk Svald reEd the correspondence ES follows: (1) Letter from Cnilfclrnic? Safeti Council addressed to the Mstyor requesting he issue a proclamtion designnting December 1st as "Safe Driving Day.I) Can. Gas%orena. moved the ndoptlon of a resolution pro- claiming Ilecenber 1st as "Safe Driving Day. I' Seconded by Crnn. Iloblnson. A3-l ayes, Motion carried, Mapcr Ede announced thst Chief of Police Pa.lkowski, Safety Day 2hairrr,an, has forwarded letters to all ci%y organ- izations asking for their support 2nd literature has been distributed through th.e schools a (2) Letter dated I'bvember 2, 1955 frola PIT. Ber: Fe Yugate, United Nations Day Chairman, expressing:-appreciati~n for Mayor Ede's participa- tion in th.e United. Ihtions 1k.y ceremonies. City at torn^ Smith submitted m o-pimioz? on the ordinance submitted