HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-01-07; City Council; MinutesSTATGMENT OF CITY' CLERK 3 ? I, MAX 0. EWALD, City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing resolution is a full, true and correct statement of the facts of canvass of the special bond elec- tion held in said city on the 17th day of December, 1957, and of the results thereof as declared by said City Council, and said resolution as entered in full on the .minutes of said City Council, is hereby adopted by me as my statement of the canvass of the returns of said election and the results .thereof. DATED: December 24, 1957. I (SEAL) /sgd/ MAX 0. EWALD City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, California " 1- 53 $29 d e 2- 4 LJ 3- I 4" I b """"-"1-~"1"1~1"""""" MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL January 7, 1958 The meeting was called to order at 7:OO P. PI. by Mayor Castorena Present besides the Mayor were Councilmen Ledgerwood, Robinson, and Helton; Eity Manager Nelson, City Attorney Smith and City Engineer Kubota, Invocation was offered by Rev. Brokenshire of the Carlsbad Union Church. ' . It was moved by Cmn. Ledgerwood and seconded by Cmn. Helton that the Minutes of December 17, 1957, be approved as submitted. All ayes, motion carried. It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood that the minutes of December 24, 1957, be approved as submitted. All ayes, motion carried. WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE : a) getter dated December 19, 1957, from the Carlsbad Mutual Water Company enclosing a request from the Mission Valley Water Conunit- Rainbow Municipal Water District, which consists of approximate- ly 12 acres, which, if approved, would bring this property into the Metropolitan Water District. The Carlsbad Mutual Water Com- pany Birectors felt that since this property would be acquired by the City before completion of the program, that the&ity Coun= cil should give this some consideration. It further stated that the Company viewed this program with favor. The City Attorney informed the Council that property need not ad join the City in order to become annexed to the City, and that if this property were annexed it would not be any additional cost to the City when the City takes over the Mutual. Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that com- munication be directed to the Hutual Water Company supporting the committee in the formation of the district. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried. .tee to have the properties in the Bonsall area annexed to the b-) Letter dated .December 20, 1957, addressed to the City Council from the Corresponding Secretary of the Woman's Club, of Carlsbad, stating they wished. to .endorse against paid T. V. Enclosed was an article from .the December issuCof the CALIFORNIA CLUBWOMAN setting forth the disadvantages of Pay 'Pa V; The Manager was instructed by the Council to acknowledge receipt of their letter and inform them that their letter would be placed in the files for consideration at 'such time as an active application for such a franchise might come before the Council. c) The Council was informed that a notice -of application to the -Public Utilities Commission for rate increases by the San Diego Gas e Electric Company-had been received and the hearing would be held in San Diego after February 24; 1958, The Mayor stated there should be a meeting of the Mayors on the 3rd Monday of the month and if the matter were not brought up that he would have the matter put on the agenda.. The City Attorney stated the Pub- lic Utilities Comiaission has the prerogative of amending the application to fix rates according to zoning. It was mutually a agreed lthat the City Manager and tkie City Attorney should at- tend any meeting or 'hearings in relation to this matter. d) A copy of a letter dated December 27, 1957, addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chalmers from the Department of Public Works of San Diego County was read, The letter was in answer to a let- ter received by the City of Carlsbad from Mr. and Mrs. Chalmers ob-jeeting to smoke and odors from the Carlsbad Refuse Disposal Area, The Council was informed that a site near the proposed airport had been considered by- the County. It was suggested that perhaps the present site could be used if it were used as a cut and fill dump, Cmn. Robinson moved that the City Manager be instsucted to write the County of San Diego and ask them to consider the present dump site on a cut and fill basis, and that they be informed that the City is opposed to having it used as a bmming dump, Seconded by Cmn, Ledgerwood. All ayes, motion carried. The Council asked the City Attorney that in the event the dump site were abandoned by the County, if the property would revert back to the City of Carlsbad, Cmn, Led- gerwood stated that years ago he had served as a member of the Carlsbad Sanitation Board; the citizens of Carlsbad had contri- buted the funds necessary to buy the site and construct a road from El Baplino Real to the dump; and the dump had been turned over to the County to maintain and operate. The Council in- structed the City Manager to communicate with the San' Diego authorities to see, in the event the present dump site is abandoned by the County, if the property would revert back to the City of Carlsbad. 