HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958-12-16; City Council; Minutes582 Respectfully submitted, """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" i( MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF CARLSRAD CITY COUNCIL December 16, 1958 1, ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 7:OO P.M. by Mayor Ledgerwood. Present besides the Mayor were Councilman Helton and Councilwoman Sonneman: City Manager Palkowski, and City Attorney Smity. Absent were Councilman Grober ' and Councilwoman Coats. 2. INVOCATION : Invocation was offered by Councilman Helton. 3. ' APPROVAL OF MINUTES: a, Minutes of regular meeting of December 2, 1958. .. It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cwn. Sonneman 'Chat the minutes of December 2, 1958 be approved as corrected. Three ayes, motion carried. b. Minutes of adjourned meetino of December 3, 1958. It vas moved by Cmn. Helton.and secmded by Cwn. Sonneman that the m>+nutes of the adjourned meeting of December 3, 1958 be approved as corrected. Three ayes, motion carried. 4. CORRESPONDENCE: a. Chamber of Commerce - Report of Industrial Deuelopment Committee. Letter dated Decenher 2, 1958, from the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce addressed to The Council regarding the Industrial Coordinating Council Of Sari Diego County.. They stated one of the objectives of the Coordinating Council. is to urge County wide review of industrial zoning ordinances with the ob- jective of bringing them up to the modern concept of the "industrial Park". Enckosed were brochures and information concerning industrial zoning. The Chamber requested that this information be referred to the Planning Gm"I- ission for consideration and study. The Council requested that copies be made of their findings, for,the Council's review and study. By common consent of the Cot~ncil the City Manager was instructed to refer the matter to the Planning Commission, b. B. F. Binkley - Sewer Connection. Letter dated December 8, 1958 from B. F. Binkley, 1837 South Myers, Oceanside, requesting the City to extend the Sewer line from Magnolia Ave. slnuth on Pi0 Pic0 Dr. -126 feet to his lot on Pi0 yico- Dr., as the property on the west side of Pi0 Pic0 Drive is omed by the State, therefore, there'would be no contributions made from the West side of the street. It was pointed out that in the past it has been the policy of the Council to participate in these sewer extensions not to exceed the amount to be collected from the future users of the Sewer 'line, The Director of Finance informed the Council the funds in the Sewer Revolving Fund were depleted at the present time. It was suggested Mr. Binkley contact the Church who owns the property to the south to see if they would participate in this extension, as they will be needing spwers at such time as they build. By common cop.sent of the Council the City Manager was instructed to acknowledge Mr. Binkley's letter and inform him that the City is not in a position to participate'in this project, but per- haps the Church would be willing to participate in this extension. C. " Carlsbad Union School District - School Bond report. Letter dated December 10, 1958, from the'carlsbad Union School District, stating a Citizens Advisory committee met at the Jefferson School, on Tuesday, December 2, at which time I the Board of Trustees presented a plan for the school district, They asked if the Council would like a member of the Board to explain the plan to the members of the Council. P.s a result of this meeting and the study that has been made of the school distrfct for the next three years, the Board pro- poses a bond election for $1,500,000 to take care of this need for the next three years, The City Manager informed the Council he had contacted Dr. Jacobs, and Dr. Jacobs and Mr. Glenn Feist, a member of the Board, were present to present their plan. Mr. Glenn Feist presented the members of the Council with a brochure of the school district, as to population study, projected enrollment, pupil pop- ulation forecast, suggested school planning schedule, etc. Mr.. Feist stated there were funds available now for the purchase of the property for the Las Flores School and also for the Terramar School, however, the population in the Terramar area does not justify a school in this area at the present time They have been building at a building cost of approximately $11.00 per sq. foot, which is less than any other school in the County. Dr. Jacobs informed the Council the $1,500,000 bond issue is somewhat confus. If the bond is passed it will not give them this entire amount at. the presenl time; they are asking for permission to go ahead at such time as the bonding power allows them to. The Board is in hopes .the citizens will go along with this program on one bond issue, rather than having to hold three separate bond elections, as this is an added cost to the taxpayers. Mr. Feist