HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-03-27; City Council; MinutesI 3 4 9 1 ; I I P e $5OO,OOO.OO. A9te.r: some discussion, Cmn. Helton moved that the City Xanager be authorized to sign the cardivoting the City water stock in favor of acceptance of the City's, offer. Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood. A11 ayes, motion carried. (6) Letter from the Water Pollution Control Board dated March 14th, requesting a monitoring program and certain technical reports to be un- dertaken by the City re: pollution of beaches from.sewage disposal, and advising of a meeting of the Board in San Diego on March 27th. It was agreed,that, in addition to Dr. Askew, Public Health Officer,* who is Chairman of the Board, the City will be represented at the meeting by Mr. Nelson and Mr. Kubota. OPENING OF BIDS - TAMARACK AND HIGHLAND SEWER EXTENSIONS. Mr, Nelson read in full bids received as followss Name and address Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #a Unit 84 Darwin Transportation Co. $3830.00 $48 76 00 $11,209.00 $2735.00 Solana Beach,' Calif . Leo Williams Carlsbad, . Calif , Don Hubbard 2378 . 00 2400.00 5,496.60 ,1872.00 Encinitas, Calif. Cmn. Ledgerwood moved tha't the City Manager be authorized to awagd the contract to the low bidder, subject to the approval of the City Engineer and City Attorney as to figures and form. Sec'onded.hy Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried. .. 2410.00 ,2738.90 6,390.44 2067.80 Mr. Nelson read an invitation to the City Council, and City officials to attend a dinner meeting of the Carlsbad Community Chest, Inc., on Tues- Gay, March 26th, at 7200 P, M., in the Jefferson School cafetorium. PAYMENT OF BILLS - RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL. Cmn, Ledierwood moved'au- thorizatioxvof payment of bills from March 5th to 19th in the amount of $8108.401 as certified by the City Manager and approved by the Auditing Comaittee. Seconded by Cam. Helton. All ayes, motion carried, Cmn. Helton moved ratification of payroll for first half of March in the amount of $6616.98, as certified by the Director of Finance and ap- proved by the Auditing Committee. Seconiied by Cmn. Ledgerwood. All ayes, motion carried. Cmn. Ledgerwood moved for adjournment to March 27th at 7:OO P. M. Seconded by Cmn, Helton. All ayes, motion carried, meeting adjourned at 7:50 P. M. v Deputy City Clerk _"""""""""""""""""~ MINUTES OF ADJOLRNED MEETING OF CARLSBGD CITY COUNCIL March .'27, 1957 Meeting called to order at 7:00 P, M. by Hayor Castorena, who announced that the first order of business would be a joint- discussion with di- rectors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water Distriict on the subject of re- tail water distribution with special reference to proposed annexation areas, Minutes of that discussion, taken by,A. Stephens Lowie, CMWD secretary, are set out verbatim below: "MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING. OF THE CAKLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT HELD ON MARCH 27, 1957, AT 7:OO P. M. AT 2960 PI0 EICO DRIVE, CARLSBAD, CALIFORGIA. THE FIRST TWO HOURS OF TIIF, MEETING WERE HELD JOINTLY WITH THE CITY COUNCIL. Directors present: Ewald, Fry, Kelly, Xogers, Zahler. Directors absent t None. .e .,Members of the Council present: Castorena, Ledgerwood, Baird, Robin- son, Helton. Members of the Council absent: . None. Also present: * Attorneys Smith ('City) and Dennis (CmD), City Manager Nelson, Enginee~rs Short (CMMD) and ,Kubota (City), and Meesrs. Ede, Cannon, Fennel', Westree, Tuck, Wood, Jarvie, HcLaren (Blade-Tribune) , Hardin, et al. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor who stated that the City is interested in getting into the water business and wished to discuss the matter. Councilman Baird of the Water Committee stated that the City is now in :the process of annexing land South of the City and will sooner or later have to be in the water business. fie 'pointed out that the prime reason for incorporation was to assure the residents of a firm suppIy of 'water. He predicted that sooner or later the boundaries of the City and CMVD would be the same and that the City must look to the CMWD for a :Firm supply of water for the areas taken in, He said' the Council wishes to know the feeling of the. CMWD Board re the City becoming water distributor for all areas now in the City and also areas td be annexed im the futupe but not now in the -Mutual area. Chairman Fry of the CMWD Board stated' that the policy of the Board to date has bee'n to wholesale water-only and the CMWD is not eager to get . into the retai-1 business. D2rector Rogers said that-in his opinidn the question of whether the City goes into