November 10, 1958
The meeting was called to order at 5:05 P.M. by Mayor Ledgerwood. Present
besides the Mayor were Councilmen Grober and Helton, and Councilwomen '
Sonneman and Coats; City Manager. Palkowski and City Attorney Smith.
Invocation was offered by Councilman Helton.
d. Proposed County Road - South Carlsbad. The City Engineer informed the
Council he would like to present a map of the proposed County Road; this
will be a direct route from the coast line to San Marcos and Escondido.
He pointed out that approximately anemiile of this road will be in the Cit)
of Caxlsbad; the entire cost will be borne by the County of San Diego, anc
will have 100' of right-of-way, The Mayor informed the Council that Mr.
Ecke had made a complaint regarding a small stripi.of land running along
side the proposed road. The City Engineer recommended that when the
County starts negotiations that Mr. Ecke's request. should be considered.
e. Recommendation for treatment of Knats, The City Manager informed the
Council that a letter had been sent to the Department of Health, and as
of this date no answer had been received.
a. Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce - Directors do not plan to move present offic
Letter from the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce was read, wherein they in-
formed the Council they did not plan to move from their present location,
It was moved by Cwn. Sonneman and seconded by Cwn. Coats that the letter
be filed. Five ayes, motion carried.
b. Contract between Chamber of Commerce and City. A proposed contract between
the City of Carlshad and the Chamber of Commerce was introduced. The
City Attorney reviewed the entire contract with the members of the Council
It was moved by Cwn. Coats that the contract be approved as subflitted and
the City Manager be authorized to sign this contract on behalf of the City
Seconded by Cmn. Helton. Five ayes, motion carried.
C. Woman's Club,contract. Discussion was given as to a Capital Outlay Program
for the-Community Building project. The City Attorney suggested that a
Citizens Committee be appointed to discuss a Capital Outlay Program.
Discussion was also given as to a partial reconveyance of the propersy
recently purchased from Mrs. Greenwood, in the event funds were made
available for the Comunity Building. It was mutually agreed that Cwn.
Sonneman be delegated to contact Mrs. Greenwood to see if she would be
agreeable to such reconveyance. Some of the terms of the proposed contrac
between the Uoman's Club and the City of Carlsbad were discussed and it
was felt that some of the terms should be given more consideration.
d. Security measures for City properties. Memorandum from City C1er.k Price wa
again reviewed by the Council. It was moved by Cmn. Grober and seconded
by Cwn. Sonneman that the City Manager be authorized to investigate this
matter and that he be authorized to make the necessary- changes. Five
ayes, motion carried.
e. Report on Water Fund - San Luis Rey River Water Suit. At a previous
meeting of the Council, when the Cost of the San Luis Rey River
lawsuit was discussed, the Council asked what funds were available in the.
Water Revenue Bond fund. The City Manager reported there was approx-
imately $26,000 remaining in this fund,
f. Second reading Ordinance No. 1061 - Creating Public Works Commission.
Ordinance No. 1061 was given a second reading, creating a Public Works
Commission; providing for the organization thereof, its duties and
functions; and requiring coordination with other City Agencies. It was
moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded-by Cwn. Coats that Ordinance No, 1061
be adopted. Five ayes, Ordinance No. 1061 adopted.
Library. Letter from the Library Commission was read wherein they express(
&til 3
their desire of havi,ng the use of the unoccupied space in the Mutual Water
building. They pointed out that if they continued keeping the Library
open full time as in the past, it would necessitate having additional
help, It was their intention to divide the library facjfities by having
the Children's Library in the present location and moving the Adult sec-
tion to this new location. The City Attorney informed the Council in
accordance with the terms of the Water Revenue Bonds the City could not
lease any-properties of the Mutual without compensation, and felt that
$25.00 per month should be taken from the General Funds of the City and
placed in the Water Fund for this purpose. In regards to additional help,
the City Manager was instructed to contact the Director of Finance to see
what could be worked out. In the event funds were not available, the
Library Commission suggested that the Adult section be open from 1:00
P.M. through 6:OO P.K. The matter of additional shelves for books was
discussed, and the Librarian informed the Council that Oceanside was
'replacing a portion of their shelves and felt these would be available
,at a very nominal fee. Cmn. Grober stated he would be happy to contact
the City Librarian in Oceanside and see what could be worked out. It
was moved by Cwn. Coats that the Library be given permission to use the
west wing of the Carlsbad Mutual Mater Company building for library
purposes, and that funds in the amount of $25.00 per month be trans-
ferred from the General Fund of the City to the Water Fund as Bompen-
sation for the rent of the building. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. Five ayes,
motion carried.
Letters of Appreciation. Cmn. Helton requested that letters of appreciat-
ion be sent to the two employees who were leaving the employment of the
City as he felt they had fulfilled their positions beyond the call of
duty. It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cmn. Grober that a
letter of appreciation be sent to,the two employees, Jack Y. Kubota and
Milan Pakaski, who wQEe leaving the employment of the City. Four ayes,
Cwn. Sonneman voting "no" , motion carried.
1 Tri-City Hospital request for use of Annex for meeting plaee. The City r
Manager informed the Council he had received a request from the Tri-City
Hpspital Directors to hold their meetings on the 2nd Thursday of each
month in the Annex. By common consent of the Council it was agreed that
the Annex be made available for the Tri-City Hospital Directors for
their meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month. I
Discoloration of City water. Cmn. Grober informed the Council he had re-
lines should be flushed out. The City Engineer stated that he had dis-
him, however, they felt-that if this was done, it would cause a greater
disturbance. If the Council wished this work done they would shift the
work crew in order that this work could be performed.at night. By
consent of the Council it was agreed that this work should be done.
"ceived several calls in regard to dirty water, and felt the dead end
-cussed this matter with the Water Superintendent and they agreed with
Final Map - Terramar Unit #6. A final map of Terramar Unit f6 was pre-
sented to the Council for their review, and the City Engineer certified
that: the map was in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth
at the tine the tentative map was approved. It was moved by Cmn. Helton
and Seconded by Cmn. Grober that the final map of Terramar Unit 86 be
approved, and that the City Clerk be authorized to sign the map at such
time as,an improvement agreement had been entered into between the City
and the Subdivider. Five ayes, motion carried.
It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cmn. Grober that the meeting
be adjourned. Five ayes, motion carried. The meeting was declared
adjourned at 6:20 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,