HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-11-05; City Council; Minutes:4
Mutual Water Company, as the Mutual did not feel that they should persist in this suit if the successor did not choose to follow
through with the suit, . It was pointed out during the discussion by the Council members that Mr. Eberhardt felt very strongly about protecting these water rights, as the water from the San
Luis Rey River is the City's primary source of water. After
considerable discussion the Council by mutual consent authorized and encouragedthe Carlsbad Mutual Water Company to persist in
this suit
It was moved by Crnn. Robinson and seconded by Cmn. Helton that the meeting be adjourned, The meeting was declared adjourned at 8:20 P. M.
@spectfJlppmd ,
Deputy City Clerk
November 5, 1957
The meeting was called. to order at 7;OO P. y, by Mayor Castorena.
Present besides the Mayor were Councilmen Ledgerwood, Robinson
and Helton; City Manager Nelson, City Attorney Smith,and City En-
gineer Kubota, Absent, Councilman Baird.
Cmn. Robinson asked that the minutes of" October 15, 1957, be cor-
rected to show the' statement made by him' in re: Basswood Avenue
Sewer Project that he felt the City should proceed with the sewer project if the Daigers would not be unduly inconvenienced. Cmn.
Robinson moved that the Minutes of October 15th ,be approved as
corrected. Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood. All ayes, motion car- ried.
Cmn, Helton moved that the minutes of October 22, 1957, be ap- proved as submitted, Seconded by Ck. Ledgerwood. All ayes, mo- tion carried ,
Mr. Nelson stated that Mrs. Evelyn Pace had called at his office
and left forms. foi- the Council members to complete, giving their
endorsement of the Tri-City Hospital project. Three of the mem-
bers of the Council stated they had acted individually on the
matter, .but did not feel they should act as a whole until they had checked to see how the Oceanside City Council acted on the
matter. The.matter was referred to the meeting of the 19th.
Letter dated October 14, 1957, from J. A. Beek,. Honorary Consult-
ant, Senate Interim Committee on Small Boat Harbors, thanking the
Council for the copy of Fir. Patterson's report on the harbor. He
stated he had the pleasure of inspecting the harbor site person- ally and congratulated the City on the constructive start being
made. He suggested not being scornful of small beginnings and to not be discouraged if all the plans cannot be realized at once.
Letter dated October 30, 1957, from C. P. VOQ Herzen addressed to the Mayor, thanking him for the copy of the Patterson Report of the proposed ,harbor. He stated that the Commission expected to
meet in San Diego on December 10th- and-that no doubt some of the representatives from Carlsbad and vicinity would want to be
present, and he was sure that the Chief of the Department, Mr.
He G. Stevens, would let them know the time and place of the meet- ing so they could attend.
, .. Letter from William D. Garland in regards to the transporting of
the City's firisoners was read. The Council asked that the matter
be referred to the City Attorney, City Manager and Chief of Police
Ocean Manor Hotel - Reauest for street lights. Mr. H. B. BIERCE,
Resident Manager of the Ocean Manor Hotel, requested that the Cit:
install street lights at' the intersection of Grand Avenue and
Ocean Street, and the intersection of Elm Avenue and Ocean Street
1 d 4
c 4 ;
3 L 4: " f
-The City Manager informed the Council that the policy that:had
been set for street lights was for the major streets, Mr. Bierce pointed out that this area takes care of a tremendous
amount of traffic during the summer months, and would certainly
increase year by year; also that the police have had trouble in this area with the stealing of hub caps from cars because of the area being so dark. It was the general feeling of the €oun- cil that if street lights were installed at these two intersec- tions that the area where the Army and Navy Academy is located would certainly need lights.. The Council was informed that the rental on these lights would run approximately $6.60 each, and
that there were seven intersections on Ocean Street, In view
of the unusual development in this area, Cmn, Robinson moved
that the seven street lights be installed on Ocean Street at
the seven intersections, Seconded by Cmn, tedgerwood, All ayes, mot ion carried ,
a) Planning:
1) Pronosal for Community Buildinn - Carlsbad Woman's. Club, Mr. Nel'son stated that he had not been present at the last meet-
ing when the offer of the Woman's Club had been submitted toward the building of a comFnity.building, and it was not clear to him as to how the Council wished to proceed on the matter , It was suggested by the Council that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission to get their views on the whole program for
a civic center, and asked that they submit an early reply, and at such tige as a -resport is received from the Planning Commis-
sion that the City Manager nego$iate with an architect for an
over-all plan for a civic center,
2) South .Carlsbad Annexation #4r1,2. -Resolution No. XI4. The Council was informed that the boundaries of the property owned
by the Carlsbad Industrial Development Co. had been. submitted to the Coun$y Bougdary Commission for their approval in re: annexa- tion, and that the approval from the Boundary Commission had been
received,. Resolution No, 314 was submitted to the Council for
their review. Cmn, Helton moved that Resolution No, 314, giving notice of proposed annexation, describing the. boundaries of the,
territory to be annexed, designating such territory as "South Carlsbad Annexation #l,2'1, setting forth reasons of the City of
Carlsbad for desiring such annexation; and fixing a time and
place for hearing.of objections for proposed annexation, be
adopted. Seconded'by Cnn. Ledgerwood, Three ayes, Cmn, Robin-
son abstaining, Cmn, Baird absent, Resolution No. 314 adopted.
3) HEARING - Reclassification of Pi0 Pic0 Drive from R-l to R-3 - Sawyers, Notice of hearing and Resolution No, 33 of the
t Planning Commission wherein they recommended to the City Council that this area be reclassified from R-l to Zone R-3 were reqd. Letter dated November 2, 1957, from Aimee M, King stating that she was in favor of this rezoning of Pi0 Pic0 Drive. Letter dated November 4, 1957, containing seven signatures of property owners adjacent to Pi0 Pic0 Drive, stating that they had no ob- jections to this area being rezoned,
.FRANK Bo SMITH, 1042 Chestnut Avenue, read a letter setting
forth several objections as to why.this area should not be re-
ZC, ned *
SIFFORD DWPER, 3340 Eureka Place, stated that'it was his under- standing that if this property was rezoned to R-3 it would necessitate having alleys put through their property, and if SO, he objected to this rezoning,
BETTY PARKER, 3254 Eureka Place, stated that -she had four small children and she objected to this type OP zoning because of the
I alleys, as she .did not approve of children playing in alleys,
M. W, BONDY, 1150 Pine Avenue, stated that they had been working on this rezoning for approximately four years, and he realized that there were new developments going on' on the East side of the Freeway. It was his understanding that the City would eventually own all the property on the Eureka Place that faces the Park, and there were many property owners on Eureka Place
3.4 f$j
who were! in favor of this recIassification and the precise plan
that had been submitted by the Engineering Department, Mr. Bondy- felt that you cannot hold back progress and that if we do ' not wish1 to progress, we would have to go back to a rural dis- trict ,
MRS. ALEATHA VAUGHN, 3365 Eureka Place, stated that property owners on Eureka Place were concerned about this rezoning be- cause of the street being so narrow, but the property owners at the north end of Eureka Place all had their fences out 10 feet farther than they shou3-d have.- Mrs. Vaughn stated she was in favor of - this reclassification.
WILLIAM A. ZAHN, 1168 Oak Avenue, stated that practically of the
property on Oak Avenue has a 75' frontage and 200' deep, and it
was hard for the average property owner to care for this large area, 1.t was his understanding that if this reclassification
was approved and the precise plan for Pi0 Pic0 Drive was adopt-
ed, an alley would be required. He felt that an alley woule im-
prove the surrounding area and would take care of the shacks lo-
cated on the back part of the properties.
. HRS. MARIE K, NISSEN, 1103 Oak Avenue, stated that she and seven
of her neighbors owned approximately 1/2 acre each, and. they would like to be included in this rezoning. She felt that Pi0 Pic0 Drive and the area surrounding would someday be the center of the City of Carlsbad and people who sit on their hands are not
looking forward to progress.
