HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-03-18; City Council; Minutes,I $f)j 4 :% c 7- OLD BUSINESS: (1) Civic Center Plan - Resolution No. 349. Proposed Resolutibn No. 349 was presented to the Council for their re- - view, adopting a Master Civic Center Plan for the City of Carlsbad. It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cmn. Ledger- wood that Resolution No. 349 be adopted. Four ayes, Cmn. Baird ab- sent. Resolution Xd. 349 adopted. (2) Second reading - Ordinance No. 8027. Second reading was given Ordinance NO. 8027, amending Ordinance No. 8025, setting forth requiremehts and specifications for the connection of natural gas fuel to House Trailers. It was moved by Cmn, Ledger- wood and seconded by Cmn. Robinson that Ordinance NO. 8027 be adopted. Four ayes, Cmn. Baird absent. Ordinance No. 8027 adopted. 8- NEW BUSINESS: . (1) Bpolication for Dernut- State Board of Public Health - Terramar WaterTerramar Water System.The City Manager informed the Council that since the City now were the owners of the Terramar Water System an application to the State Board of Public Health for a permit .to operate was necessary. Proposed Resolution No. 358 was presented to the Council for their .review, authorizing, such . apfilication for a permit. It was moved by Cmn. Ledgerwood and seconded by Cmn. Robinson that Resolution No. 358 be adopted. Four ayes, Cmn. Baird -absent. Resolution NO. 358 adopted. . (2) Arguments in favor of Proposition "A" by members of the ' Council was discussed. It .was suggested that in preparing these . arguments that the time eliaent and cost of suit be emphasized. (3) Annual Meeting of Carlsbad Mutual Water Co. The City Manager informed the Council he had received proxy cards from the Carlsbad.Mutua1 Water Co. By common consent the Council authorized the Manager to sign the cards giving the Mutual Board of Directors the authority to vote the City's shares, 9- PAYMEMT OF BILLS - RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL: Comn. Robinson moved authorization of payment of bills from February 18, 1958 thru March 4, 1958, in the amount of $3,235.84, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Seconded by Cmn. He1ton.- ,411 ayes, motion carried. 'Cmn. Robinson moved ratification of the payroll for the second half of February 1958, in the amount of $8,722.66, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All.ayes, motion carried. 10- ADJOURNMENT: -. It was moved by Cmn. Ledgerwood and seconded by Cmn. Helton that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting was declared adjourn- ed at 10:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, W&&&F&. MAR~ARET E. ADAMS. A. Deputy City Clerk _"""""""""""""""- - MlNUTI2S OF REGULAR MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL March 18, 1958 1- The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Mayor Castorena, Present besides the Mayor were Councilmen Ledgerwood, Robinson, and Helton; City Manager Neison, City Attorney Smith and City Engineer Kubota. Absent Councilman Baird. 2- Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that the minutes of March 4, 1958 be approved as submittbd. Seconded by Cmn. Robinson. All ayes, motion carried. .A( 3- WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE: I " -' 23 14 n 3 3 a,. Qceanside-Carlsbad High School b CollePe Students walkinp on Chestnut Street. Letter dated M-arch 7, 1958 from the District Super intendent of the Oceanside-Carlsbad High School and College Distric regarding the dangerous situation of high school and elementary students having to wqlk in the street on Chestnut between Pi0 Pic0 and Monroe, stating their Board of Trustees were pleased that the City has taken prompt action in grading; a walkway along this busy street; it was the intention of the Board to provide the necessary decomposed granite to surface this pathway; Mr. Lafleur of hhe Carl'sbad High School is promoting a constant campaign toward safe driving and pedestrian traffic, and they felt this coordinated effort between the City and the schools would minimize the danger of tragedy in the streets. The City. Manager reported to the Counci the work was progressing slowly and it was intended that the path- way would be extended to Pi0 Pic0 Drive, b. Urlsbad HiPh School P.T. A. - ImDrovements to Chestnut St. Letter dated March'13, 1958 addressed to th& Council from the €?resident of the Carlsbad High School PTA, stating they would like to go on record as urging improvements to Chestnut Street' between Highland and El Camino Real; they felt sure this matter was in- cluded in the plans for the future, but that now since the high school is open it was an immediate nec,essity to insure the safety and protection of pedestrians and mokorists alike, It was pointed out that Chestnut Street is a secondary street and has a 60, right- of-way, According to the Master 'Street plan it should be 661 wide, and it could qualify under the gas tax. By common consent the Co.unci1 asked that a letber be directed to- the PTA informing them that this matter was being taken under consideration. C. mifornia Hiehwav Commission - Revised Freewav adootion. Letter dated March 3, 1958 addressed to the Council from the Calif- ornia Highway Commission stating on February 26, 1958 the Commissia by formal action restated and revised its freeway route adoption prodecure. on location or major relocation of freeway, A copy of the procedural resolution was enclosed, The reworded resolution clari- fies the procedure to provide for? 