HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-04-21; City Council; Minutes; ?I .l ;& E Attorney be instructed to proceed with the amendment to the contract with the Carlsbad Mutual Water Co. All ayes, motion carried. 9- PAYMENT OF BILLS - RATIFICATION OF PXYKOLL: Cmn. 'Ledgerwood moved authorization of payment of bills from April 1, 1958 through April 15, 1958, in the amount of $3,961.34, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Seconded by Cwn. Sonnenan. All ayes, motion carried. Crnn. Ledgerwood moved ratification of the payroll for the first half of April, 1958, in the amount-of $9,014.29, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Seconded by Cwn. Sonnernan. All ayes, Fotion carried. 2iscussion of additional duties for Citv Clerk and City Treasurer,' Uiscussion was given as to the extra duties for the City Treasurer and the City Clerk. It was the feeling of some of the members of the Council that the extra duties of the City Clerk and City Treasurer would continue on until the Council had time to study the matter. MR. MAX 7 EWhLD was present and requested that his extra duties be 'claried. Mr. Ewald informed the Council that in addition to tile duties of City Clerk he was performing the duties of assistant planner, building inspector and Secretary to the Harbor Commission. City Clerk Price informed the Council that he did not feel that he was qualified to act as building inspector, After considerable discussion, Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that the City Manager be authorized to employ the necessary personnel to take care of these extra duties until the.Counci.3 had made a decision. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried. Lo- ADJOURNMENT: Cmn. Lough moved that this mketing be adjourned to April 21, 1958 at 7:OO P.M. Seconded by Cwn. Sonneman. All ayes, motion carried, Meeting adjourned at 10: 2OP.X. Respectfully submitted, W*dF/L $1AlcC$IKET E. ADAllS. Deputy City Clerk. "I""""-_"""""_""""-""" ADJOURNED MEETING OF C-jRLSBXD CITY COUNCIL - &ril 21. 1958 1 - The meeting was called to order at 7: 06 P.N. by Mayor Baird. Present besides the Mayor were Councilmen Ledgerwood, Helton, Lough and Council- woman Sonneman; City Manager Nelson and City Attorney Smith. 2- Invocation was offered by- Rev. Brocltenshire of the Carlsbad Union Church 3- Wl2ITTEN CO.XKESPCNDENCE: a. W~JJ~S. C. blasterson - hxic %n&&&&n~~~ Invitation was extended to all City Officals to attend a hearing on the Public indebt- edness to be held on May 23, 1958, A report was enclosed with the letter showing the indebtedness of the various agencies. The Council ordered the letter filed. b. State Controller Kirkwood. Letter from State Controller setting forth the approximate revenue to be received for 3.958, based upon the rate of 5.24 per person. They estimated the year 1959-would be based upon the rate Gf 5.33 per person. The letter was reviewed by Council and ordered filed. c. Howard Id. Demler - Commercial Zoning east of Freeway. Letter was rRad wllerein Nr. Demler protested any commercial zoning east of the ' Freeway. The Council asked if there were any ppplications pending and they were informed there were none at present. The letter w4s ordered filed. d. S. D. Countv Chamber of Commerce - Hiwav meeting. tbril 22, 1958, Lettell giving notice of a meeting to be held on April 22, 1958, and " :I ki stating they hoped to have some of the members present from the recent State Legislature, Mr. Nelson informed the Council the Legislature is still in session and they problably would not be present. The Council ordered the letter filed. - e, Mrs, Jesse Kinman - Tree troots damaging sewer line. Letter was read wherein Mrs. Kinman stated tkat tree roots from a tree located on City property was damaging her sewer line, and requested that some relief be given her in regards to this tree, The Council was informed that the Tree Committee of the Parks and Recreation Commission had recommended that the tree be removed as of April 1, 1958, and Mrs. Kinman was informed that the tree would be removed at the City's eapense. f, Claim for damapes - Carlsbcid - Lumber Cob Notice of claim for damages by the Car1sba.d Lumber Co. was read wherein they claimed damages in the amount of $14,000.U0 caused by poor drainage system, The Council was in- formed the claim had been turned over to the City Attorney for his opinft ion in the matter. The City Attorney's opinion was read wherein he stated that in his opinion the claim should be denied due to the fact that the damage was caused from heavy rainfall within a short period of time. Cmn, Lough moved that the claim be denied in accordance with the recommeddatic of. the City Attorney and that the same be referred to the insurance carrier. