HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-10-22; City Council; Minutes3 2 4.
Oak Avenue, which has been copmpleted, and the City Clerk had been instructed to give notice of filing of assessment and time of
hearing. Resolution No. 301 was presented to the Council. Cmn.
€:elton moved that Resolution No. 301 be adopted, directing the.
City Clerk to give notice of filing of the assessment and fixing time of hearing for Assessment District No. 1-1957. Seconded by
Crnn. Ledgerwood. All ayes, Cmn. Baird absent.
c) The City Engineer requested authorization from the City Council
to attend a meeting; of the American Water Works Association in
San Jose from October 30, 1957, to November 1, 1957. It was moved by Cmn. Ilelton and seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood that the City Engineer be authorized to attend the meeting of the Ameri-
can Water Works Association in San Jose from October 30, 1957,
to November 1, 1957. All ayes, motion carried.
d) Cannon Road Sign. Nr. W. D. Cannon was present and stated he
had read in the newspaper where the City was going to request the State Division of Highways to remove the sign "Cannon Road" from the highway, as it was not a dedicated .street. Mr. Cannon re- quested that this sign not be removed as his address is listed on Cannon Road. The Mayor inf orrned Ffr* Cannon that as soon as Mr.
Xelson returned, he would take the matter up with him.
Cmn. Robinson moved' authorization of payment of bills from Octo- ber 1, 1957, through October 15, 1957, in the amount of $7,287.80, as certified by the 'Director of Finance and approved by the Aud-
iting Committee. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion car-
Cmn. Robinson moGed ratification of the payroll for the first half
of October, 1957, in the amount of $8,652.87, as certified by the
Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee.
Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood. All ayes, motion carried.
9- It was moved by Can. Helton and seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood that the meeting be adjourned. to October 22, 1957. The meeting was declared adjourned at 10:$5 P. M. qs;ctfully su
B4 dl? Pitted ./&d * IAK ARET E. ADME
A Deputy City Clerk
' October 22, 1957
1- The meeting was called to order at 7:lO P. M. by Flayor Castorena.
Present besides the Mayor were Councilmen Robinson and Helton; City Manager Pro Tem Jack P. Kubota and City'Attorney Smith. Ab-
sent were Councilmen Baird and Ledgerwood.
2- BASSWOOD SEWER. The City Engineer informed the Council that he had met with the subdivider, R. L. Watson, and the Contractor for the the sewer project, and they had run into some difficulties.
Ye stated that because of not being able to cut this hill dowp and
in order to run this trench down Basswood the City 'would have to
provide a 20' road bed 64r deep, and that this plan would not be
feasible because of the time and materials involved. It was
pointed out this method would run over $l,OOO.OG in.City costs
under the existing contract price,' the cost would exceed the
funds available by $,08O.C0, but the contractor had stated that
if the City would take care of the paving of the street that that
would leave a balance of $3,500.00, and he would be willing to
take a credit for this amount. The City Attorney pointed out the
City could not legally have credit and the only way that this coulc
he worked out would be under a refund agreement. The agreement '
would pr.ovide that the con'tractor would receive 75% of all connec-
tion fees received 3y the City on the -area from Basswood exten-
sion to a point 500 feet, plus or minus, west of the intersection
of Basswood and Valley, said agreement be'ing for a period of 10 years. By mutual agreement of the Council the City Engineer was instructed to contact the contractor to see if this plan would be
agreeable, with him.
3- CmSBAD MUTUAL WATER COMPANY SALE. - CALLING OF AN ELECTION. The City Attorney reported'to the Council that he had conferred
with the firm of O'Melveny €9 Myers on Thursday, the 17th day of October, 1957, and discussed with them the proposal of their
being retained by the City of Carlsbad for the purpose of pre- paring all documents and supervising the two proposed revenue
bone issues and the approval of the contract between the City and
the Carlsbad Mutual Water Company. The City Attorney presented
' to the Council a written proposal from O'Melveny 6 Myers setting
forth the terms of their employment, said letter bearing the
date of October 18, 1957. A motion was offered 'by 'Cmn. Helton
to employ the firm of O'Melveny b Myers in accordance with the
terms of their letter of October 18, 1957. Seconded by Cmn,
Robinson. Three ayes, Councilmen Baird and Ledgerwood absent.
Mot ion carried.
RESOLUTION NO. 302. The City Attorney presented to the Council
Resolution No. 302, ordering, calling, providing for and giving
notice of a special municipal election to be held in said City
on Tuesday, December 17, 1957, for the purpose of submitting to
the qualified voters of said City a proposition for the issuance
of Water Revenue Bonds by said City. Cmn, Helton moved that
Resolution NO. 302 be adopted. Seconded by Cmn. Robinson. Three ayes, Councilmen Baird and Ledgerwood absent, Resolution
No. 302 adopted.