'frequent consultation between local officials and State Highway.0fficial.s from the initiation of Feute etud-ies to the adoption of a route by the Commission, ,The Council asked that the letter be filed. I. d. Spring.Holiday Festival. Letter dated March 18, 1958 addressed to the Council from the Secretary of the Spring Holiday requesting the cooperation of the Council in carrying out the Spring Holiday " festival, They asked that the street sweeper be especially active before and during the event, Mr. Nelson Westree, who will be chair- man of the flower show, be granted time off preceding the event, and the use of a City pick-up truck or similar equipment. It was pointed out this event was not a commercial venture and was for the benefit of all, Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that the City Manager be ihstructed to cooperate with the Spring Holiday Board of Directors and furnish the necessary equipment, etc.. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried. e. Earco - Street and road repairs, Letter dated March 18, 1958 addressed to :the Council from K.E, Ebright regarding the conditionr of our streets. Mr. Ebright urged :the Council to take action to - correct the carelessness by which agencies encroaching.upon City streets repair their respective work; and further that this repair be made retroactive on each respectivd agency. Considerable dis- cussion was given this matter by the Council. The City Engineer reported that in the past.the contractors have left dirt to compact 'in these streets cuts before using oil fill, and in the County they now require power tamping. The City Manager informed the Council he ,and the City Engineer had discussed this problem and 1 felt %hat ,perhaps the contractor should put a temporary oil fill or the cut rather than dirt.- It was moved by Cmn. Ledgerwood and secor eB by Cmn. Helton that the City Manager and the City Engineer be directed to select those street cuts that are not satisfactory and the proper agency be contacted to repair these cuts properly, and in the future the City be more strict with their inspections. All ayes, motion- carried. I' 4- ORAL COMMUNICATIONSL There were no oral communications. 5- DEPARTMENT ANI) COMMISSION REPORTS. a. P1 anninrr, .- (1) - CONifIlWED HEARILG - Resolution of Intention #338 - Vacation of Westerly portion of Carlsbad Blvd, adjacent to Carlsbad Beach -State Park, Resolution of Intention No, 338 was reviewed by the Council and .- (1) - CONifIlWED HEARILG - Resolution of Intention #338 - Vacation of Westerly portion of Carlsbad Blvd, adjacent to Carlsbad Beach -State Park, Resolution of Intention No, 338 was reviewed by the Council and the sketch of the proposed vacation was reviewed. Mr. Kenyon from the State Parks and Beach was present and requested that the vacation extend a few feet south of Chinquapin to the State property line, and northerly to the intersection with Ocean Avenue. The City Engineer asked Mr. Kenyon if the State would need the property up to the center line of the 7 r ; st.ree6, '.beC'anse-:in.; tthe fuOure the City might need to widen Carlsbad Blvd, Mr, Kenyon stated that they would but if in the future the City would need additional fooOage west of the c.enter line they would no doubt grant it, to the City by way of an easement, The Council asked Mr , Kenyan if this project would be taken care of this season, Mr , Kenyon informed the Council that the funds had been alloted for the comfort stations but there is such a terrific program throughout the State that they would not be completed for 6 or 8 months. The question of drainage was raised. it was pointed out that it is causing very bad- erosion along the bank. W. Kenyon. felt this matter should be taken care of at the time the plans for development of the area were considered, After considerable discussion it was moved by Cmn. 