presented a saturation survey prepared by the District's architect: He informed the Council they are willing to answer any questions the Counci: might wish to ask, amd stated he felt this was the first ti.me they have been able to present a comprehensive report to the- citizens. The Board will have to make some decision by Decei27be.r 22, 1958, and if the Council has any ob- jections they would appreciate someone appearing at this meeting. ... The Mayor thanked Dr. Jacobs and Mr. Feist for presenting such a COmprehensil plan to the Council. I d . Kamptner and Holly - Request for. extension of time on Seacrest Subdivision Map. Letter dated December 12, 1958 from Kamptner and Holly, agents for Seacrest, Inc. requesting extension of one year for the completion 0.f the remaining section of the tentative Subdivision Map, Unit #l, which was approved by the City Council on January 7, 1958, consisting of 96 lots. They further stated that the owner and subdividers have developed 48 lots, by dividing the approved tentative-map into two sub-units. The City Engineer pointed out the rolled curb for the remaining lots should be redesigned for better drainage capacity, It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cwn. Sonneman that a one year extension of time be granted on Seacrest Estates Unit B1 subdivision, on the condition that the City Engineer approve the design of the rolled curb on the remaining unit. Three ayes, motion carried. e. Chamber of Commerce - Offer of assistance. Letter dated December 15, 1958 from the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce sending Christmas greetings and New . Year's wishes to the Council and the City staff. They further stated that the Chamber of Commerce and the Directors.are ready to help, not only on .advertising and promoting, but on other matters that the Council might sugges a.nd hoped they would be called upon to serve. By common consent of the Council the City Manager was instructed to acknowledge the letter, and inform the Chamber the Council appreciated their offer of help, and they will be happy to cal-l upon them for assistance in matters pertaining to the develop- ment and growth of the City. I f. City of Oceanside - Acceptance of invitati.on to meet with the Council. Letter dated December 15, 1958 from Mayor Sklar of Oceanside, addressed to the City Manager, accepting the invitation to attend the regular meeting of the-City Council of Carlsbad, to held on January 6, 1959, and informing the City Manager -that a delegation of City Officials from Oceanside will attend the meeting of January 6, 1959, to discuss a possible consolidation of .the two cities. By consent of the Council the letter was ordered filed. 5 , ORAL CONMlJNICATIONS : There were no oral communications. 5-8 4 i . PUBLIC HEARIVGS : a. Opening of Bids - 1911 Act Proceedings - Grand Ave.,.Magnolia and Adams. The Mayor announced that the hour of 7:30 P;M. had arrived, pursuant to Resolution No. 449, this was the time and place fixed for the opening of sealed bids or proposals for construction of certain sanitary sewers and appurtenances and appurtenant work on Magnolia Ave., 388.55'.west of Adams Street to 361.45' east of Adams Street, bagnolia Ave. to 700' southerly, and in Adams Street. Magnolia Ave. to 700' north, and in Grand Ave., Carlsbad Blvd. to Washington Street,said construction work being describ- ed- in Resolution No. 422, as amended by Resolution No. 447 and ordered by Resolution No, 449. The Clerk presented affidavits of posting and publi- cation of notice inviting bids. It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cwn. Sonneman that the affidavits of publication and posting be accept- ed and filed. Three ayes, motion carried. The Clerk advised the Council that up to the hour of 7:30 P.M. four (4) sealed bids or proposals had been delivered to him and filed in his office. The Rids were presented and in open session the Bids were opened and read as follows: 1. R. L. Thibido, Vista, California Unit A - $15,883.35 Unit B - 3,121 a00 Total bid - $19,004.35 2. L. Castillo, Vista, California. Unit A - $14,486.10 Unit B - ~ 2,500.00 Total Bid $16,986.10 3. W. V. Hutchinson Co., San Diego, California Unit A - $16,324.40 Unit B - $ 3,705.00 Total Bid $20,029.40 4. Don Hubbard, Encinitas, California n Unit A - $12,691.85 Unit B - 2,070.00 Total Bid $14,761,85 .The Bids were turned over to the City Engineer and the City Attorney for their approval as to form, and were requested to report back to the Council at the next regular meeting of the Council to be held on January 6, 1959. 