HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-01-06; City Council; MinutesI t '\ \\ *\, ', ', -\, i CITY OF CARLSSAD I '\, '\ ', \ \ '
: Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular meeting) I ' ' ', ', '\ '*,
I Date of Meeting: January 6, I959 ' ' \ ',+,
! Time of Meeting: 7:03 P. M. i N a me '8, '$$, \<,, +J,,
i Place of Meeting: Council Chambers ; of '*$, \ . ,', ',L.O..P\,&k ~""""""~"""""""""""""""""""""""""-~""""~~~"~~~--~-~"~~~~~~~"~-~~- : Member $f@.*\$?%
;t;1; i ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Ledgerwood, 1 ::;:I i Grober , Helton and Coats. Councilwoman Sonneman was { ;: ; absent. Also present were City Manager Palkowski and ;
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;: ili : City Attorney ,Smith. I 1 4:::; ::;:
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I (a) The minutes of the regular meeting of December i Coats 1,:;; :x: :x: j
t # -I : Helton i ;.,x: i
I ; Ledgerwood ; ;xi ;
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1 I t i INVOCATION was offered by Councilman Grober.
I ;; 1 I I I I 1 t
! 16, 1958, were approved as submitted. ; Grober : t ixf: ;
i (a) Joseph and Neltie Bertino - Tree problem. Letter! :l:!: : dated December 23, 1.958 , from Joseph and Nellie Beetino; ti 141;; i stating that even though certain work had been done re- i 1::::
I garding the Eucalyptus trees opposite their property, I 811 'I nothing was done to decrease the great height of the ones ! : directly opposite their home, and that the work done was i :I,,, i of little protection to them. They further stated so long I
4 as these trees remain at their present height, the threat : I:::, i to their personait and property safety would become pro- i I;:;! : gressively worse; therefore, they could not consider the ; i:iii i matter cbs& der the present conditions. They asked I I :.;; I
I that the Council consider their position further. After ; :;It, I discussion of the Council, by motion of the Council, it wa+ Coats :x: ;x: :I i i agreed that the City Manager be instructed to acknowledge: Grober i ; ;x\ 1 1 receipt of the letter and inform the Bertinos the Council : Heiton : :x:x: I : felt adequate steps had been taken to correct this hazard- i Ledgerwoo! i :x! j i ous condition, and ordered the Letter filed.
i (b) Robert Morris - Sewer extension on Highland Av.eJ : Letter received January 5, m59, from Robert Morris, i stating that he had been informed that the cost €or connec-: : ting to the sewer would be $380.00; later, he was inforrneb iip: i that instead of $380.00, the cost would be $539.00, and I :::;; i after discussing this matter with other property owners, ; :::;: ; he felt this cost was excessive, and asked for relief by i
; Morris to connect to the sewer, it was necessary to ex- i ::I:: i tend the line from the center of the property north to the : : center of his property in Highland Drive; the cost of this i i:::: i extension would be $PL2.50 and he has paid into the City ; :I ; $280.00, It was pointed out that in the past it has been i i the poticy of the City to participate in sewer extensions : : provided the City would be reimbursed at such time as i ;:::: i connections were made by property owners on the oppositel / I:{:! : side of the street.