lthe water business is contingent upon its acquiring the Mutual. IIe said that a straw vote had revealed that' about 12-1 favored the Mutual being turned over to the City but a majority of the share" holders had not responded. The question has been 'put out again and there art now 430 votes in favdr of the sale to the City and about 10 votes against, But we still have 60 have 1,000 votes to authorize 'the sale and after that the City would have to pass a bond issue and after that the stockholders who think the price is not fair could go to ' court for a' ruling. Therefore it is not certain that the City is going into the water business at all. Rogers said 'he believes the City's plan is premature. Chairman Fry StiPted that the big concern of the CMWD is over the areas outside the Nutual and Terramar and who would be the retailing agent; . it could 'be the City, CMWD, dr some *other 'agency. Councilman Ledgerwood said he wondered about the possibility .of acqu'ir- ing Terramar fil?st as an opening whereby the City ccruld becone distri- buting agent for the 'areas to the South. He said he believed t,he poss- ibilities for acquiring Terramar had not been thoroughly explored. ' Director Zahler said he believes the CMWD should remain a wholesaler only and that he is not in favor of the City conting in piecemeal -- that he would like to see it all done at one time. He stated that it is his hope that the City and CMWD boundaries will one day be the same, Mayor Castorena said he feels that the discussion. is not premature and that the City must be concerned with things that take planning and time. Director 'Ewald suggested that the Engineer outline the master plan which the Cm had ordered. Engineer Short ((Boyle Engineering) stated that the study is not yet com- plete but that the layout of physical facilities is pretty well deter- mined. His off-the-cuff guess was that the total system would cost in the neighborhood of $3,000,000 whic-h would include the development of the Hinton Rase/-voir site. This would be in addition to the $l,35O,OOO authorized at the polls on October 5, 1,956. He outlined the basb sys- tem as a large Itoop which would be reinforced by a line across the center and would have lines radiating outward. This would just about enable any area within the District to be served from two directions. He said that whether the Elutual remains the same or whether the City takes over there would be sone use of the San Luis Rey which would mean there would be some water coming from that source merged with Colorado River water in the Reservoir. He said the Terramar line is included in the master plan and a number of regulating storage reservoirs varying in size according to the service areas concerned are included also. The sizes of the reservoirs make no allowances for fire protection which would be necessary in an urban system. When the system reaches its ul- timate development it will not be possible to serve it by gravity and a small pumping pliant would be rcqukred. This plan is based .on the assump- tion that the second aqueduct wilr be constructed at the location 1. !5 I 3 -4 9 .: 4 -. 5 I. I PC : 1 presently considered and will be maintained at a level corresponding with that of the present aqueduct. Ultimate completion of the plan would be far in the future and if industry demands a large amount of water the system would need reinforcement , Director' Rogers asked if a replenishment of the San Luis Rey Valley would have any influence on the si.zc necessary for the Hinton Reser- voir. Short replied.it would not; that in his opinion the benefit to the Carlsbad area would not be enough to replace the Hinton Reservoir, and as long as the Hinton Reservoir has to be built, it should be built to'full size since it would cost relatively little more.' Councilman Baird' asked how much of the cost is allocated to' the Reser- voir. Short answered that it is about $1,000,000. Baird then asked if the Reservoir would be outside the District, Short said it 'would be that service would be within the District. Baird questioned that a bond issue could be floated when such a great proportion of the system would be outside the City. Engineer Short said he was sure no one had it in mind to construct these facilit.ies 'in their entirety immediately and stated that the plan is schematic and it is not intended to tie down the facilities to a specific point. He pointed out that the City is..part of the 0 and that the plan of the District must include facilities that would insure an adequate water supply to the City. He said the City would derive considerable benefit from the development of the Hinton site and noted that in making the study political boundaries were ignored; the