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. All ayes, motion carried, 22 "4 g. K.. B. Jones, 3892 Highland Drive, Carlsbad - Drainaqe, Letter from I<. ,J=J Jones, stating that the drainage from the Highlands on to Park Drive and q then on to the writers property was causing considerable damage to his 3 new members of the Council were informed that this matter had come before I A property, and requested the Couscil to take some action on the matter. Th the Council previously and an attempt had been made to remedy the con- dition,. Cmn. Ledgerwood informed the Council that he was aware of this condition and felt steps should be taken to remedy this condition. Cmn, Helton moved that the matter be referred to the Engineering Department and that a report be submitted to the Council at the next meeting. Second by Cwn. Sonneman, All ayes, motion cBrried, I h. George G. Hanway - 3710 Adams - Accumulation of green fluid. Letter from George G. Hanway stating there was an accumulation of liquid secre- tion, green in color, on his drive and lawn, and requested that an invest gation be made of this condition. Cmn. Lough moved that the matter be referred to the Healthpfficer, and that he be requested to make an immed iate inspectTon and report to the City Manager. Seconded by Cmn. Iielton. ,411 ayes, motion carried, i. Chamber of Commerce - Placement of. directional signs to Harbor. Letter from Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce requesting that directional signs be placed on streets leading to the harbor. Cmn. "Lough asked what would be the effect on the travel of the streets that are not major streets. .Cmn, Helton stated that he felt the Traffic Safety Commission should give this matter some thought. Mayor 3aird requested that a copy of this letter be sent to all the members of the Council for their consideration in the matter, j. Letter of Employment - Harry D. Gilham. Letter dated April 21, 1958 addressed to the Council from Harry D. Gilham, requesting that his name be placed before the Council for-consideration of any job - preferably in the building department. Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that the letter be re- ferred to the City Manager. Seconded by Cmn. Lough. All ayes, motion carried , !-ORAL COMNUNICATIONS: I LLEWELLA DAVIES, 4048 Garfield, Carlsbad, stated she owned two lots at the end of Garfield, and due to the fact there is such a congestion of cars parked on Garfield on week-ends she would like to offer these lots to the City for parking area. The Council asked that the matter be refer- red to the City Manager for a report back to the Council at the next reg- ular meeting of the Council. ;-DEPARTMENT AND CONMISSIGNREPORTS: a. Engineering3 (1) Report on drainage, At the request of the Council the City Eng- ineer was requested to make a report on the City's drainage system. He stated that 0u.r drainage system is a result of the County W.P,A. in the 3C He felt that the only solution was a full curb and gutter and adequate storm drains to take care of the run off. Cmn. Ledgerwood asked if any I t survey had been made regarding these storm drains. The Engineer informed the Council that Brown and Caldwell are making a survey and we should have their report av,ailable shortly, Cmn. Lough asked if this storm drain pro- gram would interfere with the improvement program that might be set up for the streets. The Engineer stated he hoped it would be done before the streets were improved, but if not it can be done efficiently so as to not interfere with tthe streets such as was performed by the City of San Diego. The Council asked about the condition on Highland Drive and Sunnyhill, and if this was not the responsiblity of the contractor who laid these sewers. The Cit:y Engineer stated that it is their responsiblity for a period of one y,ear, but unfortunately many of these conditions have been caused from the present .storm. . .%. (2) Elm Avenue Lighting Project, 1911 Act. A plat map was presented to the Council ,for their review setting forth the proposed lighting district. The C:ity Engineer certified there were 68% of the property owners who had ,signed the petition requesting ornamental street lights in the proposed district. The Council asked what the charge per front foot would be, ,and were informed it would be approximately 7.99 per front foot. Discussion was given to the requirements and procedure of the 1911 Act, The City Attorney pointed out these street lights can be paid for from the General Fund of the City or a special assessment, but since there were insu:fficient funds in the General Fund, a special assessment district is the only alternative, and the 1911 Act is the only me.ans whereby the Cit:y can proceed with these ornamental street lights. However, there is pending legislation regarding the 1923 Act which would base the cost upon an assessed valuation rather than a front. footage basis such as the 1911 Act provides. Cmn. Lough felt that since there is pending legislation reg,arding the 1923 Act it would be inadequate to proceed under the 1911 Act if there is a chance of having the benefit of two procedures, and we should have information on this matter within the next 30 days. Cmn. Helton informed