i Councilwoman Sonneman was present at 7:lO P. M. ;L1l
! By motion of the Council it was agreed that Mr. Mori.is i Coats :xi !xi ; i be allowed relief by the City €or this exkension in the ; Grober : :x;xi : ; amount of $132.50. i iSelton i : ; ";: ;
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-1 : the City. The- Council was advised that in order for Mr. : **::a
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t i (c) Chamber of Commerce - Notice of intention to : :;;*, 1: ; close the A. T. & S. F, Station in Caolsbad. Letter dated i ;*I' i January 5, 1959, informsng the Council the A. T. & S. F. : ;:;;: ; Railways had served notice of intent to close the Carlsbad i ¶::I: i station within thirty (30) days. The Chamber felt this is' : i;::: fl;:4
i a matter of economic concern to the Community, and i asked for support in requesting a public hearing on 'the ; :::I; : matter. They also felt that consideration should be given i i:: :: i to reduced speed of trains passing through the City limits : ,;::'
i of Carlsbad. Attached were names of agencies ;to contact i ::::: i in this matter. 1 I i::::
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; By motion of the Council it was agreed that the City Mani- Coats : !xi + ; I ger be instructed to communicate with the various agen- : Grober i : : 3 ! : cies requesting the station remain opCa due to economic i Hetton : i !x: ; I condititms . i Ledgerwoo# i :xl' i
I storage reserv9irs. Letter dated January :3, 1959 , from ; 41
State of California, Department of Public Health, ad-i I vising the City Engineer their departmenf had made a ; I' i field inspection of the City' s wahr sjrstiin , accompanied: : by Mr. Tucker, Water Superintendent l and found the roods ;:::; i of all the reservoirs in the City% water system, are in i ;I::; : need of repair. The City Manager informed the Council ; :: * i that he and the City Engineer had discussed this matter { #I;*' '4;; *I : and estimated that it would cost approximately $25,000 ; :;,:I I to do the necessary construction, and at the present time! 11;; : funds were not available ta do this work. By common ; 11 1; i consent of the Council the City Manager was instructed i : to communicate with the department of Public Health and ; :::I:
i inform them the City will proceed to do this work as soor$ :;i:t : as possible .to eliminate this condition. I 4 ::::I
I I ; Sonneman : ; !xi i
I (d) qepartment of Public Health i Repairs to water : ;;' * 81:;:
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I I (e) The.Stencii, - Craft Company - Statement of non- i w:; i liability. Letter addressed to the Mayor, received janu- i : -9 y from the Stencil Craft Company, thanking ; :I;!! I the Mayor and Mrs. Richard Cole y City Librarian, for I iii:i ; the several interviews relative to "Tho Peter Pencil * I 1* 1 i Kolor Klub" program for a Community Program in the i '*It:
: Library, The Program is outlined in a Manuscript in : :*i:: i the possession of Mrs. Cole, who is assisting in the pre-; ;: ::: 'I : parktixrn of a Manual of Procedure. They asked that this ; iiii; i Letter be accepted as a Statement of non-liability - finan- i :;'I; : cia1 or otherwise in the acceptance of this program, To ; i::;; i assist thern.in acquiring Sponsors and other Communities! 4::; : to make this program possible, they requested a "Letter ; iIiIi
f of Acceptance" in order that they might progress the war* :'*I; iiii; : necessaky to identify the program with personal and City : ::I:! \ coopetaiicm. The Mayor informed the Council this pro- : I' : gram is for small children aud will be of no expense to ! 1:;: i!:: i the City as it will be sponsored by private Citizens. By 3 ;dl : common consent of the Council, the City Manager was : 8:': ::i; I instructed to write a letter b the StehciL-Craft Company i : endorsing their program.
& (f) Aleatha W. Vaughn - Deletion, of property from ! 11 i Master Park Plan. Letter dated Enliary Zm ::;:; , add- ; ::;!I : ressed to the Mayor from Aleatha W. Vaughn kequesting : :!;;\ i to have her property t Lots 15 and 16 I Optimo Tract, de- i :; : leted from the Master Park Plan, stating this matter had ! :::;> i been tabled many times over the past 3 or 4 years and du4 ; to the delay, the sale of a portion of her property has beeh ;ill i blacked. Mrs, Vaughn requested that immediate action i j::: : be taken by the City. I '41
: MRS. ALEATHA VAUGHN, informed the Council the for-: :::i i mer City Manager had contacted her regarding an apprai-I ::;; : sal of her property; she had consented to such an appraie : i sal; the property war appraised a+ $U, 500.00. and she i 8') I was asking $15 l 000, however y she was agreeable to the 1 ; appraised value, provided satisfactory terms could be ; 1 reached. The Parks and Recreation recommended thst : ; the other properties adjoining the park be purchased priorf, i to her property being purchased by the City. The Owner .{ ; of the property to the north of hqr property is asking : $15.000 and definitely wants cash; the City does not seem 3 i to be in a position b purchase her property, tlxtme.fore p ; i she felt her property shoukd be deleted from the hh&g -i : Plan until the City is in a position to purcbarae it.
