HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-11-18; City Council; Minutes1 ! MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL November 18, 1958 1 . ROLL CALL I The meeting was called to order at 7:OO P.M. by Mayor Ledgerwood, Preser besides the Mayor were Councilmen Grober and Helton, and Councilwomen Sonneman and Coats; City Manager Palkowski and City Attorney Smith. 2.INVOCATION Invocation was offered by Councilman Grober. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a.Minutes of Regular meeting November 4, 1958. It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cmn. Grober that-the minutes be approved as submitted. " Five ayes, motion carried. .. b.Minutes of Adjourned meeting of November 5, 1958. It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cwn. Coats that the minutes of November 5, be app- roved as corrected. Five ayes, motion carried. c.Minutes of Adjourned meeting of November 7, 1958. It was moved bYt' Cwn. Sonneman and seconded by Cwn. Coats that the minutes of November 7, 1958, be approved as corrected. Five ayes, motion carried. d.Minutes of adjourned meeting of November 10, 1958. It was moved by Cwn. Coats ad seconded by Cwn. Sonneman that the minutes of November 10, 1958, be approved as submitted. Five ayes, motion carried. 4. CORRESPONDENCE: a,Carlsbad Union School District - Consideration of sidewalks. Letter dated November 6; 1958 from the Carlsbad Union School District, inform- ing the Council their Transportation problems for the school children. They asked the Council to'eonsider the possibility of providing sidewalks or safe means of walking from schools throughout the city, first-recog- nizing the dangers of having small children walk on narrow roads that have dangerous curves and steep hills, They further stated they did not feel the school district can continue to pay for extra services to its children because of local conditions beyond its control, The City Attorney informed the Council that sidewalks could be installed under the 1911 Act'proceedings by having a petition submitted, and even if there were 100% protests from the property owners,the Council could overrule the protests, due to the welfare of the Children. The members of the Council felt Mr. Jacobs should be informed of the methods by whict this could be acconplished, and that the City is not in a position financially to do this work. The City Manager was instructed to con- tact Mr. Jacobs and inform him of the methods by which this work tzould be accomplished. b.0.P. MacDougal - Request for amendment to Ordinance No. 5020. Letter dated November 17, 1958, from 0.P. MacDougal, franchised collector of garbage and trash for the City of Carlsbad, in which he requested that certain changes be made to Ordinance No. 5020, relative to the transportation and disposal of garbage and rubbish, It was moved by Cmn. Grober and seconded by Cwn. Sonneman that the City Attorney be instructed to amend Ordinance No. 5020 in accordance with the requests I made by Mr. MacDougal. Five ayes, motion carried. C. Louis E. Sainty - Street improvement work, Letter dated November 15, 1958 from Louis E. Sainty, stating he had received a- demand to have the streets oiled adjoining his property a few months ago, and he had re- cently noticed City employees working on the road along his property and he was very much opposed to any work being done, The City Manager informed the Council he had contacted Mr. Sainty, and in checking with dUW the City employees found they were only cleaning out the storm drains, and assured Mr. Sainty that no road work was being done in that area. d, Carlsbad Union School District - Board of Trustees Participation of one Council member to Citizens Committee. Letter dated November 14,1958, ' from the President of the Board of Trustees of the Carlsbad Union School District extending an invitation to designate one of the members of the Council to participate on a citizens committee to study the financing of needed school buildings in the Carlsbad Elementary School District. It was noted that the first meeting would be held on Tuesday, December 2, 1958, which would fall on a regular Council meeting night. The Mayor requested the City Manager to pcknowledge the letter and inform the Board this meeting date would conflict with the Council meeting, and if their meeting date conEd be changed the metter would be reconsidered by the Council, e, W. E.- Parson - W.H.O. - re -- Nepotism. Letter dated November 12, 1958,- from W. E. Parsons, Chairman of W.H.O., a non partisan political organ- ization, stating that at their meeting of November 6, 1958, a motion was passed, recommending the City of Carlsbad consider an ordinance that only one member (or relative) of any family be employed by the City, appointed to a City commission or serve on the City Council at the same time. They asked that the Council give this matter consideration. The City Attorney stated that an ordinance could be adopted if the Council wished; there is no provision in the 'State law on this matter, however, he could draft an ordinance for the Council's review "and comment. The City Attorney was instr&ted to prepare such ordinance for the Council's review. . ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no oral communications. . BID OPENING : Opening of bid for sewer project - Magnolia and Grand - 1911 Act Proceed-* ings. The Mayor announced that the hour of 7:30 P.M. had arrived, and pursuant to "Resolution No, 449, this was the time and place fixed for the opening of sealed bids or proposals for construction of certain sanitary sewers and appurtenances on Magnolia Ave. 388.55' west of Adams Street to 361.45' east of Adams Street, Magnolia Ave. to 700' southerly, and in Adams Street, Magnolia Ave. to 700' north, and in Grand Ave., Carlsbad Blvd. to Washington Street, aaid construction work being described in Resolution No. 422, as amended by 'Resolution No 447 and ordered by Res- olution No. 449. The Clerk presented affidavits of posting and publica- tion of notice inviting bids. It was moved by Cwn. Sonneman and second- ed by Cwn. Coats that the affidavits be approved and filed. Five ayes, motion carried. The Clerk advised the Council that up to the hour of 7:30 P.M. "0" sealed bids or proposals had been delivered to him and filed in his office. The Mayor informed the Council ''If no bids are received, the Council may readvertise for bids as in the first case, and accordingly, he would entertain such a .motion. It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cwn. Coats that the City readvertise for bids on the above mentioned project, Five ayes, motion carried. I . CIVIL DEFENSE: a. Agreement re Surplus Property. Letter dated October 24, 1958, from the California Disaster Office, in which they attached three signed copies of an agreement covering the charge which is being added to the cost of surplus property for'handling charge. It was moved by Cwn. Sonneman and seconded by Cmn. Helton that Kesolution'No. 460 be adopted, authorizing the Director of Finance to sign this agreement on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. Five ayes,imotion carried. b.Purchase of Surplus Property: The City Manager informed the Council that any time the City purchases any item from the Government Surplus Prop- erties that has a government acquisition cost of $2500 or over, that a resolution must be adopted authorizing such purchase. Resolution No. 461 was introduced to the Council, authorizing the purchase of a Crawler- Crane. It was moved by Cwn. Sonneman and seconded by Cmn. Helton that Resolution No. 461 be adopted. Five ayes, motion carried. I C. Purchase of Surplus Property, Resolution No. 462 was introduced, for the Council's approval, authorizing the purchase of a Generator from Govern- ment Surplus Properties. It was moved by Cwn. Sonneman 2nd seconded by Cmn. Helton that Resolution No, 462 be adopted. Five ayes, motion carried. PLANNING -, - I q I a. Smith and Castela Association - Appeal on variance - Report of Planning Comission. At the regular meeting of November 5, 1958, the Council requested that a notice be sent to the Planning Commission informing the Commission it was the intention of the Council to grant the appeal on the variance requested by Amith and Castela Association, and that a report be , sent back as soon as possible. Memorandum from the Planning Commission was read dated November 14, 1958, wherein they concurred with the findings of the Council. They also recommended that a 90 day restriction be put on a t,he variance wherein construction would commence with within 90 .days from date of granting the variance. It was the general feeling of the Council that no restriction should be made. Res. '1458 was introduced, granting a variance on Lots L, M, and N, Pzlisades, in the City of. Carlsbad, It was moved by Cwn. Sonneman and seconded by Cwn. Coats that Resolution No. be adopted. Five ayes,. motion carried. b. James Scan1o.n - Appeal on Variance - Report from P1anning;Commission. At the regular meeting of November 5, 1958, the Council requested that a notice be sent to the Planning Commission informing the Comission it was the intention of the Council to grant the appeal on the variance,requested by James Scanlon. Mumorandum dated November 14, 1958, informing the Council that a motion was introduced- at their meeting of November 13, 1958, granting this variance, but died for lack of a majority by a Zibo'2 vote. After considerable discussion by the Council, it was moved by Cwn. Sonneman and seconded by Cwn. Coats that Resolution No. 459 be adopted granting the variance due to the following reasons: 1. The fence had been constructed for one year prior to a complaint being made ; 2. That it in no way interferes with the view at the intersection; and 3. There were no protests registered by the adjoining property owners. Four ayes, Cmn. Helton voting *'no", Res. $1459 adopted. Cmn. Helton stated that because the fence had been constructed for one year prior to a com- plaint being registered, that this should not in any ,way make the fence leg- a1,and felt this would be setting a precedent. I 9. HARBOR: a. Request for appraisal of property surrounding Lagoon. Memorandum from the Harbor Commission dated October 29, 1958, was reviewed, and memorandum from the Council to the Harbor wherein the Council requested that members of the Harbor Commission be present to discuss this matter. COW. W. G. ALLEN, stated that he wished to point out that Comm. Lamb had been requested to represent the Harbor Commission at the meeting of November 5, 1958, He further stated that the Commission had recommended that an appraisal be made due to the fact the property is increasing in value each day, and Xhat the firm of J. H. Fotheringham in Vista be employe( The Commission needed this information before they could proceed as to whether a District should be formed or a bond issue considered. Cwn. Coats stated she felt the Harbor Commission had made such a thorough study of this project the Council should accept their recommendation. .. The City Manager informed the Council there was $1700 available in the Harbor Comission budget, of which $400 was appropriated for traveling . expenses. I The Council discussed the possibility of holding this appraisal up until afl the.property tax funds had been received, due to the fact the City was op- erating on borrowed funds at the present time. The Director of Finance suggested that the appraisal firm be contacted to see if they would be will' ing to have their payment deferred until the 1st of February. It was moved by Cmn. Grober and seconded by Cwn. Coates that if the payment of the appraisal fee could be deferred until the 1st of February, 1959, that the appraisal be made at the present time. All ayes, motion carried. Cmn. Hel-ton asked if a representative would be present at the Small Craft Harbors meeting in Monterey. Comm. Allen informed the Council there would not be a representative present, as Carlsbad was not on- their list for iJ0 0 consideration; a year ago Carlsbad had been second on the list, and then became &3th on the list, but as of this date they were not on the list, and they felt there was no reason for sending a representative. .O . PUBLIC SERVICE : Sewerage. 6. Appeal for reduction in sewer ''Line Cost" - Mrs. James B. Hendriksen-446 Chinquapin. The City Engineer pointed out that according to Ordinance No. 7020 the applicant would be forced to pay line charges at the rate per front foot that she is to connect to; he informed the Council she could not connect to the line in front of her pEoperty because the grade was too high; therefoze, the applicant would have to connect to the li.ne t-hat runs along the side-of her property. The applicant has requested that she only be charged according to the minimum front footage. After discussion by the Council, it was moved by Cwn. Sonneman and seconded by Cwn. Coats that . the applicant's request be granted. Five ayes, motion carried. Engineering. ,a.Final Map of Village Homes Subdivision. The City Engineer presented the final map of Viglage Homes Subdivision for the Council's review, and re- parted the map complied with all the recommendations and restrictions + made on the tentative map. It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cwn. Coats that the final map of Village Homes subdivision be approved, and that the City EIefkibe:.adthorized to sign the final map on behalf of the City of Carlsbad at such time as an Improvement Agreement had been entered into between the City and the Subdivider and proper bonds had been posted. Five ayes, motion carried. b.Fina1 Map of Belle Donna Heights Unit #2. The City Engineer presented the final map of Belle Donnan Heights Unit f2, and reported the map con:plied with all the recommendations and restrictions made on the tentative map. It was moved by Cwn. Sonneman and seconded by Cwn. Coifs that the final map of Belle Dcnna Heights Unit 412 be approved, and that the City Clerk be authorized to sign said map at such time as an Improvement Agreement has been entered into between the City and Subdivider and proper bonds have been posted. Five ayes, motion carried. :. Final Map of Knowles Terrace Unit ill. The City Engineer presented the final map of Knowles Terrace Unit #l, and reported the map complied with all the recommendations and restrictions made on the tentative map. Letter dated November 18, 1958, from the subdivider, C. J. Heim, stating they had reviewed the requirements for dedication of land for street purposes, and the cost of street paving, curb and gutters, and additions and modifications for the storm drainage system, and have come to the conclusionr.that these requirements place an excessive burden upon the subdivider. for . public improvements which have more than local benefit. In reviewing the City's existing policies regarding local, secondary, and major streets, the City does recognize a responsibility for sharing of costs for street itrprovements where there is a general benefit, accordingly they requested the City participate in 40% of