the Council the property Pwners in this area had been working on this project since the City's incorporation, and if they wished to have these 1:ights and were willing to pay for them they should not be d eni ed . The City .Attorney informed the Council if they wished to proaeed wikh ,the 1911 Act at this time, that at the hearing and up to the time of the a- warding of the contract the Chuncil could deny these proceedings, Resolution Mo. 365 was presented to the Council, declaring finding that .owners of more than 60% in area of the property subject to :assessment in proposed assessment district No. 1-1958 have signed petition for improvements; f:inding that the petition for proposed assessment District No. 1-1958 has lbeen filed with the Clerk of the City of Carlsbad; and. finding that sa:id petition contains a waiver of investigation proceedings required by Division 4 of 'the Streets and Highway Code of.. the State of -California. It 'was moved by Cmn. Hhlton and second.ed by Cmn. Ledgerwood that Resolution #365 be adopted. Three ayes, Cmn. Lough voting no, and Cwn Sonneman 3bstaiming. Resolution #365 adopted. Resolution No. 366 was presented to the Council for review, appointing person to prepare all proceedings for Assessment District No, 1-1958. It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood that Resolu- tion #366 be adopted, Three ayes, Cmn. Lough voting no, and Cwn. Sonneman abstaining. ResOlutiOR No. 366 adopted, Resolution #367 was presented to the Council for review, appointing Engineer and fixing compensation for Assessment District No. 1-1958. It ' was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood that Resolution #367 be adopted. Three ayes, Cmn. Lough voting no, and Cwn. Sonneman abstaining. Resolution #367 adopted. The City Attorney informed the Council the next step would be the pre- paration of the Resolution of Intention setting forth the time and place for hearing of all interested parties, and .asked if they wished him to prepare such proceedings. It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood that the Resolution of Intention be prepared for Assessment Dist:rict No, 1-1958, Three ayes, Cmn. Lough voting no, and Cwn. Sonnernan abstaining. (3) Resurfacing of Sunnyhill Drive, The City Manager repo ted that Don- Hubbard and Leo Williams were obligated to repair Sunnyhi 1 Drive to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, however, the two contractors felt if, the entire strelet were resurfaced it would be of more benefit to all concerned;.tbey would be willing to resurface the street if the City would pay for the oil; the City Engineer estimated the cost 6or a tank of oil would be approximately $300.00 and if there was any oil remaining - T i it could be used to repair the bad situation on Roosevelt Street. Cmn. Lough asked whose fault this was for the condition of Sunnyhill. Cmn. Lough was informed there was a, 5ad seepage from the hillside, from Alder Avenue t'o Birch, and it was the City's intention to cut a trench along 'the hillside to take care of this moisture before resurfacing. Cmn, Lough asked if the City was morally obligated to give this project any priority, and he was informed they .were not. Cmn. Lough informed the Council he had spent Over two hours with a Civil Engineer going over many of the streets in the City and they concluded theee were several that needed immediate attention, I The City Manager was asked if there were funds available, and- he in- formed the Council there *were funds available from the Public Works Department, Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that the funds be authorized in the amount of $300,00 to purchase oil for the resurfacing of Sunnyhill Drive. Seconded by Cmn. Helton, Fi7;e ayes, motion carried. (4) Retruest for time extension - Sunnyhill Sewer Proiect. 1911 Act. The Council was informed. that the contractor, Don Hubbard, for the Sunnyhill Sewer Project, had submitted a formal request for a 90 day extension for completion of this, project due to the fact he was held up because of the heavy rains. Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that a 90 day extension be granted to Don Hubbard for t he.completion of Sunnyhill Sewer Project. Seconded by Cwn, .Sonneman. 5 ayes, motion carried. A short recess was declared by the Mayor. Meeting reconvened at 9: 20 I?. a =? $3 3, b, Park and Recreation, fc ti2 (1) Recommendation on Buena Vista Lagoon. In accordance with the - r-equest of the Council as of April 1, 1958, the Park and Recreation Commission submitted their recommendation that the proposed Resolution submitted by the Buena Vista-Audubon Society, to the Board of Super- visors be prepared and forwarded to the Board of Supervisors, request- in a study be made and negotiations carried on with the State Park Commission with the view that the lagoon be either acquired and pre- served as a County Monument er as a State or even a National- monument, It was pointed out to the members of the Council that if the County did sanction this they would have the control of the lagoon. Cmn, Helton moved that Resolution No. 368 be adopted along the lines of the Resolution submitted by the .Buena Vista Audubon Society. Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood. Five ayes, Resolution No. 368 adopted. I &OLD BUSINESSL a. Amendment to contract with Mutual Water Co, Copies of the amend- ment to the contract with the Mutual Water @mpany were pr-esented to the Council for their review and comment. After considerable discussic Resolution No, 364 was presented, to amend the agreement between the Carlsbad Mutual Water Company and the City of Carlsbad by deleting therefrom Paragraph ll(c), the effect of such amendment b&ng bb elim- inate the requirements of .a judicial determination of tk powers .of the respective parties to enter into and carry out the terms of the original agreement. Cmn, Helton moved that Resolution No. 364 be adopted, Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood. Five ayes, Resolution No. 364 adopted . b. Discussion of additional duties for Clerk and Treasurer. Cmn, Lough stated that he and Cwn. Sonneman had spent time in an effol to determine the duties and qualifications of Clerk and Treasurer.. The. salary of Treasurer had been set up at $35.00 per month under one of the primary ordinances of the City, and the salary of the Clerk hac been set up as $150.00 per month. The earlier Council had adopted a law providing that any increase in salaries of elective officials voted on by the Council could not become effective during the incum- bency of Clerk or .Treasurer. The City Attorney pointed out this was a State law that the salaries of elective officials could not be chang during the term of office. In investigating the duties of City Treasurer they found that the Tre2 urer was paid $35.00 plus $448.00 under the title of custodian of the l9ll Act Bonds. In addition he received $35.00 to take care of expenst of going to and from the bank. They had discussed the matter with Mr. Greek and he had stated he felt he was qualified to administer the 1911 Act Bonds at a base pay of $483.00, which included the $35.00 -for City Treasurer, without the allowance of $35.00 per month for tra7 'expense. I L2 In investigating the duties and qualifications of City Clerk, they dis- covered that in addition to nominal duties of City Clerk, Ewald had been administering the duties of Assistant Planner and the first respnnsibility of Building Inspector. It was also discovered that the budget for the fiscal year appropriated no maney paybale to the City Clerk; that the appropriation as approved by the Council in June of 1957, provided for the payment to the Clerk of $6,084.00, which, according to the explanation given them by' the City Manager, included the basic pay of $150.00 for the City Clerk. The City Manager stated this had been done only to simplify bookkeeping and the funds could be transferred for that purpose. Cmn. Lough stated this was illegal and he would not:.be a party to transferring any fund. The Citty Attorney informed the Council this method was legal and that funds were transferred all the time, They also investigated the functions and duties of Building Inspector and concluded after conference with Mr. Price, and in checking with other cities, in the majority of cases the functions of Building Inspector are. handled by the City Engineer's office, the reason being that in many cases technical points are submitted and it is impossible for every elective official without background to properly issue permits. They concluded they were bound by the previous appropriations, and the new City Clerk should handle the duties of the. City Clerk and Assistant Planner, and the function of issuing building permits should properly be delegated to the office of the 'City Engineer because of technicalities. They felt the salaries of the City Engineer and his assistance were sufficient so that no adjustment need be made to compensate for addi- tional duties; because of the shortage of stenographic help the City Clerk should handle the paper work. With this im mind Mr. Price shou9d be assigned the additional duties of the Assistant Planner at a salary pres- ently paid in the amount of $6,084.00 per annum or $507.00 per month. Cmn. Helton stated the Building Department was one department that is self-supporting and a building inspector is a specialized field. In most places this is the duty of the building inspector and not the Engineering Department, and he felt it is-important to have the job done.right at the ,begi nni ng . The City Manager stated a position was established for building inspector in this year's budget but that the funds had not bee'n used. There had been discussion of sych a job when the water company problem is'solved; the City would have to assume the employees of the water company and they had discussed the possiblity of Mr. Woods taking over the job of building inspeclor. He did not feel the