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: Cwn. Sanneman Btated she has always felt &is triangie : i was iddal for a park; however, the Woman's Club owns a I i lot in Holiday Park, and if they should consider building i :!::I : on this property, she would definiteJy be! against acquir- ; ;:1:1
I ing any more property until the Woman's Club matter is i l1 1::;: i settled. Cwn. Coats stated that she did not feel that any ; i property owner should be jeopardizkd if the City is not I ; in a position to purchase the property. I I
i After considerable discussion by the Council, the Councit I suggested Mrs. Vaughn write a letter to the Council sett{ : ing forth the legal description of the property she wished ; i to self. and the price she was asking for this property. I
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I I I There were no oral communications.
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I 1 I I I (a) Street vacatioa - Carlsbad Boulevard - State I : Beach =!king area.
i Notice of hearing was read declaring the intention of the ; i City Council to vacate the westerly portion of Carlsbad i : Boulevard between certain designated points; and estab- : i Lishing a time and place of hearing. The Mayor announce9 ; this was the time and place set for hearing all written or : i oral protests, 0.r to hear all persons in favor of such va- i : cation. The Clgrk certified there were no written pro- ; i tests received i&:his office. There were no-orit protests: : made. The. City Attorney informed the Council as there : i were no protes.ts received, the next procedure for the i : Council was to adopt a resolution vacating such portions ; i of Carlsbad Boulevard. By common consent of the Coun-i : cil, the City Attorney was instructed to prepare such re - : : solution for the Council's review at the next regular meet! I ing of the council. 1 I
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I * I (b) Reclassification of east L/2 of 17.20' of Lot 31 and! iii:;
{ and ea& €12 of Lot 32. Seaside. Lands - ALbert is. Stein. I :*::; 1:;::
I . ,_. ..: , '. . , , I 4 ;;I:: i Notice of hear:in was ,read. to consider,. the reclassi€icatio,$ ;:I:: i from Zone R -P ?Residential - ProfeSsional) to Zone C-2 i ;:::i ; (General Commercial) of property described as the east- ; ;:I:;
: erly half of the 17.20' of Lot 31 and the easterly half of : ::!:I * I , :.: i Lot 32, 'Seaside Lands. Affidavit of Publication was pre - i ::p: i sented for the Councilts review. tetter dated December I i::;:
; 31, 1938, from 3. F. Samuels, own& of the Carlsbad *; :::I: ;:;:; : Theatre was read, wherein he stated he wished to go on i ';:I4 'I i record as approving this zone change. There were no ; :I;!! i oral or written protests received. After considerable I ::I, I:;,;
; discussion by the Councit, it was felt by the members of ; '8;;;
: the Council this request for reclassification should be i ::I;;
1*(11 1 granted due to the fact that it is contiguous to property ; !::'I ,4,:1
I already zoned G -2 on three sides and therefore the grant- i ;:::: i ing of this change of zone would merely constitute an ex- : I'll; I;;I i pansion of existing C -2 zoning. By -tiom of t+p 'Ceuncif , I Coats ;It;: : i"; ; i ; it was agreed that the City Attorney be instructed to pre- :Grober : ; :xi ; i pare a resolution of findings of facts and ordinances : Hctton !xi $r: i ; granting such reclassification in accordance with the re- :Ledgerwood! i i 5 : i commendations of the Planning Commission's Resolution ISonnernan 1 iz: : ;No. 72.
: (c)! Discussion of consolidation. t l:;l:
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i By motion of the Council, it was decided to adjourn this i : meeting to the Pine Street Elementary School auditorium, i i for the reason that sufficient space does not exist at the i : regular Council Chambers to accomodate the persons in : i attendance, and that the City Clerk be directed to post a i : Large notice on the door of the Council Chambers stating :
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4 : Member -9%. ~Q@.+o\~ *'..t'$@ I : of :""""""""""""""""""""-~""""""""""""""""-~"""""""-~""""~-~~ : the change of. address of this meeting of the City Council .i Coats ai ;xi i i The meeting was adjourned at 8:OO P.M. :Grober ; : :xi i
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:Sonn.eman : I i The meeting was reconvened at 8:20 P.M.
