HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-07-14; City Council; Minutes4 fj 6
The Mayor Pro Tem next asked if the City Attorney had a proposed ordin- ance ready for the annexation of the entire area with an emergency hSfec- tive date. The City Attorney stated he had a draft of proposed ordinance
No. 1058; the title was read trnd the City Attorney summarized and explaine all the provisions of each section of the proposed ordinance No, 1058.
Cmn. Helton stated that in view of all the arguments pro and con he felt
that the Council had a duty to perform and he moved that the City Attorney
summary and explanation of the ordinance consti-tute a reading in full of
Ordinance NO. 1058, Ohat Ordinance No..' 1058 be adopted, and that Ordinance
No. 1058 be attached hereto, and made a part hereof, as if fully set forth
herein. Seconded by Cwn, Sonneman. Four ayes, Ordinance No. 1058 adopted.
. Mayor Lough Pro Tem read a memorandum dated July 7, 1958 from David E.
Baird, Mayor of the City of Carlsbad, wherein he stated he wished to '
tender his resignation from the City Council, and that it become effect-
ive immediately. Cmn, Helton moved that the letter of resignation be
accepted and that a Resolution of Appreciation be sent to David E. Baird,
Seconded by Cwn. Sonnernan. Four ayes, mokion carried,
It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood that this
meeting be adjourned to 7:30 P.M. All ayes, motion carried. The meeting was declared adjourned at 6:35 P.M.
Respectfully submitted, - ,
July 14, 19-58 - The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tempore Lough at 7: 05 P.M.
Present besides the Mayor were Councilmen Ledgerwood and Melton, and
Councilwoman Sonneman; City Clerk Price, City Manager NeLhon and City
Attorney Smith. - Invocation was offered by T. Bruce Smith, City Attorney,
- Appointment of Councilman. Mayor Pro Tern Lough announced that on the advic
of the City Attorney it was imperative that an appointment be made to rep1
Councilman. Baird, who had resigned, 4ind.thaf;: nominations were now open for
this replaeement. Cmn. Helton opened the nominations by stating he would like to place before the Council the name of a man who had been past Pres- ident of the Chamber of Commerce, Past President of the Carlsbad Mutual
Water Company, President of his own company, and who had had approximate13
two years' experience as a member of the Council - R.R. Robinson. Cmn.
Ledgerwood stated he would like to place in nomination a man who had had
experience on the City Council and was highly regarded by the Council with
whom he served, the name of George A. Grober. Cwn. Sonneman moved that the
nominations be closed. Seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood. Mayor Pro Tern Lough
stated that both men were highly qualified: roll call vote for R. R. Robin
wqsCmn. Helton, "aye", Cmn. Ledgerwood, Lough and Councilwoman Sonneman ltnofl. Roll call vote for George A. Grober was Cmn. Ledgerwood, Cmn. Lough
and Councilwoman Sonnernan, ?'yesrr, and Cmn. Helton, llnoll . Mayor pro Tem Lou
declared George A. Grbber as the new Councilman.
It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cwn, Sonneman that a short rec
be declared in order that Mr. Grober could be notified and attend the
meeting. All ayes, motion carried.
The meeting was reconvened at 7:24 P.Er.
Mr. Grober was present at 7:24 P.M. The Oath of Allegiance was admin-
istered to Mr. Gro@er by City Clerk Price. Mr. Grober was duly sworn in,
as a member of the City Council to fill the unexpired term of David E.
Baird, terminating the second Tuesday in April, 1960.
- Selection of Mayor and Mayor Pro Tempore. Mayor Pro Tern Lough announced th
nominations were open for the position of Mayor of the City of Carlsbad.
Cwn. Sonneman placed the name of Carl G. Lough for Mayor. It was moved by
Cmn. Ledgerwood and seconded by Cwn. Sonnernan that the nominations .be
closed. Roll call vote: Cmn. Ledgerwood, Cmn. Grober and Cwn. Sonneman vot
flayel?, Cmn. Helton voting llnotl, and Cmn. Lough abstaining. Carl L. Lough
23 -4
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was declared Mayor, Cwn, Sonneman placed in nomination the name of Charles
B. Ledgerwood as Mayor Pro Tempore. Roll call vote: Cmn. Helton, Grober
and Mayor,Lough, and Cwn. Sonneman voting 'Itaye1f, Cmn. Ledgerwood was de-
clared Mayor Pro Tempore. Mayor Lough accepted the chair for Mayor and addressed the Council add audience, stating that in accepting this job as Mayor he was accepting with great humi.lity and hoped that he could serve
without bias or prejudice, and wished to thank the members of the Council
for selecting him as Mayor; he hoped that some of the wounds that had been
opened would be closed and that all could join together in a common cause;
and that one of his promises which he announced prior to election to offic
was that he believed that every citizen should have the right to stand be-
fore the Council without reprisal or insult. As long as he remained in
office he would do his best to see that this is carried out.
5- The Mayor announced that the only other matter on &e agenda woyld be
the discussion of the budget.
Letter from the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce was read requesting delay on
the determination. of their budget as their audit was not complete, By
common consent of the Council the City Manager was instructed'to inform th
Chamber the Council had granted their 'request but that they wished to ex-
pedite this matter. The Council also requested the Chamber to present an
activity report for the comimg year as well as an audit report,
As there were'mernbers of the 'Library Commission present, the Mayor asked
if they wished to comment on their proposed budget.
