HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-10-02; City Council; MinutesI La 7-4 b-3 e u4 i3 I .. I .. .. . .. The---City ,Att.osmy .stated ' the Reioluti.an may be delayed 'beyond the next Counci.1 meeting.because of the necessity of having the boundaries ap-. proved by the County Boundary Commisgion. Vote on the motion: all -ayes, motion. carried. Cmn, Baird moved for adjournment of. the meeting, seconded by Cmn. Hel- ton, ' All ayes, me,eting,adjourned at 9:15 P. M. v eeectfull submitted, -5!L&AL NAT-ALIE VER.MILYEA 8~"Ar , ep, Clerk ""~-~-."-..".""""~"~"""~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF' CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL October 2, 1956 Meeting called to 'order by Mayor Castorena- at 7100 P, M, Present be- sides the Mayor were Councilmen Ledgerwood, Robinson, Helton,.. Baird; City Manager Nelson, City Attorney Smith, Public Works Director An- thony. Cmn. Helton moved approval of the minutes of the meeting of September 18th as corrected.. Cmn. Ledgerwood seconded. All ayes, motion car- r ied . Cmn. Baird moved approval of .the minutes .of the adjourned meeting of September 25th with minor correction. Seconded by Cmn. Helton, All ayes, mot.ion carried. WRITTEN . CORRESPONDENCE : 1. , Letter dated September 17th from George W. Tarry (by w. W. Rag= ers, Attorney-in-Fact), protesting the proposed change from R-2 to R-1 of the area wherein his property ( Lots 5 and .6, Block K, Pali- sades) is located, as the latter zoning will render the property un- suitable for the purpose for which tie purchased ,it. and may result in financial loss to him. 2. Letter from W, W.= Rogers, dated September, 18th, stating that on the basis of a recommendation made at a zoning clinic he attended in Santa Ana recently, that from 12% to 20% of an urban area should .be zoned for industrial use, Carlsbad should have approximatery 600 acres so zoned, , He recommended tha.t a strip two blocks wide, extending . . along the .east side of the Santa Fe right-of-way south from Oak Ave- nue, should be zoned for industrial use, 3. Letter dated September 18.th from W. W. Robergs, recommending that an area be zoned to permit automobile trailer parks -- with proper restriction as to sp.acing and facilities required -- without .the necessity of obtaining a conditional use. permit as is now required. He suggested the area west of the railroad tracks and, south of Oak Avenue be so designateci, By common consent it was decided to hold the three letters for .consid- eration in connection with the hearing next Tuesday. 4. Letter from the Citizens' Commit.tee for YES ON PROPOSITION 5, which would permit sale of liquor on premises where meals are not served. Filed without action. PUBLIC HEARING - ZONING - OCTOBER 9TH, After a brief discussion, it "was decided to conduct the hearing along the lines followed by the Planning Commission at. their hearings, by dividing the City Ento two areas for discussion purposes: (1.) .'the area west of the Freeway and (2) the area east of the Freeway, ... PLANNING COMMISSION. ... 1. Recommendation that .a policy be adopted in areas other than High- land Drive establishing sixty (60) feet as the minimum street front- age for lot splits in .the interim period before the master zoning plan is adopted, After ,so.= discussion, Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that the recommendati.on of .the Planning Commission that a 60-foot minimum frontage requirement be adopted for lot splits (other than on High- land Drive) be approved. Seconded by .Cmn, Robinson, All ayes, mo- tion carried. 2. Memorandum requesting opinions from all department heads re: re= quest of R* L* Watson Construction Company for markers at the 34 entrance .of HARBOR ESTATES subdivision. Memorandums were read from Police Chief Palkowski and Fire Chief Hardin stating they had no objec- tions, .proxiding the markers were properly placed .so as not to obstrucb the functions of their Departments. Public Works Director Anthony stat- ed he would definitely object to having the markere placed in the side- walk area, and that he also felt that maintenance and upkeep would be a problem. During discussion it was brought out that the practice was once common but has been discontinued in most cities. Plans showing proposed location of the markers were studied and Mr. Anthony stated'he would mot be satisfied with the locations as proposed, but would have no objection if %hey were placed inside the property line, After con- siderable discus.sion, Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that it be adopted as a policy of this Council that subdivision markers be not allowed on pub- 'lic property. Seconded by Cmn, Helton. All ayes', motion carried. HARBOR COMMISSIOI!. Mr. Nelson .reported that the proposed lease i,s again in the hands of the San Diego Gas & Electric Company, and that there are no recent developments , Harhor. rules and regulations. Cmn. Baird reported that his committee has been working on this matter but there is little to report; that there is considerable feeling toward a wide open policy, and he feels that very little' can be done until such time as the City acquires control through a lease. He commented that residents of the lagoon area are very much dissatdisfied and annoyed with the'. 