HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-04-15; City Council; Minutes4, - MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF CAKLSBAD CITY COUNCI&
April 15, 1958
1 - x The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Mayor Castorena.
Present besides the Mayor were Councilmen Ledgerwood, Robinson, Helton
and Baird; City Clerk Ewald, City Manager Nelson and City Attorney
2 - Invocation was offered by Rev. Brockenshire of the Carlsbad Union Church.
P - Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that the minutes of April a, 1958 be approved as
~ submitted. Seconded by Crnn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried.
a/ Canvassing of returns. The first order of business was the canvas-
sing of returns of the beturns of the municipal election of April 8, 1958. City Clerk Ewald appointed Cmn. LFdgerwood Inspector, Cmn.. Baird Judge and Cmn. Robinson and Cmn. Helton as Clerks. The offical count .of each precinct was checked against the tally lists.
b. Counting of absentee ballots. City Clerk Ewald opened the absentee a ballots and announced the contents of each which were recorded by the 4 n Clerks, There were tkentpthree(23) absentee ballots returned, one ab& eentqe ba!.€ot being; dec-lqed. 7o~d~....rnaking;~,a: total of 1704 votes cast, < with final results as set out in attached Resolut'ion No. 360. Proposed * J. Resolution No. 360 w4s presented to the Council for their review, de- claring the resulks of the municipal election held on April 8, 1958, and certain facts relative thereto: said resolution setting farth the names of those elected to office as follows: City Council - Jane Sonneman and Carl Lough; City Treasurer - Wesley F. Greek; and City Clerk- J. Harry Price; that there was one proposition named and such measures received-the following vote (see attached Resolution). It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cmn. Baird that Resolution No
360 be adopted. Five ayes, Resolution No 360 adopted.
C. presentation of Certificates of Election - Citv Clerk. a1 elected
candidates were present. City Clerk Ewald presented each elected
candidate with a Certificate of Election after which the Oath of Alleg
iance was administered by the City Clerk. '
d. Selection of Mavor and M7vor D~O temoore, City- Clerk Price took the
Mayor's Chair and announced that nominations were open for the positio
of Mayor of the City of Carlsbad. CWN. Sonneman opened the nominations
and placed the name of David E. Baird for Mayor. Cmn. Ledgerwood plac
the name of Claud R. Helton for Mayor.& Cmn. Lough seconded the nominat
of David E. Baird for Mayor. Cmn. Ledgerwood's. nomination of the name 1
Claud R. Helton for Mayor died for lack of a second. Roll Call vote:
Cmn. Ledgerwood aye,Cwn. Sonneman aye, Cmn. Helton no, and Cmn. Lough
aye, Cmn. Baird abstaining. The Clerk announced Cmn. Baird as the new
Mayor of the City of Carlsbad., and the new Mayor accepted the chair
fromthe City Clerk.
Mayor Baird announced that nominations were open for the position of
Vice Mayor. Cwn. Sonneman opened the nominations imd placed the name
of Carl Lough for Vice Mayor. Cmn. Ledgerwood seconded the nomination of Carl Lough for Vice Mayor. Roll call vote: Cmn. Ledgerwood aye, Cwn
Sonneman aye, Mayor Baird aye, Cmn. Helton no, Cmn. Lough abstaining. The Mayor announced Cmn. Carl Lough as the Vice Mayor of the City of
MR. RAYMOND C. EDE. stated that he wished to express appreciation and gratitude on the bzhalf of the citizens of Carlsbad for the manner in
which the two outgoing members of the Council had conducted themselves
and especially to Mayor Castorena who had been on the Council since th
inception of the City. Mayor Baird requested that a Resolution of
appreciation be sent to all the members, appoint-ing Cmn. Lough to write these letters, and that it be spread upon the minutes.
I "
The Mayor requested that the written correspondence be deferred until
an'adjourned meeting of the Council.
There were no oral communications.
a. Planning.
(1) W3TINUED HEARING - froDosed amendment to Ordinance #9060.
Cmn. Lough moved that since the new members of the Council were
not familiar with this matter, that the hearing be continued
until the regular meeting of the Council on May 6, 1958,
(2) COrIINUEI) HEARING - Vacation of a nortion of Buena Vista
Circle -. Resolution of Intention No. 341, Letter from-San Diego
Gas and Electric Company was read stating they had withdrawn
their protest as they had received the requested easements. The
new members of the Council'were informed of the past proceedings.
Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that the public hearing be closed on the
matter and that it be deferred until .the next regular meeting of
May 6, 1.958. Seconded by Cmn. Nelton. All ayes, motion carried.