MRS. SAWYERS, stated that she had one acre of land and could not take care of that much land, and they had no intention of build-
ing an auto court or motel,
MRS. ALEATHA VAUGHN stated that many of the .people were under
the impx-ession that. they wanted to make a commercial area out of
Pi0 Pic0 Drive, but that was not the intention of the property owners. Since the Freeway had gone through this area had not progressed as far as a residential area,
Cmn. Robinson asked how the alleys would fit into.the plan, The precise plan for Pi0 Pic0 was presented.for the Council to review. The Engineer explained that there would only be alleys put thrmkh
as designated on the precise plan, and no parking would be allowed on the freeway side of Pi0 Pic0 DrAve, and before any property owner would be allowed to build they would have to dedicate 10 feet of t:heir property on Pi0 Pico. Cmn. Robinson stated that no one had oibjected to multiple dwellings and that it watld enhance the City-to have apartment houses and duplexes, etc,; that he felt this property could be put to use by having it rezoned to R-3, Cmn. Helton stated he felt the Planning Commission had gone over this matter very carefully and was in favor of this.reclass-
Kearing was closed at 8:ZO P, M.
Resolution No, 307 was presented to the members of the Council for their review. -Cmn. Robinson moved that Resolution No, 307 be adopted, announcing findings and decision regarding change of zone classification for that property on Pi0 Pic0 Drive between Chinquapin Avenue and Elm Avenue, Seconded by Cmn. Helton, Four ayes, Cmn. Baird absent,
Ordinance No. 07 was presented to the Council, amending ordin- ance No, 90 "69s 0, changing all that property fronting on Pi0 Pic0
Drive from. the northerly right-of-way line of Chinquapin Avenue I extending northerly to the southerly right-of-way line of Elm Avenue, from Zone R-1 to Zone-R-3. Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that
this constitute first reading of Ordinance No, 9079. Seconded by Cmn, Robinson, All ayes, Cmn. Baird absent,
. (4) HEARING - PRECISE PLAN - Pi0 Pic0 Drive. Resolution No, 310. Notice of hearing and Resolution No. 32 of the Planning Commis-
sion was r:ead, There were no written protests nor oral protests. Hearing closed at 8:26 P, M. Resolution No, 310, adopting a Pre- cise Plan for the area fronting on Pi0 Pic0 Drive between Chin- quapin Aveaue and Elm Avenue, was presented to-the members of the Council, Cmn. Helton moved that Resolution No. 310 be adopted,
4' i
3) HEARING - Reclassification of Inpraham" Dronertv - Resolution
No, 308, Notice of hearing and Resolution No, 34 of the Planning Commission were read. There was no written correspondence.
MRS. JANE SONNEMAN, Elm Avenue, asked if this reclassification
covered just this one parcel of land, Mrs. Sonneman was informed
. that it did,
Hearing closed at 8230 P, K, Resolution No, 308, annodncing
findings and decision regardzing. change of zone classification for
a portion of property described as Assessor's Code No, 34-44-4, portion of Tract No. 117, Carlsbad Lands, was presented to the members of the Council. Cmn. Robinson moved that Resolution No. 308 be adopted, Seconded by Cmn, Helton, All ayes, Cmn, Baird
Il absent.. Resolution No. 308 adopted,
- Ordinance No.' $080, Ordinance No, 9080 was presented to the
" Council, said ordinance- amending ordinance No, 9060, changing a
portion-of property described' as Assessor-8s Code No. 35-44-4, portion of Tract No. 117, Carlsbad Lands, from Zone R-3 to Zone
R-1, Cmn, Ledgerwood moved that this constitute the- first read- ing of Ordinance No. 9080, Seconded by Cmn. Helton, All ayes, motion.carried, Cmn, Baird absent,
6*) HRARIN'G -. Reclassification of pror>erts between Madison and
Jefferson, Resolution No. 309 Notice of hearing and Resolution
No, ,35 of the Planning Commiss2on were re-ad, The're was no writ-
ten correspondence 'and no oral protests, Hearing closed at 8: 37 P. M, Resolution No, 309, announcing findings and decision re-
garding change of zone classification of property described as Lots 25 through 32, Block 48, and Lots 1 through 8~, Block 57 of Carlsbad Townsite, was presented to the Council for their review. Cmn, Ledgerwood moved that Resolution No, 309 be adopted.