7-days-a-week boat racing and may ask the Council to consider banning Sunday racing. i PARKS 6 RECREATICIN COMMISSION, No report. kXBRARY COMMISSICE. Mr. Nelson reported that the .librarian will inspec t the house on the Millington property recently purchased by the City, to ascertain whether it would be suitable and adequate as'temporary quarters for the City tibrlary, and that the matter will be discussed .at the next meeting of the Commission, ZAHLER PROPERTY. Mr. Nelson reported on a discussion with Edward Zahler and his son Patri.ck re: possible purchase by the City of their property on Elm and Elmwood for future expansion of the Chic Center site. He stated that the Zahlers will sell three vacant 60-foot lots and an im- ' . proved lot (the Pat .Zahler residence) for $18,000.~00, and are wi;llingg to accept $6000~c!0 at this time for two of t.he lots and grant an option to purchase on thle balance of the property at this price. He stated there is budgeted1 .for property acquisition in .the 1956-57 budget, $5,500.09, and a suggestion was made that the remaining $500.00 could be drawn from the contingency -fund. After some discussion, Cmn. Robinson moved that the. City have an appraisal of the property made immediately, with information for the Council at the next regular meeting. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried. Mr. Pat Zahler was .present at the meeting and was informed that the City would give its answer as soon as possible after the appraisal has been made,. POLICE DEPARTMENT,. Copies of a new form of monthly report, showing com- parative totals, were passed to Council members, Mr. Nelson commenting that the form may be slightly revised before being finally adopted by the Department, Totals for the month of September are as follows: I Arrests . . . , . . 8 Accidents , . . . 10 Traffic Citations . , 61 General cases . .e . . 94 FIRE DEPARTMENT. Monthly reporb for September, 1956, is as follows: FIRES.o.e.*...**o4 Car . , . . , 1" I Grass , . . . 1 Smoke Check . 1 TV ooo.01 RESUSCITATOR CALLS , , . , . 1 ATTENDANCE AT ALARMS , . . , 9 DRILL MEETINGS , . , . , , . 3 ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS . , .11 BUSINESS MEETINGS . 1- Mutual Aid with Division of Forestry to Lake Arrowhead forest fire, by olrder of Jqmes G. Fenlon, Regional Chief, California Disaster 0,ffice. OCD #87 responded with two men 9-24-56, re- turned 9-25-56. I QJ d a 56 4 3 I I CIVIL DEFENSE. Mr. Nelson. Irepo&ed. that the Feaeral Government is auth- orizing.,State and locai Civil Defense organizations to acquire surplus proper-ty;.. th.at the proeedu-re for acquiring same has not yet been set forth by .the- State, but they. request that the Council by resolution in- dicate its .desire .bo accept -Federal Surplus property. After. some di-s- cussion, Cm. Rob-inson moved that the City Aktorney be directed to pre- pare a resolution f,or forwarding to-.the State Director of Civi-l Defense, indicating the City's interest in participating in the Civil Defense Surplus program.. Seconded by Cnm. Helton. All ayes, motion carried. After a short dikussion, during which it was brought out that under the pre,sent .,operational.,plan of Civil Defense, all departments and ser- vices would be placed under the direction of the D irector of Civil De- fense, in-'.event of disaster, Mayor Castorena submitted for approval of .' the Couneil the appointment of Cit.y Manager Nelson as Civil Defense Di- rector for Carlsbad. Cm. Robinson moved approval of the appointment of Mr. Nelson as Civil Defense Director of the City of Carlsbad. Seconded by Cmn. Helson. All ayes, motion, carried. Mr. Nelson request- ed Council approva.1 of the appointment of Norman Whipple as Assistant Director-of Civil. Defense. Cmn. Helton moved approval of the appoint- ment of Norman Whlpple as Assistant Civil Defense Director.- Seconded by Cmn. Robinson. All ayes, motion carried. PUBLXG WQUS DEPARTMENT, Mr. Anthony reported that in spite of inten- sive work on the part of himself and the administrative staff, collec- tions of pledges on the Elm-Elntwood and Basswood sewer main extensions had- been very disappoixiting, best results being obtained on Basswood where nine ou% of eleven signers paid. After some discussion as to what could be done, it was decided to ask the contractor if he would consider taking the Basswood job (considered the- most critical area) at the figure' submitted, although this figure contemplated the contractor getting the entire job; and Mr. Anthony was: excused from the meeting to, contact Mr. Shafer and report back later in the meeting. The City Attorney was asked whether there would be any legal barrier to separ- ating the Basswood project from the other two. and. stated there was not, as separate contracts were written for each of the three areas. Mr. Anthony reported that the Hemlock Avenue sewer job is getting under way and a petition is being circulated for the Magdia-Adams extension. Final plans for completion of the Elm Avenue construction from State Street to Carlsbad Boulevard were inspeated and briefly discussed by the Council. Xr. Anthony, referring back to the Basswood sewer matter, reported that he had talked with Mr. Shafer of Shafer 6 Stowers and.had been assured by him that, although they could not give the City the same. figure as bid in connection with the entire job, he would figure the Basswood ex- tension as closely as possible and