only 'factors considered were topography which necessarily dictates future development, and also the service areas. Baird again expressed doubt-about the success of any bond issue and Short explained that as yet the cost estimates for this system have not been made and that certainly no regard had been'given to the meth- ods of financing. He said he doubted that this system would be con- structed from the proceeds of a general obligation bond issue and that those portions which would be of.genera1 benefit (such as the.Hinton Reservoir) should be paid for on a general basis;, this would mean a revenue bond issue whereby those using the water would pay their pro- portionate share of the bill. .Director Rogers stated that since we have taken an obligation for the next 30 years the CMWD is here to stay for' at least that Long. He sug- gested that the City should take stock and decide just what its polit- ical aims are -- whether it wants to take all of the area of the CMWD and the obligations involved or whether it 'wants to take over certain areas and let the 'rest go. Ile said he did not see why the City should be interested in only certain areas. Mayor Castorena ,said thk ultimate goal of the City is a long way off but since lands are being annexed it is necessary to do some serious planning and discussing in order to coordinate thinking. Director Ewald pointed out that water planning is only,'one stage of City planning. He said there will soon be pressure for development in the area to the South and 'the City is in the logical position to pro- mote its oTderly growth. He'urged that the City acquire this important commodity (water) and get into the water business by stages.' Director Kelly suggested that the City think more about the acquisition of Terramar. He said the Mutual is operating satisfactorily and-the City should think more of taking over the area outside of the Mutual. Chairman Fry'agreed that if the City took over Terramar and operated it successfu1,ly it would lead to the acquisition of the Mutual. Director Ewald asked the City Attorney what would happen if the City want into the water business tomorrow. The reply was that there is nothing to prevent it. Director Rogers stated that the new pipeline will have connections every 2,000 feet and' the idea is that if the CMWD stays in the whole- sale business some agency would have to be prepared to handle the re- tail business.., He noted that there has been a move to set up an Im- provement District to the South for delivery of water to that area and plans have been prepared showing costs, etc. He noted that if the City 8 took over the job of distributing water it would make money in sales and the CWD would still have to pay off the bonds which would not be fair , Attorney Smith said normally Cities do not intend to make a profit. Director Ewald said he could not see that this is any different from out present arrangement with the Mutual. Director Rogers said that was true but the Mutual assumes all of the responsibility and in the case of the City it would be Sust a matter of reading the maters and making a profit.* Former Mayor Ede! was called upon: he said that when the pipeline is, completed he would assope that the Mutual and Terramar will have to take care of water distribution as far as they can go and that the iands to the South, if they come into the City, could serve themselves. He said he goes along with the large percentage of the citizens who believe the City should eventually take over distribution for the entire City. He agreed it would take a long time to acquire the Mutual and it may take a long time to acquire Terramar. He said that the City outside these two areas should, until annexation is complete, not take upon it- self the distribution to those areas but should serve those areas in the City outside! the Hutual and Terramar. Attorney Smith said the City could legally serve outside Fity limits only through existing facilities. Mayor Ede asked if there was any arka in the City which the Mutual could not serve. Director Rogers' answer was - "NO!'