HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-01-20; City Council; Minutes6 l I' 8, '8 .' '\, '., -*,' !CITY OF CARLSBAD I I \' '.,", " ', ', :Date of Weeting: January 20, 1959 :Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. '.%$$+ '- *Q :Place of Neeting: Council Chambers ;""~"~""""""""'""""""""""""~""""""""""""";"--------""",--~--"~--- ; Member $'@..pkQ d :ROLL CALL was answered by Mayor Ledgerwood, Councilmen Gro-: :her, Hefton and Councilwomen Sonneman and Coats. Also pre-i I::, :::I: I: !sent were City Manager Palkovski and City Attorney Smith. : 1::;: I t ;I1 ~INVOCATIOM was offered by Councilman Crober. I *!!I! !Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular meeting) I ", \+, '\, \','\' 9 I 1 1 Name b ,p '\ '3 '*, '\& '8 '\ '* i of .,c'&~,+.> ii:;: o1 t I ::: ;: m: I I I /I:: I 1 ipPPR@VAL OF PlfMUTES : ! t I * I pi;; i!;:: (.!I . I I ;:'I; j1959, were approved as submitted. 1 Grober : : ;x: : ;I* * I (a) The minutes of the regular meeting of January 6, I Coats :x: :xi : I i Ledgerwood I ; !x i 1, I ; Helton I :x;%; ; I : Sonneman I : :x ; ; I I I *I iC0RRESPUM)ENCE': s I 4 'lI,* i:::: I I 1 I!!*! 1 I (a) Glenn and Pearl Merrill - Property puchase request; :Letter dated January 6, 1359, from Glenn and Pearl Merrill, i I2737 Mesa Drive, Oceanside, submitting an offer to purchase; !a portion of land owned by the City of Cerlsbad where the : :reservoir on Nesa Drive is located. They offered $l,OOO,OO i Ifor the purchase of the property. The City Attorney ilnf-6 ithe Council it might be wise to advertise for sealed bids. i !By motion of the Counci F , it was agreed that the property i Coats :be offered for sale by sealed bid and that no bid would be ; Grober jaecepted in an amount less than SlOOO,OO, : Helton 6 I t i Ledgerwood 4 : Sonneman I (b) Carlsbad BOY'S Club - Reauest for waiver of build-: I Ling permit fee. Letter dated January 9, 1959 from Robert i :L, Watson, Building Cornittee Chairman for the Boy's Club. ; !of Carlsbad, fnc., requesting the City to consider the pass; jibility of waiving the amount of the building permit fee, ; ;electrical and plumbing fee in the amount of $103.50. It i !was mved that this request be granted, W the motion was ; pithdrawn after the City Attorney informed the Council that i :previously the Boy Scouts had been denied such a request, ; !and in order for the Council to legally waive this permit,. i jthe ordinance would have to be amended. By motion of the ; Coats :Council, it was agreed that the request be denied. i Grober I : Helton * ; Sonmaman kiated January 11, 1959 from Aleatha W.-Veughn setting forth ; ithe legal description of the portion of her property she : pesired to sea.1, and asking price, which included terms. I she further stated that if this offer was not accepted in i Swriting within ten days, her property must be immediately : beleased from the Master Park Plan. After considerable disJ Fussion by the Council, it was moved that the City Attorney {Coats $e instructed to prepare a Xesolution of fntention, declar- IGrober ling the Council's intention to delete the Vaughn property : Helton From the Master Park Plan, and present the same to the i Ledgearwood xouncil for their consideration at the next regular meeting : Sonnenian bf the Council to be held on February 3, 1959, t * t ! I I 8 i Ledgerwood t t (c9 Aleatha V. Vaughn - Statement of facts. Letter i I I;;@; i;::: i;;:: ;:;:: i:;:: 4:;; :;'I8 !;:SI s:; : +{ ; I : "i i :xi *; 1 i : p: ; ; .: ?ci i ;L:f IS ;:;:: 1"; '::*I I:::: e:;:: !I::: 1;::; ;::I: i;;;; 1s ;:;;: p! :+ ; I : I": i : ' :3 I ; : :x: I ;::*I b;4; ;t:s1 ;:;I: ;:::; ::::I ;:::I :a::; ;! ,*::I ;? :x: 1 : ;+$I : : :x: 1 : : :x: ~ it9 t o ;x; ;; 1::: :!:: {at:; t;*i 81 9:+: ;: '::'I i I 4 (dl Frank Smith - Purchase of property for Hoiida I park. Letter from Frank Be Smith, urging the City to ffnd I %he means to purchase the small remaining land surrounding i bliday