7. PUBLIC SERVICE: 1. Engineering a. Street Vacation - Car1sb.d Blvd, - State Beach. Drawings, which had been prepared by the State were presented to the Council for their review, show- ing the proposed parking area.and sanitary facilities for the State Beach. The City Attorney informed the Council thet the State had requested that a portion of Carlsbad Blvd. between Pine Ave. and Chinquapin Ave. be vacated, and a hearing had been held for such vacation of Carlsbad rjlvd. however, according to the new plans, they proposed to extend the parking area down to the bridge which would necessitate havtng a new hearing and publication to include this additional strip. Resolution No. 474 was introduced, declax- ing the intention of the City Council to vacate the westerly portion of Carlsbad Blvd. between certain designated points; and establidhing a time and place of hearing. It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cwn. Sonneman that Resolution No. 474 be adopted. Three ayes, Cmn. Grober and Cwn. Coats absent, Resolution No. 474 adopted, 1. PLANNING : I a. Nemo - Xe:'Deletion of properties from Master civic Center Plan. Memor- andum dated December 10,1958 from the Planning Commission acknowledging receipt from the Council concerning the deletion of the Lampton and Zahler properties from the Civic Center Master Plan. The City Attorney informed the Council in accordance with Ordinance #9060 the Planning Coimnission had I.,: , 1 t:& I t 40 .days in which to reply to the notice given by the Council. By common consent of the Council the matter was deferred until the regular meeting of January 20, 1959. b. Memo - Re: Curb locations for Union Church property. Memorandum dated December 10, 1958, addressed to the Council from the Planning Commission, together with a recommendation from the City Engineer concerning the curb location along Carlsbad Union Church property on Pine Ave. and Harding St., was read and discussed. The Planning Commission recommended that the locati of sidewalks, curbs and gutters be approved as recomended in the nemorandun from the City Engineer. The City Engineer pointed out in his recommendation that the tree at the northwest corner of Pine and Harding be removed. It was the decision of the Council that if this tree had to be removed, that it be at the expense of the applicant. After considerable discussion by the Council it was moved by Cmn. Helton that the Council accept the recommendatj of the City Engineer as to curb and gutter location, and that the Parks and Recreation Commission be informed of the reason for the Council, granting the removal of the tree without it first being referred to the Commission, and that the applicant be notified that the tree will be removed at the expense of the applicant. Seconded by Cwn. Sonneman. Three ayes, motion carried. I C. Ordinance No. 9091 - Reclassification of certain properties from C-2 to R-3 - East side of Garfield Street between Acacia and Juniper, At the previous meeting of the Council a hearing was held on said reclassification. and after said hearing the City Attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance for the Council to review. Proposed ordinance No. 9091 was . presented to the Council to review, changing certain designated property in the City of Cerlsbad from Zone R-2 to Zone R-3. It was moved by Cnn. Heltol and seconded ,by Cwn. Sonneman.that this constitute the first reading of Ordinance No. 9091, Three ayes, Cmn. Grober and Cwn. Coats absent, motion carried. I d. Request for reclassification - Portion of Lots 31 and 32 - Roosevelt Street Albert E. Stein. The Cit:, Attorney informed the Council this matter was considered by the Planning Commission on June 10, -1958, at which time a public hearing was held.. The Plenning Commission adopted Resolution No. 72 recommending reclassification of certain designated property from Zone R-P to Zone C-2, subject to Mr. Stein complying with certain conditions. In the meantime the City Council considered reclassifying the.entire block on Roosevelt Street between Grand Avenue and Laguna Drive, but due to protests by the property owners the matter was dropped. At th-is time Mr. Stein has agreed in writing to comply with the.conditions set forth in Resolution No. 72 of the Planning Ccmmission, and if the Council chose, a hearing covld be set at this time for the Council to consider this mztter. It was moved by Cwn. Sonneman and seconded by Cmn. Helton that a hearing be set for January 6, 1959 at 7:30 P.M, to consider this rezoning. Three ayes, motion carried, 10. MONTHFY REPORTS: The City Manager presented the Council with reports from the Library, Finan Department and Police Department. 