A short recess was declared by the Mayor. The meeting was re- . convened at 9 :30 P. M.
(3) Firla1 Subdivision Mar> - Seacrest Estates - Resolution No. 361:
approving final map. The final map of Seacrest Bstates Subdivi-
sion was; presented to the Council for their review. - The City At-
torney pointed out to the Cobcil that under our Subdivision Or- dinance that a subdivider was required to make certain-street im-
provements, and presented an Improvement Agreement for the Council'
review. Proposed Resolution No, 361 was also presented to the
Council, approving the final map of Seacrest Estates Unit No. 1.
Crnn. HeI.ton moved that Resolution No. 361 be adopted and that the
signatures be withheld on the Final Map until such time as the
Subdivider has complied with all the requirements of the Improve-
ment Agreement and ordinances. Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood. Four
ayes, Cnm. Lough abstaining. Resolution No. 361 adopted,
The new members of the Counci.1 were informed-that the Subdivider
for Seacrest Estates had requested an entrance,gate for this sub-
division and the previous Council had adopted an Entrance Gate
Policy, which they would bp furnished with a copy, and the sub-
divider would'present a -drawing of' this entrance gate fer the
Council's approval .
b. Engineer4ng,
(1) Wksevelt Street Imrovement Proiect. 1911 Act. By common
consent of the Council Ehis matter was deferred until the regular
meeting-of May 6, 1958,
(2) abatementnces - Resolution #367L, A
map of t,he City was presented showing the properties having weeds
. ortrash,, A list was presented setting forth the parcel number and
property owners having such nuisances upon their property which included 462 parcels. The City Attorney informed the Council that a Resolution would have to be adopted ordefing the Public Works Director to abate such nuisances and setting the time and place for hearing, Resolution No.. 362 was presented to the Council for
their review,
"2s. A. STEPHENS LOWRIE asked- if 'the other property olqners had to
wait for all the proceedinas to be completed before the City would
do anyth.ing about the abatement of these weeds: she hired a gardner to take care of her property and the property next to her was full
of weeds,, and would appreciate having this nuisances taken care of before t,he weeds went to seed. Mrs. Lowrie was informed the City
could not abate this nuisance until a hearing had been held,
CMN, Helton moved that Resolution No 362 be adopted, declaring
weeds an.d trash upon certain properties to be a public nuisance,
and describing such property: oddering the Public Works Director
to abate such nuisances, setting time and place for hearing of
objections to the proposed order of abatement. Seconded by Cmn.
Lough. Five ayes, Resolution No. 362 adopted.
(3) -&& curbs and Putters without Dermanent streets. By common consent the matter was deferred until the adjourned meeting.
(4) Elm Street Lighting Pro-iect. 1911 Act. By comon consent of the
Council the matter was deferred until the adjourned meeting,
4' A..
C, Library,
(1) mort of increased usec Letter from Library Commission was read, informing the Council that due to the new High School in
Carlsbad the library work has increased and it may be necessary to
keep the library open on Thursday and perhaps one or two evenings
during the week. The letter also set forth the qualifications of the
librarian and helpers and clarified the salaries of the employees, which had .been,nisprinted in the newspaper. The Council asked that
the letter be filed.
d. Financial reDorts for March. 1958, Financial reports for the
month of March, 1958 were circulated among the members of the Counci:
of their review,
e. I Harbor. I
(1) Recommendation on race course reauested bv Carlsbad-at and Ski Club, Memorandum from the Harbor Commission was read wherein they stated they had received a request from the Boat and Ski Club
for permission to install a slalom on the lagoon for water skiers.
They recommended this request be granted after due consideration by
the Commission, but that it be limited to this season to see if it
would conflict with.the other activites on the lagoon.
D -4 MR. YARBROU% one of the members of the Boat and Ski Club informed n the Council this course would not hamper anyone that wished to use rct the lagoon, * J The Mayor asked if the inskallation of this course would cause more
noise. The Council was informed this request was not for the purpose of a racing event, and would not increase the noise. The Council a$$# who would pay for the installation and maintenance of this slalom,an
they were informed the Boat and Ski Club would pay for the installat
and maintenance. Cmn. Helton moved that the recommendation of the
Harbor Commission be approved. Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood. All ayes motion carried,
((2) Resort of meeting April 21. 1958 at NewDort Beach of State
Small Craft Harbors Commission. The Council was informed there would
be a meeting of the State S.mal1 Craft Harbors Comnission on April 21 1958 at Newport Beach, and were asked if they wished to authorize an
of the members of the Harbor Commission to attend, By common consent
the Council authorized the Harbor Commission to send someone to re-
present them at this meeting.
