HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-07-02; City Council; Minutes16 the County, to be held Monday, July 15th. It was agreed that any additianal pay increase, of Department Heads should cover the Police and Fire Chiefs, City Engineer, City Manager, Public Works Director, and City Librarian, so as not; to distort the salary plan and relationships, Cmn. Robinson moved that tht? salaries of the six department heads be increased lo%, and all other employees receive a 5% increase, effective July 1, 1957, in addition to any step increases due at that time; that the Street' Lights item in the Public Works budget be reduced $2000.00, and the Library budget increase3 $2,000.00; that subject to these changes, the entire 1957-58 budget,with the exception of the Capital Outlay item, be approved. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, no nays, motion carried . e Mr. Nelson commented that a legal advertisement covering a proposkcl an- nexation to Oceanside'was plotted on the map and it was found that a portion of the land lies within the Carlsbad Municipal lfater District boundaries; and a further check was being made. Cmn. Robinson moved for adjournment, seconded by Cmn, Helton. All ayes, meeting adjourned at 9:SO F. M. 7 Respectf ily submitted, NATALIE VEKMIL ..A 9- &5"-$P4* V Deputy City Clerk . _"I""__""""""""""""" MINU.TBS OF REGULAR MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNC3 'July 2, 1957 The meeting. was called to order at 7:OS P.. M. by Mayor Castorana. Present besides the Mayor were Councilmen Robinson, Helton, Ledgerwood; City Manager Nelson, City Attorney Smith, City Engineer Kubota. Absent, Councilman Baird. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE: A copy of a latter from the. Carlsbad Municipal Water District to Von Herzen 6 Laidig regarding the application of the Terramar Water Company for a certificate of public convenience and necessity was read and discussed. The Council asked that the City Man- age write to the Carlsbad Municipal- Water District and suggest that at such time as a map of the service area proposed by the Terramar Water Company is received by their office that this information be made avail- able to the City. .~ A latter from the Carlsbad Municipal Water District addressed to the City was read, requesting that a name b+ submitted.to,serve.-on a com- mittee representing Improvement District No. 1. After discussion, Cmn- Robinson suggested that a letter be directed to the District to clarify the duties and functions of the committee, A letter from the San Diego Chamber of Commerce addressed to the Mayor and City Council was also read, regarding laying out of new census tracts for 1958. After discussion, Crnn. Robin'son moved that the City Council officially endorse the completion of the tracting of the entire County. Crnn. Ledgerwood seconded the motion. All ayes, motion car- r ied . A letter. from William H. Fair addressed to the City Council requesting interim zoning of property to be annexed to the City for a Deluxe Trailer Park. was read. The City Attorney suggested that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission to see if they intend to make zon- ing studies of that areao Mr. Fair submitted the plans to the Council for their inspection. Mr. Fair stated that he believed the area is sufficiently isolated so that there would be no objections from any residential areas. After discussion Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that the matter be referred to-the Planning Commission for further'study, Seconded by Cmn. Robinson. All ayes, motion carried. A letter from B. F. Coggan, Chairman of the Industrial Coordinating Council, thanking the Council for their courtesy and enthusiasm shown Mr. Silke on the occasion of his talk before the Council. A letter from Charles C. Dail, Mayor of San Diego, requesting that a G4J representative from this area be appointed to work-on the Industrial Co- ordinating CounciT'. Mayor Castorena appointed Max 0. Ewald, City Clerk, to serve.on this committee, The Mayor stated that a letter had been written.t.0 Mayor Dail advising him of Mr. Ewald's appointment to this committee . BID OPENING - OAK AVENUE - 1911 IMPROVEMENT ACT - SEWER EXTENSION: The Mayor announced that the hour of 7:30 P. M. had arrived, pursuant to Resolution No. 269, that it was the time and place fixed for the opening of sealed bids or proposals for certain< sanitary sewer work on Pi0 Pic0 Drive between the intersection of Pi0 Pic0 Drive with the center line of Elm Avenue to the intersection of Pi0 Pic0 Drive with thb center line of Oak Avenue; on Oak Avenue from the intersection of Oak Avenue, with the center