0 I )@I i A delegation of Oceanside officials were present includini ::I:: i Mayor Sklar , Councilmen Jones, Sullivan and Turnbull, i ; and City Manager LiLley. Mayor Ledgerwood introduced ; ::::: i Mayor Skiar. I 4 :Ill;
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t I MAYOR SKLAR presented the members of the Council : with a brockiure which set forth certain factors relative G the consolidation of the City of Cceanside and Carlsbad. :
Some of the factors pointed out were as follows: The pro; posed consolidation of the two cities woutd result in one i city with a population of approximateiy 35,000 and would : be second only to the City of San Diego in the County and i would result in recognition to the area by state and county: officials; united action in the past year has resulted in the$ construction of the Palomar Airport and the s~c~e~8ful ;
passage of a bond issue; a combined city would eliminate i the duplication of cefiain departments, and certain per - : sonnel; it combined population of 35,000 would give a totaq
assessed valuation of $50,600,000.00; many of the ordi- : nances are now comparable and the transition from two i cities to one could be carried out with little adjustment; : united the two cities stand a better chance to obtain two i harbors, a sea water conversion plant, a larger airport, ; better industry l put into effect an overall master ptan, i obtain an adequate water supply J solve sewage problems, i and participate in the orderly growth of nothern San Diegq County. Mayor Sklsr thanked the Mayor and members of! the Council for giving the Cceanside officials the opportu{ nity. to make this presentation. In closing, Mayor Sklar : proposed that each City appoint a citizens committee, I 6 consisting of five members, to study the matter of consod tidation, Councilmen Jones, Sullivan and Turabull briefl4 commented on the feasibility of such a consolidation, * * i
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.**:I i Some of the members present in the audience commented i : on such consolidation. Mayor LedgerwoiJd asked the me4 i bera of the Council if they wished to take any action at : : this time regarding the appointment of a committee, and i I by common consent of the Council, it was agreed this i : matter be discussed at a later date. 1
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I I I I 1. Engineering. !
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J I I Vi'* 1::: * !l4!1 I i (a) Awarding of Bid - Resolution No. 475 - l91L Act Pro- i
1 ceedings - Grand Avenue, NLagnoLia and Adarns, I t
1 6
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:::I: \ The Engineer of Work reported to the Council he had exat;- ;ii1i i ined the bids received, securitges , responsibility of bid- ; : der, type of contractor9s license held and found that Don I I:;:: -I Hubbard, Encinitas , California, was the lowest respopsi-.: \ ble bidder. The City Attorney informed the Council he I i had examined the bid security for amount, sufficiency, : :;I : and execution and found it to be satisfactory. Resolution I i No. 475 wazs introduced, awarding contract for work or : ' 48;
! improvement ordered by Resolution of Intention No. 422 I i and amended by Resolution No. 443. By motion of the ; Coats : :+c: ! : Council, it was agreed that .Resolution No. 475 be adop.. i Grober i I F { 1
,; ted.
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;a1 I 1;;i; i:::; I (a) Resolution No. 477 - Application for State Health i l1 IiIi: : Department permit to operate a domestic water system. i :I:': ;lt;l i The City Managep informed the Council an application i ;:i:i
1: i for a permit to operate a domestic water system togetheq :::;I
: with a resolution had been received from the State De- i :;:::
i partment of Health, due to the fact that the City had re - ; ::::I i;::: ; Oently taken over the o$eration of the Carlsbad Mutual i :1;:l ::: i Water Company, Resolution No. 477 was presented, I ;I, ;:I:: i authorizing application for a permit to operate a domes- I :I1 i tic water system, By motioa of the Council, it was $oats ;: I & i
: agreed that the City Manager be authorized to execute :Grober i the application for and in behalf of the City of Carlsbad, !Welton : jxjx! i
f and that the City Clerk be ordered to attest to such signatLedgerwoodi I # i : i ture. ;Sonneman ;xi F ; !