Seconded by Clan. Helton._ All ayes, Cmn. Baird absent, Resolu-
tion No, 309 adopted,
Ordinance No, 9081, Ordinance No. 9081, amending Ordinance NO.
9060, changing Lots 1 through 8, Block 57, and Lots 25 through 32 of 'Block' 48, Carlsbad Townsite, from Zone C-2 to Zone R-P was presented to the Councii, Cmn, Ledgerwood move'd that this con- stitute ,the first reading of Ordinance No, 9081.. Seconded by Cmn, Robi.nson. All ayes, motion carried.
7) HEARING - Amendment to Article 23. Ordinance No, 9060 -
Model Homes. Notice of hearing and Resolution No, 37 of the
Planning Commission were read. There were no oral or written
protests, Hearing was closed at 8:42 F, M, Resolution No, 311, announcing findings and decision of the proposed amendment to
for Model Homes, was presented to the Council, Cnn. Robinson moved that Resolution No. '311 be adopted, Seconded by Cmn. Hex- ton, All ayes, Cmn. Baird absent, Resolution No, 311 adopted,
.* Article 23 of Ordinance Bo, 9060'relating to issuance of permits
Ordinance No, 9082. Ordinance No. 9082, amending Article 23 of
Homes, was presented to the Council for their review, Cmn, Hel-
ton moved that this constitute the. first reading of Ordinance No, 9082. Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood. All ayes, CEin, Baird
. Ordinance .No, 9060; permitting issuance of permits for Model
' absent, motion carried,
8) HEARING - Master Park Plan, Resolution No, 312, Notice of
hearing and Resolution No, 33 of the Planning Commission was
read. There were no oral or written protests, It was pointed
out to the Council during the discussion that these areas are
the potential areas and not binding until a precise plan is de-
veloped, and that Oceanside has a similar plan to correspond
with the area to the north. After considerable discussion Reso-
lution No. 312 was presented to the Council. Cmn, Ledgerwood
moved that Resolution No, 312 be adopted-, adopting a Master Par1
Plan for the City of Carlsbad, Seconded by Cnn, Robinson, All
ayes, Cmn. Baird absent, Resolution No. 312 adopted,
b) Engineering:
1). Opening of Bids - Sunnvhill Drive Sewer, 1911 Act, The May
announced that the hour of 7:30 P, M, had arrived, pursuant to
;e) 3
Resolution No. 287, this is the time and place fixed for the
opening of sealed bids or proposals for certain sanitary sewer
work on Sunnyhill Drive between Alder Avenue and- the Southerly
terminus thereof, such construction- project being described in Resolution No, 282 and ordered by Resolution No, 287, The Clerk presented Affidavits of posting and publication of Notice Inviting Bids', Cmn-. Ledgerwood moved that the affidavits be approved as submitted, and ordered said affidavits filed, Seconded by Cmn. Robinson. The Clerk advised the Council that up to the hour of 7:30 P. M:four (4) sealed bids or proposals had been delivered to him and filed in his office, The Clerk
presented the bids and proposals to the Council and the Council
in open session publicly opened, examined and declared the bids and proposals as follows:
V. W, HUTCHINSON COO, SanDiego- . . . . . . . .- $39,214.50 DANI.ELS CONSTRUCTION COO, tong Beach . . . . . 35,080,80 L. CASTILLE, Vista -. . . . . . .- . . .- . . 34,310.44
DON HUBBARD, Encinitas . . , . . . . . t . t 24,992.90
Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that the bids and security furnished here-
with for the sanitary sewer work on Sunnyhill Drive between Al-
der Avenue and the Southerly 6erminu.s thereof, be referred to the City Engineer and City Attorney for their examination, and that they re;port to this City Council at 7:30 P. M. on November 19, 1957, on the bidding and the lowest responsible bidder. Seconded by Cmn. Helton, All ayes, Cmn-, Robinson abstaining and Cmn, Baird a'bsent b
