HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-06-18; City Council; MinutesJU June meeting and bring back a report to the Council- ' PROPOSED 1957-58 BUDGET. Copies of the proposed budget were in the hands of all Councilmen, and the City Hanager made a short explanation, suggesting that. the Capital Outlay item be deferred until recommenda- tions could be received from the Planning Commission. Hb enumerated the eight new employees Contemplated by the budget as Deputy City Clerk, draftsman, sscretary for Police Department, full-time, building ' inspector, three laborers for the Public Works Department, and th'e Di- . rector of Finance already hired. He commented that the new Director of Finance is 36 ysars 01-d, married, has two children, and will report on June 24th at-a starting salary of $532.' ?4r. Nelson stated that bBsed on best calculations, the total budget of approximately $201,000 will not necessitate an increase in the 804 tax rate, although tho 74 li- brary tax formerly collect.ed by the County will be added. There was no discussion of the budget, members agreeing that it will be taken up at the June 18th meeting. CLAIM - VAN AMBURGH. The City Attorney summarized an itkmizecl claim in the amount of $387.64 filed against the City by Fred W. .Van Amburgh, arising out of issuance of a traffic citation, recommending that the claim bt? denied. Cmn. Baird moved that the claim submitted by Fred W. Amburgh in the amount of $387.64 be denied. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion'carried. Cmn. Baird moved authorization of payment of bills from May 21st to June 4th in the amount of $6,644.15, as certified by the City Manager and approved by the Auditing Committee. Sec,ondad by Crnn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried. Cmn. Baird moved ratification of the payroll for the second half of May in the amount of $6,807.98, as certified by the Director of Finance and approvbd by the Auditing Committee. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried. The mketing was declared adjourned at 9:50 P.. M. V "8b* Rhspect lly submitted, NATALIE V ERMILY .A Deputy City Clerk """""""""""-~"~"""-" MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL June 18, 19z Meeting called to order at 7:05 P. M. by Mayor Castorctna. Present be- sides the Mayor were Councilmen Robinson, Helton, Ledgerwood; City Man- ager Nelson, City Attorney Smith, City Engineer Kubota. Absent, Council- man Baird. HEARING - RECLASSIFICATION " - MARTINEZ. Mr., Nelson read Notice of Public HParing to consider changing zone from R-1. to R-2 of Blocks 43 and 44, Carlsbad, Townsite, 'bounded on the north by Chestnut Avenue, on the south by Palm, on the west by Koosevelt, and on the east by Jefferson. Reso- lution #l5 of the Planning Commission was read, recommending granting of the application. There were no written or oral protests. After discus- sion, Cmn. IIelton moved that the recommendation of the Planning Commis- sion be accepted, and the City Attorney instructed to prepare an aknd- mcnt to the zoning ordinance accomplishing the reclassification. Second- ed by Crnn. Ledgerwood., All ayes, motion carried. MASTER. STREET PLAN - HEARING. Mr. Nelson read Notice. of Public Hearing to consider adoption of the Master. Street Plan. Resolution #12 of the PI-anning Commission was read, recommending adoption of the Plan. Mem- bers of the audience were invited to voice their comments, after identi- fying themselves. !)AVID DUNNE, 3016 Highland Drive, objected to th4 alignment oT Elm Ave- nue as proposed, for two masons (1) it will bisect his home and three others, and (2) from an engineering standpoint it would be uneconomical' and present difficulties on account of the rough terrain traversed by the eastern section. HF? suggested a review of that section with the idea of tying in more cl.osely with the proposed new shopping facility, and to maKe certain the plan as adopted will be the best' for the entire City. O'W. EIK. AND MRS. JOHN, ANDERSON, 2987 Miahland. objected to extension of Elm through their property. The hearing was declared closed at 7:20 P. Bf. During discussion by the Council, it was agreed that members should look over the proposed exten- sions on the ground before attempting to take any action on the Map. ' Cmn. .Robinson moved, that hearing on the proposed Master ,Street Plan be adjourned to July 2nd at .7:30 P. M. to allow further study. Seconded by Cmn. Hel- ton. All ayes, motion carriad. Members were asked to nake a field trip over the area at their individual convenience. BID OPENING 0 GRAND AVENUE RESURFACING. Bids were opened and reed, cover- ing resurfacing of 710 lineal. feet of Grand Avenue, extending from the al- ley west of State Street to the alley east of Roosevelt Street, as foll-ows: DARWIN TRANSPORTATION CO., Solana Beach . . . . : . . . . . . . . $8,46O.OC GUAJOME MATERIALS, Vista . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . 8,828.9C R. E. HAZARD CONTRACTING CO., San Diego . . . . . . . . .I .- . y . 9,989.85 ~11 bids Were turned over' to the City Attorney and City Engineer for check- ing and recommendation. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from Frank B. Smith, 1042 Chestnut Avenue, was read, re: proposed rezoning to R-3 of property lying along pi0 PiCO. Since the matter is under consideration by the Planning CO~isSion, the letter was referred to that body. The City Attorney reported that all bids are in satisfactory form and ade- quate as to bond. Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that the bid of Darwin Trans- portation Company be accepted as the low bid, and a contract drawn, with proper signatures authorized. Seconded by Crnn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried. The Engineer's estimate for the job was $8,651.50. TSNTATNE MAP - IIEISLBK ESTATES. Dresselhaus Engineers, representing Mrs. Heisler, subdivider, formally requested that action bedeferred on the tentative map of HEISLEK ESTATES until 3ul.y 2, 1957, to permit them to. work out a problem. The City Attorney summarized the section of the or- dinance requiring the City Council to take action on a tehtatitre at its first meeting and within ten days after receipt of a report from the Planning Commission, unless the party submitting the.map agrees to a con- tinuance. Cmn. Robinson movedothat consideration of the tentative map of . HEISLEK ESTATES be continued to July 2nd. Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood. All ayes, motion carried. APP.EAL - PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION.. Mr. Nelson read Notice of Appeal addressed to the City Council dated June 18, 1957, .signed by T. N. Thompson, appealing,the decision of the IBlanning Commissiondin denying the proposed amendment to Ordinance #go60 re: keeping of horses. The City Attorney, pointing out that the Planning Conlmission itself and not Mr. Thompson is the applicant in this case, stated that in order to be elig- ible for appeal Mr. Thompson would have to submit an application, together with application fee, and could then either adopt the proceedings already had by the Planning Commission for purposes of the appeal or initiate a new proceedings entirely. .By common consent the City Attorney was in- . structed to communicate with Mr. Thompson and inform him of the proper procedure to institute an appeal. ANNEXATION - SOUTH CARLSBAD #l.l: Mr. Nelson reported that requests have been filed by Mr. William H. .Fair and Mr. Dewey McClellan, president of Carlsbad Industrial Development, that their property be annexed to the City of.Carlsbad at the earliest possible moment, and that the approval of the County Boundary Commission as to boundaries has .been received. o Resolution #270 of intention to annex the area, setting hearing on August I 6, 3.957, at 7:30 P. .?.I. for hearing protests, was read. Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that Resolution #270 be adopted. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. Three ayes; no nays, Cmn. Robinson abstaining, Cmn. Baird absent, Resolution adopted . . The Council discussed a recommendation of the Traffic Engineer re: angle parking on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard south of Elm (in front of SCHNAPPS SHOP) requested by John Grant. Cmn. Helton moved'that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an amendment to Ordinance #3005 to ac- complish the recommendation of angle parking on Carlsbad Boulevard south of Elm. Seconded by Cmn. Robinson. All ayes, motion carried. yr. Nelson read Resolution #271 declaring weeds to be .a nuisance on cer- tain properties in the City of Carlsbad (208 lots) and outlined proced- ure to be followed in abating same, pointing out that final date for receipt of tax lien by the Tax Collector is August 10th. After discus- sion, Crnn. Robinson moved adoption of Resolution #271, declaring weeds to be a nuisance, listing names of owners of parcels, Seconded by Cmn. Hel- ton, Four ayes, no nays, Cmn. Baird absent. 