HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-12-03; City Council; Minutesthese items be listed seTarately on the ballot to let the people decide what projects they feel are necessary. It was also suggested that a lease purchase financing be investigated. Some of the members were in favor of letting the people decide by way of a general obligation bond. It was the decision of the Council that the City Manager be instructed to invest- igate the possibility of a lease-purchase financing. 16 . ADJOURNMENT : 1 Cwn. Sonneman moved that the meeting be adj-ourned to 5:30 P.M. on Wednesday, December 3, 1958. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. Five ayes, motion carried. By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 12:OO P.M. Respectfully submitted, """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~ MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED MEETING OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL December 3, 1958 ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 5:30 P.M. by Mayor Ledgerwood. Present besides the Mayor were Cmn. Helton and Councilwomen Sonneman and Coats;. City Manager Palkowski and City Attorney Smith. Absent Cmn. Grober I 9. HARBOR The City Attorney summarized the discussion with Mr. R. L. Patterson today as to how fund8 should be applied toward the development of the Harbor. After considerable discussiontit was felt the funds could best be applied to the upper lagoon for a recreational area; they felt that an appli- cation for $290,000 would be appropriate at this time. Mr. Patterson also felt it would be appropriate to apply for a planning loan in the amount of $10,000 for further planning of the Harbor. The City Attorney pointed out the Council had previously authorized a construction loan not to exceed $700,000, but if the Council approved of this theory, he would like the approval of the Council before the application.was submitted to the Comm- ission at the meeting in Blythe. It was moved by Cwn. Coats that the Council approve the theory as presented for an application. Seconded by Cmn. Helton.. Four ayes, one absent, motion carried. 10. PUBLIC SEXVICE: 1. Engineering. a. Participation by City for Street Improvement Eor Knowles Terrace, Unit fl. At the previous meeting the Counci-1 approved the participation by the City for street improvements for Knowles Terrace, and the City Manager inquired of the Council as to what funds they wished the $547.00 to be taken from. It was the .decision of the Council that the $547.00 be taken from the I General Fund. 2. Bater a .. Policy for water service to areas outsgde city limits. The City Manager in- formed the Council originally there were two applications for water service outside the City limits, however, Mr. Beaver had withdrawn his application since the last meeting. Discussion was given to the policy pr.eviously contemplated by the Council. After considerable discussion the City Attorney was instructed to prepare a rough draft of a policy along the foll. owing lines: A Minimum inclusion fee of $100.00 be charged; that no portior of a tract will. be accepted if the total acreage of the tract $3; 10 acres 3EIJ or less; the inclusion fee shall be $100.00 per acre, or fraction thereof; and in the event the total acreage involved is greater than 10 acres, only that portion in excess of 10 acres, whic.h is to be used, need be included. Also that 25% additional charge be added to water rates and that no rebate of the inclusion fee would be all owed if the land were later annexed to the City. 1. PARK AND RECREATION: a. Second reading of Ordinance No. 1060 - Street Trees. A second reading was given to Ordinance No. 1060 .by the Council, regulating the planting, maintenance, protection, control and removal of trees in and upon the public streets and other public places in the City of Carlsbad, and pro- viding a penalty for violation thereof, and repealing all ordinances in conflict therewith. It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cwn. Coats that Ordinance No. 1060 be adopted. Four eyes, one absent, motion carried. 