line of Rio?.Pico' Drive to a point on.. Oak Avenue approximately 150 feet westerly of the intersection of Oak Avenue with the center line of Highlanil Drive, such construction project being described in Resolution No, 262 and ordered by Resolution No, 269. The Clerk presented affidavits of posting and publication of notice in- viting bids. The Council approved affidavits and ordered them filed. The Clerk advised the Council that up to the hour of 7:30 P. M. four (4) sealed bids or proposals had been delivered to him and filed in his of- fice. The Clerk presented the bids or proposals to the City Council and the City Council in open session publicly opened, examined and declared the following bids or proposals: LRO WILLIAMS, Carlsbad ...................... $11,950.0( W. B. HUTCHINSON CO., INC., San Diego ............. 16,080.01 R. McKENNA, Solana Beach ...................... 10,964.2; DON HUBBARD, Encinitas ....................... 8,693.0i . The City Attorney examined the bid securities. for amount, sufficiency and execution. .. The Council adopted the following order: "The City Council hereby orders that the bids and security furnished therewith for the sanitary sewer work on Pi0 Pic0 Drive between the inter- section of Pi0 Pic0 Driv9, with the center line of Elm Avenue to the in- tersection of Pi0 Pic0 Drive with the center' line' of Oak Avenue; on Oak Avenue from the intersection of Oak Avenue with the center line of Pi0 Pic0 to a point on Oak Avenue approximately 150 feet westerly of the in- tersection 0.f Oak Avenue with the center line of Highland Drive, such con- struction project being described in Resolution No. 262 and ordered by Resolution #269, be referred to the Engineer of Work for examination and report' to th'is City Council at 7:30 .Po M. on July 16, 1957, on the bidding and the lowest responsible bidder." The City Attorney stated that the bid could not be awarded at this' time as 10 days must, elapse but not later than 20 days, In accordance with Resolution No. 262 and ordered by Resolution No, 269 the bids were re- ferred to the Engineer of Work for examination and report to the City Council' at 7:30 P. M. on July 16, 1957, on the bidding and the lowest re- sponsible bidder. MASTER STREET PLAN - CONTINUED HEARING. The Mayor opened the hearing to .consider adoption of 'the Master. Street Plan. Members of the ,audience . were invited to voice their comments, after identifying themselves. COL. DAVID DUNNE, 3016 Highland. Proposed' that the alignment of Elm Avenue as proposed be moved to the north so that the City and the majority of owners living in that area would be the least hurt. He presented a drawing showing how'this plan would affect the property owners. SID FULLER, 3025 Valley, asked if the schematic Master Plan would be adopted at this time. Thk City Attorney stated that. this plan would have to be adopted before a precise plan could be adopted, and that a public hearing would be held before the precise plan could be adopted, JOHN ANDERSON, 2987 Highland, objected to Elm Avenue being bent to the north, and. asked why it could not be kept' straight so as to r'etain the beauty of Elm Avenue. COL. DAVID DUNNE, 301'6 Highland, stated that it was up to the City to do 3 what is best for the City. The public hearing was declared closed at 8:oo P. M. The City Manager was asked to read the recommendation of the Planning Com- mission on the Master Street Plan. After discussion it was moved by Cmn. Robinson and seconded by Cmn. Helton that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up an ordinance to adopt the Master Street Plan. All ayes, mo- tion. carried. Col. Dunne was thanked by the Council. for presenting a drawing for the Council to review . HSISLER ESTATES - CONTINUED HEARING. The Mayor opened the hearing to consider the tentative map of HEISLRR ESTATES. Members of the audience were invited to voice their comments, after identifying themselves. JACK BARTER, 1365 Basswood, requ6sted' that the Heisler Estates subdivi-" sion be approved without the dedication of 10 feet on Basswood as it would run .approximately 3 feet from his kitchen window. He stated that at the time ha built his home that he had been given a variance. - MRS. OLIVE B. HBISLER, 3340 Adams, stated that she felt that evqryone was working against her on her proposed subdivision and that she was becoming very discouraged. LEONARD COFFIN, 1375 Basswood, objected to the 10-foot easement on Bass- wood because if 10 feet were dedicated everyone on Basswood would be af- fected. The City Council. asked' that thc) City' Engzneer give. his opinion on the lb-foot de.dication. ' The C5ty engineer stated that this dedication