'Ledger- wood that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a resolution vacating that portion of Carlsbad Blvd. setting forth the exact des- cription of the property to be vacated, and that it be presented at the next meeti.ng of the Council. Seconded by Cmn, Helton. All ayes, motion carriedi, (2) HEARING - Resolution of Intention #.?dl - Vacation of a Dortion of Buena Vi.sta Circle, Notice of Intention to vacate a portion of Buena Vista Circle was read, Letter dated March 12, 1958 from the San Diego Gas and Electrlic Company was read, wherein they stated they owned and operated lines within the property being considered for vacation, and would protest such vacat'ion until such time as easements were granted along the proposed vacated property. Mr. Greek, one of the parties. requesting the vacation was present, and informed the Council he and Mr. Ward would be willing to grant the requested easements. It was moved by Cmn. Robinsion and seconded by Cmn. Helton that the hearin2 be continued until Apri.1 1; 1958. at 7:30 P.M. in order that these ease- ments could be executed by the parties. All ayes, motion carried. (3) Reclassification of Pi0 Pic0 Drive, At the meeting of March 4, 1958 the Council asked that Mr. Whitnall, Planning Consultant, be present at the meeting of March 18, 1958 to clarify the use of a precise plan and the reclassification. of Pi0 Pic0 Drive, MR. WHITNALL, stated that he had gone over the minutes of the last meeting and was familiar with the past proceedings in regard to the re- classification of Pi0 Pic0 Drive. He pointed out that Pi0 Fico was never a R-3 zone it has always been zoned R-1. In zoning property there are four factors to be considered, namely, pattern of city, geographic location, traffic, topographic characteristics. A precise plan is some- times needed whether the property has been subdivided or is to be sub- divided, and the request for reclassification can be presented concurrent ly with a precise plan. Mr. h'hitnall explained the needs for precise plans and the different types of precise plans. He felt that if the property owners along Pi0 Pic0 Drive wished to have their property re- classified that this was a good example for need of a precise plan be- cause the properties abutting Pi0 Pic0 Drive are not all the same size and Pi0 Pic0 Drive is relied upon for access to the freeway. He further stated that he would like to experiment with a plan for Pi0 Pic0 Dr. and asked that the Council suggest to the Planning Commission that a plan be explored for this area. Several of the property owners on Pi0 Pic0 Drive were present and were asked by the C'ouncil if they were interested in this exploration, The property 0wner.s present were agreeable to having a plan presented, It was moved by C.m. Ledgerwood and seconded by Cmn. Helton that the Plan- ning Commissio.n be instructed to explore this matter informally, and submit a recormmeridation to the Council., All ayes, motion carried, A short recess was declared by the Mayor, The meeting reconvened at 9:11 P.M. (4) -act w:ith Woman's ~mb - Communitv BuildinP. A rough draft of a contract betlween the City and the Woman's Club for a Community Build- ing was presented to the Council for their review, The City Attorney was asked to explain the different phases of the contract. The City manager reportled that copies had been given to the Woman1 s Club for 4e their comments and consideration. By common consent of the Council it was agreed that the matter be continued until a report was submitted by the Woman's Club and the Council could further review the contract. (5) Tentative Ma0 of Paradise Estates Unit #2, The tentative map of Paradise Estates Unit #2 was presented to the Council for their revie.w. Resolution No. 55 of the Planning Commission was read, setting forth certain conditions and recommendations. Proposed Resolution No. 359 was presented to the Council for their review, recommending the approval of the tentative map of Paradise Estates, Unit No. 2, which incorporated all of the recommendations submitted by the Planning Commission. Mr. - Watson, builder for the subdivision, was present and stated that he certainly appreciated having all the conditions incorporated in one document. It was moved by Cmn. Ledgerwood and seconded by Cmn. Robinson that Resolution No. 359 be adopted. Four ayes, Cmn, Baird absent, . Resolution No. 359 adopted. b. Engineering. I (1) Contract between Citv and K.E. Ebright - Byena Vista Terrace, A rough draft of a eefund agreement for street improvements forproperty located within the Buena Vista Terrace Subdivision was presented to the Council, said contract being between the City and K. E. Ebright. The question of cost per front foot was discussed. It was suggested this a cost per front foot should include sewer lines, water lines, and street 4 improvements. The problem of collection was discussed - should the sub- 0 divider be entitled to 100% of the cost of improvement? It was pointed q out this would be a long term investment and the subdivider should be q entitled to a 100% refund where a buffer strip is hvolved and the sub- J divider has been required to pave both sides of the street. The problem of determining the cost per front foot for said street improvements was discussed, and it was agreed that the subdivider should certify as to ' ' these costs. After considerable discussion by common consent the City Attorney was instructed to redo the contpact and present it to the Council at the next meeting, I (2) Juniper Avenue Sewer Project - 1911 Act. The City Engineer re- ported a petition had been recelved containing 85% of the property owners signatures for the construction of sanitary sewers under the lgll Act. The City Engineer reported there