(3) Letter of Resignation. Letter of Resignation from C.C. Walt
Chairman of the Harbor Commission was read, stating he felt the harb'
project was at a stand-still at the present time and ,$ue to business
was necessary for him to submit his resignation at tBis time. The
Council accepted Mr. ltralters resignation and the Mayor requested tha
a leter of regret be'sent to Mr. Walters.
a. Discussion on possible annexations. A map of an area proposed to
be annexed was submitted to the Council for their review, The Counci
was informed that a petition had been received signed by three of th
property owners who represent a majority of the assessed valuation o
the property proposed to be annexed, had requested certain propertie
to be annexed to the City of Carlsbad. It was pointed out that the boundaries of the area proposed to be annexed is within the Carlsbad
Municipal Water District, After considerable disc-ussion Resolution
No 363 was presented to the-Council for their review. It was moved b
Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood that Resolution No 363 b
adopted, giving notice of proposed annexation, describing the bounda of the territory to be qnnexed, designating such territory as "East Carlsbad Annexation #2,1", setting forth reasons of the 'City of Carl for desiring such annexation; and fixing a time -and place for hearin of objections for proposed annexation. Five ayes, Resolution No. 363 adopted. .
b. Amendment to Carlsbad Mutual Water Co. contract. The City '4ttorne infored the Council -since the voters of Carlsbad had indicated their
willingness to have the contract with the Carlsbad Mutual Water Co,
amended, if the Council wished to instruct him to prepare such an
. amendment he would have it ready for the adjourned meeting. It was
moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood that the City
Attorney be instructed to proceed with the amendment to the contract with the Carlsbad. Mutual Water Co. All ayes, motion carried.
Cmn. 'Ledgerwood moved authorization of payment of bills from April 1, 1958 through April 15, 1958, in the amount of $3,961.34, as certified
by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing committee,
Seconded by Cwn. Sonnenan. All ayes, motion carried.
Crnn. Ledgerwood moved ratification of the payroll for the first half
of April, 1958,, in the amount.of $9,014,29, as certified by the
Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Seconded
by Cwn. Sonneman. All ayes, .motion carried.
Biscwsion of additional duties for Citv Clerk and Citv Treasurer,'
Discussion was given as to the extra duties for the City Treasurer and
the City Clerk.. It was the feeling of Some of the nlembers of the Council that the extra duties of the City Clerk and City Treasurer
would continue on until the Council had time to study the matter.
MR. KAX E'CL'ALD was present and requested that his extra duties be
'claried. Mr. Errald informed the Council that in addition to the duties
of City Clerk he was performing the duties of assistant planner, building inspector and Secretary to the Harbor Commission.
City Clerk Price informed the Council that he did not feel that he was
qualified to act as building inspector.
After considerable discussion, Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that the City
Manager be autlhorized to employ the necessary personnel to take care of these extra duties until the 'Council had made a decision. Seconded
by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried.
Cmn. Lough moved that this meeting be adjourned to April 21, 1958 at
7:OO P.M. Seconded by Cwn. Sonnernan. All ayes, motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 10: 20P.H.
Respectfully submitted,
DepGty City Clerk.
1 - The meeting was called to order at 7:06 P.X. by Nayor Baird. Present
besides the Ma:yor were Councilmen Ledgerwood, Helton, Lough and Council-
woman Sonneman; City Manager Nelson and City Attorney Smith.
2- Invocation was offered by Rev. Brockenshire of the Carlsbad Union Church.
a. mvman S. C. Masterson - Puic Indebtedness. Invitation was
extended to all City Officals to attend a hearing on the Public indebt-
edness to be held on May 23, 1958, A report was enclosed with the letter
showing the indebtedness of the various agencies. The Council ordered
the letter filed.
b. State Controller Kirkwood. Letter from State Controller setting
forth the approximate revenue to be received for 1958, based upon the
rate of 5.24 pser person. They estimated the year 1959 would be based
upon the rate tGf 5.33 per person. The letter was reviewed by Council
and ordered filed.
C. Howard W. Demler - Commercial Zoning east of Freeway. Letter was read wherein Mr. Demler protested any commercial zoning east of the ' Freeway. The C'ouncil asked if there were any ppplications pending and they were informed there were none at present. The letter wqs ordered filed.
d. S. D. Countv Chamber of Commerce - Hiwav meeting. ADril 22, 1958,
Letter giving notice Of a meeting to be held on April 22, 1958, and