MK. E4 PKOUT introduced the members of the Library Commission present. He
informed the Council they were asking that their bidget be raised from
$6,000 to $8,000. He pointed out that the most important thing in a librar is books; the library is open 42 hours per week; the library .is trying to operate on a $.07 tax rate; they felt the tax rate shouilil at least come up to the County rate; Mr. Prout presented a chart showing cities of the same size and the numbers of books in their library; this library is op- erating with a minimum of- help and if it were not for the "Friends of the Library" they would be unable to get by; ,they had considered being open one 'or two evenings a week, but in order to keep their budget down they had not allowed for additional help to keep open these extra hours.
Mrs. Georgina Cole, Librarian, informed the Council she was the only
Childrents Librarian in the area and was called out a great deal because
of this; she is also called upon to give book.. reviews; if it were not
for the "Friends of the Library" she would be unable to give her time to
these extra activities, The hours between 9 and 12 in the morning are very
busy; children are waiting on the steps for the library to open in the
morning. Mrs. Cole asked the members of the Council to visit the library
during these hours.
Mrs. McCann informed the Council the library had kept their budget very
close in order that they could have more books.
Mayor Lough thanked the members of the Commission and informed them they
were trying to keep from raising the tax rate,
The City Manager was next, asked to give a general report on the budget, Mr. Nelson reviewed the statemeat attached to the budget with the Council.
He pointed out that the City's tax rate is the lowest in the County; the
increase of property taxes for the coming year would be approximately
$33,067; the property tax is general, however, the sales tax is very low;
income from sales tax is $36,000; this amount goes into the General Fund and is not earmarked for any specific item; 40% of the State Gas Tax funds
could be used for street maintenance. There was no provision in the budget
for Capital Improvement other than to continue present lease-purchase con-
tracts and expend Gas Tax Funds for Chestnut Avenue.
Mayor Lough stated that according to the report by the Advisory Committee
he and Mrs. Sonneman were under the impression the Council could not elimi
nate any positions. It was pointed out that positions are set up annually
at the time the budget is adopted.
Cmn. Ledgerwood suggested the Council stajct discussions of the Public Work
Department in connection with the budget, Discussion was given to the
maintenance of streets and bringing the streets up to standard. The Counci
was informed the last estimate for bringing all the streets up to standard
was $10.,000,000.00. Cmn. Ledgerwood stated that he had previously made the
suggestion that the tax rate be increased $.lo; his taxes bere a burden to
him but that he ?would not be afraid to tackle this amount. The past street policy did not work. Cmn. Helton stated he felt the Council should
consider the entire budget before we consider a tax raise. Mayor Lough suggested that t!he figure proposed in the budget for road materials
($5,000.00) be set up to $20,000.00 and that the figure for labor
($5,OOO.OO) be increased to $10,000.00. It was the mutual feeling of the Council that a street policy should be set up. After considerable discus-
sion, Crpn. Ledgerwood moved that the Street policy as previously adopted
should be chahgeld as follows:
'That the City shall repair, maintain, rehabilitate or relay any oil-type streets in need of repair at the cost of the City by the use.of oil mix,
and that ny oil type street in which the property owners desire additional' width or other ilmprovements shall be borne by the property owner. Any .
new street construction shall be of A-C or permanent type construction,
and the cost sha.11 be borne by the property owners upon their petition for
such type street. Discussion was given as to how this would be financed
and to the cost of such project. Mayor Lough stated that rather than have '
Mr. Ledgerwood's motion fail, with the permission of the Council he would like to appoint Cmn. Helton and Can. Ledgerwood to confer with the C2ty Manager in relation to the cost of cold mix, equipment, etc.
The cost of street lights and maintenance per year within the City of
Carlsbad was discussed. ,1
- Public UtilitiesAmmission Hearing. The City Attorney informed the Council
there was a hear.ing pending on proposed rates for the San Diego Gas and
Elec'tric Company; they have proposed a rate according to the density of
population which would put Carlsbad in Class 2; the final hearing would
be held in San Francisco on July 23, 1958; he had worked -with the City
Attorneys of Oceanside and Escondido in preparing a brief, of which he
had filed the previous day. Mr. Smith asked the Council if they wished
him to appear in San Francisco on the 23rd of July to represent Carlsbad.
It was moved by ICmn. Belton and seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood that the City
Attorney be authorized to ap'pear in San Francisco on July 23, 1958, to
represent the City of Carlsbad at this hearing. All ayes, motion carried.
By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 .P.M.
Respectfully. submitted, , I
July .15, 1958
The meeting was call4 to order by Mayor Lough at 7: 05 POPI-. 'Present
beside the :Mayor were CouncilmenrALedgerwood, Hefton and Grober, and
Councilwoman Sonneman; City Clerk Price, City Manager' Nelson and
City Attornley Smith.
. IKVOCATION: Invocation was given by T. Eruce Smith, City Attorney.
a. It was msoved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood that
the minutes of the regular meeting of July I, 1958 be approved as I
submitted. All ayes, motion carried.
b. The City Attorney requested the minutes of the first adjourned
meeting of .July 7, 1958 be corrected on page 4, paragraph 3, changing, the word fttestimcnt'l to %testimony" and the word frorfr in the last
line to flandlf. It was moved 'by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cwn.
Sonneman that the minutes of the first adjourned meeting of Jiily 7, 1.958 be approved as corrected. All ayes, motion carried.
a. Calif. Disaster Officer -.Civil Defense Workshop, San Diego,
July 23, 1958. . Letter from California Disaster _.I_
'. ., . ..