. Ede then ob- served that the City at this time has no reason to want to serve water. Director Rogers agreed. I. Mayor Ede stated the opinion that the CMWD should relinquish to the City as it acquires more territory. Director Rogers said that if .the City annexes' territory there is no question that the CMWD would OK its becoming a distributor of water but there is no provision in the MirD Act which would permit the granting .of an exclusive franchise. Mayor 'Castorena said he knew'of no intention to ask for an exclusive franchise. Attorney Dennis stated that there is no probision in the Act which says' the District must refuse to retail water but he said the question was open since,there have been no lawsuits setting precedents, He said it is possible to control this situation through rate charges and regula- tions. He said the policy of the Authority is to deliver water only to MWDs so there is no way of getting rid of the CWD. 9irector Rogers stated that under the present pipe line construction contract the water is to be metered to the Mutual at the crossing of the 14" line that runs from Calavera to Carlsbad and all water will be met- ered at that point. If anyone takes water from .beyond that point other arrangements will have to be made. If the residents of the proposed Improvement District No. '2 want water, the system will havd to be set up and whether they belong to the City or not is of little consequence, City Manager Nelson said that the City anticipates eventually having the Mutual and that is the organization which would be counted upon for maintenance. If the City gets into the distribution business outside . the Mutual the Public Works Department and City Engineer would take charge but would be better equipped if the Mutual were acquired first. However, Nelson said, this would not be necessary before starting con- struction of facilities. Director Rogers stated that the Mutual Board has gone as far as it can re the sale of the Mutual. He said he doesn't think it is the function of that Board to urge the shareholders to sell if they don't want to. He suggested that if the City wants to acquire the Mutual it should or- ganize to get the shareholders' signatures and if the City does not ac- quire it, the City should not be in the water busiqess. Councilman Robinson said that a Citizens' committee for which eight names are now in (more are' needed) will be appointed at the next meeting of the Mutual Board. No action is expected until April and this is necessary in ord.er to have time to discuss the matter and determine the solution. He said there are 90 days in which to face the problem but the actual probllem has not yet been expressed. He said we have to assume that the Mutual .and Terramar are a long way from being acquired by the 1 P 1 City. ' He pointed out that the City has to raise funds and the primary source is a bond issue for the acquisition of both. He suggested it would be well to find'out which area should be first to have a decision. I -I J a r. 1. a 3 I Director Ewald noted that we have the annexation coming up, that the boundaries have been set and the question now is Who's going to serve water to that area?" Director Rogers said this is not a pressing prob- lem at this time and,that the only written communication the CW?D has had relative to getting water is from the Airport; that they have bean assured that they will have water. W. Cannon of Terramar Water said he had never been asked to sell his company and suggested that someone make him an dffer, Counciliaan Robins into the City and bear on 'those 8 ,O 'on said- City's thinking is that the people should come the question- is whether the City can bring logic to 00 acres to get them in. Director Rogers stated his hope that the City does not put itself 'in the position of forcing people into the City and stated categorically that he is not in favor of pressure. Councilman Robinson said he can sympathize with those who do not want to,come in but at the same time it.is to tho best interests of' the City to have them join. Ee said, however,. that" if it is not economically feasible for them it 'is just for them not to come in but at the same time the City fought for this and made those lands valuable and this should be given consideration, There are benefits to be of- fered over and above water and Carlsbad may be justified in asking them to come in, However, he stated he .does not endorse the pressure.method, Director 3wald said we should look .at this annexation from the stand- point that the Boundary Commission has approved it. Councilman Baird noted that in order to. bring a pipe "line in a $2O,00O,0O1 area took on the obligation and cow an area amountfng to 2% of that is go'ing to tap on and be a drag and the.City will have to pay their bill. Eirector Rogers 'argued that the people of that area are paying their share and are getting nothing, If we sell more water we will. cut cdsts and that will make it possible to cut the rates for the City. Councilman Helton suggested that 'these people arF? entitled to get water and should get it but they should be rea'soned with to come into the City. Director Kelly observed that the people of the area to the South are afraid that they would be dominated by the voting in Carlsbad and it might make it difficult for them to do anything they might want to since they would be under City Pxanning' regulations.