2) WRING - Confirmine: Assessmene - Oak Avenue Sewer-. 1911 Act, The Mayor announced that the hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M. had ar-
rived; this was the time and place fixed for the hearing of pro- tests, objections or appeals in respect of the assessment and work
~ under and pursu'ant to resolution of intention, Resol-ution No, 262,
and the Improvement Act of 1911; The Clerk presented the affidavii of publication, mailing and posting notice of hearing on assess-
ment. Cmn. Helton moved that the affidavits be approved as sub- mitted, Seconded by Cmn. Robinson. .All ayes, Cmn. Baird absent, motion carried. The Mayor asked the Clerk to read .all written
protests. Letter from George M, Baldwin stating that they had receivedl the notice of the assessment but that they no longer 0wned'pr;operty in Carlsbad, Letter from Mrs. E. J. Chrisman stating that sfie had received the notice of the assessment and that she would not be able to pay this amount, The Clerk stated he kiad answered this letter and informed Mrs. Chrisman that this hearing was to establish the assessment, and the amount being as- sessed os her property could be paid over a lO-year period or that she caul'd pay cash, Letter from Mrs. Emily McLean request- ing that Assessment No, 5 be corrected as she no longer owned all of this parcel, as they had sold off a portion last year. The Council was informed that Mrs. McLean had sold a portion of her
property to a Mr. O'Bryant, 1419 Buena Street, Oceanside, Cali- fornia, The Mayor asked if any person who had filed a written
protest, or their representative, desired to be heard in support
of such ;protests, There were no persons who responded, The May-
or asked if any person wished to make an oral protest.
MR. BONDlY, 1150 Pine Avenue, stated that at the time the sewers
were inssalled at Basswood and Pine Avenue, it -was his under- standing that if and when the sewers would be installed on Oak Avenue he would not be assessed until such time as he would need sewers o~i Oak Avenue. He explained to the Council that his prop- erty ran from Pine Avenue through to Oak Avenue, and that when they received this assessment they were very unhappy.
Mr. -Crull- from Byrl Phelps' office, who was the Engineer of Work on the sewer project, presented the assessment diagram. He ex- plained Lo the Council that all parcels of land were assessed on a front foot basis, and the amount arrived atrper front foot was $3.65, He informed the Council that corrections could be made
" at this-t,irne on the assessment diagram. He stated that the as- sessment is against the land and not against the individual. The Counc,il agreed to the following changes being made on the as- sessment diagram:
1 I ?
e: 3.
Assessment No. Amount
#14 $573.00 #I6 564,oo
#30 176 .CO #Sa 273.75 #5b - ‘331 25
Resolution No. 313 was presented to the Council, modifying as- sessment made and fi%ed by the Engineer- of Work in the office of the City Clerk on the 2nd day of October, 1957, to cover the sums due “for the improvement of Oak Avenue that is described in Resolution No. 282 of the City of Carlsbad, finding that cer- tain lots of land in the assessment distrTct are not assessed in proportion to the benefits to be received by said lots of
Tan8 and correcting and modifying said assessment according to
a ‘certain table of corrected assessments, and di’recting the
engineer of Work to amend and modify said asses&nent on the face
thereof accordingly; overruling all protests on the assessment
as corrected; and confirming the assessment as corrected, Assessme1
District No. 1-X957. Cxin, Ledgerwood moved that Resolution No.
. 313 be adopted, Seconded by ‘Cmn. Helton. All ayes, Cmn. Baird - absent, Resolution No. 313 adopted. The hea-ring was closed at
9035 PeM.
The Mayor declared a short recess. The me‘eting reconvened at 1o:oo P. K.
