HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-10-09; City Council; Minutest t MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE CARLSBAD CITY COLNCIL October 9, 1958 The Meeting was called to order at 2:05 P.M. by Mayor Lough. Present besides t Mayor were Councilmen Ledgerwood and Grober, and Cwn, Sonneman; City Manager Pr Tem Kubota and City Attorney Smith, Absent Cmn. Helton. I A written report on proposed sewer and storm drainage systems in the City of Carlsbad had previously been submitted by Brown and Caldwell, Engineering firm, to all members of the Council, City Manager Pro Tern Kubota introduced Mr. Kenneth Brown and Mr. Frank Kersnar to the members of the Council, representati of the firm of Brown and Caldwell, The Mayor informed Mr. Brown and Mr. Kersnar there were several matters regardi the 11 acre disputed annexation proceedings the Council would like their opinio on, as they (the committee) were to meet with Oceanside soon regarding the prop plant in the Buena Vista watershed area. Mayor Lough asked the engineers if th felt the plant, as proposed by Dr. Pomroy was feasible and if it should be look upon as favorable; he, as an individual was looking forward to a possible water rehPamation.plant, Mr. Kersnar informed the Council that they had no objection to this plant as a temporary plant on this 11 acre::sight, however, a permanent plant would not be desirable. All effluent should be taken out of the area to central disposal system. Mr. Kersnar pointed out that sewage disposal and water reclamation are two sepa rate functions; it is not efficient or economical to treat effluent to a high degree of refinement 100% of the time; the best method in a plant of this size would be to run sewer through all of the time and then when water is needed, treat it. In his opinion the sewer plant should be separate from the water rec mation plant. If this temporary sewer plant were built it could at a later dat be diverted to a water reclamation plant. I Mayor Lough stated the idea that appealed to the Council was the fact that the developer would advance the money for this plant. Under the plan proposed the developer would take back a large percent of the inclusion fee levied, and the balance would be applied to a c3pital improvement fund to take care of necessar additions. pk. Kersnar stated this plant would probably take care of some of t load, but he would still go back to his original theory - it would not be econo mica1 to have a sewage and water reclamation plant combined, The City Attorney asked.'if it would be less costly for Oceanside to install a pumping station and force main at the 11 acre site than the proposed plant, as he noted in plan B, C, D, E, they have ai'trunk line running along the Buena Vis Creek areal Mr. Kersnar stated it would be much more costly for Oceanside than the proposed plant . I Discussion was given to the various plans proposed by the Brown and Caldwell re Mr. Kersnar pointed out that plan '*AtF would be the most economical for Carlsbad it would be the solution for all three areas, Oceanside, Carlsbad and Vista for next 5 or 6 years; a contract would have to be negotiated; Oceanside's present plant cannot be enlarged; if Carlsbad entered into an agreement with Oceanside they should be aware of this fact and the contract should so state; Carlsbad sh not be in a position to have to pay more than if they stayed alone. If a contr cannot be worked out with Oceanside then Plan *IB" should be considered for Carl The Mayor stated he felt there would be many objections from property owners if --pl.ant were located in the Agua Hedionda Lagoon area, due to the fact that .this area was a proposed recreational area. Mr. Kersnar pointed out that it should be - there should be no objection to a properly designed plant - in fact it can designed and landscaped to make it very attractive, The City Attorney stated he noted in the newspaper that San Marcos, Leucadia ant Encinitas were looking for a location for a sewage disposal plant, Mr. Smith a: the engineers if they felt a plant located further south, perhaps combining San Marcos, Leudadia and Enqin'ktas might be feasible. They stated they would have 1 objection to a plant being located further south. They pointed out that the in cost to Carlsbad would be more, however, it would be less in the end. The Mayo informed the Council he had been informed that considerable development is contc plated south of the City limits of Carlsbad. as0 scussion was given as to the stability of outfall for plan ItBir. The Engineers inted out they recommend running the drainage of effluent out 3600 feet into e ocean. n. Sonneman asked the Engineers if they felt anything could be done to the esent sewage treatment plant-. They stated it would be very difficult to say as ey had looked this plant over for the first time today, It would probably be ry expensive. orm Drainage. Mr. Kersnar informed the Council at the time they started this port and made the survey of this area there was litotle development east of High- nd Avenue, and now due to the large development east of Highland up to El Camino a1 they felt they should submit an additional report on this area. e City Engineer pointed out that in the report they recommended that waters from e downtown area should drain north to the Buena Vista Lagoon, and the City is con- mplating running a temporary drain south of Elm Avenue along the Santa Fe Railway. .ey would have no objections to this plan on an -interim basis. asked if they felt this would be feasible? The Engineers informed the Council e Mayor thanked Mr. Brown and Mr. Kersnar for attending this meeting. ~ was moved by Cmn. Ledgerwood and seconded by Cwn. Sonneman that this meeting be Ijourned to Wednesday, October 15, 1958 at 7:OO P.M. Fous ayes motion carried, le meeting was declared adjourned at 4: 35 P.M. Respectfully submitted, cF%?iii& M&Q&ET E. ADAMS Deputy City Clerk """"""""""""""""""""- MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL October 15, 1958 Le meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Mayor Pro Tem Ledgerwood. Present !sides the Mayor Pro Tem were Cwn. Sonneman;; City Manager Tro Tem Kubota and Ci-ty :torney Smith. Absent, Mayor Lough, Councilmen Helton and Grober. L accordance with instructions from the City Attorney, Cwn. Sonneman moved that Le to the lack of a quorum, the meeting be adjourned to Friday, October 17, 1958, ; 7:pp P,M. All ayes, motion carried. le meeting was delcared adjourned at 7:lO P.M. Respectfully submitted, Deputq City Clerk ""~"""""""""""""""""" ~