Engineering Uept. should take over any additional duties as they are 3oaded now; a permanent inspector could give better ser'vice, and should be soneone who knows building and zoning. Mayor Baird pointed out there is a strong association of construction contractors here! and suggested the contractors submit recommendations as to this Buildling Inspector. The fee for inspections is anywhere from $35.00 to $45.00 and the City i;S obligated to give these contractors service, and felt Chey should be heard in the matter. Cmn. Lough stated the Council should perhaps hear them but not be hound by their recom- mendations, Mayor Baird suggested taking care of the additional duties of the City Treasurer .and City Clerk and leaving the building inspector to later. Cmn. Lough moved. that the additional duties of Custodian of the 1911 Act Bonds be assigned to the City Treasurer, and that his salary be fixed at $483.00 per month on a full time basis, subject to further order of the Coumcil. Seconded by Cwn. Sonneman. Fil-e ayes, motion carried. Cmn. Lough moved that the City Clerk continue and assume the duties of Assistant Plann& on a full time basis at a salary of $507.00 per month, with instructions that he participate in and aid to the test of his abil- ity in the processing and handling of the building inspcction business, on the basis of $150.00 per month as City Clerk, and $357.00 per month as Assistant Planner. Seconded by Cwn. Sqnneman. Four -ayes, Cmn. Helton voting no. Motialn carried. Cmn. Helton stated he had talked to many of the contractors and they felt we needed a full tine building i.nspector. He questioned the qualifications of the City Clerk to act as Assistant Planner. He felt it was the Council's responsibility to determine the qualifications for additional- duties. '7 At2 Mayor Baird stated that the Assistant Planner is very close to being a full time planner and that probably within the next year we will have a full time planner, MAX 0. EWALn stated he was being penalized for his many activites in the community, and he had served the City for five years; that for the first six weeks he had served the City for nothing when the City first started; for two years he received $200,00 per month and the first year he was City Clerk he received $300,00 per month', The reason he had - taken on additional duties was to save the City money. He pointed out that Price before elebtJron had stated publicly that he did not want any. thing but the Clerk's job and the statement should be fulfilled, He add( that consideration should be given to qualifications. Cmn. Helton.stated that the City Manager has the power to hire a building inspector. The City Attorney concurred that the Manager has the right to hire all but elected officials, Cmn, Lough asked if this ordinance could be repeaied or amended. The City Attorney informed the Council that it could be, The City Manager stated that he would be glad to hire a building inspector if the Council wishes, Cmn. €&ugh stated it should be on' a temporary basis; within the next 23 30 days a reorganization plan would be presented to the Council, and if necessary for the voting public, which would save the City $10,000 in a% held over the past year, and the private meetings were being held at le; daily to prepare thss plan for submission to the Council, and under thia who can answer any questions regarding building; the plan is still in the preliminary stages; Cmn. Lough Eurther stated they were morally bound to .come up with the plan discussed and it would be presented withj the next 30 days, Meantime he felt the Manager should continue to hire on a temporary basis, After considerable discussion the City Manager was instructed to hire a Building Inspector on a temporary basis, I 4 administration salaries. This plan is the result of numerous conference: J new system a savings can be effected and come up with a qualified enginc 2 I 7-NEW BUSINESS: A. Bgnointrnents-Planning Commission (2). and Harbor Commission (1) The Mayor requested this matte deferred until the next regular meeting, B, Discussion of Dossible annexations, The Mayor asked the Council to consider these proposed areas for possible annexations, 8-ADJOURNMENT, It was moved by Cmn. Lough and seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood that the meeting be adjourned, The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at lO:37 Respectfully submitted, Deputy City Clerk """"""""""""""""""". MINUTES OF REGULU EZEETING OF CAKLSBAD CITY COUNCIL May 6, 1958 I 1- The meeting was called to order at 7:03 P.M. by Mayor Baird, , ?resent besides the Mayor were Councilmen Ledgerwood, Helton, Lough and Councilwoman Sonneman; City Manager Nelson and City Attorney Smith, - Invocation was offered by T. Bruce Smith, City Attorney, 3- Cmn, Lough asked that a correction be made' in the minutes of April 15, . 