” (3) PINE AVEMJE SEWER, 1911 Act,
The Council was informed that a report had‘ been received from the Health Officer of the City of Carlsbad in .relation to the sewer situation on Pine Ave-nue. Th’e following is the report thgt was submitted:
’ “The Honorable City Council of Carlsbad . October 24, 1957 P. ‘0. Box 265 * Carlsbad, .California
Attention: Herbert E. Nelson. City Manager
X, the undersigned Health Officer of the City of Carlsbad, Cali- fornia, am familiar with the plans designated for sewers in the area of Pine Avenue from its intersection with Basswood Avenue, easterly to the intersection of Highland Drive in the City of Carlsbaa, County of San Diego, State of California, as outlined
in proposed Assessment District No, 3-1957.
I understand that proceedings under the Improvement Act of 1911,
Division 7 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of
California, are Contemplated for the construction of sanitary
sewers, as shown on said plans and specifications. I am famili- ar with the territory to be served by ‘the proposed sewer system shown on said plans and specification$. Said territory is in
dire need of sanitary sewers, and the public health requires that sanitary sewers be constructed to serve it. This letter is submitted pursuant to Section 2808 of said Code.
X find and recommend as follows:
1. That the construction of sanitary sewers, as shown on said plans and in accordance with- said specifications, is necessary as a health measure.
2. That proceedings for the construction of said sanitary sew- ers are necessary as’a heaZth measure.
3. That proceedings for the construction of said sanitary sew- ers under the Improvement Act of 1911 are necessary as a health measure.
’ 4. That 1, 2 and 3 above are necessary as a health measure.
Very truly yours,
(s) 3.B. ASKEW, MD.
Health Off’icer of the
r4t.v ef Paml.sbad tt “
After considerable discussion the folaowirg resolutions were
presented to the Council:
Resolwtion No. 292, declaring necessity of installation of Sanitary sewers. It was moved by Cmn. Ledgerwood and second-
ed by Cmn. Robinson that Resolution No. 293 be adopted. All ayes, Cmn, Baird absent. Resolution No, 293 adopted..
Resolution No. 294, ordering opinion of Health Officer spread
upon *he Minutes, It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded
by Cmn. Robinson that Resolution Bo. 294 be adopted. All ayes,
Cmn. Elaird absent, Resolution No. 294 adopted.
Resolution No. 295, appointing Engineer and fixing compensation
for As;sessment District No. 3-1957. It was moved by Cmn. Led-
gerwood and seconded by Cmn. Helton that Resolution No. 295 be
adopted. All ayes, Cmn, Baird absent. Resolution No. 295
adopted .
Resolution No. 296, appointing person to prepare all proceed-
ings for Assessment District No. 3-1957. It was moved by Cmn.
Helton and seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood that Resolution No. 296
be adojpted. Afl ayes, *Cmn. Baird absent.' Resolution No. 296
adopted . -.
Resolution No. 297, ordering plans and specifications for As- sessment District No. '3-1957. It was moved by Cmn. Ledgerwood and seconded by Cmn, Helton that Resolution No. '297 be adopted. All ayes, Cmn. Baird absent. Resolution No. 297 adopted.
ResoluGion No. 298, approving plans and specifications for sani-
tary sewer work, and apprwing assessment district map for As-
sessment District No, 3-1957. The plans and specifications and
a map showing the assessment district was presented to the Coun-
cil for their review. St was moved by Cmn. Ledgerwood and seconded by Cmn. Helton that Resolution No, 298 be adopted. All ayes,. Cmn. Baird absent. Resolution No. 298 adopted.