1 McKINLEY .STREET SEWER. Mr. Kubota stated the only logical way to sewer McKinley is towardne, rather than Basswood; that owners are being con- tactad.to see what interest can be created on Pine and a report will be yade to the Council at, the next meeting. , ADAMS STREET SVB. Mr. Kubota stated that a design run on Adams covers 466' of sewer alt an estimated cost.. of $2,267.00, of which $1.,411.00 has been subscribed[, leaving a shortage of $856.00; and that some of the property on the west side of Adams which it was thought not possible to sewer will be able to connect. Myrtle Broam, 3275 Adams, asked re: her property and was advised that same can be served, with th.e exception of $he lower house. She was invited. to come. to the City offices to discuss $he matter. Mr. Justin, 3283 Adams, requested a study to determine whether his hom,e can be, sewered. After discussion, Cmn. ,Robinson moved ' that the City M:anager be instructed to proceed with construction of the Adams Street sewer. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All.ays5, motion carried. ARLAND ROAD SEWER. Mr. Kubota stated that Mr. XcFwan asked for the sewer on Arland Road and will bear the cost, construction to be under the sewer main extension ordinance. The City Manager was instructed to proceed with same. I6.ED ROBEKTS.SEWER REFUND. Mr. Nelson reported that .he had checkgd the Council minutes back to January 1, 1955, without finding-any mention of discussion of the sewer extension refund matter brought up by Ted Roberts, 269 Hemlock, re: the extension constructed by him in May, 1955. The'City Attorney reviewed a conversation which took place between Mr. Roberts, Mayor McClellan and himself in Mr. Smith's office, wherein the possibil- .ity of a refunding contract, if and when such an ordinance was passed,,was discussed. The Council felt a precedent may be set. by making a refund to Mr. Roberts, in view of the several other parties who would be eligible for refund under similar circumstances. The City Manager was instructed t.o confer with I&-. Roberts and see what can be worked out. SUNNYHILL SEWER. Mr. Kubota stated he is working on the Sunnyhill sewer problem but has nothing definite to report. Mr. Nelson read Resolution #272 approving Memorandum of Gas Tax Gxpendi- ture for 1957-58, proposing to expend gas tax funds on Chestnut (intar- change at Westhaven and Chestnut, elimination of reverse curve at El Cam- ino.Rea1). Cmn..Helton moved adoption of Resolution #272. Seconded by Cmn. Robinson. Four ayes, no nays, Cmn. Baird absent. After a 15-minute recess, the Council was reconvened at 9:15 P. M. Mrs. McCann, member of Library Commission, requested that the Library budget be increased to include $4000 for books and funds set aside toward bringing the Lib.rary up to the 10,000-book level. She was advised that her recommendation would be considered when the proposed budget is dis- cussed. City Manager Nelson read an order of the Public Utilities Commission dat- ed at San Francisco on June 11, 1957, approving the lease on t-he inner Agua Hedionda lagoon, effective July 1, 1957. c WATER: Mr. Nelson reported that since the last meeting he has. met with Mr. Noble and Mr, Forward of the San Diego Gas f3 Electric Company, who disclaimed any statements re: financing by general obligation bond the purchase of the Mutual and Terramar Water Companies,- that they did not know enough about .it and Mr. Forward would like to discuss the legal I possibilities wit;h the City Attorney; also the possibilities of their being excluded from any further taxing agencies. They expressed wil'ling- ness to co-operat,e if the City takes over Terramar Water Company. Xr. €Telson read ai letter dated June 5th which he had addressed to the Carlsbad MunicipaJ Water District re: possibility of the City leasing the pipeline from Point I'Dtt into the City. He stated that the City Attorney, Crnn. Baird and he had attended the Municipal Board meeting on June 5th and the matter was discussed briefly and referred