HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-08-25; City Council; Minutest C MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL August 25, 1958 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:OS P.M. by Mayor Lough. Present beside .::- City Manager Nelson and City Attorney Smith, Absent Councilman Grober. 2, Invocation was offered by T. Bruce Smith, City Attorney. the Mayor were Councilmen Ledgerwood and Helton, and Councilwoman Sonneman; I 3. Minutes of Adjourned meeting-of July 29, 1958. The Council requested the fol changes made in the minutes: Page 2, Paragraph 3, Line 6 - The word "Prominate** to t'Prominentt*; . Page 2, Paragraph 3, Line 7 - The word **give** to **make." It was pointed out the action on the Building Inspection, Department, Page 1 action by the Council be inserted as follows: **Discussion was given to the Building Inspection Department. It was felt this Department should be put on a permanent basis, It was moved by Cwn, Sonneman and seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood.that the Building Inspection . Department be considered on a permanent basis and under the direction of the City Manager, All ayes, motion carried, By common consent of the Council tl ~ of the budget had been deleted from the minutes. The Council requested the ,Building Inspection Department's proposed budget was approved as submitted. It was moved by Cmn. Ledgerwood and seconded by Cwn. Sonneman that the minutc of July 29; 1958, be approved as corrected, All ayes, motion carried, 4. CORRESNNDENCE: I Letter from Mr. & Mrs. Edward Zahler requesting deletion of thier property f: the Master Civic Center Plan. The City Attorney informed the Council that i: the Council wished to delete this property from the Master Civic Center Plan it would have to be instituted by a Resolution of Intention and public heari~ held. After considerable discussion Cmn. Ledgerwood moved that the City Manager be instructed to deliver the Zahler letter to the Planning Commissiol and that the Planning Commission be instructed to institute a Resolution of Intention to change the Master Civic Center Plan, Seconded by Cmn. Helton. Four ayes, Cmn. Grober absent, motion carried, 5. ADOPTION OF 1958-59 SALARY PLAN - Resolution No, 437. Resolution No. 437 was presented to the Council for their review, adopting t' salary plan and work conditions for the City of Carlsbad for,the 1958-59 fi, year. It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood that Resolufion No. 437 be adopted. Four ayes, Cmn. Grober absent, Resolution #4 adopted , 6. ADOPTION OF 1958-59 BUDGET: I Ordinance No. 1059 was presented to the Council for their review, The City Manager informed the Council the assessed valuation of thb City of Carlsbad bad been received and was under the estimated $25,000,000. Discussion was g: .to the Public Works budget. The Mayor asked for suggestions from the Counci: .members. The question of raising the tax rate 2 cents or 3 cents was discus: Cmn. Helton stated that if the people participated in the road rehabilitatiol program that perhaps the amount proposed in the budget for street rehabilitai would be sufficient without a tax raise, If the present tax rate was mainta: .there would be $14,720 provided in the road rehabilitation program; however, if the taxes were raised 2 cents this amount could be increased by $4,846. : Council asked the City Manager if any inquiries had been made regarding the 1 road rehabilitation program,.and the Manager informed the Council several inquiries had been made but no petitions had been filed as yet. Cmn. Ledgen stated that he had not changed his mind that the tax rate should be increase1 10 cents to take care of this road rehabilitation program. Mayor Lough info, the Council that Escondido tried to sell this program to the people but were unsuccessful, and felt that if the people do not accept the road program the: would object to a 10 cents tax increase. The Mayor further stated if this ir the case the only other solution would be a General Obligation bond. After considerable discussion Cmn. Led erwood moved that Ordinance No. 1059 ' adopted, Eixing the amount of revenue from property taxes necessary to supp0' 3Wr5 he departments of the City of Carlsbad and fixing the amount of Revenue from 'roperty taxes necessary to pay the bonded indebtedness of the Yity of Carlsbad ewer District No. 2" for the fiscal year 1958-59. Seconded by Cmn, Helton. 'hree ayes, CW~. Sonneman, "no11, Cmn. Grober absent, Ordinance No. 1059 adopted, . ADOPTION OF 1958-59 TAX RATES - Ordinance No. 1060, .. Ordinance No. 1060 wlas presented to the Council for their review, setting the tax rate for the City of Carlsbad and the "City of Carlsbad Sewer District No.2" for the fiscal year 1958-59. As previously discussed by the Council in order to maintain the road-rehabilitation program it was agreed that the tax rate < should be increased 2 cents, or 89 cents per $lOO,OO of assessed valuation. It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cmn. Ledgerwood that Ordinance NO. 1060 be adopted, setting the tax rate at 89 cents for the City of Carlsbad for the fiscal year 1958-59. Four ayes, Cmn. Grober absent. Ordinance No. 1060 adopted. . REQUEST FOR TEMPORARY SEWER PLANT: The Mayor informed