Resolution No. 299, declaring its intention to order the con- structi.on of certain sanitary servers and appurtenances and ap- purtenant work in said city; declaring the work to be of more than local or ordinary public benefit; describing the district to be benefited by said work and -to be assessed to pay the cost and expense thereof; determining that bonds shall be issued to represent assessments to be levied; and fixing the time and place flor hearing protests and objections to said work or the extent of the district to be assessed, OT both, and giving no- tice thereof, for Assessment District No. 3-1957. It was moved
by Cmn. Robinson and seconded by Cmn. Helton that Resolution
No, 299 be adopted. All ayes, Cmn. Baird absent. Resolution No. 299 adopted.
(4) Basswood Avenue Sewer - Aerre~ement wSi&tgA-..Hubbard. Mr. Nelson informed the Council that an agreement had been prepared between the City and Don Hubbard for the installation of sewers on Basswood Avenue. The" agreement was submi'tted to the members of the Council for their review and approval. It was moved by Cmn, Helton and seconded by Cmn, Robinson that the proper signa- tures be authorized for the signing of the agreement between the City andl Don Hubba~d. All ayes, Cmn. Baird absent.
(5) && -Plant . The City Manager informed. the Council that during a conversation with Mr. Fhelps
by Mr. K:uboba today that Mr. Phelps stated he was very- unhappy.?
with the publicity he had received in the Sunday paper regarding I
the Sewage Treatment Plant. . He further stated he had received
a letter from Mr. Phelps today suggesting that a meeting be
planned to go over this matter. Mr. Nelson read previous cor-
respondence and gave a brief background of the acts that had
been performed by the administrative officials in trying to
work out a solution for the odors at the sewage treatment plant.
Cmn. Robinson stated he felt that the administration had cer-
tainly tried to work out something and that he did not see how Mr. Phelps could be completely irresponsible to the matter. He
asked the City Attorney to check into the matter and see how
much pressure could be put on Mr. Phelps. During the conversa-
tion it was suggested that perhaps some tall trees could be
planted around the plant and thereby carry the odor upwards.
1 # T
i c)
I d3
I -&.
I 3 5,
Thg Park Superintendent was present and stated that caution
would have to be used in the planting of trees because of
the leaves falling into the plant, After considerable discus- sion, the, Council agreed that Mr. Nelson write a letter to Mr.
Phelps inviting him to the next Council meeting, and that Mr, Vestree work out some sort of planting for the plant,
The City Attorney stated he had received a call from the City
Attorney of Oceanside requestirig that samething be done about
the odors from the plant. Mr. Smith suggested that photostatic
copies be made of all the correspondence in our files and have
them sent to the City Attorney of Oceanside in order to let him
know that the City has been trying to work out some solution
for the odors,
(6) South Carlsbad Water Proiect. Mr. Nelson informed the
Council that Mr. Fair and the Carlsbad Industrial Development
were still continuing to work on this project to see what al-
ternative plan could be worked out.
(7) ReDort of ,MeetinP to be held with Schwabacher & Coo. Fi- nancial Consultants for Purchase of Mutual Water Co. Mr. Nelson stated he had called all persons who had been familiar with the purchase of the Mutual since its beginning and invited them to attend a meeting on November 6th with Schwabacher b Co.
regarding the revenue bonds.
(1) A monthly report from the Director of Finance was present-
ed to all the members of the Council.
(2) The annual Audit Report from Everts a Esenoff was submit-
ted, together with a letter which contained recommendations
from the Aditor , By common consent it was agreed that the matter be referred to the next meeting in order to give the
members an opportunity to go over the recomatendations submitted.
Fire and police - monthlv re~orts. The monthly reports from
the Fire Department and Police Department were circulated among the Council members and ordered filed,
Civil Defense:
(1) Resolution No. 315 - to accept Crawler Cram - Surdus
Property. ' Mr, Nelson informed the Council that the City had sent in a request to purchase a Crawler Crane and they expect- ed approval at any time. Resolution No. 315 was presented to the Council, authorizing the purchase of surplus property. It
was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood that Resolution No. 315 be adopted-, All ayes,- Cmn, Baird absent.
Resolution No. 315 adopted.