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I (a) Second reading Ordinance No. 9091 - Reclassifi- i ;;I:;
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I (b) Memo - Acquisition of right -of -way for Wakhing- I : pi;:
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j cation of certain properties trom R -2 to R -3 - East side! ; a Garfield Street between Acacia and Juniper.
i Qrdinance No. 9093 was presented €or a second reading i I' :I::; ; by the Council, changing'certain designated property in !Coats ; !x! ff ; i the City of Carlsbad from Zone 3-2 to Zone R-3. By ;Grober ; ; ;tL ; i motion of the Council, it was agreed that Crdinance No. :Elelton ;xi : 4 i i 9091 be adopted. ILedgerwoodi ; i A ; t
I k I ::p: 'I : ton Street.
: Memorandum dated December 24, 1958, from the Plannidg i. Commission recommending to the City Council that the ; : necessary right-of-way be acquired for the opening and i i development of Washington Street. The Council was in- : : formed this is presently owned by the A. T. b 'S F. i Railway. Mr. Price, Secretary of the Planning Commi -: : sion was present and stated the Planning Cornmission i i felt the Council should consider opening Washington b I ;::I: : Street from Beech Street to Tamarack Avenue; in some i , Ill
i places there is only a 30' right-of-way; and at the pre- i I!::: : sent time it makes it difficult for any future developmenttCoats i &;* i i It was suggested this matter be referred to the Public :Grober !::q i Works Commission for study and recommendation. By iEXelton :xi i : ; : motion of the CouncgL, it was agreed that this matter be :Ledgerwoad i ; :xi : i referred to the Public Works Commission fot study and :Someman ; : :x: :
f recommendation. I 1;;l;
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(c) Memo - Pbcement of utility easernehts. ~em0-I randumfromnning Commission dated Uecernber 24, i 1958, in which they stated a motion had been unanimously: passed by the Commission that the San Diego Gas and i Electric Company be requested to comply with the pro- ; visions of Article 2, Section 206 of Ordinance No. 9050. I
They requested that the Council take appropriate action : and advise the San Diego Gas and Electric Company of i the Councills concurrence with the Planning Cornmi- ssion's decision in this matter of policy. The City Attorney reviewed this section of the ordinance with the i Council which sets forth that where alleys are not re- : quired, utility easements shall be provided generally : through the interior of the block. The Subdividers have i
been granting these easements bat the San Diego Gas and: Electric Company have not been using these easements; : They originally wanted all underground wiring but the i cost was prohibitive. .The Building Inspector was pre, :. sent and stated that in some cities they require the poles to be set to one side in order that the utility tru& can use the casements. It was pointed out that caution j
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B I Member ,p$h+ 9 ~d &."" """"""""."",""""""""""""""""---."-""""""---"-"------ ""1"- ; woulf have to be taken in issuihg building permits for fen-! ::;" ;: : cea in ordek that sufficient space wohld be available for t I these pgles and trucks. By motion of the Council, it was i Coats ! : ;xi : ! agteed that in any new subdivision, an easement be pro- : Geobcr i ixp; : i vided for utility poles in accordanck &ith the provisions of! Hilton * ' ;x; i I Article 2, Section 206, Ordinance No. 9050, the City Man? Lkdgerwoodj I; $; I i ager be instructed 'to inform the Sait Diego Gas and Elec - ; Sonneman !x: :x: ; : tric Coinpany of the Gouncilt-s intention to enforce such : 1';:; I' i ordinahce, and that the Public Works Commission and the i : Planning Commission be informed of the Council's action, : ;Il;l
! (a) Memo - Recommendation for Harbor Commission i i to join California Boating CounciL, hc. Memorandum . ; :::I:
::':I : aated December L3 t WS8, recommenaiirg that the City of : :::I: i Carlsbad, through the Harbor Commission join the Calif- i ::::I $ 4;
jornia Boating Council, Xnc. Attached were application i 4::;: :I#;, ;forms for the Council's review The, City Manager infor- ; ;::;e :med the Council there would be a $25.00 fee, and there jCoatd :*ifc I
'I(: i were funds available in the arbor budget. By motion of ;Grobcr : :P;xj ; !the Council, it was agreed that the recommendation of the !Helton $e! ix: ;
:Harbor Commission be accepted by the Council. :Ledgerwood : ; ;x: ;
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8 I :"' i (a) Letter of resignation from Parks and Recreation. i ,::: commission. Letter dated December 17 , 1958 :;:: , from a7rtd i 1:i: ;w. Huntington, Jr. , in which he iegretfuliy submitted his ; !:;I ~resf@mtion from the Park and Recreation Commission, to i (*(e :be effective as of December 17, 1958, due to various corm- :::;
iitments connected with his profession. By motion of the :Coats 4::
:Council, it waC agreed that the resignation of Fred W. Grober 3 ' i"; :H@n@ngton from the Parks and Recreation Commission be :Helton I b i*: !accepted with regret. $edgerwood! ; ;xi
! lSonrieman : : * :
I%! ;%;
i (b) Mexho - Recommebding repiacemeats to Parks i bad Recreation Commission, Memorandum dated meem- :
-81- ::I{
!I*! iber 24 s 1958, from the Parks and Recreation Commission i ;';i
:in which they submitted for the Council's consideration : :: *4;
$our names for repiacemeats on the Parks and Recreation i *;;I ::;: :Commission. They further stated that tach person had bee* :I;: keraokally contacted and would be willing to serve if e ::::
hppointed. The f'ollowing names were submitted: Mrs. , i :; I
1M. J. Noy, Sr. , Mrs. L. G. Richardson, Wm. J, Sinc1a;ir; :;it '1::
8ndG. R. Standish. I '11: :;'? * I !I!!
