HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-11-20; City Council; Minutes-4 'F< k.2
Cmn, Robinson suggested that the shareholders be polled by postcard as to their wishes on the sale of the company, Mayor Castorena suggested
that alternative proposals be included in the letter to the stockhold-
ers of the Mutual Water Company,
Bill Fry reported that North Carlsbad was interested in annexing to
the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Improvement District #l (Colorado
River Aqueduct pipeline) ,
Cmn, Robinson' suggested -the City Manager write to the Carlsbad Mutual
Water Company and outline the two proposals discussod, I. e., the *
script proposa1,made by Mr. Brilhart, and the"bond issue suggested by
Cmn. Ledgerwood, including the capital contribution charge suggestion
of Councilman Baird .
Mr, Cannon stated that the City should propose to buy both companies
if they are thinking of a bond issue, and they should pay a fair price
so the people will be happy.
Max Ewald approved the idea of giving bonds to stockholders.
Cmn. Baird moved that the City Manager write a letter'to the Carlsbad
Mutual Water Company, approved by the Mayor, setting forth the plans
suggested and recommending a share sale: price of $25O.OO, advising
that the City would be receptive to hearing other proposals of the
Carlsbad Mutual Water Company. Seconded- by Cmn." Helton, The City
Manager requested clarification of the type of bond issue. It was
agreed by the Council that a general obligation issue would be the best. ' Four ayes, no nay's, Cmn. Robinson abstaining. .
, 'At 9:30 P. M, the meeting was declared adjourned until 7:OO P, M.' November 13th at the City .Hall.
.- &.-9+ espectfulJ 42 . submbtted,
Deputy' City Clerk v
November 13, 1956
Meeting called to order at 7:OO P. M. by Mayor Castorena. Present be-
sides the Mayor were Councilmen Robinson, Helton, City Manager Nelson,
City Attorney Smith, City Engineer Phelps, Public Works Director An-
thony .
The following bids on the Elm Avenue paving were opened and read:
EARL BROWN,. 2074 Benedic
56 \f. Vista Way, Vista, Calif. , . . . $21,730.68
t Canyon Dr., BeverZ$ Hills, Calif. . 20,330.28
0. Box #157, Solana Beach, Calif . . . 20,508,74
CO., P. 0. Box 3217, San Diego, Calif. 17,237.10
The bids were inspected by the City Attorney Smith, who stated that they
were in order ,
Mr. Phelps recommended that the low bid of R. E. HAZARD CONTRACTING CO. of $17,237.10 be accepted, It was noted that the engineer's estimate was
Cnn. Helton moved that the low bid of R, E. Hazard Contracting Co. be ac- cepted, Seconded by Cmn. Robinson, All ayes, no nays, motion carried.
The meeting .was declared adjourned' at 7:30 P, M,
52izzzL & +,"
Re ectfuzl submiitted,
Deputy City Clerk Y
,> November 20. 1956
Meeting called to order at 7:OO P. M. by Mayor Castorena, Present be-
sides the Mayor were Councilmen Ledgerwood, Robinson, Baird, fielton; City
Manager Nelson, City Attorney Smith.
.Cmn. Robinson moved approval of the minutes of the meeting of November 7th as corretcted. Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood. All ayes, motion
Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that minutes of the adjourned meeting of Novem-
ber 8th be alpproved as written. Seconded by Cmn. Robinson, All ayes,
motion carried.
Cmn. Helton moved approval of the minutes of the adjourned meeting of
November i3t;h' as written. Seconded by Cmn. Robinson. All ayes, motiol
(1) Two let,ters from Metropolitan Water District were read, both con-
cerning declaration of intention to pay taxes, to be filed by December
10th if the City desires to use this procedure. The City Attorney ex-
plained this and alternate methods, which were briefly discussed. Cmn
Baird moved that no action be taken at this time. Seconded by Cmn.
Helton. All. ayes, motion carried.
(2) Letter from the Community Center Survey Committee outlining long-
range plans for 'a Community Building in Carlstad, and enclosing .for
information of the Council the questionnaire sent to civic and service
groups requesting information as to thei:r need and possible use of sucl
a building, ' Mrs. Finis Johnson, president of the Women's Club, was
present and reported on the background of the idea and progress being
made, stating that' similar projects in 'other cities, including San Cle. mente, had been investigated and were working out very satisFactorily.
Mrs. Yourell-, chairman of the Survey Committee, listed items from the
prr&sent clubhouse which could .be used in the City-owned building north
'of the City Hall, such as a gas range, folding chairs (75), piano, up-
holstered davenport and chair, tables, flag, serving cart, drapes, cur:
tains, and two portables unvented gas heaters. She also enumerated
recommendatkons of the committee for putti,ng the building into suit- able condition so it may be used as a temporary meeting place for groups now meeting in the Women's clubhouse; and read a list of the -
groups now meeting at the clubhouse .and their meeting dates.