were trees growing in the ' center of the street and the property owners had- requested that the tree; not be removed. MR. WELCH, one of the property owners who had circulated the petition, stated the property owners realized that some would .have to pay more than others if the trees were not removed, because of the sewer having to be installed off-center, but they were willing to do so. It was suggested by the City Engineer that the sewer laterals be made a part of the assessment. It was moved by Cmn. Robinson and seconded by Cmn. Helton that an inspection be requested and that an opinion be re- quested from the Health Officer to present at the next Council meeting. All ayes, motion carried. (3) Skyline Drive Sewer Project - 1911 Act. The City Engineer reporte that Mr. Glenn Feist, one of the property owners on Skyline Drive was circulating a petition for the construction of -sanitary sewers, but was unable to present the petition at this time, but felt it would be ready to present at the next meeting of the Council. Cmn. Robinson moved that the Health Officer be requested to submit an opinion as to the necessity of sanitary sewers for Skyline Drive. Seconded by Cmn. Ilelton. All ayes, motion carried, I (4) Repmk of Sewage Treatment Plant operations. The City Engineer stated the department had received very favorable reports in regards to the odors from the Sewage Treatment Plant since the installation ,of the pump. (5) Knowles Avenue - Sewer Extension. The City Engineer informed the Council one of the property owners on Knowles Avenue had received a notice from the Health Department to cease his present sewer operation. I-Ie is willing to contribute his front footage if a sewer extension can be made from Elmwood west 185' on Knowles Avenue, and the City's con- tribution cost would be $213.50. It was moved by Cmh. Robinson and seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood that the ,City's contribution cost of $213.50 be authorized for the extension of the sewer line from Elmwood west on Knowles from the sewer revolving fund. All ayes, motion carried. (6) Request for extension of Terramar Water line to Key Acres. A request for an extension of the Terramar Water Line to Key Acres subdivision was made by one of the owners. A plat map was presented of the area surrounding the subdivision showing the water lines from the Carlsbad Municipal Water. District and the Terramar Water Company. The subdividers proposed to-run a line 7.50' to the subdivision. They pro- ' the subdivision. As the property in question is outside the City Limits, the City Attorney informed the Council the City could legally engage in. the connection of water to .properties outside the City Limits. It was pointed out the property could be. served from the Hall Wells or from the Garlsbad Municipal Water District, however, the FIunicipal does not sell water other than wholesale. The matter of inclusion fees was discussed. After considerable discussion it was moved by Cmn. Robinson and,seconded by Cmn. Helton that the teneative policy set by this Council, subject to further studyr, be, .that water services being extended from the Terramar system shall not be charged an inclusion fee. All ayes, motion carried. Further study was given to the extension line and it was mutually felt by the Council. that they did not want .to have any lines installed that were substandard in material.. It was pointed out that if they c,ould , connect to the! Municipal line in-front of Key Acres it would be the most logical soluti.on. After considerable discussion by mokion of the Council the City Manager was instructed to contact the Nunicipal to see if the Municipal wou1.d lease to the City, capacity in the Municipal high pressure line from the Terramar take-off to the 8" flange outlet in front of Key Acres. C. Park and Recreation. , posed to use steel pipe for this extension and transite pipe within (1) Hospe Ckove. " The City Manager informed the Council he had sub- mitted the offer suggested by the Park and Recreation Commission to the Hospe Corporation. Letter dated March 12, 1958 addressed to the City Manager fron the I-Iospe .Eucalyptus Corporation was read stating they had employed the ejervices of one of the nationally known appraisal companies, and felt the value placed on the property was both fair and able to stand court reveiw for condemnation, and the request to purchase a por- tion of the land at less than 45% of the appraised value, indicated no interest in this park development at this time. They further requested the City to relezse them'from the first refusal commitment made over one year ago at the request of the City. Mrs. Sutton, Chairman of the Park and Recreation Commission, had stated that the main objection of the Park and Recreation Commission to this acquisition was that the citizens felt the appraiisal was too high. Cmn. Robinson stated that he did not feel the appralisal was too high, but in his opinion he'did not feel that the City shou1.d spend this kind of money for a park at this time when there