RESOLUTION NO, 303. Resolution No, 303 was presented to the
Council, ordering, calling, providing for and giving notice of .
a special municipal election to be held in said City on Tuesday,
December 17, 1957, for the purpose of submitting to the quali- fied voters of said City a proposition for the issuance of water
Petvenue- bonds by said City and consolidating said election with
Cmn. Helton moved that Resolution No. 303 be adopted.- Seconded by Cmn. Robinson. Three ayes, Councilmen Baird and Ledgerwood absent, Resolution No, 303 adopted,
RESOLUTION NO. ,304, Resolution No. 304 was presented to the Council, ordering, calling and providing for a special election to be held in said 'City on the 17th day of December, 1957, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said City a proposition for the approval or rejection of a certain con- tract and consolidating said election with the special municipal
election to be held in said City on said date, Cmn. Helton
moved that Resolution. No, 304 be adopted. Seconded by Cmn. Rob-
inson, Three ayes, Councilmen Baird and Ledgerwood absent,
Resolution No. 304 adopted.
the special municipal election to be held in said City on said date.
RRSOLUTION NO,, 306. Resolution No. 305 was presented to the
Council. authorizing.certain of its members to file written ar-
guments-for City Measures. Cmn. Helton moved that Resolution
Councilman Baird and Ledgerwood absent. Resolution No. 305 adopted,
- No, 305 be adopted. Seconded by Cmn. Robinson, Three ayes,
The City Attorney stated that in the past the firm of Duane W, Wheeler and Company had handled our election proceedings and that a firm "would'have to be retained to handle this election, It was moved by Cmn, Robinson and seconded by Cmn. Helton that the firm of' Duane W. Wheeler be employed to handle the election
proceedings for the coming election on December 17, 1957. Three
ayes, Councilmen Baird and Ledgerwood absent. Motion carried.
It was pointed out by the City Attorney that now was the time to
enter into a contract with Schwabacker & Coo, financial consult- ants, to handle the fiscal matters of the proposed bond issue. It was moved by Cmn. Robinson, seconded by Cmn. Helton, that the proper signatures be authorized for the execution of a contract between the City of Carlsbad and Schwabacker 6 Co, Three ayes, Councilmen Baird and Ledgerwood absent, Motion carried.
4- SAN LUIS REY WATER RIGHTS ADJUDICATION SUIT. The City Attorney stated that Mr. Eberhardt had contacted him regarding the City's participation in this suit in the event the City purchased the
Mutual Water Company, as the Mutual did not feel that they should persist in this suit if the successor did not choose to follow
, through with the suit. . It was pointed out during the discussion by tho Council members that Mr. Eberhardt felt very strongly about p.rotccting these water rights, as the water from the San
Luis Rey River is the City's primary source of water. After
considelrable discussion the Council by mutual consent authorized
and encouraged the Carlsbad Mutual Water Company to persist in
this suit ,
5- It was moved by Cmn, Robinson and seconded by Cmn. Helton that the meeting be adjourned, The meeting was declared adjourned at 8:20 P, M,
$p &gpyd, 2::; z ADAMS
Deputy City Clerk
""-I"".""-.."~""".-.."~"-.II)- - MIMUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL November 5, 19551
1- The meeting was called to order at 7:OO P. K. by Mayor Castorena. 'Present besides the Mayor were Councilmen Ledgerwood, Robinson ' and Helton; City Manager Nelson, City Attorney Srnith.and City En- gineer Kubota. Absent, Councilman Baird,
2- Cmn. Rob.inson asked that the minutes of' October 15, 1957, be cor-
rected to show the' statement made by him' in re: Basswood Avenue
Sewer Project that he felt the City should proceed with the sewer
project if the Daigers would not be unduly inconvenienced. Cmn,
Robinson moved that the Minutes of October 15th .be approved as
corrected. Seconded by Cmn, Ledgerwood. All ages, motion car-
~ ried.
Cmn, Helton moved that the minutes of October 22, 1957, be ap- proved as submitted. Seconded by C&. Ledgerwood, All ayes, mo- t ion carried.
a) Mr. Nelson stated that Mrs. Evelyn Pace had called .at his office and left forms for the Council members to complete, giving their
endorsement of the Tri-City Hospital project. Three of the mem-
bers o% the Council stated they had acted individually on the
. matter, b'ut did not feel they should act as a whole until they
. had checked to see how the Oceanside City Council acted on the matter. The.matter was referred to the meeting of the 19th.
b) Letter dated October 14, 1957, from J. A. Beek,. Honorary Consult- ant, Sena,te Interim Committee on Small Boat Harbors, thanking the Council for the copy of Mr. Pattersonts report on the harbor, He stated he had the pleasure of inspecti* the harbor site person-
ally and congratulated the City on the constructive start being
made, He suggested not being scornful of small beginnings and to not be discouraged if all the plans cannot be realized at once.
c) Letter dated October 30, 1957, from C. P, Von Herzen addressed to
' the Mayor, thanking him for the copy of the Patterson Report of the proposed harbor, He stated that the Commission expected to meet in San Diego on December 10th- and- that no doubt same of the ripresentatives from Carlsbad and vicinity would want to be present, and he was sure that the Chief of the Department, Mr. H, G. Stevens, would let them know the time and place of the meet- ing so they could attend.
d) Letter from William PE. Garland in regards to the transporting of the City's' prisoners was read. The Council asked that the matter be referred to the City Attorney, City Manager and Chief of Police.
a) Ocean Manor Hotel - Reauest for street lights. Mr. H. B. BIERCE, Resident Manager of the Ocean Manor Hotel, requested that the City install street lights at' the intersection of Grand Avenue and Ocean Street, and the intersection of Elm Avenue and Ocean Street.