(1) Ordinance No, 3030. A redraft of Ordinance NO. 3030 was
Presented to the Council, said redraft deleting the prohibiting of pick-up trucks parking on State Street. It- was moved by Cm, Robinson and seconded by Cmn. Helton that this constitute the
first reading of Ordinance No, 3030 as redrafted, All ayes, Cmn, Baird absent.' Motion carried,
(2) Ordinance No. 9078 - Reclassification of Dominpuez propertg,
Ordinance No, 9078, alrrending Ordinance No, 9060, changing prop- erty known as Lots 1 through 8 inclusive, Bock 48, and Lots 25
through 32 isclusive, Blmk 39, Carlsbad Townsite, from Zone C-2
to Zone R-P, was presented to the Council for their approval. It was moved by Cmn, Ledgerwood and seconded by Cmn. Helton that
this constitube first reading of Ordinanee No. 9078. All ayes, .Cmn. Baird absent. Motion carried.
. (3) Resofution No. 306, requesting services of Registrar of
Voters for Special Election to be held December 17, 1957, was presented to the Council for their approval, It was moved by Cm, Ledgerwood and seconded by Can, Robinson that Resolution
No. 306 be adopted, All ayes, Cnn, Baird absent, Resolution
No, 306 adopted.
(4) Trlaffic Safety Committee: The Mayor announced that he would
like to suggest the following persons to serve on the Traffic
Safety Committee for the Council members approval:
Don Prest Mrs, Eve Redman Shelley Tyson Dale Harris Roy Phillips Mark Fabrizio Robert Garland
It was moved by Cmn. Robinson an@ seconded by Cmn. Helton that
the persons siklected by the Mayor be approved to serve on the Traffic Safety Committee.
Mayor Cestorena requested that a letter be mitten to ,the mem- bers of the Traffic Safety Committee regarding the first meeting. Also Mayor Castorena suggested that transportation be furnished to this Committee in order for them to visit outlying cities.
(1) &ial Security. The City Manager requested permission to arrange for an actuarial study to determine the cost of modify-
ing our retirement system to include Social Security. By com-
mon consent the Council instructed the City Manager to proceed to arrange for an actuarial study of our retirement system.
(2) - Business License Ordinance. Mr. Nelson stated that some
thought had been given to adopting Oceansidets Business License
Ordinance, and he would like to present it to the Chamber of
Commerce meeting tomorrow morning, if it was agreeable with the
Council members. He. felt that if a change were to be made it
should be made before the 1st of the year. The City Attorney stated that some uniformity of business licenses should be worked
out between the two communities.
(3) The City Attorney asked if any decision had been reached as
far as Cmn. Baird was concerned, The Mayor informed the Council
that he had not- received an answer to his letter as yet. It was
agreed by the Council that the matter be referred to the meeting of Novem'ber 19th.
Cmn. Rob.inson moved authorization of payment of bills from Octo-
ber 15, I957 to November 5, 1957, in the amount of $8,369.57, as
certified by the Director of Finance and apprmed by the Auditing
Committee. Seconded by Cmn, Helton. All ayes, motion carried.
Cmn. Robinson mowed ratification -of the payroll for the last half
Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Seoanded by Cmn. Ledgerwood.. All ayes, mot-ion carried.
Cmn. Helton moved that the meeting be adjo&ned. Seconded by Cmn. Robinson,, The meeting was adjourned at 11:s.O P. M.
I of October, 1957, in the amount of $8,863.62 as certified by the
. R spectfull s bmitted, *&t"."."-"-. GARET E. AD-
A Deputy City Clerk
November 19, 1952
The meeting was called to order at 7:OO P. M. by Mayor Castorona.
Present besides the Mayor were Councilmen Ledgerwood, Robinson
and Helton; City Manager Nelson, City Attorney Smith and City
Engineer Kubota,. Absent, Councilman Baird.
It was molved by Cmn. Ledgerwood and seconded by C~O *Helton that
the minutes of November 5, 1957, be al?proved as submitted* All
ayes, mot ion carried.
(a) Letter dated November 7, 1957, addressed to the City Council