advise Mr. Anthony Wednesday morning. It WBB pointed out' that tinless the job could be done at the figure bid, it would be necessary to re-advertise. The possibility of forming a 1911 Act Improvement District was briefly discussed, the City Attorney giving some percentage figures as' to the excessive costs involved in such proceedings. Byocommon consent it was decided that if the coritract- or will not accept the Basswood job at the same figure, notice inviting b should again be published, Proposed Ordinance #800?, adopting the 1955 edition of Uniform Building Csde for the City of Carlsbad, was briefly discussed. Cmn. Helton moved that reading. of the number and title constitute first reading of proposed Ordinance #8007. Seconded by Cmn. Robinson. City Attorney Smith remind- ed =the Council that the ordinance does not provide a minimum square foot- age for dwelling area. After some discussion, it was decided to refer the' matter to Cmn. Helton a,nd City Manager Nelson to check with local con. tractors .as to their ideas in the matter. The .motion was withdrawn by thc mover and second. Cmn. Baird moved approval of payment of bills to October 2, 1956, amount- ing to $13,961.69, as certified by the City Treasurer and approved by the Auditing Committee. Seconded by Cmn. Robinson. All ayes, motion carried, Cmn. Robinson moved ratification of the payroll for the second half of September, as certified by the Finance Director and approved by the Aud- iting Committee. Seconded by Cmn. Baird. All ayes, motion carried. Mr. Nelson announced that a meeting had been arranged for .Thursday noon, October 3rd, of the Oceanside-Carlsbad signs committee. m. ~~r~~~ .reported that the City is negotiating for future purchase Of the Krueger property on Eureka (adjacent to the Park)' and 'lane 'He1ton' ' stated that the Scout Committee is ready to proceed with their escrow* Cmn, ~~bi~~o~ moved" that the meeting be adjourned to 'October 9th at 7:30 p.. M, Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, meeting adj-ourned at 9t30 P, M. V mP + submit ed, A+-; NATALIE VERMILYEA Deputy City Clerk -"""""""""""""-*"""- MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL October 9, 1956 Meeting called to order at 7t30 P. M. by Mayor Castorena;. Presents be- sides the Mayor were Councilmen Helton, Ledgerwood, Baird, Robinson (7:50 P. M.),, City Manager Nelson, City Attorney Smith, Planning Consult- ant Kalicka, Notice of Public Hearing to consider the revision in its .entirety of the text of the zoning ordinance #9005, and the general revision. of the zoning map, was read by the City Manager, -Mayor. Castorena suggested that the area west of the Freeway be considered first at the hearing,. followed by the discussion of the ,area east of t'he Freeway. Three letters from W. W. Rogers were read, as follows: (1) Letter written for G. W. Tarry, requesting consideration of retain- ing Lots 5 and 6, Block K, Palisades, in the area south of..Chinquapin, east of Garfield, as R-2 instead of placing them in R-1 zoning. ('2) Lettter stating that in his opinion the area west of the railroad tracks and south of Oak Avenue for a distance of one block towards the ocean and seven or eight blocks south, would be particularly suitable, for automobile trailer park S. (3) Letter suggesting that area east of the railroad and south of O.ak Avenue is suitable for industrially-zoned land. A petition was presented by Bernard L.. Robinson, 2630 State Street', signed by .l4 property owners, requesting that all the property on the. west side of Roo'sevelt Street, from Buena Vista lagoon to Grand Avenue, be zoned C-M. Discussion followed on the three letters and the petition, since all. of them concerned the area west of the Freeway. Planning Consultant Kay Kalicka stated that the Planning Commission had discussed all of the points raised by the three letters from a. W. Rogers, Mr. John Howe, 2971 Harding Street, spoke in opposition tothe petition presented by Bernard L, Robinson, containing 14 signatures, Mr. Joe,Cockrill, Buena Vista Gardens, .questioned whether or not the property included in the petition also Included the property north of Buena Vista Gardens. . Mr. Robinson stated that since Roosevelt Street ended at Laguna, he did not . feel that this property was meant to be included. It was noted that Kenneth Ebright, 550 Laguna Drive, had signed the petition and he may have meant to include his property north of Buena Vista Gardens, Mayor Castorena opened the discussion on the area east of the Freeway. No one was present who wished to make any recommendations or request any changes in, the zoning of this area as recommended by the .?lanning . Commission to the Council. Hr. KaIicka poin.ted out that after adoption of the present proposed zon- ing ordinance and land use map, further .study would still have to be given to (1) the Agua Hedionda lagoon area; (2) the San Diego Gas li I Electric Company property ,within the City limits; and, (3) industrial zoning. There being no further audiepce present , Cmn . hearing be declared of comments or suggestions from any members of the Ledgerwood moved, Cmn. Iielton seconded, that the ficially closed at 8:40 P, M. All ayes, no nays, motion-carried, After a short recess, the Council was reconvened at 9:OO P. M. for dis- cussion of the protests and comments which had been made at the hearing.