HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-10-09; City Council; Minutesm, ~~r~~~ ,reported that. the .City is negotiating for future purchase Of the K~~~~~~ property on Eureka (adjacent to the Park) and Cmn* He1ton *tatad that the Scout Committee is ready to proceed with eheir eSCroW* Cmn. ~obinson moved- that the meeting be adjourned to October 9th at 7:30 P,' M, Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, meeting adj.ourned at 9~30 Po Ma V -Akz,- R s ect 1s - submit ed, NATALIE VEKMILYEA Deputy City €lerk +- "_""""""-___-~~""-""""~ MINUTES OF ADJOUKNED MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL October 9, 1956 Meeting called to order at 7230 f. X. by Mayor Castorena. Present. be- sides the Mayor were Councilmen Helton, Ledgerwood, Baird, Robinson (7:50 P. M.),,, City Manager Nelson, City Attorney Smith, Planning Consult- ant Kalicka, Notice of Public Hearing to consider the repision in its entirety of the text of the zoning ordinance #9005, and the general revision of the zoning map, was read by the City Manager. Mayor. Castorena suggested that the area west of the Freeway be considered first at the hearing,. followed by the discussion of the .area east of t'he Freeway. Three letters from W. W. Rogers were read, as follows: (1) Letter written for G, W. Tarry, requesting consideration of retain- ing Lots 5 and 6, Block K, Palisades, in the area south of. Chinquapin, east of Garfield, as R-2 instead of placing them in R-l zoning. (-2) Letter stating that in his opinion the area west of the railroad tracks and south of Oak Avenue for a distance of one block towards the ocean and seven or eight blocks south, would be particularly suitable, for automobile trailer parks. (3) Letter suggesting that area east of the railroad and south of Oak Avenue is suitable for industrially-zoned land. A petition was. presented by Bernard L. Robinson, 2630 State Street', signed by 14 property owners, requesting that all the prop.erty on the. west side of Roosevelt Street, from Buena Vista lagoon to Grand Avenue, be zoned C-M, ',. I,)iscussion followed on the three letters and the petition, since all, of them concerned the area west of the Freeway. Planning Consultant Kay Kalicka stated that the Planning Commission had discussed all of the points raised by the three letters from W. W. Rogers, Mr. John Howe, 2971 Harding Street, spoke in opposition tothe petition presented by Bernard L. Robinson, containing 14 signatures. Mr. Joe.Cockril1, Buena Vista Gardens, questioned whether or not the property included in the petition also included the property north of Buena Vista Gardens. Mr. Robinson stated that since Roosevelt Street ended at Laguna, he did not . feel that this property was meant to be included. It was noted that Kenneth Ebright, 550 Laguna Drive, had signed the petition and he may have meant to inc,lude his property nopth of Buena Vista Gardens. Mayor .Castorena opened the discussion on the area east of the Freeway. No .one was present who wished to make any recommendations or request any changes in, the zoning of this area as reconmended by the Planning Commission to the Council . Nr. Kalicka pointed out that after adoption of the present proposed zon- ing ordinance and land use map, further study would still have to be given to (I.) the Agua Hedionda lagoon area; (2) the San Diego Gas e ~ Electric Company property?within the City limits; and ,( 3) industrial zoning. There being no further comments or suggestions from any members of the audience present, Cmn. Ledgerwood moved, Cmn. Ifelton seconded, that the hearing be declared officially closed at 8:40 P. M. All ayes, no nays, motion carried, After a short recess, the Council was reconvened at 9:OO P. M. for dis- cussion Of thf? Protests and comments which had been made at the hearing, 2 After considerable discussion of the points raised, Cmn. Robinson moved Cmn. Baird seconded, that the request made in the let-ter From G. W, Tarry, signed by W. W, Rogers, regarding R-2 zoning south of Chinquapin east of Garfield, be denied. All ayes, no nays, motion carried. 5 Cmn. Robinson moved, Cmn. Baird seconded, that the petition presented b Bernard L. Robinson, containing the signatures of 14 property owners, regarding C-M zoning for Roosevelt Street, be denied. All ayes, no nay' motion carried. A motion was made by Cmn. Robinson, seconded by Cmn. Helton, that .the recommendations of the Planning Commission regarding the treatment of trailers and industrial zoning be accepted. All ayes, no nays, motion carried., It was moved by Cmn. Helton, seconded by Cmn. Baird, that the recommend; tions. of the Planning Commission as contained in Planning Commission Re: olution #-,be accepted, and that this acceptance be made by the City Council by formal Resolution #220. Roll call vote: five ayes, no nays, Resolution adopted . 'Crnn. Helton moved, Cmn. Ledgerwood seconded, that title and number. havir been read of proposed Ordinance-#9060, it be considered first reading oi said Ordinance. All ayes, no nays, motion carried. <;. . Planning Consultant Kay Kalicka informed the Council that one error had 4 q mendations of the Planning Cornmission. He wished to correct this error m.1": since he felt that the map should-reflect accurately the Commission(s LJ recommendations. By common consent, Mr. Kalicka was instructed to have 2..(2 appeared in the map that Qas not in conformance with the actual recom- the map corrected. Discussion was held on the problem of improvement of dedicated streets surrounding new and proposed subdivisions. ' The Council agreed to con- sider this matter further in the future. Cmn. Helton stated that he wished to express,appreciation to the City Planning Commission for the excellent job ,they had 'done in recommending .to the Council the zoning ordinance and land use map, Mayor Castorena stated he was sure that Cmn. Helton was speaking for the-entire Council in this regard, City Attorney Smith, speaking as a private citizen, requested the Coun- cil to support the North County Bar Association in its stand to endeavor to ham the plans for the Oceanside Court House modified to include two Court rooms. After considerable discussion, the Council. by unanimous adoption of Resolution #221, directed to the Board of Supervisors of San Diego County (copy to Dean Howell), went OR record as endorsing the po- sition of the North County Bar. Association. The meeting was declared adjourned at 10:15 P. M. BZ&&-?*" pectEul.1 submitted, NATALIE VEKMILYEA V Deputy City Clerk """""-_"-"""~~""~""""- MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL October 16, 1956 Meeting called to order by Mayor Castorena at 7:OO P, Irl, Present besides the --Mayor were Councilmen Ledgerwood, Baird, Robinson (7:12 P. M,), City . Manager Nelson, Public Works Director Anthony, City Attorney Smith. Ab- sent, Councilman Helton. Cmn. Baird moved that minutes of the meeting of October 2nd be approved as written, Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood, All ayes, motion carried. Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that minutes of the adjourned -meeting of October 9th be approved as written. SecoMed by Cmn. Baird, All ayes, motion carried . WKITTEN CORRESPONDENCE . (1) Letter.from Chief Administrative Officer of San Diego County enclos- ing proposed contract providing for additional health services to be