the actual cost of construction. They . estimated that the improvement would cost $3,174.03, and the City's con- tribution would amount to $1,269.61. Mr. Jack Kubota, former City Engineer, was present and stated that he would like to clarify a few points. The subdivider was requested to dedicate 6' on Pi0 Pico, 13' instead of 10' on Buena Vista,and Z,eel.s he is being penalized by this additional width is the reason he is making this demand; Pi0 Pic0 Drive and Ruena Vista are both secondary streets. ..The City Engineer pointed out the Previous Council indicated that if they participated, it would only be for the difference between a local street width requirement and a secondary or major street width requirement. As this would only be for one side of the street, it would entail a 4' add- itional pavement on Buena Vista, and 2' on Pi0 Pic0 Dkive. The City Engineer was requested by the Council to report back at the next regular meeting of the Council the estimated cost if the City participated. It was moved by Cwn, sonneman and seconded by Cmn. Helton that the final 1 I I 1 4 map of Knowles Terrace be approved, and the City Clerk be authorized to sign the map at such time as an Improvement Agreement has been entered into be- tween the City and the Subdivider and proper bonds have been posted. Five ayes, motion carried. - The Mayor declared a short recess at 8:40 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 9:Ql P.M. I d. Sewer refund agreement - Seacrest Estates. A sewer refund agreement was introduced, between the City 'and Seacrest Inc. It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cwn. Sonneman that the sewer refund agreement as proposed be authorized and that the proper signatures be affixed. Five ayes, motion carried. 3. Water. a. Terramar Metering Program. The City Manager -informed- the Council he would like clarification as to the policy regarding the Terramar Metering Program. Did the Council wish to have the property owners notified of the metering program, and how did they wish to proceed on the installation of the meters. After considerable discussion by the Council, it was moved by Cwn. Coats that the property owners be notified by writing, setting forth the con- ditions as to the meters being installed and the method of payment. Seconde by Swn. Sonneman. Five ayes, motion carried. It was moved by Cwn. Sonneman and seconded by Cmn. Helton that the previous action of the Council be rescinded, that the payment for these meters be extended to January 1, 1959, and if installments are to be made that 1/3 be paid by January 1, 1959,qnd the balance be paid in two equal installments- as of February 1, 1959 and March 1, 1959. Five ayes, motion carried. I b. Water Service to'areas outside City Limits.'Cmn. Grober informed the Council the Committee had made a survey of this property. He felt the City shQuLd be very careful about taking on any outside services, and was not pre- pared to make any definite statement on this matter. If the Hall wells were to go dry, the City would be obligated to continue servicing these properties. The City Manager reviewed the action of the previous Council at the time Key Acres Subdivision was discussed. The City Manager stated that a meeting had been held in his office with the members of the committee, the City Attorney and the City Engineer to discuss this matter, and it' was the feeling of the committee that 'a $100 per acre' inclusion fee should be charged, plus 25% additional charge on mnthly water bills for admin- istrative costs. This charge would be imposed to help retard the water revenue bonds. The Mayor pointed out to the applicants that at the time Key Acres was discussed, the City did not own the Mutual Water 'Company and did not have the water revenue bonds to consider, and the Committee felt it would only be fair to those living within the City limits to impose this charge for those living outside the City limits. One of the applicants was present and asked if the property owners living within the district were not entitled to Colorado River Water. Cmn. Helton stated that if we are in the business to sell water it is only good business to serve these.properties. I The City Attorney stated that he felt a policy should be established if the Council intends to serve water outside the City Lim-its. The City. Attorney was instructed to present a rough draft on a policy for the Terramar warelarea, to include the following items: 1. a $100 per acre inclusion fee. 2. 25% additional charge for water service. 3. All installations are to be made at the expense of the property owners; 4. That the specifications for installations should be in accordance w.ith the City specifications. 