1%. NEW BUSINESS: a. Appointment to Parks and Recreation Commission. At the previorfis Council meeting the Parks and Recreation Commission requested that the appointments I to the Parks and Recreation Commission be deferred until the next regular meeting in order for the Commission to submit three names for consider- ation by the Council. The City Manager informed the Council their recom- mendation had not as yet been received. By common consent of the Council the matter was deferred until the regular meeting, b, Appointments to Library Commission. Letter from the Library Commission dat December 9, 1958, recommending for the Council's approval, the following candidates for appointment to the Library Commission: Mrs, Robert Strause, 3291 ilighland Drive, and Mr. Lowell Richardson, 4140 Adams. Mayor Ledgerwc CiOW stated that wit,h the consent of the Council he would like to appoint Mrs. Robert Strause and Mr. Lowe.11 Richardson to fill the vacandL.pson the Library Commission, effective January 1, 1959, and expiring Decembex 31, 1961. It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cwn. Sonneman that the appointments to the Library Commission be ratified by the Council. Three ayes, motion carried, , Texms of office for Public Works Comission. The City Manager informed the Council that at the time the appointments were made to the Public Works Commission the terms of office were not determined. The Mayor informed the Council he would like to designate the following terms of office for the Commissjoners : Roy Crom - Term of four years Gene Holzcnberg and Doyce Hedrick - Term of three years Melvin Lull and Harry Kelley - Term of two years Edward J. Lawson and R. G. Guevara - Term of one year 1 1 Terms to be effective January 1, 1959 and expiring December 31 of the respec- tive years. It WRS moved by Cmn..Helton 3nd seconded by Cwn. Sonneman that the terms of office be ratified as submitted by the Mayor. Three ayes, motion carried. , OLD BUSINESS: L , Second reading of Ordinance No. 5039-A - Amendment to Trash and Garbage Ordi- nance. Ordiftance No. 5030-A, amending Ordinance No. 5020-A by setting forth a definition of "rubbish", and clarifying the rules for rubbish and garbage collection, was presented to 6he Council for a second reading. It was moved by Cmn. Helton and seconded by Cwn. Sonneman that Ordinance No. 5030-A be adopted. Three ayes, Cmn. Grober 2nd Cwn, Coats absent, Ordinance No. 5030-A adopted. , MANAGER'S REPORT: , Community Center Building. The City Manager informed the Council that at the last meeting the Council had instructed him to investigate the possib- ility of a lease-purchase financing for the community buildin?. He and Mr. Price had investigated this possibility with th.e banks and individuals; they are interested but stated they wanted to see the plans and specifica- tions before making any definite conmitment; and 7% interest would be the least rate to hope for, In addition to interest rate the City would have to consider the cost of taxes and maintenance, etc. The City Manager stated that he would like to propose that the community building be designed for additional administrative offices, Discussion was given to a tax increase with certain funds being earnarked for this project, and perhaps within two years there would be sufficient funds far the project; in this way the pro- ject, could go to bid. After considerable discussion the Council instructed the City Manager to confer with the Woman's Club to see if they would be willing to wait for such period of time, Sewer Disposal Plant. The City Engineer is in the process of removing the roof from the plant and removing the matt that has accurmlated since the roof was installed; theypropose to drain off some of the sludge and drill holes in the ponding area, as it is felt this area is not ponding correctly. " I Harbor meeting in Blythe. The City Manager informed the Council that three of the Harbor Commissioners, the City Attorney and himself attended the Small Crafts Harbor Commission meeting in Blythe. The Commission turned down the proposed construction loan as they felt there were several matters that would have to be worked out first by the City before a construction loan could be considered. The Commission stated they would consider the $10,000 Planning Loan at their next meeting, I PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYRCLL. Cwn. Sonnernan moved authorization of payment of bills for the City's General Expenses from December 2, 1958 to December 16, 1958 in the amount of $10,580.74 as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Com- mittee. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. Three ayes, motion carried. ,, 5 Cwn. Sonneman moved authorization of payment of bills for the Water Depart- ment from December 2, 1958 to December 16, 1958 in the amount of $8,230.92 as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Seconded by Cmn. Helton. Three ayes, motion carried. Cwn. Sonneman moved ratification of the payroll for the first half of December, 1958, in the amount of $11,646.34 as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Seconded by Cmn. Helton Three ayes, motion carried. I - 15 . ADJOURNMENT :: It was moved by Cihm. Sbnneman and seconded by Cinn. Helton that the meeting - be adjourned. Three ayes, motion carried. The meeting was declared adjourned at 10:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, 1 MARGVET LdEg- E. ADAMS Deputy City Clerk """"""-"""""""""""""""""""""~""""""-""" I