- Director Rogers noted that these people had considered a County Water District and. in that case they could get water improvements. Councilman Ledgerwood said it appears that the initiative is up 'to the City and .it should take action to prepare to serve those areas. Councilman.Helton said it is increasingly evident that the CMWD will have to handle the .retail service outside the City but if the area comes into the City the City should be in a position to serve water. Direct;or Kelly stated that the contemplated annexation does not. include 'all of the terr'itory" to the South and that the problem of who will serve them water is unimportant at this time. I Director Fwald said 't;he City'shduld proceed with the annexation and be prbpared to. serve Water in - bh&. area. . . _. ' Director Ewald said the City should proceed with the annexation and be prepared to serve water in the area. Director Zahler said he hopes the City can proceed with the annexation but it should acquire an agency before attempting to serve such a small area, The Hayor summed up by stating that: 1. . The City is interested in getting into the water business as soon as possible and would like to continue toward the acquisition of the Eutual and Terramar. 2, The City is interested in annexing all of the land to the South. He said he does not believe the City is trying to shove anything down anyone's throatq, that the .only reason for taking steps now is that it takas time ., .. I . .. . .~ and the 'only way to do the job justice is through' proper planning. The fact that 'we don't see eye to eye at the moment doesn't matter but "it is important to continue discussions of this type. A recess was called at 9:OO P. Mot? The Council was reconvened at 9:lj P. X. Minutes of the regular meeting of March 19, 1957, were approved with two minor changes. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE: (1) Letter from Paul R. Cowles re: world affairs, was circulated among. the Councilmen. Fi'led, (2) Replies from Assemblymen Schrade, Hegland, Luckel and Crawford, and Senator Kraft, to letter requesting support of Harbor bil.ls, were circulated among members. Filed. (3) Letter from Chairman of State Board of Equalization advising amount of sales tax collected for Carlsbad for the last quarter of 1956 is $6,758.130, Mr. Nelson commented that collections are not run- ning as high as the City had expected. (4) Letter froin California Sewage and Industrial Wastes advising of conference to be held in San Diego at El Cortez Hotel, May 1-4, 1957, outlining program to be presented and urging that the City be-official- ly represented. It was decided that City Engineer Kubota and" Garth Leopard of:the ]Public Works Department will attend those sessions most advantageous to the City. (5) Letter from J. Dekema advising that he will attend the Council meeting on April Znd, bringing maps of proposed Freeway route south from Carlsbad; and give the Council an opportunity to make any suggestions. A- enclosed map of the recommended. route was circulated among Council- men * (6) Letter' from the State Controller giving breakdown on estimated Motor Vehicle License fees for fiscal year 1957-58, setting Carlsbad's estimated allocation at $38,700.00 as against $34,234.00 received this year . ,' (7) Letter from Pacific Fire Rating Bureau in Los Angeles giving breakdown.on reduction .in fire insurance rates for various classifica- tions of structures and contents. PLANNING CO"IS,SION." Tentative map of BELLEDONNA HEIGHTS subdivision, containing 28 lots, at the east end of Basswood Avenue, was considered. City Manager Nelson read Resolution #8 of the Planning Commission recommending aplproval of the map subject to provisions (1) to (13) in- clusive. A letter was read from Engineer Don Holly of Carlsbad Engin- eering, appealilng the recommendation of G-type curbs, and the matter was discu'ssed at some length. Corn. Yourell of the Blanning Commission was present and stated the Commission felt that under the particular circurnstan,ces o:f this subdivision Lhe vertical-face ljG1t-type curb would be preferable to the roll-type from both a safety standpoint and for drainage purposes. Mr. Glenn Metcalf, the sub-divider, stated he would have no objection to installing the G-type curb except for the problem of locating,driveway cuts on a lot-sale subdivision. Mr. Kubota stated the City Engineering Department recommended the vertical-face curb for two reasons: (I) gutter capacity and (2) traffic safety (pedestrian, tricycle-bicycle and motor vehicle traffic). Commenting on the safety factor, Mr. Holly pointed out that the State freeways have roll-curbs. llfter considerable