6) Report from the State Controller was read, setting forth the City's apportionment of the Motor Vehicle License Fee fund. The Council ordered the report filed, ORAL COIWUNICATIONS: There were no oral cqmmunications. 5- 6- . DEPARTMIENT AND COMMISSION REPORTS: a) Planning. 1. - HEARII?G - Reclassification from R-3 to (2-2. Ocean Manor Motel and Apartments. The hearing was declared open at 7930 P. M. Notice of Hearing was read to. consider reclassification from R-:3 (Multiple-Family Residential) to Zone C-2 (General, Commercial Zone of the Northwest half of Block 13, Carlsbad Turnsite, and Tract 94 of Carlsbad Lands, locaCed west of Gar- field Slbreet, South of Grand Avenue, East of Ocean Avenue and North of Elm Avenue; said reclassification being requested by George, ;and Rose.Fredkin, 2950 Ocean Street, in accordance with Ordinance. No, 9060. of the City of Carlsbad. Letter dated Jan- uary 6, 1958, addressed to the City Council, from the Ocean Manor Motel and Apartments was read, wherein they stated they wished lto withdraw their application for a change of zone on the property described above. They further stated that in place of such zone change they are substituting a request for variance in the matlter of sideyard setbacks and si@ restrictions. The City'Council by mutual agreement accepted 'the. offer of with- drawal ;and declared the matter closed in relation to zone re- classification. The Hearing was closed at 7:34 P, MI b) Engineering. . 1. - BID OPENING - Pine. Avenue Se wers - 1911 Act. The Mayor an- nounced that the hour of 7:30 €'. M. had arrived, pursuant to Resolution No. 321, this was the time and place fixed for the opening of sealed bids or proposals for certain sanitary sewer work on Pine Avenue fro& its intersection of Basswood Avenue to the intersection with Highland Drive, such construction project being described in Resolution No, 299 and ordered by Resolution No, 321. The Clerk presented affidavits of posting and publica- tion of notice inviting bids to the Council for their review. It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cmn, Robinson that the Affidavits be approved.and filed. The Clerk advised the Council that up to the hour of 7930 P, M. five (5) sealed bids or propcosaEs had"been,~.d~lPv~red to him and filed in his Qffice. 3.7 I- 23 "4 n q 2 I The Clerk presented the bids or proposals to the City Council and the City Council in open session publicly opened, examined and declared the bids or proposals as follows: WM. To CARROL, SAN DIEGO -LEO WILLIAMS, CARLSBAD DON HUBBAIiD, ENCINITAS DARWIN TRANSPORTATION CO,, - SOLANA BEACH Lo CASTILLO, VISTA $4,596044 7,021.25 5,743.7s 7,140.10 6,999025 The City Council ordered the bids and security furnished therewith for the sanitary sewer work on Bine Avenue from its intersection of Basswood Avenue to the intersection with Highland Drive, such construction project being described in Resolution No. 299 and ordered by Resolution No. 321, be- referred to the Engineer of Work for examination and report to this City Council at 7: 30 Bo El, on January 21, 1958, on the bidding and the lowest responsible bidder, and that the City Attorney examine bid security (either a certified check or bid bond in the amount of 10% or more) for amount, sufficiency and execution. a) Planning. 2. Tentative Subdivision MaD - Seacrest Estates - Resolution #32d A tentative map of the proposed Seacrest Estates subd,ivision was presented to the Council for their review. Resolution No. 45 of the Planning Commission was presented to the Council recommending approval of the tentative map of Seacrest Estates, Unit No. 1, subject to certain conditions. The conditions were reviewed and discussed by the members of ,the Council. MR. TED ROBINSON, stated that he was representing the Subdividers, and all of the conditions were sa-tisfaetory to the subdividers ex- - cept Item #ll, which required all streets in- the subdivision shall have a 50-foot right-of-wa-y, and those czassed as local streets shall have a minimum pavement width of 40 feet.