was i'n accordance with Ordinance. No.' 9050. Mayor Cabtorena asked that the C'ity Manager reatd thk resolution' of the Planning- Commission recommending that a 10-foot etasement be dedicated on Basswood. Cm. Ledgerwood moved that Resolution No. 273 be adopted approving the HEISLER ESTATBS subdi- vision subject t,o all recommendations. Cmn. Robinson stated that more consideration should be given to the matter, as any subdivision adds ad- ditional revenue! to the City and that it should be the duty of the City Council to work with the subdivider ra-ther than against him. JACK BARTER, 1365 Basswood, objected to having the curbs installed on the edge of the property.line. iiearing closed ait 8:12 P'. M. Af,ter considerable discussion Cmn. Helton suggested that the improvement of curbs and gutters not be required at this time of the subdivider, but that the 10-foot. easement still be dedicated for future times. Cmn. Ledgerwood amended his motion to 'provide that the- curbing on Basswood be not required at this time. Seconded by 'Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried . HEARING - ABATEMENT OF WEEDS AND TRASH. Mr. Nelson read Notice of Public Hearing to consi.der abatement of weeds and trash. Members of the audience were invited to voice their comments, after identifying themselves.. A. P. BRADFORD. 232s Olive Drive, stated that he has been' unable to im- prove the back plart of his property because of present ordinances, and that he was working with the Planning Consultant, Mr. Kay Kalicka, to see if a plan could be worked out 'to make use of this property; in the mean- time he had received notice regarding the weeds on this property and he was trying to ta.ke care of them. ERSTELL W. TEATER. 530 ChinauaDin Avenue, stated that he was in favor of weeds and trash being abated but that everyone should receive a notice of abatement, The Public Works Director Anthony stated that they were trying to see that everyone receives a notice. Mr. Teater asked that the City provide som!e means of cleaning up the weeds. The City Manager stat-. ed he felt that people should take care of their own 'if possible, and that if they were not cleaned up by July lsth, that the City would con- tact a firm to do this work. CLAUD FENNEL, 2796 Carlsbad Blvd., asked what the City would charge and what method should be used to clean up the weeds. The City Engineer stated that either burning, disking or cutting would "be sa.tisfactory, and that they would ask for bids for the work to be done. .... .. fdv SID FULLER. 3025 Vallev, asked at what point do weeds become a nuisance. The City Attorney read the definition of weeds as a nuisance from the ordinance. MRS. MABEL G. REYNOLDS, 2778 Arland Road, stated that she was in favor of the abatement of weeds but felt that everyone should be given a no- tice. Hearing closed at 9r25 P. M. Cmn. Robinson moved that protests be denied, seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried. Cmn. Robinson moved that the Public Works Di- rector be ordered to abate the nuisance. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried. After a 15-minute recess, the Council was reconvened at 9:45 P. 14. Cmn. Robinson moved that the Minutes of the Adjourned MFeting of June 25th be approved as presented., Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, mo- tion carried. Mr. Nelson read a letter from the Lutheran Services of- Sari" Diego, Inc. 9 requesting that the southerly 10 feet of Cedar Avenue extending from Carlsbad Blvd. to Ocean Street be released from the dedicated street area and conveyed to the 'Lutheran Services of San Diego, Inc., as soon as possible in order for them to proceed with their building program. The matter was referred to the Planning Commission, for vacation of street. McKINLEY STRRFT SEWER. Mr. Kubota stated that the report had not'been completed as to the interest of property owners on Pine Avenue, but would probably be completed for the next Council Meeting, and that at the present time they had received pledges of approximately $2,000.00. TRB ROBERTS SEWER REFUND.. Mr. Nelson stated that e. Roberts was: in and stated he felt that he was entitled to a refund but that he would make no formal claim. The matter was rFviewed again and Cmn. Helton suggest- ed that a.letter be written to Mr. Roberts expressing their concern but that they were not in a position to make+ a rqfund of monies for thg sew- er main installed during 1955. /. STREET IMPROVEMENTS. The following draft of the General Policy for Street Improvements in the City of Carlsbad was presented to each member of the Council by the City Engineer: n GENERAL POLICY FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD 1. All Existing Streets The major portion of streets are now paved with road-mixed surfac- ing or psrmanent paving. Only a few streets are ''dirt roads1@. All such !?dirt roads" should be paved with road-nix by the City so that - all streets in the City have become paved streets to at least the standards of the County Road Department. I1 . ,General Maintenance Permanent streets with adequate paving, curb,,aaqd gutters, and storm drainage facilities should receive normal maintenance. o Oiled roads should be patched as needed but complete renovation and repaving with road-mix should not be done unless.specifica1- ly authorized under Section IV. .: . .: ' : 111, General Construction (a) Major and Secondary Streets: Improvements. for major and secondary streets as designated by the "Master Plan" should he a joint project of the City and the adjoining property owners. 'Wherever practicable, the property owner should bear the cost of a ltlocaltt street and the remainder of the cost should be the responsibility of the City. In a specific locality such as a commercial area where there is general benefit to all citizens, the City may bear the entire cost of such anoimprovement. . (b) Local Streets: Improvement of local streets should be the completq responsibility of the property owner considering the "local benefit" of the project. The bulk of such projects will be under the assessment proceedings. Some may be done as "cash jobs" similar in administration to the sewer extension ordinance. 31 XV. Interim Projects the condit.ion of specifh streets may be such that prompt action must be talken for improvement . Every effort should be made to finance the project with full "local benefit" participation. In event this is not practical, the project should be reviewed by the Engineering Department and referred to the City Council for action. After discussion Clan. Helton moved that the General Policy for Street fm- provements be adopted. Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood. All ayes, motion carrPed . The matter was discussed regarding the proposed Oceanside annexation and it was decided that the Mayors of the two cities meet and discuss the ex- clusion of that parcel of land within the boundary of the Carlsbad,Mutual Water District . HARBOR COMMISSI(g. Mr. Nelson read a letter of resignation from the Har- bor Commission by B. M. Christiansen. Cmn.. Robinson moved that Mr. Christiansen's r-esignation. be accepted with regret and a letter of appre- ciation sent to Mr. Christiansen. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried. Secretary Ewald submitted a set of rules for special . events and limiting the special events to three per year, and that the application for the special event contain the following information: ~ 1. 20 3. 4. * 50 60 7. 8. Name of club and principal officers. Type of event to be offered, and the time of day the event is to be held. Designation of area of the lagoon to be used and method of policing. Rules and regulations of the association that event is to be opeira ted. under . Landing to be used. Outline the clean-up responsibilities. Fee of $100.00 to be deposited with the City Treasurer to assure adequate clean-up, and to be refunded upon the approval of the Public Works Director. Application must be made to the City Council 90 days prior to the event requested, The Council asked the Chief of Police if he approved of the rules and reg- ulations. He stated that he had met with the Commission and that he ap- proved the rules and regulations. The Council expressed their concern over the July 4th special event as it. was too late to apply the foregoing rules and regulations. Attorney Smith suggested that the following rules and restrictions be applied to the July 4th event, which would be spon- sored by the Carlsbad Lion's Club: T'. a That they utilize not more than one-half (g/2) of the lagoon a with' the exact area to be buoyed off under t.he direction of * the Chief of Police and that they be required to leave free access to other commercial ventures in the lagoon. 2. Tho hours to be in force are from 9:OO A. M. to 4:OO P. M. ' on said date. 3. That tlhe City Council does hereby adopt for the rules and conduct of such Meet the rules and regulations of the sanc- D tioning agency. necessary power boats and operators as required by the Chief of Police to work under the direction of the Chief of Police for the purpose of enforcing the terms of this permit. 5. That tlhe sponsoring club be required to post with the City e of Car:lsbad a cash bond or certified check in the sum of $100.00, which sum will be refunded in full in the event they pli.operly clean up the area utilized, both aquatic and 1957. In the event the area is not so cleaned up to the satisfaction of the Carlsbad Police Department, said sum shall lbe forfeited to the City of Carlsbad. 