HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-11-19; City Council; Minutes52. 7- 8- 9- "- I- 2- 3- (4) Traffic Safety Committee: The Mayor announced that he would like to suggest the following persons to serve on the Traffic Safety Committee for the Council members approval: D,on Frest Mrs. Eve Redman Shelley Tyson Dale Harris Roy Phillips Mark Fabrizio Robert Garland It was moved by Cmn, Robinson and seconded by Cmn. Helton that the persons selected by the Mayor be approved to serve on the Traffic Safety Committee. Mayor Castorena requested that a letter be written to .the mem- bers of the Traffic Safety Committee regarding the first meeting. Also Mayor Castorena suggested that transportation be furnished to this Committee in order for them to visit outlying cities, NEW BUSINESS: (1) Social Security.. The City Manager requested permission to arrange for an actuarial study to determine the cost of modify- ing our retirement system to include Social Security, By com- mon consent the Council instructed the City Manager to proceed to aprange for an actuarial study of our retirement system. (2) Business License Ordinance, Mr. Nelson stated that some thought had been given to adopting Oceanside's Business License Ordinance, and he would like to present it to the Chamber of Commerce meeting tomorrow morning, if it was agreeable with the Council members. He. felt that if a change were to be made it i should be made before the 1st of the year. The City Attorney stated that some uniformity of business licenses should be worked out between the two communities. (3) The City Attorney asked if any decision had been reached as far as Cmn. Baird was concerned, The Mayor informed the Council that he had not- received an answer to his letter as yet, It was agreed by the Council that the matter be referred to the meeting of November 19th. PAYMENT OF BILLS - RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL, Cmn. Robinson moved authorization of payment of bills from Octo- ber 15, 1957 to November 5, 1957, in the amount of $8,369.57, as certified by the Director of Finance and approwed by the Auditing Committee, Seconded by Cmn, Helton. All ayes, motion carried. Cmn, Robinson moxed ratification -of the payroll for the last half Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Seconded by Cmn, Ledgerwood.. All ayes, mot7ion carried, - of October, 1957, in the amount of $8,863.62 as certified by the Cmn, Helton moved that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Cmn. Robinson, The meeting was adjourned at 11~30 f* bf. A $2 R spectfull s bmitted, &/&- 1 GARET E. ADAMS Deputy City Clerk ""__"""""""""~"""" MINUTES OF REGULAR.EiEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL November 19, 1957 The meeting was called to order at 7:OO P. M. by Mayor Castorena, Present besides the Mayor were Councilmen Ledgerwood, Robinson and Helton; City Manager Nelson, City Attorney Smith and City Engineer Kubota,. Absent, Councilman Baird . It was moved by Cmn. Ledgerwood and seconded by Cmn, *Helton that the minutes of November 5, 1957, be aRproved as submitted. All ayes, motion carried. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE : (a) Letter dated November 7, 1957, addressed to the City Council B 7. -% l! I '-7 i, -4 1-3 *.P -i A 3 4- I 5- I from the U. S. Air Force Reserve squadron of Mira Loma Air Force Station was read, wherein they stated their appreciation of the quarters being furnished by the City for their weekly Reserve training meetings. They further stated they were notifying their Squadron and Center of the City's willing cooperation in providirq these quarters. .~ bj Letter d-ated November 13, 1957, addressed to the City Council from Lt. Colonel Alfred S. Howell, U, S. Air Force Reserve Squadron, stating that he had been informed by Flight Commander, Major Wil- liam G. Davidson, of his appreciation of the facilities being made available to them by the City, and expressed his appreciation of the- City(-s generosity. c 1- Letter dated November 18, 1957, addressed to the Mayor from the California Birds, Inc., stati-ng they had read where the City was planning a Christmas Festival on Sunday, December 15, 1957, in Holiday Park, and enclosed a check in the amount of $175.00 which they wished to donate to the City for the Park and Recreation Eund for their use in paying the fee required to obtain the heli- copter that is to bring Santa Claus. They further stated they would not assume any liability in connection with the helicopter program, and wished to congratulate the people involved in the plan. The City Manager inforned the Council that an &onymous donation of $40.00 had been made towards this fund, and that Mr. Clinton Pedley had donated a large Christmas tree. Cmn. Helton moved that a letter of acknowledgement be directed to th,e donors and the City Manager be directed to expend those funds for the par- ticular purpose for which they were donated. Se-conded by Cmn. Ledgerwood. All ayes, motion carried. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Nelson stated that Mr. Clark C. Gvernham, Managing Director of the San Diego Museum of Man, had been in to see him in rela- tion to a small museum being established in this area. The Board of Directors were contemplating setting up six branch museums throughout San Diego County and had asked him if he felt the people in this area would be receptive to a museum. He further stated Mr. Evernham was making inquiries into various cities throughout the county, and the Board of Directors of the San Diego Hasewn of Man would make the decis.ion as to the location of the branch museums if they felt the people would be r~eceptive to this " type of thing. DEPARTMENT AND COMMISSION REPORTS: a) Planning. (1) Offer of resignation from E. C. Yourell. Letter dated No- vember 6, 1957, addressed to the Mayor from Mr. E. C. Yourell, submitting his resignation from the Planning Commission as he felt a Commissioner should be present at each meeting and after January 1, 1958, he would be away for a considerable'length of time and would not be. able to attend the meetings. Mr. Pourell asked that his resignation become effective as soon as possible. The Council expressed their appreciation for the valuable ser- vice 14r. Yourell had rendered, and expressed their regret that his resignation was necessary. Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that the Council accept Mr. Yourellts resignation, that a letter be di- December 3, 1957, as the effective date of his resignation. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried. ' rected to Mr. Yourell expressing their appreciation, and setting b) Engineering. fl) Sunnyhill Drive Sewer, 1911 Act. A memorandum from the En- gineer of Work was read wherein he stated that the lowest bid re- ceived was 22.5 percent greater than the estimated cost, i. e.s $4,597.11. He further stated that the bid was a sound bid con- sidering the increased cost of the pumping units and recommended the awarding of the bid to Don Hubbard, subjedt to a reconfirma- tion by the property owners of the increased cost of $24,992.90. The City Attorney stated that according to law the Council could not accept a bid for more than 10% above the estimated bid, 5 without the property owners being notified-of such increase of cost. In regard to Item #23. of the contractor's bid, he did not bid unit price, but the Council may accept the bid based upon the total of Item #23, irrespective of the number of units that may actually be required for the construction, and the contract- or will be bound by the same total price of Item #23 irrespecL-.. tive of the number of units Actually requi-red. It was mutually agreed by the Council that the City should proceed in accord- ance wilth the opinion given by the City Attorney. Resolution No, 316:, determining the lowest bid on the cost of construction of the improvement, "Assessment District No. 2-1957''; directing clerk to give notice by mail of such increase over the estimat- ed cost,; and setting a public hearing on such increased cost, was presented to the Council for their approval. Cmn. Ledger- wood moved that Resolution No. 316 be adopted. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. Three ayes, Cmn, Robinson abstaining and Cmn, Baird absent, Resolution No, 316 adopted. (2) =Mer main extension, north end Highland Drive. The City Engineer informed the Council that one of the property owners on the north end of Highland Drive desired to build a new home and would like sewers installed, which would necessitate the extension of the Highland Drive sewer at the north end, The property owner had obtained the consent of the adjoining prop- erty owners but was unable to obtain signatures of t-he property owners iacross the street, A map was presented to the Council for their review, and it was pointed out that the City's con- tribution toward such project would be $377.33, and there were sufficient funds in the revolving fund to take care of this amount. It was the mutual feeling of the Council that whenever possible the City should assist the property owners .in such- projects. It was moved by Cmn. Robinson and