- At the time the matter was brought before the Planning Commission he had failed tc request a minimum pavement width of 32 feet on all streets classed as local streets, and wished to make this request now. Mr. Robin& son explained to the- Council that on hillside streets the narrower the street- the less cut you have, and also- as far as appearance, they,were trying to develop a unique subdivision which would give a rural atmosphere.+ , Photographs were presented -to the-Council., showing streets in some of the Los Angeles hillside subdivisions showing 28 and 30-foot streets. He pointed out that the City of Carlsbad's Subdivision Ordinance has higher restrictions than the City of Los Angeles, q which require from 26 to. 32-foot pavements, He suggested that since we will probably have more hill.side subdivisions that per- haps the subdivision ordinance should be amended to include streets on hillsides. Cmn. Robinson felt that if the City of Los Angeles allows a reduc- this subdivision; the. developer has considerable investment in thi subdivision and would certainly not do anything to jeopardize his investment. Cm.- Ledgerwood. stated he was not- in favor of re- ducing the width of the streets for the reason that when cars are parked on both sides of the street it would certainly be hazardous for passing cars. PA. TED ROBINSON informed the Council they did not wish to en- courage traffic going through the subdivision as they were not through streets; all of the lots in t.he subdivision were large lots, therefore, there would be fewer .homes in a block than an or- dina,ry'subdivision street, which. would 'mean there would be less cars parked. MR. ALLSAN KELLY stated that where a street is wider people have a tendency to drive faster, and he felt that if the streets were kept narrower in residential areas where children are playing it would curtail accidents. After considerable discussion proposed Resolution No. 328 was pre- sented 'to the Council for their review, Cmn, Robinson moved that e tion; the subdivider is endeavoring to have something unique in I I3 4 Resolution No. 328 be adopted, with item #11 being changed to re'ad as follows: "AI1 streets in the subdivision shall have a 50-foot right-of-way, and those classed as local .streets slhall have a minimum pavement width of 32 feet." Seconded by Cmn. Helton. .Three ayes, Cmn. Ledgerwood voting nno"; em. ,Baird absent. Resolution NO. 328 adopted. Cnm. Robinson recommended that a recommendation be 'sent to the Planning Commission to consider an amendment to the Sub- division Ordinance taking into consideration street widths in hillside subdivisions in relation to lot widths. &kt. JACOBS, one of the developers of the Seacrest Estates Subdivlsxon, stated that he wished to thank all of the people for their co-operation in working with them in this project, and it was certainly their desire to make this a beautiful subdivision. - 3. Jptention to amend Zoning. Ordinance on voting - Resolu- tion No. 329% Cna. Robinson had previously requested that the Cj-ty Attorney prepare a Resolution of Intention to amend Ordinance No. 9060, Article 19, Section l9iZ in relation to the number of affirmative votes required to overrule the de- cision of the. Planning Commission, because of the fact the Council was handicapped with only 4 members on the Council at the! present time. Resolution of Intention No. 329 was presented to the Council for their review, to amend Section 1912 of Ordinance No. 9060, said section relating to the vote of the City Council required to amend Ordinance No. 9060, re- ferring the same to the Planning Commission for hearings as required by law. Cmn, Helton moved that Resolution of In- tention No. 329 be adopted. Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood. Four alyes, Cm. Baird absent, Resolution of Intention #329 adopt e!d ... 4. &uth Carlsbad Annexation No. 1.2 - Ordinance No.. 1056-A. The City Attorney explained that an urgency clause had been I omitted in Ordinance No, 1056 and he had prepared proposed Ordinance No. 1056-!, repealing Ordinance No. 1056, and ap- proving the annexatlon of "South Carlsbad Annexation No. 1.2". Cmn. Hlelton moved that Ordinance No.. 1056-A be adopted. Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood. . Three ayes, Cm. Robinson ab- staining, Cm.. Baird absent. Ordinance No. 1056-A adopted. bj) Engineering. 2. &wer connections by easements - continued discussion. .Further discussion was given to sewer connections by ease- , rents. The City Manager suggested an additional point be added to the policy statement - in. case a property owner had a sewer running in front of his property, but because of the' topography of the lot the City Engineer would determine that a connection to an adjacent public sewer is not feasible. After considerable discussion Cmn. Helton moved that the pol- icy statenent for sewer service through private easements be adopted. Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood.. All ayes, motion car- ried. (Policy statement as follows): "CITY OF CARLSBAD . POLICY STATEMENT SEWER SERVICE THROUGH PRIVATE EASEMENTS 1. Sewer service to a public sewer' located in front or alomng the side street of a property is the most desir- able. Wherever practicable, property owners should focus attention on the construction of sewers that will . serve their properties in a direct manner. The City Council. firmly believes that direct sewer service is the most. practical and beneficial. 2. Under certain adverse conditions, if there is a threat to the health and welfare of a property or prop- .ert:Les due to a failure of a private subswface disposal facility, the .City Council will consider the granting of cam I La w .e 4 u ?=+ I I €5 '1 special pernisision to obtain Sewer service through a private easenrent. 3. When consideration is given for a special sewer and agreed upon: -'. .'?connection, the following items shall be reviewed a. Fhe City Health Officer shall make an in- spection of the premises and recommend that: (1) Repairs be made. (2) Additional priva-te facilities be (3) A sewer connection be allowed. constructed, or b. The City Engineer will determine whether or not a connection to an adjacent public sewer, if one is available, is feasible. C. The property owner shall have made an honest effort to form a local improvement district or obtai-n funds for a sewer main extension, d* The property owner shall enter into an agree- ment with the City of Carlsbad to make payment of the necessary "Line-Cost" fee and "Capital Con- tribution Charge". 'fee as set forth in Ordinance s #7O20. In addition, the agree'mnt shall stipulate that in event a. sanitary sewer is constructed in the street on which the subject property abuts, the property owner shall make any additional pay- Bent in an amount equivalent to adjoining proper- ties, -or if a 1911 Act Improvement District is formed, the moneys paid into the City "Sewer Re- " volving Fundr1. shall be refunded and the prope-rty will be assessed its full share of the cost of improvement. 3, The agreement entered into by the property owner and the City shall be appurtenant to the .property and shall be recorded with the County Recorder. - Approved by the Citi Council January 7, i9sS. tt A short recess was dec,lared by the Mayor. The meeting recon- vened at 9520 P. M.' 3. Petition for ornamental street lights - 1911 Act. Elm Avenue. -The Council was infcrrmed that two petitions 'for or- namental street lights on Elm Avenue and Grand Avenue under the lgll Act had been received. According to the policy pre- viously established by the Council they would accept such a petition if 6% of the property 'owne'rs signed such a petition, It was pointed out that in this case the City must give the property owners notice of the exact cost of the project in ad- vance, which is called "Debt Lidtations Proceedings". On the petition for street lights on Elm Avenue froa Carlsbad Blvd. to State Street 65% of the property owners had signed the peti- tion. Cmn. Robinson moved that the City Attorney be instructed to proceed with the Debt Limitations Proceedings for street lights on' Elm Avenue under .the 1911 -Act. Seconded by Cmn. Hel- ton, All ayes, motion carried. 4. Street Improvement Plans. Considerable discussion was given to encouraging street improveltlents throughout the City, It was pointed out that it had been over six months since the Council had adopted a street improvement policy and since that time there have been no petitions presented to.form an im- provement district for the improvement of streets. At present there is one petition being circulated along Roosevelt Street that looks very encourqging. It was suggested that perhaps a letter directed to the school boards requesting they conc3iider appropriating sufficient funds in their next year's budget to contribute towards such street improvements. 