33 ZJ Discussion was given as to whether the entire parcel should be charged the $100 per acre inclusion fee at the time an application is made, or whether just the 'portion the applicant requests to be serviced, Mayor Ledgerwood stated previously he felt the meter should be Consistent with the property being serviced. The parties making application did not feel they should have to pay for the entire parcel, only as the property was being de.velopedj The Mayor asked each of the Council members their views, and it was the feeling of the majority of the members that the entire parcel should be included at the time the applications were made. .State Water Rights Board permit. The City Manager informed the Council he had contacted the oth'er parties involved in this permit, and was informed they had all abandoned the permit. It was moved by Cwn. Coats that the City not renew their permit, and that the City Manager be instructed to inform the Water Rights Board that the City does not wish to renew their permit. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. Five ayes, motio2 carried. Water billing protest. The City Manager requested that a policy be estab- lished for protested water billing; there have been cases where the meters have failed to operate correctly and he felt a policy should be established in order to-assist the billing clerk. The Director of Finance informed the Council he had copies of ordinances that were adopted by other cities in which they-take an average over a six months period to determine the correct billing. The Mayor stated he felt it was the City's obligation to keep these meters in working order. He had this same experience some months ago. Cmn. Grober stated that perhaps on the larger bills they should come before the Council, and felt a 12 months period should be considered. After considerable discussion by the Council it was moved by Cwn. Sonneman that a policy be established that in the-event of protested billing that an average of the 12 preceding months be used as a basis for billing. Seconded by Cmn. Grober. Five ayes, motion ca.rried. ,PARK AND RECREATION : . Removal of trees - Requested by J. Bertino - Report from Park and Recrea- tion Commission. Memorandum from the Tree Committee of the Parks and Recreation Commission in which they set forth the opinion and recobendations of Mr. C. I. Jerabek, who made an inspection of the trees in question. Mr. Jerabek recommended that certain limbs be trimmed, but felt the removalharrnful ..to remaining:. trees. Mr. McCaig, Chairman of the Park and Recreation Comm- ission was present and informed the Council the Commission had accepted the recommendation of Mr. Jerebek, Cvn. Coats stated that if work is to be done on these trees that it should go out to bid. It was moved by Cmn. Helton that the City carry out the recommendations of Mr. Jerabek, and that the work be sent out to bid. Seconded by Cwn. Coats. Five ayes, &tion carried. The City Manager informed the Council th-at Mr. Jerabek did not charge for his services. The City Manager was instructed to send a letter of appreciation to Mr. Jerabek for his services. I NEW BUSINESS : Appointment to Parks and RecreationCommission. The Mayor reported he would like to defer this appointment until a later date. The Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission informed the Mayor the Comission would like to sub- mit nsmes .for hi-s consideration. OLD BUSINESS : Woman's Club Contract, Discussion was given as to some of the terms in the contract. Cwn. Coats stated she felt the contract was one-sided - in favor of the Woman's Club. It was the decision of the Council this contract should be given more consideration before making a report to the Woman's Club on or be- fore December 10, 1958. I Library Schedule. The City Manager informed the Council the Library intends :o move the Adult Section of the Library to the Mutual Water co. building next ?riday. In contacting the Director of Finance regarding additional help for' :he Library, if the City contemplates hlring additional help for the Library 1 4 I in order for the Library to operate on a full time basis, this would con- stitute an additional cost of approximately $710 for the next seven months.- He pointed out there would also be other expenses entailed due to this movint such as telephone, janitorial service, additional shelves, plus the $25,00 per month rental for the building. The Director of Finance suggested that- perhaps the Library would consider deleting the expendi.ture of books to take care of the additional expense. Mrs, McCann, Chaitman of the Library Commission, stated that this would be up to the Librarian, but she felt the books should come first. The Director of Finance asked the Council which fund they wished the $25 rental to come from. It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by.Cwn. Coats that the $25 per month rental for the next seven months should be taken from the Contingent fund, Five ayes, motion carried. After considerable discussion by the Council, it was the decision of the . Council that the Library would have to operate on a part-time basis for the present time, C. City Seal Contest, The City Man.ager requested a 60 day extension of time, By common consent of the Council, a 60 day extension of time was granted. d. Recommendation for treatment of gnats. The Council was informed that Mr. Nalshe, of the Health Department was contacted regarding-this matter, and Mr. Walshe stated he would aend an entomologist to Carlsbad to see if this was the time of the year to treat these gnats. The Health Department stated they would furnish the boat and all of the technical advise. The City Manager informed the Counci.1 he had contacted Oceanside and they are willing to participate in this project. 