I 1 4 I I I I I
1 4 1
6 I : (c) Appointments to Parks and Recreation Commissiont kwn. Coats informed the Mayor shp kd previously roc - ? +mmended Maude E. HIMabaIt. Mbyor Ledgerwood stated i Nith permission of the Cotlrrcii he would Like to appoint ; prs. Maude E. EIitdabolt to fill the unexpired term of I Margaret V!. Coats, and G. R -dish to All the unexpinb jerm of Fred Huntington. By common consent of the Coun-i Eil, the appointments were confirmed, I t
I * .
-;; +: :::: :;;: i:::
$4: :I :i:: ;;:: :;:'
1: :::* : (dp JiWrib- Tree removal. Memorandum dated Decem- ! 8.r 30, m, from the Park Superintendent in which he i Btated that an application had been received several months: a;,'
bgo from H. F. Kelley, requesting the City to remove five i trees at City expense, but both the Tree Committee and the: *'I1 $ark Superintendent declined to make this recommendqtion i
$0 the Council; however , a compromise had been reached : jahereby the applicant would be satisfied with the removal : ;:;: of trees No. 2 and 3, preferably at City expense, but would: iii; 'share one half the cost if necessary, and the City would ref :::; bove tree No, 5 and do the necessary trimming on the re- ; baining two trees. After considerable discussion by the ! FounciL, it was moved by the Council that trees No, 2 and $ Coats k: k;
e removed, and the Gity partid pate in 1/2 the cost, and iGrober : ' $: hat thc City bear the expense of the removal of tree No . 5 :EIcLton +nd the trimming of the two remaining trees. ~Ledgrrwbod~ i @ :
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jvroposed Ordinance No. 8009 - Adoption of 1958 i ;llil
:Building Code, Proposed Ordinance No., 8m9 was present+d ::;e:
!lo the Council for their review. The Building Inspector ; i;:ii
jwas present and explained to the Council some of the I t ::i:; :changes in the 1958 code. It was also pointed out this !would also increase the revenue in the Buitcling Departmen). ::: :By motion of the Council, itwwas agreed that this consti- ; Coats itute the first reading of Ordinance No. 8009. : Grober ;:;+
$ 4 * :;I:: :; iJ:: !34 ;
t I i Weltan :x; !xi !
t I Ledgerwoo4 : $e ; ;
I i somm+a : IXlXi ;
~MANAGEWS SEFORT t I I :@a&; 4:;;
8 I 4 !Disposal Plant. The roof has been removed from the plant: :and approximately 30,000 galions of sludge has been re- i
imoved. They are now in the process of improving the fil- i :%ration 1 t :::;
I I ::!! I 4
iDraina e Ditch. The City Manager, City Engineer and Mr 1 i
:ways in San Bernardino and presented their plans for the ;
jdrainage ditch, and he indicated he would make a favorablei :recommendation to the company. The City Engineer has es:- 3imated this project will cost approximately $7 ,??O,.OO, ; :The City Manager informed the Council he would like per - : $nission from the Council to have the Gas Tax contract i hmended by the State in order that some of these funds I I koul# be used for this project. By motion of the Council, i
%it was agreed that the City Manager be instructed to nego- : 3iate with the State to amend the contract in order that I ghese funds will be available at such time as the accept- : gnce of the plans has been received from the A. T. & S. F. i
*&ailway Company. t I
1* ; om on me with the engineer fo the A. T. & S. F. Rail- !
