HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-12-09; City Council; MinutesI
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El Cajon, The Mayor appointed Cmn. Helton to attend' this meet- ing along with Mr. Ewald and Mr. McClellan,
Urgency Ordinance No. 3031 re: School Sa"f-&kra-. It was explaimd to the Council that in order for the School Safety Patrol to control traffic and school crossings, an urgency or- dinance amending our traffic ordinance No, 3005 was necessary. Proposed Ordinance No. 3031 was presented to the Council for th,eir review. Cmn, Robinson moved that Ordinance No, 3031 be adopted, amending Ordinance No, 3005 by. adding thereto provi- sions allowing the Chief of Police to appoint special persons
to control traffic and school crossings; and requiring vehicles
to stop upon signal, Seconded by Cmn. Helton, 4 ayes, Cmn,
Baird absent.
Traffic Committee: The Traffic Committee recommended that four roll-out signs be acquired and placed at the Tamarack and Jefferson Street School crossing. It was moved by Cmn. Helton
and seconded by Cmn, Ledgerwood that the matter be referred to
the Staff and if the item could be accomplished that the recom-
mendation be taken care of,
The City Manager asked the members of the Council if they wish-
ed to send Christmas Cards to the various cities in San Diego County, It was mutually agreed that cards should be sent to the various cities in the County,
Cmn. Robinson moved.authorization of< payment of bills from No- vember 19th to December 3rd, 1957, in the amount of $2,660.17, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Seconded by Cmn, Helton. All ayes, motion carried ,
Cmn. Robinson moved ratification of the payroll for the second
half of November, 1957, in the amount of $8,658.54, as certi- fied by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing
Committee, Seconded by. Cmn, Ledgerwood,- All .ayes, motion car-
It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cmn, Robinson that
the meeting be adjourned to December 9, 1957, The meeting was
declared adjourned at'l0:SO P. Me
Res ectfully su mitted, 9f+g=-@F2& MARG ET E. ADAMS
A Deputy City Clerk
December - 9, 1957
Weetine was called to order at 7:30 Pi: M, by Mayor Castorena.
Present besides the Mayor were Councilmen Ledgerwood, Robinson, and Helton; City Manager Nelson, City Attorney Smith, and City Engineer Kubota , Absent, Councilman Baird.
HEARING - Increased Cost of Sunnyhill Drive Sewer. 1911 Act.
The Mayor announced that this was the time.and place fixed by
this Cit!y Council for hearing objections or protests on the
increased cost over Engineer's estimate of the work or im-
provement proposed to be done on Sunnyhill Drive, commencing at
the intersection of Alder Avenue and ending at the intersection
of Birch Avenue. The Clerk presented an affidavit of mailing
notices. It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cmn. Led-
gerwood that the Affidavit be accepted and approved, Seconded
by Cmn, Helton, 3 ayes, Cmn, Robinson abstaining, Cmn. Baird absent, The Mayor asked the Clerk to read all written protests filed. The Clerk cerEified there were no written protests
filed, The Mayor announced the City Council would hear any
oral protests or objections concerning increased cost over En-
gineer's estimate. There were no oral protests. Resolution
No. 324,, making finds and overruling protests and objections for Assessment District No. 2-1957, was presenked to the Council,, It- was moved by Cmn. Ledgerwoo3 and seconded by Cmn. Keltton that Resolution No. 324 be adopted. Three ayes, Cmn. Robinson abstaining, Cmn. Baird absent. Resolution No, 325 was presented to the Council for their review, awarding
contract for work or improvement ordered by Resolution No. 287 of said City Council for Assessment District No. 2-1957.
It was moved by Cm, Helton and seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood
that Resolution No. 325 be adopted. - Three- ayes, Cmn. Robinson abstaining, Cmn. Baird absent ,
3- Suspension of Effective Date of Zone Reclassification from'R-1 to R-3 =- Pi0 Pic0 Blvd. The Councih was reminded that at the
last meeting a resolution had been passed suspending the pre- cise plan for Pi0 Pic0 Drive, and at that time the City Attor- ney had recommended an ordinance be passed suspending the ef-
fective date of Ordinance No. 9079, which reclassified the
property along Pi0 Pic0 Drive from Zone R-1 to Zone R-3, The
City Manager asked that the matter be deferred until the next
meeting as the ordinance had not been prepared.
4- Pine Avenue Sewer. 1911 Act. The Council was informed- that the Engineer of Work was ready to call for bids for construction of
certain sewer work on Pine Avenue, Assessment District No, 3-
1957. Resolution No. 321, ordering the construction of certain
sewer Work and ordering posting and publication of notices in-
viting sealed proposals of bids, Assessment District No. 3-1957, was presented to the Council for their review, It was moved
by Cmn. Ledgerwood and seconded by Cmn. Helton that Resolution
No. 321 be adopted, Four ayes, Cmn. Baird absent, Resolution
' No, 321 adopted.