2. NEW BUSINESS: 3. Appointment to Parks and Recreation Commission. Memorandum dated December 3, 1958 from the Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission, request- ing that the appointment of a new Comissioner to fill the existing va- cancy be postponed until after their December 15th meeting, in order to give the Commission the opportunity of suggesting three names for the Council to consider, which has been the policy in the past. By common consent of the Council it was agreed that this matter be deferred until the next regular meeting of the Council. ). Appointment to Harbor commission. Mayor Ledgerwood informed the Council he would like to place the name of Louis Gaus for the Council's consid- eration, to fill the vacancy existing on the Harbor Commission due to the resignation of Perry A. Lamb. The members of the Council confirmed Lamb on the Harbor Commission. . the appointment of Louis Gaus to fill the unexpired term of Perry A. :. Appointment to Public Works Commission. Maycr Ledgerwood informed the Council he would like to submit the following names for appointment to the.new Public Works Commission, for the Council's consideration: Gene Holzenberg Doyce Hedrick Roy Crom Melvin Lull Harry Kelley Edward J. Lawson W. G. Guevara By common consent of the Council the names as suggested by the Mayor for the appointment to the.Public works Commission were confirmed.. 1. Request for Street Light - William V. Hanes. Letter dated December 4, 1958 addressed to the Council from William V. Hanes, requesting a street light be placed on Shore Drive between Lots 8 and 9, due to the fact there. is 440 feet between street lamps and this is a very dark area. There is a l.amp post at this point and if there are any installation charges, the neighbors have agreed to pay the charges. The City Manager informed the Council the policy in the past has been to have street lights installed at, intersections, however, in the instant cast there are lights installed on the other two streets in the area, and this is a dark street. It was pointed out there is no charge for the installation of the lisht, but just for the energy. It was moved by Cwn. Coats and seconded by Cwn. Sonneman that the installation of this street light be allowed. Four ayes " one absent, motion carried. I. OLD BUSINESS: L. Ordinance No. 5030-A - Amendment to Ordinance No. 50.20, Trash and Garbage. At the previous meeting the City Attorney was requested to prepare an ordi- nance for the Council's review in accordance with the request made by Mr. McDougal. Ordinance No, 5030 -A was introduced and the City Attorney re- viewed the ordinance with the Council. It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cwn. Coats that this constitute the first reading of Ordinance No. 5030-A. Four ayes, one absent, motion carried, I q .. b. Resolution No. 470, Eiianging Engineer of Work. The City Attorney informed the Council it would be necessary to adopt a resolution changing the Engineer of Work and Superintendent of Streets on the outstanding 1911 Act Proceed- ings, It was moved by Cwn. coats and seconded by Cmn. Helton that Resolu- tions No. 470, 471,k%, and 473 be adopted, changing the Engineer of Work and Superintendent of Streets for Assessment District No. 1-1958, 2-1958, 3-1958 and 4-1958. Four ayes, one absent, Resolutions No. 470,471, 472 and 473 adopted. 14. CITY ;MANAGEB!S REPORT: I b.. TiefrarlDe1:'Bra~;Li~kBs. Mr. Price made a house to house canvass in the area and the residents have agreed to bear the expense themselves. 2. Availability of Mutual Records. Arrangements have been made for the Mutual Records to be available to the Public during normal business hours, as long as they are not taken from the premises. 3. Priority of work, a. Drainage for downtown area. The engineering work is almost completed, and at such time as the work is completed the Santa Fe Railway Company will be con- tacted. It is contemylated this work will cost approximately 3 to 4 thousanc dollars. b. Disposal Plant. The City Engineer has been negotiating with the Health Dept, to see if some of the effluent can be run out to sea. The roof will have to come off the plant. I 4. Sewer Lateral Connections. The City Engineer has explored the purchase of a backhoe. The City Manager asked the Council if they wished to take the funds necessary for the purchase of this backhoe from the contin3ency fund; the funds received fron the sewer laterals have averaged $500 to $600 per month. The Director of Finance informed the Council there is one employee being paid from this fund. Under a lease-purchase agreement there would be an initial expense and also funds necessary to start operation at such time as the City takes over operation. It was moved by Cwn. Coats and seconded by Gwn. Sonneman that the City Manager be authorized to purchase a backhoe on a lease-purchase agreement, and that the necessary funds be taken from thc contingency fund to commence operation until such time as funds are avilable from the sewer lateral fund. Four ayes, one absent, motion carried. eublic Works Garage. The public works garage is being reorganized. Event- ually they hope to do the repair of all of the equipment at this garage. Building Department. The Building