14. MANAGER'S REPORT: 1. Hazards of Waterworks. This matter was discussed with Mr. Tucker., Super- intendent of the Waterworks, and they are undertaking to do the minor re- pairs as the men are avilable, e This matter is being deferred until the new City Engineer reports ;for duty, e I 3, Purchase of.Calavera well pume. Cmn. Grober and the City Manager invest- igated this matter and they felt this pump should be retained by the City, The City Manager informed the Council he had informed Mr. Daniels of their decision. 4. Location of road oil mixing area, The protestant on Palm Ave. had been contacted and had given his permission for the City to use this location during the winter months. The City Manager informed the -Council of another location in the City of Oceanside, and the property owner was wi-lling for the City to use this property for road oil mix, 5. Policy for attendance at League of California Cities meetings. In the past the policy has been the City bears the expense of the dinner for the Council members and the employees; if the wives attend, they take care of their own expense. The Mayor stated he felt the City should be represent- ed at these meetings, and felt the City should bear the expense for the Council members, City Manager, City Attorney and Department heads. It was- agreed by .the Council. that the City would bear the expense for the attendance of the Council members, City Manager, City Attorney, and such employees as the City Manager, in his descretion, felt should attend, I 6, Christmas Decorations for the City. The City Manager reported he had attended a meeting of the Business Men's Association and informed them that no funds could be allocated for this project. They requested the City to assist in the manpower and equipment for this project, and the Christmas tree which would be erected on the parking lot. It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cwn. Coats that the City assist.with the Christmas tree and assist in furnishing manpower' and equipment for the project. Five ayes, motion carried, 7. Civil Defense. They are contemplating reorganizing the Civil Defense and Disaster Plan for the County of San Diego, and report will be made to the Council at such time as this plan is received, a.Y k 8, Salary adjustments. The City Manager informed the Council he would like to request the following salary adjustments: C. R. Thornton - Engineering Assistant From 16-D to 18-D to become effec- tive December 1, 1958. It was pointed out that he did not contemplate hiring another draftsman for 2 or 3 weeks, which would take care of this additional compensation. Tomy Tucker, Superintendent of Water Vorks, From 15-E to 17-E, effective December 1, 1958. This would make an increase of $343.00 for the 7 months period, which would come from the water fund. Bob Neely- Meter reader, From 10-c to 11-c, effective December 1, 1958, which would make an increase of $119 for the 7 months period. This would also come from the water fund. It was moved by Cwn. Sonneman and seconded by Cwn. Coats that Resolution No. 463 be adopted, allowing certain salary adjustments. Five ayes, motion . carried. PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL. Cwn. Coats moved authorization of payment of bills for the Water Company from November 5, 1958, to November 18,1958, in the amount of $13,249.13, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Seconded by Cwn. sonneman. Five ayes, motion carried. Cwn. Coats moved authorization of payment of bills for the general expen- ses of the City from November 5, 1958 to November 18, 1958, in the amount of $15,670.10, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the + Auditing Committee. Seconded by Cwn. Sonnernan. Five ayes, motion carried. Cwn. Coats moved ratification of the payroll for the first half of November., 1958, in the amount of $12,072.28, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the.Auditing Committee. Seconded by Cwn. Sonneman. Five ayes, motion carried. , ADJOURNMENT - : It was moved by Cwn. Scnneman a.nd seconded by Cm. Coats that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting was declared adjourned at 12:OO P.M. 1 Respectfully submitted, """""-""""""""~""""""""""""-""""""""""- . MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL December -2, 1958 ROLL CALL The meeting was call.ed to order at 7:OO P.M. by Mayor Ledgerwood. Present besides the Mayor were Councilman Helton, .and Councilwomen Sonneman and ICoats; City Manager Palkowski and City Attorney Smith. Absent, Councilman Grober I INVOCATION Invocation was offered by T. Bryce Smith, City Attorney,