'It was also sug- gested a brochure be printed giving general information to all property owners. Another method of encouraging these street improvements was suggested wherein. the City would take care of all engineering costs. The Council instructed the City Manager to report back to the Coun‘cil at the next meeting as to the cost of having a brochure printed, and that letters be directed to the school boards regarding street’ improve- ment s. 5. Mutual Water Co. acquisition - report. The City Attorney informed the Council they expected to file tke suit between - the Mutual and the City ;s. bther named parties, around the 15th of January, 1958, and would probably.go to trial around the middle of March, 1958; They would like to have some of the people named in the suit contest this matter as it would add more security. The City Attorney also stated that OWelveny and Myer” would submit a report on the legality of the contract between the Mutual and the City. The Council asked the City Attorney the status of the San Luis Rey adjudication .suit and he informed the Council the matter was being held in abeyance at the present time.. 6. Seynne Treatment Plant Odors - Rmort. The City Engineer gave a x-eport regarding the pumps that had been previously in- stalled at the plant. He stated that the pumps previously in- stalled were inadequate to handle the job, ami this week the City was taking bids for a pump designed sp,ecifically for this type of operakion, and he felt confident this pump would an- swer the problem. The City Engineer also informed the Council that a canvass had been made of complaints in regard to odors from the plant, which showed the odors from the plant existed practically at all times primarizy due to wind currents. 7. Request to serve water to newly annexed area.’ The Council was infcxwed the owners of the newly annexed area in South Carlsbad were very .anxious to have water made available to them. ’ It was poihted out ,when the Mutual ‘was previously contacted in regard Lo water being transmitted south of Tamarack they felt this would decrease the pressure for the present users and it ~ might hinve an adverse effect on the election. Cm. Helton moved that the! City Manager be instructed to direct a letter to the Mutual Iqequesting permission to- transnfit water through their lines fl?om Chestnut and. Velley streets to Tamarack and the Rail- road. ’ Seconded by Cm, Ledgerwood. Three ayes, Cm. Robinson abstaining. Phtion carried. c) Park and Recreation. 1.’ Proposal to acquire How Eucalyptus Grove. It was explain- ed to the Council that the firm of Richard Graves and Associates was handling the Hosp Grove property for the owners; the owners had an appraisal made of the property by this firm, which was in the amount of $300,000.00, The firm of Richard Graves and As- sociates had submitted an offer whereby the City could lease this property with option to purchase. The lease price would be approximately $25,000.00 per year. The City Manager stated that Mr. Crowley of the firm of Richard Graves and Associates, the ‘City Ati;orney, Mayor Castorena, Cmn. Robinson and .himself had met to discuss the possibility of this plan, and it was agreed ‘that no action would be taken until such tine as the matter had proper publication. Some. of the members of the Park and Bec- reation Commiss‘ion were present and were asked, to give their views. MR. MORTON NIELSEN stated that fn time to come this property will be very important to the City qnd if we delay the oppor- tunity 60 acquire this properey too long, that .the price would be out of .reach. He felt this plan was a good opportunity for the City to acquire this property. MRS. LBNA SUTTON asked if the City was considering the purchasti of all the property. In outlining the property to be used for park purposes, what did the City intend to do with the top property, which had been suggested in the appraisal as reshien- tial property to be sold off in lots? She did not feel the City should go into the real estate business. Also, she did ..;7 I 63 d rn < 4 u I not feel the City could be justified in spending this kind of money when there are so many other necessary improvements 'that need to be made in the City. Mayor Castorena stated that several people had talked to him about this property but he did not have any encouragement on the , matter. Cmn. Robinson stated that this would be a very desirable park site and he did not feel that the appraisal was out of line, but he did not *see where the. City was in a position at this time to afford this type of park; it was true this property would cer- tainly go up in value, but the City would probably be in a posi- money could be better spent for other improvements in the City. The Manager stated there were other nethods of acquiring this property, such as a general obligation bond, which would require a 2/3 vote; this was only one proposal.. It was'pointed out that if we leased this property at $25,000 per year, we would have to raise additional funds in order to make it into a recreational center. Cmn. Robinson stated that we should have some program set up; a list should be made up of capital improvements, as to what we are going to need in the near future, as we have been going along in a "piecemealf! manner in acquiring property. The City Hanager pointed out that according to State Law it. is the obligation of the Planning Commission to set up a capital outlay program, Such a program would be set up after receipt of the Master Plan. , After -considerable discussion it was suggested that perhaps the City could acquire some of the least desirable property at this time. .It was agreed by the Council that the City Manager be in- structed to contact Mr. Crowley of the firm of Richard Gr.aves an. Associates, and ,arrange for another meeting to discuss this * tion to consider this purchase in a few years, and that our .property in relation to acquiring certain portions. 