Resolutjion- No. 322, determining the General Prevailing rate of
per diem wages and the general prevailing rate for legal holiday and overtime work in the City of Carlsbad, for certain crafts or types of workmen, Assessment District No, 3-1957, was pre- sented to the Council for their review. It was moved by C&. Robinson and seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood that Resolution No: 322 be adopted,- Four ayes,.Cmn. Baird absent-. Resolution No. 3 2 2 adopted .
Resolution No, 323, directing that certain street work be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Engineer of Work, Assessment DistrCct- No. 3-1957, was presented to the Council for their review. It was moved by Cmn. Ledgerwoad and
seconded by Cmn, Robinson that Resolution No. 323 be adopted.
Four ayes, Cmn. Baird absent. Resolution No. 323 adopted.
5- Drainage Problem - Tamarack Avenue between Garfield Street and. the Railtroad. The City Manager informed the Council that suit hati been filed against the City by A. A. Crosthwaite re-
garding the drainage problem on Tamarack between Garfield and
the Railtroad. Mr. Charles Stevens, Attorney for the, Crosth-
waites, had called and a meeting was arranged between Mr,
Stevens,, City Attorney, City Manager, City Engineer and the Public Works Director, to see what could be worked out in the matter. The City Attorney pointed out that he felt the water pooling in the street was the City's liability because of the traffic on Tamarack Avenue. The City Engineer estimated that
the cost; of providing proper drainage for this street would be approximately $1,100.00, and it was suggested that the Crosth-
rvaites and other affected property owners in the vicinity
contribute towards one-half of this cost., and the City would
contribute one-half, Mr. Stevens felt his client would be
willing to go along with this plan. The City Attorney stated
that he had received a call from Mr. Stevens that day and he informed him, that his client did not have all the funds avail-
able as yet, but expected to within the near future. It was
City Manager be instructed to proceed with this work as soon as the property owners affected contributed their portion of the funds necessary for this work. All ayes, motion carried.
. moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood that the
6- l\Tater &?venue Bond Report. The Council was informed that the preli,minary report on the financial feasibility of the water revenue bonds had .been received from Schwabacher and Co. Mr.
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James Guerin of Schwabacher & Coo was present and briefed the Council on this report.
Sewer Connections over Private Easements, The City Engineer informed the Council that one of the property owners on Sunny-
hill Drive had complained of sewer draining down on his property
from the property above him located on Skyline Drive, As sew-
ers would soon be installed on Sunnyhill Drive, the property
owner was willing to give a private easement over his property
on Skyline to connect with the sewer line on Sunnyhill Drive.
The matter of what the .property owner should be charged for this connection was discussed, After considerable discussion,
. the Council asked the City Manager to prepare alternative pol- icy proposals that could be discussed at the next meeting.
. State Harbor Commission Meeting, Mr. Ewald, Secretary of the
Harbor .Commission, informed the Council .he and the City Manager
and some of the members of the Harbor Commission had attended
the meeting of the State Small Boat Harbor Commission that day, and presented their statement and the Patterson Report to the Commission. He stated-he was very pleased with the operation of the Commission and the reception and consideration they had
Carlsbad in the early part of next year.
By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P. M.
' .given them on their request for a meeting to be held here in
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~IARG&ET E. muis
A Deputy 'City Clerk
December 17, 1957
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 P. M, by Vice-Mayor
Helton. Present besides the Vice-Mayor were Councilmen Led-
gerwood and Robinson; City Manager Nelson, City Attorney Smith and City Engineer Kubota, Absent, Mayor Castorena and Council- man Baird.
It was moved by Cmn, Ledgerwood and seconded by Cmn, Robinson that .the minutes of Decealber 3, 1957, be approved as submitted. All ayes, motion carried,
It was moved by Cmn. Ledgerwood and seconded by Cmn; Robinson
that the minutes of December 9, 1957, be approved as submitted.
All ayes, motion carried.
a) Letter dated December 11, 1957, from F, J, Morey, Assistant
Chief Administrative Officer of San Diego County, stating that
the amount of $5,00 per month had been set by the County for
the service of transporting prisoners of the City of Carlsbad
to the County, The City Manager informed the Council that he
had discussed the matter with the City Manager of Oceanside
and Mr. Morey. Mr. Morey further stated that if this figure
was satisfactory his office would proceed with the preparation
of a form of agreement. The City Manager was instructed to
notify Mr. Morey that the figure was satisfactory and request
him to proceed with the preparation of an agreement.
b) Letter dated December 12, 1957, from Verne 0. Gehringer, Pur- chasing Agent for the County of San Diego, stating that for the past two years they had included the City of Carlsbad in advertising of bids for the supply of Gasoline during the period beginning annually on the 16th of February; a question
had been raised by attorneys as to whether or not the County
could legally include other cities without official action by
the respective City Councils. It was pointed out that a joint
bid method would obtain a better price than a City acting on its own, and if the Council felt this was true, that they
City of San Diego, and the San Diego Unified School District
,adopt a resolution authorizing the County of San Diego, the