Inspector reported the revenues from the Bhilding Department have been averaging $1,000.00 per month. In the near future he would like to have the ordinances, pertaining to the Building Department, brought up to date as we are now operating under the 1955 Codes. Improvement of Chestnut Avenue. Estimate of the cost of improvement of Chestnut avenue is being prepared iworder that the property owners in the area will know what the cost will run. 5. PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL. Cwn. Coats moved authorization of payment of bills for the Water Department from November 19, 1958 to December 2, 1958, in the amount of $5,187.00, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Seconded by Cwn. Sonneman. Four ayes, one absent, motion carried. 1 Cwn. Coats moved authorization of payment of bills for the City's General Expenses from November 19,1958, to December 2, 1958, in the amount of $2,031 as certified by the Director of Pinance and approved by the Auditing Committ Seconded by Cwn. Sonneman. Four ayes, one absent, motion carried. Cwn. Coats moved ratification of the payroll for the second half of November 1958, in the amount of $11,278.79, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Seconded by Cwn. Sonneman. Four ayes, motion carried. 16. ADJOURNMENT: It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cwn. Sonneman that the meeting be adjourned. Four ayes, motion carried. The meeting was declared adjourned at 7:lO P.N. do& Respectfully submitted, """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF CARLSRAD CITY COUNCIL December 16, 1958 , ROLL CALL,: The meeting was called to order at 7:OO P.M. by Mayor Ledgerwood. Present besides the Mayor were Councilman Helton and Councilwoman %n"mnan: City Manager Palkowski, and City Attorney Smity. Absent were Councilman Grober and Councilwoman Coats. INVOCATION : Invocation was offered by Councilman Helton. i APPROVAL OF MINUTES : . It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cwn. Sonneman ekat the minutes a. Minutes of regular meeting of December 2, 1958. of December 2, 1958 be approved as corrected. Three ayes, motion carried. b. Minutes of adjourned meeting of December 3, 1958. It was moved by Cmn. Helton.and secooded by Cwn. Sonneman that the mhutes of the adjourned meeting of Decenbex 3, 1958 be approved as corrected. Three ayes, motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE: a. Chamber of Commerce - Report of Industrial Deuelopment Committee. Letter dated Decepber 2, 1958, from the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce addressed to The Council rega;ding the Industrial Coordinating Council of San Diego County: They stated one of the objectives of the Coordinating Council is to urge County wide review of industrial zoning ordinances with the ob- jective of bringing them up to the modern concept of the "industrial @ark". Enclosed were brochures and information concerning industrial zoning. The Chamber requested that this information be referred to the Planning Comm- ission for consideration and study. The Council requested that copies be nade of their findings, for,the Council's review and study. By common consent of the Council the City Manager was instructed to refer the matter ,to the Planning Commission. I b. B. F. Binkley - Sewer Connection. Letter dated December 8, 1958 from B= F* Binkley, 1837 South Myers, Oceanside, requesting the City to extend the Sewer line from Magnolia Ave. south on Pi0 Pic0 Dr. -126 feet to his lot On pi0 PicpDr., as the property on the west side Of Pi0 pic0 Drive is owned by the State, therefore, there'would be no Contributions made from the West side of the street. It was pointed out that in the past it has been the policy of the Council to participate in these sewer extensions not to exceed the amount to be collected from the future users of the sewer 'line. The Director of Finance informed the Council the funds in the Sewer Revolving Fund were depleted at the present tire. It was suggested Mr. Binkley contact the Church who owns the property to the south to see if they would participate in this extension, as they will be needing sewers at such time as they build. By common consent of the Council the City c Manager was instructed to acknowledge Mr. Binkley's letter and inform him that the City is not in a position to participate in this project, but per- haps the Church would be willing to participate in this extension. :. Carlsbad Union School District - School @ond.report. Letter dated December 10, 1958, from the-Carlsbad Union School District. statinn a Citizens Advisorv Committee met at the Jefferson School, on Tuesday, December 2, at which time ' v .~