seconded by Cmn. tedgerwood that the- City Engineer be authorized to proceed with the prolject and the amount of $377.33 be expended towards the contribution of this project, All ayes, motion carried. (3) Report on Sewage Treatment. Plant. Mr. Phelps was present ' and stalbed that he did not want anyone to feel he was side- stepping the matter of the odor control of the sewage treatment plant; he had personazly made several trips up here and had not been able to detect odors; however, this afternoon he and the City Manager had visited the plant and there was certainly a prevalent odor; he questioned a party who worked on State Street and the party had stated the odor was most noticeable from 3:OO to 5:OO P, M. Mr. Phelps asked if there was any bus- iness who dumped anything at that particular time of day as he felt this could have some bearing on the odor being more no- ticeable at a certain time of day, He further stated that sev- eral weeks ago he had made certain recommendations which in- cluded a pump tp pump fresh water from the lagoon to the Imhoff Tank, and he felt as soon as this was installed and a roof was put on the plant these odors would be controlled. He suggested that at such time as the- pump is installed Mr. Crull come up and spend a day or two to see how the plant is operating, and a close check be kept on the time of day the odor is most notice- able, (4.) Review of various curb designs, Various designs of curbs were presented to the Council for their review. ,- (SI - Traffic Safety Committee. The Mayor informed the Council he and the City Manager had- met with the members of the Commit- tee. Robert Garland-had been selected Chairman and Mrs. Redman had been selected Secretary of the Committee; The Committee was going to study the parking situation on State Street, and each member of the Committee had been given a definite assign- ment to report on. The Committee intended to take a field trip to other cities to investigate their parking problems. The Mayor further stated that all the members seemed to be aware of the problems, and he- felt they. would be able to help the City with this problem and other traffic problems of the City. (6) Mosquito control channel - Buena Vista Lagoon; The City Manager informed the Council that the County Health Department had contacted him in regards to the control of mosquitos around the Buena Vista Lagoon, They suggested blasting a ditch and in that way the water would probably be concentrated in one channel - I. ::J -4 0 :c t 3 I I 6- a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 7- 99E 3% and mosquitos would be easier to control. They asked that the City of Carlsbad and the City of Oceanside contribute towards the cost of this project. Mr. Nelson stated that the City of Oceanside had indicated that they were willing to contribute towards one-third of this cost. Cmn. Robinson moved that the City join in this three-way venture and contributecone-third of the cost of this project for the abatement of mosquitos. Seconded by Cmn, Helton. All ayes, motion carried. OLIlr BUSINESS: Harshal - transportation of prisoners - report. The matter of the transportation of prisoners by the Marshal was discussed. It was moved by Cmn, Robinson that the City Manager negotiate a 'contract between the City of Carlsbad and the County of, San Diego for the transportation of prisoners .by the Marshal. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried. Second reading was given Ordinance No. 3030, amending Section 76 of-Ord. No. 3005, prohibiting parking at the southerly ter- minal of Garfield Street; and adding subsection (m) to Section 83 of Ord. No. 3005, requiring traffic on Laguna Drive to stop at State Street. Cmn, Helton moved that Ord. No, 3030 be adopted. Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood. All ayes, Cmn, Baird absent. Ordinance No. 3030 adopted. ' Second reading was given Ordinance No. 9078, changing property known as Lots 1 through 8 inclusive, Block 48, and Lots 25 through 32 inclusive, Block 39, Carlsbad Townsite, from Zone C-2 to Zone R-P. Cmn. Helton moved that Ordinance No, 9078 be adopted. Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood, All ayes, Cmn, Baird absent. Ordinance No. 9078 adopted. Second reading was given Ordinance No. 9079, amending Ord. #9060, changing all that property fronting on Pi0 Pic0 Wive from the Northerly right-of-way line of ChinquapLn Avenue, ex- tend-ing northerly to the southerly right-of-way line of Elm Avenue, from Zone R-1 to Zone R-3, Cmn. Robinson moved that Ordinance No. 9079 be adopted. Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood. All ayes, Cmn. Baird absent, Ord. No. 9079 adopted.. Second reading was given Ordinance No. 9080, changing a por- tion of property described as Assessor's Code %No. 35-44-4, portion of Tract No. 117, Carlsbad Lands, from Zone R-3 to Zone R-1. Can. Helton moved that Ordinance No. 9080 be adopt- ed. Seconded by Cmn, Ledgerwood. All ayes, Cmn, Baird absent. Ordinance No, 9080 adopted. Second reading was given Ordinance No. 9081, changing Lots 1 through 8, Block 57, and Lots 25 through 32 of Carlsbad Town- site, from Zone C-2 to Zone R-P. Cmn, Ledgerwood moved that Ord, No. 9081 be adopted. Seconded by Cmn, Helton. All ayes, Crnn, Baird absent. Ordinance No, 9081 adopted. Second reading of Ordinance No. 9082 was given, amending Ar- ticle 23 of Ordinance No. 9060; permitting issuance of per- mits for model homes. Cmn, Ledgerwood moved that Ordiaance No. 9082 be adopted. Seconded by Cmn, Helton. A31 ayes, Cmn. Baird absent. Ordinance No. 9082 adopted. NEW BUSINESS: 1) Boat and Ski Club. Two members of the Boat and Ski Club were present and stated that the Council had allotted the club three-dates for the use of the harbor, Last year during the month of December they held their first Snow Ball Regatta at the harbor and would like to hold the same event this year on the first day of December. They also requested permission for use of the harbor on November 30th for some of the members to try out their boats. Cmn. Robinson moved that December 1, 1957, be set aside for the Boat and Ski Club to use the har- bor, that a permit be issued subject to the conditions approved by the Harbor Commission, Chief of Police and City Manager. Seconded by Cmn, Ledgerwood,. All ayes, motion carried. 2) Memorandum from Harbor Commission. Memorandum from the Harbor Commission was read wherein they stated that the Com- mission had met. on Friday, November 15th, to study the I Patterson Report and make preparations for the presentation of this report'to the State Harbor Commission at a meeting to be held in San Diego on Decembgr loth, and that the following two requests be authorized by the Councilr 1. $200.00 be authorized for engineering assistance 'by Mr. Clayton of Boyle Engineering; 2.' 'Expenditure for fifty additional 'copies of the :Patterson Report be authorized, -. , C. C. '':LEFTY" WALTERS, Chairman of the Harbor Commission was pre&dnt"and informed the Council that the Commission would like to present this plan to the State Harbor Commission on December loth, and a pre-meeting would be held on Tuesday, . November 26th, in Carlsbad with members of the Newport Beach Commission. Cmn. He:Lton moved-that both the requests of the Harbor Com- mission be authorized. Seconded by Cmn. Robisson, All ayes, motion carried (3) 9ter .Bond Election, A copy ,of the arguments for the Water Bond Electian was presented to the Council for their re- view anti approval, - (4) Mr,, Ewald, secretary of the Carlsbad Municipal Water Dis- trict, :informed the Council the election returns from the election held that day to form Improvement District #12 were 11 (Yes:) and 0 (Noes), 8- PAYMENT OF BILLS 0 RATIFICATION OF. PAYROLL: . Cmn. Robinson moved authorization of payment of bills from Novembex- 5th through November 19th, 1957, in the amount of $,3,426,22, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee, Seconded by Cmn. Helton, All ayes, motion carried. . Cmn.. Robinson moved ratifica.tion of the payroll for the first half of November, 1957, in the amount of $6,986.14, as certi- fied by the Direct.or of Finance and approved by the Auditing Commit t.e?e . Seconded by Cmn. Helton, All ayes, motion carried, 9- By propem motion the meeting was adjourned at 9.~15 Po MO A 9- Re pectfully s b itted, Y2A MAR ARET E. ADATis Deputy City Clerk """""""-L"-"""~"~~-~-~~- - '~INUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL December 3, 1957 1- The meeting was called to order. at 7:05 P. M. by Mayor Cas- torena. Present besides the Mayor were Council.men Ledgerwood, Robinson and Helton; City Manager Nelson, City Attorney Smith, and City Engineer Kubota. Absent, Councilman Baird, 2- It was moved by Cmn. Ledgerwood and seconded by Cmn, Robinson that the minutes of November 19, 1957, be approved as submitted. All ayes:, motion carried, 3- WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE : There was no written correspoddence. 4- ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no oral communications. 5- DEPARTMENT AND COMMISSION REPORTS: a) Planning: 1) ADpointment of Planning Commissioner. The Mayor stated