Mr. Nelson stated that the Municipal Water District may use the build-
.ing in exchange for payment of the utblities. Glenn Feist stated that
the Chamber of Commerce will be dispossessed from their quarters in
the Hotel about May 1st of next year and will be looking for office
space, and Mayor Castorena pointed out .that expansion of City office
needs will probably require that the Council and Commissions meet else:
where . ..
After discussion, Cmn. Baird moved that the City Manager be instructed to ',atteipt t;o co-ordinate $the activities .of the different organization! in such a marnner that the City Council and Commissions will have prior.
ity as tio'rneeting dates, and that he be authorized'to proceed as he . sees fit. Seconded by Cmn, Robinson.' All ayes, motion carried. By common consent, the letter was referred to the Planning Commission for its information and recommendation.
(3) Letter from Chamber of Commerce re: need for additional funds for
'printing of brochure was'reviewed. Glenn Feist, Chamber president, wa!
pr.esent and explained that due to a substantial increase in cost over
the estimate!d amount, an additional $217.50 is needed for a printing
of 5M copies;. After discussion, Cmn. Robinson moved that the amount 01
$217.50 be t,ransf&rred from the Contingent Fund to the Advertising and
Publicity Department and allocated'to the Chamber of Commerce for the
purpose outl.ined. Seconded by Cmn. Baird. All ayes, motion carried.
F. Stevens, attorney for the defendants, was present and requested a
further cont,inuance in the matter on the basis of the substantial
progress macle toward abatement of the nuisance on Highland Drive (sep-
tic tank andl cesspool constructed, running water in kitchen and bath, surrounding area cleaned up). At the Basswood location, all buildings
will be destroyed with exception of the ffstudio", which would be board. ed up and made inaccessible until it could be put into acceptable don-
Mr. Banta, Mr. Welch and Mr. Longwei.1 from the County Health Departmen1
were present and indicated that the Department would not be satisfied
with the boarding-up procedure, in view of their past expbrience, and
stated if the bu88ding were' to remain it would be. necessary to install
sanitary facilities and bring it up to'standard. Mr. Stevens stated he
believed he could prevail upon his client to fix up the building.
Mr. Doyce Hedrick, 3354 Monroe, was presest and complained that the
building is within 5' of * his property line, but he'was informed that
since the condition existed prior to adoption of the City zoning ordin-
ance, it is a legal non-conforming use.
After considerable discussion, Cmn. Robinson moved that the continuance
of two weeks requested by Mr. Stevens be granted on the basis of the
progress made, and the hearing adjourned to the next regular meeting of
the Council on December -4th at 7:30 P . M. * Seconded by Cmn. Baird. All
ayes, motion carried,
POLICE DEPARTMENT. Proposed Crdinance #6015-A, amending Ordinance #6015,
full. Cmn. Robinson moved that this constitute first reading of pro-
posed Ordinance #6015-A. Seconded by Cmn. Helt-on. Five ayes, no nays, motion carried.
PLANNING COMMISSION. Resolution #6 of the Planning Commission, recom-
' raising poker game limits from $2.50 to $5.00 per table, was read in
-2 mending acceptance of tentative map of PARADISE ESTATES, submitted by --I Robert Watson, subject to conditions imposed by the County Health De- n. partment, Fire Chief, Carlsbad Mutual Water Company, and City Engineer --
q all of which reports were read in full. Also read was a staff report q from Gordon Whitnall 6 Associates. Mr. Watson was present and stated
2 that all recommendations and criticisms have been ver.y constructive and
the subdividers are ready to comply with same. "
Cmn. Robinson moved the adoption of Resolution #227 *accepting the recom-
mendation of the Planning Commission for acceptance of the tentative map of PARADISE ESTATES, subject to the conditions imposed. Sgiconded
by Cmn. Helton. Five ayes, no nays, Resolution adopted. Mr. Igatson
ing agencies.
REPORT ON WATER PLAN. City Clerk Ewald gave a comprehensive report of
the meeting he -attended in Sacramento November 4-7 re: the Feather
River project; outlining on a map the location of the dam (54 mi2es up- river from Oroville) and course of the canal and pipeline from the dam
to San Diego County, He .stated the dam itsdlf will be 6,780 feet in
length (largest dam. in the United States), to be built by 1962 at an
estimated cost (January, 1955) of $419,658,000.00; that it will require
the relocation of sections of Highway 40 and the Railroad and the re-
moval of a PG6E pow.er plant. Tentative completion date of the entire
project is 1968.