! !
1:;; iiil :::i
i:;: :::I i;::
1;;: ;:;: 1:::
Coats ::;* ; ; ;x: Grober i : : 4 Heiton : !xi%: Ledgerwoop : :xi annernan ; i :x:
i i.: i
kransfer of Funds. The Council was informed that an errot ;;st :; ad been made at the time the budget was prepared, and i ;hi khat $5,036.00 too much had been allocated to Road Mat- : ;:I# brials in the Public Works budget, that should have been i ;::;
hllocated to Capital Improvements, due to the fact that the : ('(1 ;::;
bssessed valuation wits not as great as anticipated. By i Coats )('I ;x3 pc:
hotion of the Council, it was agreed that authorization be : Grober : I p: given to transfer $5,036.00 from the Public Works to Cap-! Melton i :*; %tal Improvements. 1 Ledgerwoo4 i :x!
t : Soweman I : Sr:
kivic Center Plan. The City Manager informed the Council! :;;I
)Le had met witxi"Rlrs, Vance of the Woman's Club and ex- i ;a1; ;:::
lained the financial condition of the City at the present i : ;::;
rime , and if the Woman's Club could wait until the budget i :i;i €or the nextGaca1~W was discussed 9 perhaps there wouLd ; ii:: be other avenues of financing this project. I I ::I:
New Council Tabte. The Council was idormed the new i council Table was construcied by the Fire Department, $'hey furnished material and tabor for this table. It was i Coats : ; !xi
boved by the Council that the Fire Department be Wormed: Grober k I :It: of the Council's appreciation for this table. i Melton : ; :x:,
, I * ;;:: ;:::
I ;I::
I L : 4dgerwoob : :x;
1 I :I;: : +x#&
I r. : ScmmqaII : :x$!
$y motion of. the Council it was agree4 that the Ciw Attar = i Coats
*ey be instructed to prepare a Resolutiozr of Appzsciatiaa. i Grober ! a : J : Hettoa i i [x: * I Ledgerwood i :+ ; Sonneman ix: iq :, s t !:;$
\. I
)o former &yor hugh.
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I I Name '.,,'~~,>., .$& * 4
;""""""""""""""""~""""""""""~~*""~"~~.""""~~"""-""""""---,--~ '11 i PAYMEhT CF mLLs AND RATIFICATION oF PAmcx,~
i Cwn. Coats requested that the item listed in the bills as I : "Bertino Trees'' for payment be corrected to read I "City Trees on Adams Street".
i Ratification of the bills was givezi for the general expdn- { 4::; i ses of the City in the amount $6 l 706.57, from December : : 17, 1958 to Januaky 6, 1959, and the payment of bills for !Coats : jxixi ; ; the Water Department from December 17, 1958, to Janu-: Grober ~ : 1 : :x: i i ary 6, 1959, in the amount of $8 $669.94 as certified by i Helton a:, :xi ! ! the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing : Ledgerwood : :x: i : Committee. I Sonneman :,xi !xi ;
i Ratification of the payroLl was given fdr the second haif i iiiii I of December, 1956, in the amount of $11.686.41 as certf .Coats ;xi I": i : ified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Aud-: Grober : ; ;xi 1 t iting Committee. : Helton : : ;x: I
* I I t ;I:;! ;::'; I
I I I ::::I
I 11
I I Ledgerwoodl ; ;xi 1 : i Sonneman i !xi x: i l I i;!:
I I 1:;: :I I*
j. i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 10:15P. Mi C,oats ::::
I rx;
I : Grober : l i !x:
8 i Welton ;xi :xi
'I 1 ; Ledgerwoo4 : ;xi
I j Sonneman ; !x?:
:I:: i Respectfully submitted, ;:I:
I ;;I* I I 1::
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