2. ,Recommendation on acauiriner DroDertv of A.' Vaughn for Holiday - Park. The Council was inforqed that an appraisal had been made of the Vaughn property. A memorandum from the Parks and Recrea- tion Commission was read wherein they recommended the Vaughn property not be acquired' until other properties adjoining Holi- day Park are acquired.. It was moved by Cmrr. Ledgerwood and seconded by Cmn. Robinson tha't the Council accept the recommend- ation of the Parks and Recreation Commission. el ayes, motion carried . d) Harbor'. '1. Recollimendation on Bond Issue to acauire Agua Hedionda LaPoon. Memorandum dated January 7, 1958, addressed to the City Council from the Harbor Commi.ssion, was read, stating the Harbor Cods- sion, at a meeting held -on January' 3,~ 1958, after studying all legislative reports regarding construction of harbors and finane- ing of such projects, recommend,ed to the City Council that a revenue bond issue in the amount of $3,000,000 be placed on the April 8, 1958, Municipal Election ballot. C. C. WALTERS, -Chairman of the. Harbor Commission was present and stated that according to the Patterson Report it would cost ap- proximately $11,000,000 .to complete the harbor; in order to ob- tain State -and Federal financing the City would have to contrib- ute a portion. of this amount which would be approximately .$3,OOO,OOO. With these funds property along the proposed harbor would be acquired, because in prder to obtain State or. Federal aid the property must be under one ownership. It was felt by the Harbor Commission that'a revenue bond would be the best method of obtaining these funds; therefore, they wished to recom- mend to the Council that a revenue bond issue in the amount of $3,OOO,OOO 'be placed on the April 8, 1958, Municipaa Election' ballot. The Harbor Commission held their regular meeting to- night and had met with considerable opposition from the property owners asong t6.e lagoon. I I' NR. WHITEY" GLISSMN, one of the property owners, stated that he represented the majority of the property owners in the area, i n' e) and up to Friday, January 3, 1957, they were not aware of what the Patterson Report consisted of. The property owners were not in favor of the City acquiring any of this property. Under t.he present plan'every one of the owners would take the procedure to Court, including the Gas b Electric Company, which would tie this matter up for several years, WILLIAM GARBER, San Diego Gas b Electric Company, stated they knew very little about the Patterson Plan and what the $3,OOO,OOO bond issue would be used for. As representative of the Gas' S Electric Company, he requested the matter be withheld until s,uch time as the plan could be studied. MAX 0. EWALD, Secretary of the Harbor Commission, stated the Patters'on Report had been made available in July of 1957. The Harbor Commission had spent several months studying this re- port, and in this report it states how this project can be ac- complished: The reason the Commission had accepted this re- port was that Mr. Patterson is considered one of the best En- gineers for this 'type of project. They were trying to coordin- ate this project with State and Federal agencies. Under a revenue bond only those using the Harbor would be paying for it, and it was the mutual feeling of the Commission that you have to start somewhere, even though it might be years before the property surrounding the Harbor could be acquired. Cmn. Ro'binson asked the latest date the matter could be put on the ballot. . He felt the Conmission had created an' interest but- . the matter should be given further study. The City Attorney stated he would have to -check the law' before giving an opinion as to t.he exact date. " After considerable discussion it was moved by Cmn. Helton and secondeld by Cmn. Ledgerwood that this matter be referred back to the 'Harbor Commission for further study. 2. &ointment of ' Harb;or Commissioners. The Mayor informed the Council that one of the members of the Comission whose term has expired was out of town and he did not wish to make an appointlment until such time as he had had a chance to discuss the matker with the member. As to the other appointment to the Commission, he would like to submit the name of Perry Lamb ,to the Harlbor Commission for the term of four years, beginning January 1, 1958 and ending January 1, 1962. It was moved by Cmn. Rolbinsun and seconded by Cmn.