VARIANCE - ROBERT W. BAIRD. Recommendation of the Planning Commission for approval of the request of R. W. Baird, 1721 Monterey, Coronado, for variance to allow reduction in lot area from 10,000 square feet to 9,660 square feet, and reduction in street frontage from 75 feet to 70
feet, on property located on the east 'side of Highland Drive, between Oak Avenue and Buena Vista Way, was read. After discussion, Cmn. Led- gerwood moved that the recommendation of the fla'nning Commission be ac- cepted and the variance granted. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried.
TRASH COLLECTION. City Manager Nelson,: reported that a check of nearby
communities indicates that the cost for twice-weekly collection of
trash in Del Mar, Fallbrook, and Rancho Santa Fe is $3.00 and $4.00.
He reported one additional protest from Martha (Mrs. Sheldon) Tyson in
Terramar, who requested resumption of the twice-weekly schedule. Mr.
Nelson reminded the Council of his recommendation in July that trash
collection be made on all scheduled days, including holidays, and
recommended that the once-weekly collection of trash be continued,
holidays not excluded. Cmn. Ledgerwood'moved that the Council accept
the City Manager's recommendation that trash collection be made once
weekly, no holidays excluded; to be accomplished by an addenda to the
Certificate of Necessity and Convenience hsued' to Mr. Marron. Second- ed by Cmn. Baird. All'ayes, motion carried.
' requefsted several copies of the Resolution for submission to the financ- I
After a 15-ninute recess, during which Cmn. Helton was excused, the
Council was reconvened at 9:OO P. M.
. Number and title of proposed Ordinance #8007, adopting Uniform Building
Code, was read. Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that this constitute first reading , of proposed Ordinance #8007, Seconded by Cmn. Baird. Four ayes, no nays, Cmn. Helton absent, motion carried.
Second reading was given proposed Ordinance #8025, adopting Uniform Plumb-
ing Code of 1955. Cmn. Ledgerwood moved adoption of Ordinance #8025,
Seconded by Cmn. Baird. Four ayes, no nays, Cmn. Helton absent, Ordinance
Number and title 'of Emergency Ordinance #5031, covering fees for certain
health services performed by the County, was read. The City Manager read
a letter from Dr. Askew of the County Health Department requesting that such an ordinance be adopted. Cmn. Robinson.'moved the adoption of pro- posed Emergency Olrdinance 55031. Seconded by Cmn. Baird. Four ayes, no nays, Cmn. Helton absent, Ordinance'adopted.
Mr. Nelson stated a Resolution form had been received from the State with
the request that :it be adopted and signed copy returned (authorizing par- ticipation in the Federal Surplus property program). Cmn, Robinson moved the adoption of Resolution #228 re: participating in the Federdl Surplus property program, and that the City Manager be au€horized to sign same. Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood. . Four ayes, no nays, Cmn. Heleon absent, Reso- lution adopted.
CITY ENGINEER. Cilty Manager Nelson stated a letter had been received from the applicant, Mr,, Kubota, setting forth his qualifications and background, and that he had talked with Mr . Kubota and he is anxious to have the posi-
tion. City Attorney Smith stated it would be necessary to change Resolution
#210 to establish the position of City Engineer and set up a Rate 21 with a salary range of $532-$647. Mr. Nelson recommended deletion of the position
of Planning Aide (Rate 9). 'Cmn. Robinson stated that the matter of part- time employment of Mr. Kubota by the Water Company had been discussed at a meeting of the Board of Directors and he believes an arrangement can be worked out to hire Mr. Kubota either at the first of the year or a month or two later. The Council discussed various arrangements that could be made
with the Wate'r Corripany re: dividing the expense of hiring Hr. Kubota. Cmn.
Robinson moved adoption of Resolution #229, amending Resolution #210 to
eliminate the posittion of Planning Aide (Standard Rate 9) and creating the
position of City Engineer at Standard Rate #21, Seconded by Cmn. Baird.
Four ayes, no nays, Cmn. Helton absent, Resolution adopted.
HARBOR COMMISSION,, City Clerk Ewald reported on the Harbormasters' meeting
which he attended at the invitation of Russell Craig, Harbormaster of New-
port Beach, during which meeting Senator Kraft receive'd a telegram from
Col, Putnam stating that the Carlsbad Harbor was the only harbor south of
Los Angeles on the Harbor o'f Refuge Itpreferred list" ,and is now in a very
favorable position for receiving Federal and State Aid. Mr. Ewald stated
that a Senate Harbor hearing will be held at Santa Barbara on December 6th,
out of which will probably come some recommendations for t'he legislative
session in January.
Asked about the present status of the pro'posed lease with the San Diego Gas
b Electric Company, the City Attorney stated he'will address a letter to
the Company on the subject tomorrow.
PURCHASE OF WATER COMPANY , A letter was read from the Carlsbad Mutual
Water Company requesting further information re: plans for purchase of the Water Company by" the City: (1) amount of interest to be paid on the script,
and (2) the amount. of the proposed general obligation bond.' During discus-
sion a suggestion was made that a Council member be appointed to accompany
the Water Company committee which will call on shareholders opposing the
sale plan. No action was taken at this time.