the Council the City Attorney had called and asked that Mr. Butler from the Union Title Company be given permission to appear before the Council tonight in connection with the Henie Hills development and the Golf Course. MR. BUTLER, stated he had called Mr. Smith regarding the people affected in the Henie Hills area and the Golf Course. He would like the City of Carlsbad to consider a request for a temporary sewer plant to serve this-area until' annexation differences on the 12 acres are ironed out between the two cities; the annexation problem between the two cities is holding up the development of the Henie Hills and the G61f Course; there are now permanent lines under the golf course which would lead eo a temporary plant. A plan for this tem- orary plant is being submitted to Brown and Caldwell for their approval and he did not feel there would be any adverse thought between the engineers. Mayor Lough asked Mr. Butler *hat his interests were in this project? MR. BUTLER stated his company was handling the trust of Henie Hills and the new developer; they have reached a point where no one can move until this one point is taken care of, and if something is not worked out soon it is going to work an extreme hardship on some of the people in the area; the site has become a major factor, and they would like consideration by the Council to allow a temporary plant. Mayor Lough informed Mr. Butler the problem that disturbed the Council was when the developer handed a deed to this property to the City of Oceanside. . Mr. Butler informed the Mayor they were trying to appeal to all concerned, Mayor Lough asked Mr. Butler if they intended to use the site proposed by Oceanside. Mr. Butller stated that it was their intention to use the site, and it was his understanding that both cities had agreed upon this site-at one time. Mayor Lough stated,to his knowledge-this was not true. Mr. Butler informed the Council the plant he had considered was a plant along the same line as the one presently in Carlsbad and he was informed this was not satis- factory. It has been suggested that a portion of the proposed plant by the - developer be established on a temporary basis. Mr. Butler was informed by Mayor Lough the Council was interested in an orderly expansion of the City of Carlsbad, and Mr. Hzyes holds the key to this expansion. Cmn. Helton asked if this plan had been discussed-with the Engineers, and Mr. Butler stated the plan would have to meet with the approval of the engineers. BERRY HAYES, one of the petitioners in the annexation proceedings of "East Carlsbad Annexation No. 2.1°, informed the Council his principal interest was an orderly annexation; the problem of sewers is secondary but very impor- tant; it was the feeling of the property owners in the annexed area that a joint venture between the two cities for sewers was the solution, Mr. Hayes was.asked if he would be interested in a temporary sewage plant, Mr. Hayes informed the Council he was very interested in the development of Henie Hills, but he failed to see where a temporary plant would be of help. The Mayor asked Mr. Hayes if he would be agreeable to a sewage plant in this area if the City of Oceanside were willing to convey their interest back to Mr. Cornell, Developer, let the developer proceed in an orderly manner at a site agreeable to both cities, and the Developer continue to operate such plant e C until the annexation proceedings had been settled. Mr. Hayes in- formed the Council there could be pitfalls in this suggestion, however, he felt the two cities should enter into a contract for a joint venture and perhaps'in- clude Vista. The Mayor pointed out that last week the people of Oceanside, Carlsbad and Vist voted on a joint venture for a hospital and he believed the people would be agreeable to a joint venture for a sewage treatment plant. Mr. Hayes agreed. I Mr. Cornell was asked by the Mayor according to their new proposal, who would operate the plant? Mr. Cornell stated he hoped an.'zgreement could be worked ou between the two cities. Dr. Pmroy was going to San Francisco this week to see Brown and Caldwell and is going to propose that the plant site be left in the u incorporated area of the County, but owned jointly by both cities, perhaps incl ing Vista, and .the responsibility would be a mutual responsibility. The operat of the plant is a difficult poing. Dr. Pomroy feels that the plant should be operated by one City, and they were proposing that Oceanside operate the plant, for this they would receive a certain percentage. Mr. Cornell was asked if he would approach the City of Oceanside to gain back the title to this property. Mr. Cornell informed the Council it is his understanding that this property wou be in the County and owned jointly by both cities. Mr. Cornell further stated he hoped something could be worked out on a temporary basis in order for them tl proceed with their development. Mayor Lough informed Mr. Cornell that a lot would depend on where the ownership of the property would be during this time. The Mayor suggested that the Council study Chis.problem and the matter be table for the next meeting of September 2, 1958. 