to'the Water Problems Committee, which committee met on the 12th, with Mr. Nelson, Denny Wood and Mr. Swirsky attending, at which it was decided to contact Mr. Dennis, consulting attorney of the District, for a ruling on what type of lease 3 (1'; ) i ) t 8 1 I I could be negotiated. . Cmn. Robinson suggested that in order to avoid further confusing of the issues at this time, the District be asked not to press the matter of tlie lease until after negotiations for the pur- chase were completed. The City Manager was asked to convey this sug- gestion to the Municipal ,District . Mr. Nelson read a statemknt of policy from the Board of Directors of the Mutual re: adoption of a Jhsolution to sell the system to the City when the necessary number of affismative votes have been received. It was decided to support the provision contained in the Board's statement ref refund of. inclusions during the first five years to- the shareholders. Cmn. Helton moved that funds received from inclusion fees during the- first five years be refunded to the shareholders; funds received later to accrue- to the City of, Carlsbad. Seconded by Crnn. Ledgerwood. Three ayes, no nays, Cmn. Robinson abstaining, Cmn. Baird absent. Mr. Nelson stated that the Mutual had agreed to send the statement of policy out to all shareholders. HARBOR COMMISSION. Two letters from the Carlsbad Boat b Ski Club and one from the Lion's Club' were read, requesting permission ,to hold boat races on the lagoon on Jkly 4th and July Zlst, and that all 'other traf- fic be kept off the water on=July 21st during the racing meet. Jack Swaim,.commodore 4f the Club, stated the period of closing the water would be from 11 A. M, to 3:30 or 4:OO P, M. It was suggested. that the Harbor Commission might kish to work out special rules covering racing, outside of the provisions of - the Ordinance, and submit them to the Coun- cil prior to the July 2nd meeting, and Richard Osburn of the Boat b Ski Club suggested they secure a copy of the American Power Boat Association rules as a guide. Cmn. Robinson reminded the Council of the limitation put on the number of m&ts for racing (3 par year). After discussion, Cmn. Robinson moved thae the Carlsbad Boat and Ski Club and the Lion's Club be allowei! to hold :races on the lagoon on July34th and 21st, sub- ject to the recommendatfons of the Tiarbor commission and Police Chief regulating the racing; also that the Harbor Commission be asked to sub- mit a set of rules governing same. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. c All ayes, motion carried . I The City Manager read a 'recommendation from the Harbor Commission that the City explore the possibility of purchasing from the State Highway Department the parcel of right-of-way adjacent to the Highway bridge, for public recreation purposes. Cmn. Robinson moved that the City Man- ager be authorized to discuss with the State Highway Department possi- bility of.-purchase of the parcel of right-of-way mentioned in t.he recom- mendation. Seconded by'Cmn. Helton. Mr. Nelson stated that Mr. Dekema had remarked that the City could have use of the property at all times but could probably never acquire title. The City Attorney stated that if the City could negotiate a substantial lease, public funds could be expended on the-property, Vote on the motion; all ayes, motion carried. Kr., Nctlsofl read copy of'netter addressed to R. L. Patterson from the County Board of Supervisors granting another 30-day extension for sub- mission of his revised report on Agua Hedionda lagoon. . Ilk. Nelson reported on brganization of the !'Friends of the Library", stating that at the meeting on June 17th 36 persons signed the charter, by-laws were adopted and officers elected. Dues are $1.00 per year, and the charter is being left open until August 1st. Meetings will be held three times par year. The City Manager was asked to write them a letter of encouragement. PARK t3 RECREATION COMMISSION. Letter was read from Edward P. Huntley, 3277 eureka Place, offe'ring to.sell his property on Eureka extending through to Pi0 Fico, adjoining Holiday Park5 for $13,000.00. After dis- cussion, the City Manager was asked to contact the owner and ascertain whether he would discuss a lease-purchase agreement or selling a portion of the property. Second reading was given Ordinance #3026, stopping traffic on Valley at Magnolia. Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that Ordinance #3026 be adopted. Seconded by Cmn, Helton. Four ayes, no nays, Cmn. Baird absent, Ordin- ance adopted. Second reading was given Ordinance #9072 reclassifying from R-1 (15.) to R-1 (7.5) Blocks G and H, Bella Vista, and a portion of Lot I, Rancho Agua Hedionda. Cmn. H4lton moved adoption of Ordinance #9072. Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood. Four ayes, no nays, Cmn. Baird absent, Ordinance adopted. , 4 F% Second reading was given Ordinance #9073, covering three amendments to Ordinance #9060. Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that Ordinance #go73 be adopt- ed. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. Four ayes, no nays, Cmn. Bnird absent, Ordinance adopted. Title and number of proposed Ordinance #3027 changing speed limits on Carlsbad Boulevard was read, Mr. Nelson explained that the Police Chief felt the ordinance should be adopted as an urgency ordinance, in view of the,imminence of the tourist and racing seasons. After discus- sion, Cmn. Robinson moved .the adoption of proposed Ordinance #3027 as an urgency ordinance. Seconded by Cmn, Ledgerwood, Four ayes, no nays, Cmn. Baird absent, Ordinance adopted. Mr. Nelsgn read title and number of prpposcd Ordinance #7020-h, provid- ing for refunding contract to subdividers for off-site sewer and elim- inating provision for resolution to authorize plans for sewer extension. Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that this constitute first reading of proposed Ordinance #7020-A. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried. The City Manager announced the annual conference of the Leaguk of Cali- fornia Cities in San Francisco on September 22-25, and urged that re- servations~be turned in as soon as possible. , ,. !, . I ! Cmn. Robinson moved authorization of payment of bills" from June 4-18 in the amount of $3056.75, as certified by the City Manager and approved by the Auditing Committee. Seconded by Crnn. Helton, All ayes, motion carried. Cmn. Robinson moved ratification of the payroll for theLfirst half of June, in the amount of $5,852.06, as certifieci by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried. It was agreed to hold an adjourned meeting to discuss the prbposed 1957- 58 budget. .By common consent the meeting was adjourned at 10:55 P. M. to Monday, June 24th, at 7:OO P. M. V . Deputy City Clerk I """""-"""""""-~"-~~"~- MINUTES OF ADJOURNED'MEET~NG OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Jyne 25, 1957 Meeting called to order at 7:07 P. M. by Mayor Castorena. Present be- sides the Mayor were Councilmen Robinson, Ledgerwood, Iielton; City Man- ager Nelson, City Enkineer Kubota, City Attorney Smith, Director of Fi- nance Scholink, Police Chief Palkowski, Fire Chief Hardin. . Absent, Councilman Baird. - The proposed 1957-58 budget was discussed item by item, REVENUES. The City Manager gave a brief summary of final figures for the fiscal year 1956757, stating that the balance came out favorably, due principally to a $9OOO.OO ovorage on Business License Fees. He com- mented that the Fines and Forfeitures item is ri$ing, and that an in- crease in ABC revenues is anticipated in view of the opening of the Buy and Save Market; also that the Sales and Use Tax receipts receipts have been increased to $40,000.00 (State estimate, $36,000) in anticipation of the Buy and Save business. He pointed out that definite figures on the tax valuation will not be available until the first Monday in August, an3 suggested that the Capital Outlay and Contingency items be I deferred until that time so that any necessary adjustments may be made on those items. After discussion, the Council approved the Revenue , items . ADMINISTRATION. Mr. Nel-son explained changes in, the Administrative De- partment; (1) inclusion of the City Clerk's salary of $1800,00 (charged to Planning last year) and (2) hiring of a Deputy City Clerk to take Council and Planning Comnission minutes, keep files, and handle the City Attorney's work. A brief discussion was held on the subject of issuing marriage licenses at the City Hall and Mr. Ewald was instructed to pur- sue his farmer inquiry made some months ago re: providing this seTvice, The Council approved the Administration budget .