HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-11-04; City Council; Minutes33d 4 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING CF CARLSBAD crry COUNCIL November 4, 1958 The meeting was called to order at 7:OO P.M. by City Clerk Price. Present besides the City Clerk was Cwn, Sonneman, Absent, Mayor Ledgerwood, Cmn Grober and Helton, and Cwn. Coats. Due to lack of a quor- um, the meeting was adjourned to Wednesday, November 5, 1958 at 7:OO O'clock P.M. The hieeting was declared adjourned at 7:03 P.M. . Respectfully submitted, """"""""""""""""""""."""""""""""""~""" MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COIINCIL November 5, 1958 1- ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 7:OO P.M. by Mayor Ledgerwood. Present besides the Mayor were Councilman Grober and Helton, and Councilwomen Sonneman dnd Coats;. City Manager Palkowski. Absent, City Attorney Smith.. 2- INVOCATION: Invocation *a.s offered by Cmn. Helton. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: a.Minutes of Ajourned meeting; of October 17, 1958. It was moved by Cmn, Grober and seconded by Cwn. Coats that the minutes be approved as submittedoo Five ayes, motion carried. b,Minutes of Regular meeting of October 21, 1958. It was moved by Cmn. Grober and seconded by Awn. Coats that the minutes of October 81,1958, be approved as corrected. Five ayes, motion carried. 4. CORRESPONDENCE: a.City of Oceanside- Inyitation for Jb-int meeting.of Councils. better dated Oct. ober 23, 1958, from Mayor Sklar of the City of Oceanside, extending to the City of Carlsbad's City Council an invitation to attend a .joint meeting of the two legislative bodies for the purpose of discussing a possible con- solidation of the two cities. After considerable discussion by the Council, awn. Sonneman movgd that the letter; be acknowlegged' by the City Manager thanking them for the invitation, and that considerable thought should be: given this matter by the Carlsbad City Council, therefore, no date could be set for a joint meeting at this time. Seconded by Cmn. Grober. Five ayes, motion carried. . b.State of California - Gas Tax Apportionment. The City Manager gave a resume of the Gas Tax apportionment for the City of Carlsbad, showing the quarterly apportionment of 5/8c gas tax for quarter ending September 30, 1958, based on a population.of 6,963 as $5,386.94. By corrmn consent of the Council the letter was ordered filed. c.Letter dated October 22, 1958. from the Department of Public Health. stati ing in 1955 the Board of Supervisors of San Diego County established an Air Pollution Control District; also, a ten-member Citizens Advisory Comm- ittee wasappointed to make recommendations to the Board, The Advisory Committee and the Department of Public Health believe it would be to the County's advantage to review plans of certairl types of industrial install- ations contemplated in the incorporated areas. The Committee would make recommendations from an air pollution control point of view. They recomm- ended and requested that the City voluntarily cooperate and participate in