9. DISCUSSION OF PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSION. Mayor Lough informed the Council the only action necessary tonight in regard to the Public Works Commission is if the Council is agreeable to having a se man Public Works Commission set up as reconanended by the Mayor's Advisory Committee. It was moved by Cmn..Ledgerwood and seconded by Cwn. Sonneman th the recommendation made by the Mayor's Advisory Committee that a seven man Public Works Commission be established to advise the Council on such matters as water, streets, storm drains and sewers, be approved., All ayes, motion carried. The Mayor requested the Council be prepared to give suggestions for setting up this new Commission at the meeting of September 2, 1958. I 10. DISCUSSION OF HARBOR CWISSION. At the regular meeting of August 19, 1958, the Mayor appointed new members tc fill the vacancies on the Harbor Commission, and requested all of the member: of the Harbor Commission to be present at this meeting. Mr. Jeffers was re- quested to act es temporary Chairman for the purpose of canvassing the membe, present tonight and to schedule the meeting nigfits. Portions of Ordinance No. 1032, pertaining to the Harbor Commission,was reviewed by the Mayor. T1 Mayor'informed the Commission the City is in a peculiar situation today due the fact that the City is paying for the maintenance of the entire lagoon bu, only owns a very small parcel of land at the end of Hoover Street; the only way the City can proceed with this harbor development is to'acquire the prop around the lagoon; the City now has a five year lease with the San Diego Gas and Electric Company on the surface area of the lagoon. - The City Attorney was asked to explain the revenue bonds proceedings. He ex- plained that the acquisition of this land could be accomplished either by condemnation, negotiation with the property owners or by revenue bonds. The Patterson Report had recommended the acquisition of the land. He pointed out the Council should keep in mind that the harbor should be developed for all 1 property owners and not for certain individuals owning property surrounding the area. Mayor Lough requested the members of the Commission to start at the bottom of this matter znd study the Patterson Report and make recommendations to the Council. He informed the Commission if there were certain meetings they felt should be attended the Council.would approve funds for these meetings. I > dU3 1. PAYMENT OF BILLS AN:D AGENDA: Cwn. Sonneman asked if the request for payment of bills could be in the hands prior to the time of the m,eetings in order for the budget committee to have time to review these items. It was agreed that all bills received thru Friday be listed and presented to the Committee by Monday afternoon. The City Manager askted the Council if they wished to have the Agenda sooner than they had been rseceiving them. By common consent it was agreed that the Agenda be submitted to the members of the Council on Friday preceding the meetings. fl 2 . ADJOURNMENT: It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cmn, Ledgerwood that the meeting be adjourned, The M,ayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, cy@&&&& , ,', r """""""""""""""""""" MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL September 2, 1958 . The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Mayor Lough. Present besides the Mayor were Councilmen Ledgerwood, Helton, Grober, and Councilwoman Sonneman; City Manager Nelson and City Attorney Smith. , Invocation was offered by Councilinan Ledgerwood. , RPPROVAL OF MINUTES:- Minutes of regular meeting of August 19, 1958, were approved as corrected. Minutes of adjourned meeting of August 25, I958, were approved as submitted,' . EXECUTIVE SESSION: Cwn. Sonneman requested that an executive session be held to discuss the hiring and firing of City personnel. By common consent it was agreed that an executive session be called imnediaiely. The Council members adjourned to the office of the-Chief of Police ,in the City Hall, 2960 Pi0 Pic0 Blvd., at 7:25 P.M. . The regular meeting of the Council reconvened at 8:45 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The Mayor announced that for the benefit of the press and persons present, the Executive Session was held to consider the hiring and firing of employees, and they had hired no one, and had fired no one; the Council had arrived at an understanding with the City Manager in regards to personnel policy. Mayor Lough stated the Council had been apprehensive of the disrespect and in- subordination towards the present City Council shown by some employees of the City, and if the employees are not happy, they will be given their release. , CORRESPONDENCE: I I l a. Letter dated August 21, 1958 addressed to the Council from John P. Hardisty, 324 Pine Avenue, stating he wished to call to the Council's attention the fact that properties in the southeast corner of Pine and Lincoln Streets, which is located directly across the street from his property, are encroaching upon the City Street. The encroachment is in the form of a garage building and a fence, said structures being in a bad state of repair, unsightly, and damaging to his own property, The City Manager informed the Council the offending property owner had been contacted and he had agreed to demolish the garage and clean up the