STREET LIGHTING, The C'ity ?4anager passed around a map prepared by the San
Diego- Gas 6t Electric Compa.ny indicating pnoposed locations for an' addi-
tional 66 street lights along the streets declared by the Council in 1952 to be major streets, stating that the estimated cost of the additional service would be $304.40 per month. The map was studied and discussed briefly but no action was taken.
PAYMENT OF BILLS - PAYROLL. Cmn. Baird moved that the bills from November
8th to 2Oth,*inclusiue, in the amount of of $11,712.90, as certified by the
City Manager and approved by the Auditing Committee, be paid. Seconde: by Cmn. Robinson. All ayes, motion carried.
Cmn, Baird moved ratification of the payroll for the first half of November,
as certified by the Finance Director and approved by the Auditing Committee.
Seconded by Cmn. Robinson. All ayes, motion carried.
The meeting was declared adjourned at 1O:lO P. M,
Kespectfull submitted,
V Deputy City ? Clerk """""_"""""""""""""
December 4, 1956
Meeting called to order at 7:Os P, M. by Mayor Castorena. Present be-
sides the Mayor were Councilmen Helton, Baird, Robinson and Ledgerwood;
City Manager Nelson, City Attorney Smith, Public Works Director ,Anthony,
Police Chief Palkowski, Fire Chief Hardin (9:30 P. 14.).
Cmn. Eelton moved approval.of minutes of the regular meeting of November
20th as corrected. Seconded by Cmn. Robinson. All ayes, motion carried.
(1) Letter from Everts & Esenoff, accompanying annual audit report,
making a number of recommendations to inprove the City's records and ac-
counting system, City Manager Nelson stated he would like to discuss
;.,I these recommendations with the Eirector of Finance before mak5ng any
w-1 suggestions to the Council, except that he would like to have the CounciJ
-0 consider in next year's budget the: hiring of an accountant, as suggested 5 by Everts 0 Esenoff. After some discussion, Crnn. Robinson moved that 2 the recommendations set forth by Everts e Esenoff in connection with the
audit be followed as.soon as practical, and that those which can be ac-
complished prior to the hiring of an accountant he done as soon as poss-
ible. Seconded by Crnn. IIelton. All ayes, motion carried.
(2) Letter from the Ch,arnber of Commerce recommending that the Council reconsider the problem of beach maintenance and include an item in the next budget for clean-up between the annual Spring Clean-up and the end
, of the season. Mr , Welson stated that he had discussed with Mr. Paul
Eckes and the San Diego Gas b Electric Company the matter of allowing
, public use of the strip west of Carlsbad Boulev'ard between the inlet and
outlet of Agua Hedionda lagoon, and both are agreeable, which would give
the City a legal right to clean up the area, install trash cans, etc.
He stated that in thc case of the area north of the State Park, particu- larly-vacant property, it was felt that; the best policy is to encourage people to avoid it, referring them to the public beach further south;
that it is the responsibility of property owners to keep the beach clean
and prevent it becoming a public nuisance.
The City Attorney recommended amending the rubbish ordinance (Ord. #SO10
to enable the City to perfect a tax Xien against the property as secur-
ity for public funds expended in cleaning.
Further discussion was deferred to permit opening of a scheduled 7:30
.. P. M, hearing on the Zimmermann-Schlagel public. nuisance.
Mayor Castorena opened hearing on the ZimmPrmann-Schlagel public nui-
sance, cont'inued from November 20, 1956. Mr. Banta from the County
Health Department was present and stated he had been over the Highland
Drive property,, and found that most of the requirements had been met, but that on the Basswood.,property nothing had. been done. City Attorney stated that Attorney Charles Stevens, counsel for the defendants, had
telephoned him that due to illness he-would not be able to appear, and requested that a 30-day continuance be granted to allow time for razing
all. buildings' on the Basswood property except the lrstudiolf, and bringing
that building up to standard. Mr. Banta was asked whether granting such
a continuance would meet with the approval of the Health Department, and
stated that in view of the progress being made, the Department would be
agreeable to a 30-day extension. Cmn, Itelton moved that the hearing or
the Zimmermann-Schlagel public nuisance be adjourned to January Znd, at 7:30 P, M. Seconded by Cmfi. Ledgerwood.. All ayes, motion carried.
Discussion was resumed on the proposed amendment to Ordinance #Solo.
Cmn. Helton moved that City Ordinance #SO10 be amended as suggested by
the City Attorney and City Manager. -Seconded by Cmn, Ledgerwood. All ayes, motion carried. By common consent the City Attorney was requestec
to prepare permits for submission to Mr. Eckes and San Diego Gas.& Elec-
tric Company, allowing public use of the property above-mentioned,