- Helton that Perry Lamb be appointed to serve on the Harbor Commission. All ayes, motion carried. Library., , f) g) 7- a) 1. Appointment of Library Commissioner. The Mayor announced the term of Dale Ginn as Library Commissioner had expired Janu- ary 1, 1195-8, and he would like to submit the name of Arthur W. Spivey for the term of three years, expiring January 1, 1961. It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood that Dr,, Spivey be appointed to serve on the Library Commission. All ayes, motion carried. The Manager inf-orned the Council that a letter had been directed to Byrl Phelps in regard to the drainage problem on Elm Avenue, but no answer had been received as yet. Fire and Police monthly reports. The monthly reports from the Fire Department and Police Department were submitted to the Council for their review and ordered filed. Finance - monthly reports. The monthly report from the Finance Directorb was submitted to the Council for their review. OLD BU SICNE SS : Second 1-eadinp of Ordinance No. 9083. Second reading was given Ordinancre No. 9083, changing that area bounded om the M. by Chestnut, Ave. , on the W. by Roosevelt St. , and the So and SW. by Magnolia Ave., and on the E. by the Wly right-of-way of U. S. Highway 101, excepting Blocks 43 and 44, from Zone R-1 60 Zone R-2. It was moved by Cmn. Ledgerwood and seconded by Cmn. Hexton tehat Ordinance No. 9083 be adopted. Four ayes, cm, I ?. Q:, Baird absent, Ordinance NO, 9083 adopted. b) Resolution -No.- for Pasoline bids wiLh S.an Dieeco Countx, Proposed Resolution No. 331 was presented to the Council for their review, authorizing the County of San Diego, the City of San Diego and the San Diego ' Uhified School Dist- rict, to include the City of Carlsbad in a joint request for quotations on the purchase of gasoline, It was moved by Cmn. Robinson and seconded by Cmn. Helton that Resolution No, 331 be adopted . - adophed. Four ayes, Cmn. Baird absent. Resolution No, 331 8- NEW BUSXNESSc The City Manager informed the Council that he wished to take one week of his vacation the last, week in January, . commencing January 27, 1958, through January 3.1, 1958, and asked for their consent. He requested that Jack Y. Kubota act as City Manager pro tem during such period, By mutual consent the Coun- cil agreed to this request, 9- PAYMENT OF BILLS AND ICAZN OF PAYROLL8 Cmn. Robinson moved authorization of payment of bills from De- cember 17, 1957, to January 7, 1958, in the amount of $27,987.53, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Aud- f-& 'iting Committee, Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion v-"i carried ,- L2 -2.1 Cmn. Robinson moved ratification of the payroll for the second X:$ half of December, 1957, in the-amount of $8,693,76, as certified e>") <d by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Commit- tee. Seconded by Cmn, Helton, All ayes, motion carried, 10- ADJOURNMENT8 By proper 'motion the meeting was adjourned at 11:20 P. M. Respectfully submitted, A .. "-_""""""""" """"a MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL January 21, 1958 1- The meeting was called to order at 7:OO P. MI by Mayor Castorena. Present besides the Mayor were Councilmen Ledgerwood, Robinson and Helton; City Manager Nelson, City Attorney Smith and City Engineer Kubota. 2- Invocation was offered by Father Lockerby of St, Michael's Epis- 3- It was moved by Cmn. Ledgerwood and seconded by-Cmn, Helton that copal Church. the minutes of January 7, 1958, be approvod'as submitted. All ayes, motion carried. 4- " 'WRITTEN .- CORRESPONDENCS: a) A formal notice was read wherein the Public Utilities Commission has set the date for hearing on the San Diego Gas G, Electric Com- pany rate increase request for March 3, 1958, The Mayor informed the Council that at the last meeting of the Mayors the matter had been discussad. The City of San Diego had instructed their attorney to look into the matter. It was the decision of the Mayors that they would await the decision of the City of San Diego as to their intention, and Mr.' 'Les Earnest would communicate with the various cities in order for the City Attorneys to meet and discuss the natter. The Mayor further stat- ed that if necessary he was instructed to call a special meeting of the Mayors, and when some decision had been reached, the mat= ter would be brought before the Council for their action in the matter. b) Letter from the American Society for Public Administration, San