are other projects that are more n@eded at present. By common con- sent it was agreed that the letter be acknowledged and the corporation be releaved fr,om their commitment. d. Library. Recommendation of housing facilities. At the previous. meeting the Council . had suggested that perhaps one of the houses recently acquired by-the City in Holida,y Park be remodeled so that it-could house the Library, or perhaps the Children's Library be separated from the other part of the Library. A, letter from the Library Commission was read wherein they stated they were interested in having one of the houses remodeled for the Children's library. Considerable discussion was given to the cost of the remodeling, and the necessity of hiring another employee for the library. It wa,s suggested that perhaps an acceptable method of financing for permanent quarters should be checked into before spending such funds for temporary quarters. By common consent it was agreed that the matter be deferred until the next meeting and that Eir. Nelson be instructed to check into the financing of such a project. e. Traffic Safety Commission. (1) Off-street parkie. The City Manager reported that a figure of $33.00 per month had been discussed with the owner of the property on State Street , plus liability insurance. After considerable discussion by common cons,ent it was agreed that the City Manager be instructed to r further negotiate with the owner and that an agreement be 'presented at the next meeting. '0 OLD BUSINESS: - (1) 2nd reamp. Ordinance No. 9084 - Reclassification of South Carlsbad Annexation #1.1 and #1.2. Second reading was given Ordinance #9084, amending Ordinance No. 9060, changing zone classification of a portion of that property described in "South Carlsbad Annexation No. 1.1" and all of that property described in "South Carlsbad Annexation No. 1.2" 4 from Zone R-A to Zone *lMn. It was moved by Cmn. Ledgerwood and seconded by Cmn. Helton that Ordinance No, 9084 be adopted, Thre ayes, Cmn. Robinson abstaining and Cmn, Baird absent. Ordinance #go84 adopted. (2) Z8d re&i.nP Ordinance No. 9085 - Reauired vote of CounciL, Second reading.was given Ordinance No. 9085, amending Ordinance No. 9060, by deleting from said ordinance the requirement of four Council votes to overrule the action of the Planning Commission. It was moved-by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood that Ordinance No. 9085 be adopted. Four ayes, Cmn. Baird absent, Or' dinance No, 9085 adopted .. ., 8- NEW BUSINESS: ,- ._ (1). pJ&&&&& The ~c.o<uncil asked that this matter be :deferred until the meeting of April 1, - ..,". . -. . ... 1958, (2) J'rooosed aendments to Ordinance No. 8010 (Electrical Code), A rough copy of the changes being made in the electi.ica1 code wert presented to the Council for their .consideration, No action was taken at this time. 62J 4 m @T, (3) The City. Attorney requested permission to attend the League of California Cities meeting for City Attorneys in April, By com mon consent of the Council the City Attorney was granted permissiq to attend this meeting. 3 9- . . PAYMENT OF BILLS - RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL: Cmn. Robinson moved authorization of payment of bills from March 1 1958, through March 18, 1958, in the amount of $4,727.93, as cer- tified by the Director of Finance ,and approved-by the Auditing Con mittee, Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried. Cmn. Robinson moved ratification of the payroll for the first half of March, 1958, in the amount of $8,891.78, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee, Secor ed by Cmn, Helton. All ayes, motion carried, 10- ADJOURNMENT : By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 12:05 A, M. Respectfully submitted, n A r&A4 MAKGPEl! E. AD S *+ &B!fAG """"""""""""-""""""", MINUTESOF REGULAR MEETING OF CAKLSDAD CITY COUNCIL April 1, 1958 1- The meeting was called to order at 7:OO P. 11, by Mayor Castorena, Present besides the Mayor were Councilmen Ledgerwood, ,Robinson and Helton; City Manager Nelson, City Attorney Smith and City Engineer Kubota, Absen$, Councilman Baird. 2- It was moved by Cmn. Helton that the minutes of March 18, 1958, be approved as submitted, Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood. All ayes, motion carried. I i 3- WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE: a. 'Cgov of On-sale Beer License apdication - Rabh b Eddie'& 370 Grand Avenue. The Council was informed that a copy of an appl2ca- tion for On-sale Beer License had been received by the Chief of Po lice and the Council from the State Board of Equalization for thei comments or recommendation. The City Manager reported to the- Cohcil the Chief of Police had stated he had no objection to the location. The Council stated they had no objection or comments in relation to the application, b. Letter addressed to the City Council from John Ortega, requesting that stop signs be placed at the corner of Grand Avenite and Hardin Street. It was mutually agreed by the Council the matter should h