4. . That t'he Carlsbad Lions Club be required to furnish the ' land, by cleaning up on or before 8:oo P. M. on July 4, A motion was.madts by Cmn. Robinson and seconded by Cmn. Helton that the foregoing rules and regulations be adopted. All ayes, no nays, one absent, motion carried. Secretary Bwald stated that a bulletin had been received from. the California Marine Parks and Harbors Association, Inc., and from the League of California Cities, requesting that separate letters be writ- ten for each billt urging the Governor's signature on these bills. The Council agreed that Secretary Ewald should prepare letters to the Governor tff j 0 .1 for the. Mayor's signature. PARK G. RECREATION COMMISSION. A memorandum addressed to the City Council from the Parks b Recreation Commission was read recommending that a la- goon.swimming area be established. The City Manager pointed out that a life guard would have to be stationed there, sanitary facilities in- stalled, as well as the area would have to be fenced off. Also that an appropriate access to the swimming area would have to be established. "Whitey'! Glissman sugge'sted that a road be made at the end of,Pio Pic0 Blvd. on the old road. Cmn, Robinson suggested that the City Manager and the City Engineer look into .the matter, and ascertain cost of pro- ' viding minimum facilities. POLICE b FIR& The reports of the Police Department and Fire Department were circulated among the Councilman and filed. Second reading was given Ordinance No. 7020-A, providing for- refunding contract to subdividers for off-site sewer and eliminating provision for resolution to authorize plans for sewer extension. Crnn. Robinson moved that Ordinance No. 7020=A be adopted. Seconded by Cmn. Ledger- wood. Four ayes, no nays, Cmn. Baird absent, Ordinance adopted. The City Manager announced that. the reservations for the League of Cali- fornia Cities Conference had been confirmed. 3 --l The City Manager read proposed Resolution No. 274 endorsing a ''yes" vote 2 on the bond issue which will appear on the ballot at a special election ,A July 9th to finance 43.5 miles of the proposed second aqueduct of the J Metropolitan Water District. Cmn. Robinson moved that Resolution No. -* .-* 274 be adopted. Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood. All ayes, Resolution adopted. The City Manager read proposed Resolution No. 275 commending the Board of Supervisor's of San Diego County on their action to appro- priate funds for the Palmar Airport Site. Cmn. Robinson moved that Resolution No. 275 be adopted. Seconded by Cmn. HTlton, Four ayes, no nays, Cmn. Baird absent, Resolution adopted. Mr . Nelson read title and number of proposed Ordinance #3028 for angle parking on Carlsbad Boulevard. Cmn. Helton moved that this constitute first reading of proposed Ordinance #3OZS, Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood. All ayes, motion carried. Mr. Nelson read title and number of proposed Ordinance f9075 amending Ordinance #9060, changing Blocks 43 and 44 of Carlsbad Townsite from Zone R-l to Zone R-2. Cmn. Helton moved that this constitute first read- ing of proposed Ordinance #9075. Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood. All ayes, motion carried. Cmn. Robinson.movcd authorization of payment of bills from June 18-July 1 in the amount of $8,010.54, as certified by the.Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee, Seconded by Crnn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried . Cmn, Robinson moved ratification of the payroll for the second half of June., in the amount of $6,944e25, as certified by the Director of Fi- nance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried. The City Manager suggested that the payment for contractual services of the City Attorney and the Custodian be made at the same time as the regular employees, and that this payment be ratified at the following meeting at the time the regular payroll is ratified. Cmn. Helton moved that payment for services of the City Attorney and ,the Custodian be rat- ified at the same time as the regular payroll. Seconded by Cmn. Robin- son, All ayes, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:07 P. M. Respectfully submitted, MARGARET E. ADAMS A. Df=Pq e42n.'ppg& Cit """"""-""""" """"" MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCXi July 16, 1957 1- The meeting' was called to order at 7:07 P. Ma by Mayor Castorena. Present besides the Mayor were Councilmen Robinson and Hslton; City