1958, wherein the "Mayor requested that a ietter of appreciation be sent to the two councilmen for their*past services, the word "lettertt be changed to ftresolutionrl. Cwn. Sonnenan moved that the minutes of April 15, 1958 be approved as corrected. Seconded by Cmn, Ledgerwood, All aye; motion carried, It was moved by Cmn, Lough and seconded by Cwn. Sonneman that the minut 1 of April 32, 1958 be approved as submitted. All ayes, motion carried, 4-WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE: The City Manager announced that a notice of Mayors s and Councilmen's Institute would be held in San Diego on June 5th and 6th, and requested that any of the members wishing to attend to inform him and he would make their reservations. b. Letter from Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce requesting an extension of time to enable them to submit their request for funds from the City for the fiscal year 1958-59. No action was taken by the Council as they felt action would be taken at the time the budget was approved. C. Beach contamination. Letter' dater May 1, 1958 from Hazel L. Scritsmier, stating the County Health Department had checked her property at 5201 Shore Drive, with reference to possible contamination of waters seeping on to the beach from a level approximately 20 to 25 feet below the sur- vace o'f her lot; in checking she has found there is the same type of seepage along the' whole area. Ws. Scritsmier demanded that steps be taken to ascertain the origin of the seepage, and further demanded that the Council prevent the additional constructtion of any homes with sep- tic tanks or sewage disposal facilities, which might add to the con- dition. Cmn. Ledgerwood pointed out to the Council this has been a con- dition for some time, and the Health Department would not approve any other subdivisions in that area. By common consent it was agreed that no action be taken until such time as the Health Department had submittbd their report on the area. ' d. -ion of Hiphwavs - cruarterlv Fras tax allocatioq. Letter dated April 30, 1958 from the Department of Public Works, State of California, ' stating the quarterly allocation of gas tax funds to the City 6or the period ending March 31, 1958 was $4,979.06, based on a population of 6,963. The letter further stated the amount of gas tax revenue increased, but the population in the incorporated .cities increased at a faster rate, which decreased the per capita allocation. e. Everetts €t Esenoff - Audit of Citv Tneasurer's funds. Report dated April 18, 1958 from Evertts and Esenoff, Certifi.ed Public Accountants, stating they had examined the financial records of the former City Treasurer, W.Roy Pace, for the period from July 1, 1957 to April 15, 1958, in which they devoted their attention primarily to an examination of the Treasurer's accountability for 1911 Act Funds as the general City records are maintained by the Finance Director.They further stated when 1 when they perform their usual audit for the year ending June 30; '1958, they would examine all the financial records of the City,' as their fore- most purpose at thks time was to determine the amount of funds being transferred to the newly elected Treasurer, Wesley F. Greek; and the - cash was counted in the presence of Mr. Greek, and they secured his agreement as to the accuracy of the cash on hand, as Mr. Pace was not present. The Council ordered the report filed. .ORAL COMMUNICATIOX& DON UACKINS, 3730 Adams, stated he had received a notice from the County Ilealth Officer regardin,c the condition of his sewer. He presented,,a plat - map of the area on EIagnolia and Adams, together with a pktitiorl, request- ing sewers under the 1911 Act. Cmn. Helton moved that the Health Officer be instructed to make an inspection of this area and submit a report to the Council, and that the City Engineer be instructed to proceed with- the plans and specifications of this project. Seconded by Cmn. Lough; All ayes, motion carried. Reorganization Plan. Can. Lough informed the Council the Committee, com- posed of Cwn. Sonneman and himself, were in the final stages of a reorgan- ization plan, and they would be ready to present this plan next week, and suggested this meeting be adjoured to Wednesday, May 14, 1958. The place of meeting was discussed. The City Attorney stated the meeting would have 'to meet at the regular place of meeting of the City Council, but if there was too large a crowd it could be adjourned to another meeting place. MRS. FEU LULK, 241 Olive 2ave.. asked if something could be done about the fire hazard on the property at the end of Garfield. She understood the property belonged to Mr. Ecke. The City Manager informed the Council Mr. Ecke had leased this property to the San Diego Gas and Electric Co.; and in checking with Mr. Noble of the San Diego Gas and Electric Co. was in- formed they intended to fence this property in as they realized the d anger. -DEPARTMENT 6 COXNISSION REPORTS: a. Engineering. (1) HEARING - Abatement of trash and weed nuisances. The Mayor announced the public hearing was open to heal all persons who were interested in or -