discussion, Cmn. Robinson moved the adoption of Res- olution #Z5l aplproving the tentative map of BELLECONXA HEIGHTS subject to the provisio~ns recommended by the'Planning Commission, with the ex- ception of the IG-type curb; that it be left to the subdivision engineer and the City engineer to work out a satisfactory type of curb that will properly confine the drainage water. Four ayes, one nay (Castorena), Resolution adopted. ENGINEERING DEP.NITMENT. City Engineer Kubota reported that after fur- ther field survleys on the Park Drive-Monroe drainage problem, it has been decided to return all run-off water to the two natural channels as shown by the'1939 aerial map presented at the last meeting, dividing the'flow equally between the two insofar as is humanly possible, which will necessitate construction of a Second pipe line of approximately I f 4 a 4 ; I I! 250' of 12" drain at a cost of approximately $1000.00. He stated the re-survey established that the 18" line installed in February, 1957, is within the 10' easement granted to the City by Mr. Beede. Mr. Bruce Jones and Nr. and Mrs. Parsons, affected land-owners, ex- pressed their continued dissatisfaction with the entire plan. Cmn. Baird moved that the City Manager be instructed to use the neces- sary funds from the contingent fund to proceed with the work indicated. Seconded by Cmn. Halton, All ayes, motion carried. CITY MAINTENANCE OF SEWER LATERALS. Discussion on the question, of City.maintenance of sewer laterals brought out the fact that some Cities and agencies, inclwiing the City of Oceanside and Enci.nitas San- itation District, will service the laterals provided (1) there is a clean-out at property line and (2) it is established that the stoppage is not inside the property line. Most members felt it would be good practice for the City to assume this maintenance, and Cmn. Robinson moved that the City accept responsibility for service of the sewer lat- erals from property line to main, provided (1) a clean-out exists at the: property line; and (2) it is determined that the stoppage is not on private property. Seconded by Cmn. 'Ledgerwood. All ayes, motion carried . AV,WD OF BIDS - HIGHLAND AND TAMARACK SEWER EXTENSIONS. l!r. Nelson re- ported that'owner contributions have fallen $1533.00 short of, the amount of the lowest bid on the four projects, but that Mr. Ed Yourell had offered to advance part of the funds .on the Tamarack unit'east of the railroad, and Ken Ebright will do likewise on the Tamarack unit west of the railroad. There was considerable discussion as to whether t'he remaining shortage should be advanced from the Contingent Fund, resulting in general agreement that under the circumstances it would be feasible to do SO. Cmn. Baird moved that, the City Manager be authorized to advance $3000.00 (approximately) from the Contingent Fuhd, to pro- ceed with the sewer projects on Tamarack and Highland. Seconded by, Cmn. Ledgerwood. Three ayes-, no nays, Cmn. Robinson and Helton abstain- ing, motion carried. SOUTH CARLSBAD ANNEXATION. Resolution #25Z, setting forth intention to annex and setting date for public hearing on South Carlsbad Annexation $1, (May 7, 1957) was read. Cmn, Baird moved adoption of Resolution #252. Seconded by Cmn. Iielton. Four ayes, no nays, Cmn. Robinson ab- .staining, Resolution adopted. OAK AVENUE. SEWER EXTENSION - 1911- ACT.. City Engineer Kubota reported that a check with the engineer indicates there will be a delay of about four weeks before plans and specifications are ready on this project. SUNNYHILL DRIVE SEWER EXTENSION - 1911 ACT. Resolution #253, declaring installation of publ'ic sewers a necessity as a health measure on Sunny- hill Drive, was read. Cmn. Baird moved adoption. of Resolution 8253. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. Four. ayes, Crnn. Robinson abstaining, Resolu-. tion adopted. HARBOR COMMISSION, + Mr. HeIson read a letter from the C.hamber of Com- merce asking that a copy of the Harbor rules and regulations be made available to them, for study and possible recommendation. The advisa- bility of deferring action on the ordinance (.set up as an urgency ordin- ance) until the meeting of April 2nd to allow for further study, was considered. Several members bf the Carlsbad Boat 6 Ski Club were present, Richard Oebarn and Jack Swaim speaking on behalf of the Club and inquiring as to whether, under the rules set forth, they would be allowed to hold regattas on the lagoon. The City Attorney read Section 12 providing that permission must be secured from the City Council for certain specified types of activity. Mr. Osburn read excerpts from pamphlets and periodicals pointing up the rapid growth of motor-boating and Federal legislation, in process or pending, on the subject. By common consent, it was decided to withhold action on the ordinance un- til the next meeting, meanwhile distributing copies to interested par- ties for their. informa,tion. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION. Mr. Nelson read a request from the. Parks 6 Recreation Commission that the City support the effocts of the Opti- mists' Club in promoting Little League Baseball. in Carlsbad. By-common consent it was agreed that tha City accept the Commission's recommenda- tion to. encourage and support -the baseball project. 82 Cmn. Raird moved authorization of payment of bills from March 20th to 27th, in the amount of $2620.05, as certified by the City Treasurer and approved by the, Auditing Committee. Seconded by Cmn. Robinson. All ayes, motion carwried. Mayor Castorena announced that election of a new Mayor will be held at the next meeting. There was some discussion re: supporting the efforts of the Carlsbad Mutual Water Company .to line up shareholder support for sale of the Com- pany to the City, as suggested by Director W. W. Rogers of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, members expressing favorable comment but no formal aktion :was taken. .. The meeting was declared adjourned at 11:30 P. H. " Res ect lly su mitted, NATALIE VERML A V Deputy City Clerk -_"""""""-_""""""""_- MIKUTES CF REGULAR HEETfNG OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL .. April 2. l9.Q _. Meeting called to order at 7:OO P. X. by Mayor Castorena. Present be- sides the Mayor were Councilmen Ledgerwood, Iielton, Robinson, Baird, City Manager Nelson, City Attorney Smith, City Engineer Kubota. A letter was reiad from the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, dated Mwch 29th, endorsing the proposed inland 101 route, requesting that a resolu- tion be adopted supporting the said route and that a representative of the City attend the April 5th hearing in Del Mar to present the resolu- tion. Cmn. Bailrd moved that Resolution #252 be adopted, in accordance with the request of the Chamber of Commerce, supporting the inland rpute recommended by the State Highway Engineer, not to be. confused with the "Green Valley Route". Seconded by Cmn, Helton. Voting on the motion was deferred until Mr. Dekema of the Division of Highways had an oppor- tunity to speak, Mr. Dekema presented maps of the proposed, inland route from Carlsbad south a dista.ncec.of 18+ miles, stating thak it will be originally a 6- lane freeway with ultimately 8 traffic ,lanes, which, according to State Highway estimat,es, will be carrying 50,000 cars daily by 1975. He stat- ed there are only 48 homes and structures to be removed on the approxi- mately 19 miles, and that the route is very favorable from the stand- point of grade 'and construction cost. Nr. Dekema estimated that con- struction would not get under, way for about five years; but that no pub- lic road may be opened into tho Freeway route after its adoption, with- out Commission approval. €€e stated frontage roads will be built where necessary, and that upon complekion of the new highway tile existing U.S. 101 will be relinquished to cities and county. Mayor Castorena thanked Mr. Dekema for his informative talk, Vote on the motion to adopt Reso- lution #252: five ayes, no nays, Resolution adopted. PLANNING COXMISSION. City Engineer Kubota reported that final improve- ment plans on EARADISE ESTATES subdivision are being approved, subject - to posting of bond for uncompleted improvements. The City Attorney re- minded the Council that the ordinance does not provide for cooditional approval of final subdivision maps and the practice has been in the past to approve the final map but not allow the City Clerk to sign until con- tract and bond or contract and money to guarantee completion of improve- ments has been received. Kr. Kubota stated that all conditions imposed by the Planning Commission recommendation' have been met. Crnn. Robinson moved the adoption of Resolution 8253 approving final map of PARADISE ESTATES subdivision, and that the City Clerk be authorized to sign the cover sheet upon completion of improvements, or when contvact and bond or contract and cash to guarantee completion of improvements has been posted. Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood. Five ayes, no nays, Resolution adopted. HABBOR LEASE. City Manager Nelson reported receiving a telephone call from Mr. Sherwin of the San Diego Gas 6 Electric Company on Friday; March 29th, requesting copy-of the resolution or motion authorizing the Mayor to sign the lagoon lease, to be forwarded to San Francisco, which has been done. Mr. Xelson stated this may result in a slight delay in I <