Park in order to enlarge the park. By common bonsent of the Council, the letter was ordered filed, I ! + I I I I e * (e) Carfsbad Journal a Urging the City to request the i battleship Missouri as a National monument and breakwater. i tetter dated January 20, 1959 from Robert D. Garland, Pub- : $isher of the Carfsbad h-1, requesting the City Council i ko make an inanediate request to the United States Government: kor the Battleship Missouri to be set up outside Carlsbad i parbox as a National monument and breakwater, Also enclosed : 4 1 I I I I I I : I I I 1 I I * I 8 I 9 ;;;i 1;;: i::: 1:;; :' 8;': :@!: ;::; l!!l 1.; I $11 ::;: ;: 6::; I::: :i:: '1;; i;:; I:'l Il:a :a;: $1; ;::: I' *::: $1, :I '$4 :&!a I I I 1 *, . i( -5 88 *8 'k8 8 t '%, :,'8 8\8 ', ~?' I \ ' "\.'888'% 10 6 I '8 '8 "% I -2.. i Name V8 \.k& y'+ I '.+'c$, b *$A I : of ',?&?@, >, \* i """"""L" """ """"" -""""- ..""""""" "* """"""""; "".. * ""%.""_,"":?:;". ;I;;: ;4/: I::!; I I s8 ', 8 ' ' ' '8 8 I : Member %&@*%$ t was a sketch of how the Missouri could be utilized to pro-: ! vide a permanent breakwater at the harbor entrance. Mr. : ! Allen, one of the Harbor Commissioners, was present and i ::;I: 1;;:f i stated this matter had been discussed before and it was felt i:::: : it could be utilized as a breakwater as well as bringing i $1:; i revenue towards the construction of the harbor. It was :Coats ! this matter. The City Manager was instructed to write the Felton r: :x; : i necessary letters . :Ledgerwood i 1 i XI f i model home. Letter dated; January 19, 19-59 from E. €1. Mc- ; i:: : Pherson stating the Scotch Construction Co. wanted to butt4 i them an all Electric home on their lot on Palm Avenue and i at i rent it for one year as a del home, They requested per- : ; mission to be allowed to use this proposed how as a model ! i!::: I home. Mr. Price, Secretary of the Planning Conmission i~as ; vi:; : present and informed the Council he had received a letter : ; from Scotch Construction Co. in which they stated they had i ii::i ; a program of using model homes fur branch sales offices : :;;:: i used exclusively for selling activities without secretakiat *lI:: ; personnel; office hours would be from 9:OO U. .to 9:OO P.M) ::::I I seven days a week; at periodic times kleig lighting ;souid ; : be used for evening promotions; modelhomeoffice would be i '18') i staffed with a minimum of two sales persons and an approxi; :I;:: ; mate maximum of five; and a neon sign is erected at the i ;:;;: I street to direct traffic to the model home location. This : p:;: : sign is kept lit throughout the night. Discussion by the i :::'I (tI'Z ; Council was given as to the use of this property in a resi; i dential zone. Mrs. McPherson was present: and stated they : ; had visited a model home constructed by Scoqch Constructiod :::I: 1 Co. in Riverside, and just a hostess was present to show i ::;i; I the home. By motion of the COURC~~, it was agreed that if Coats ki !xi i : a letter from the Scotch Construction Co. were received, prober : 3 :x: ! i clarifying the use of the proposed model home so that such Helton : : :xi : : use would come within the provisions of Grdinance No. 9060,),edgerwood i I ix i i i the Council would give this matter further consideration. $onneman , 1 ;]";)x; II - i ;;::: ; : ;xi ; I I +meman l 8 p !x; ; & (f) E. H, McPherson - Rectuestinz permi-ssion to bui1,d; :!I:; ::I:; ::i:; i moved by the Council that the City proceed to investigate Grober ;:I ;x: ; I ;;I:' ;: t1;:i t +I ;;i:i :;;:; $' I;':; ::;:: :::it 'I I t I I I * I (g) Letters from Mrs. Jeanette L. Lull, T. Virgil, i :Hazel Mordahl and Mrs. Maude E. Hildabolt, urkina the City ; i to take stea?s: toward the installation of a moper sewage { :,system and drainap,e system, By cOTnmOn consent of the Coun-; i cil, these letters were referred to the Public Works Commi-I I ssion for their consideration. The City Manager was ins- ; ; tructed to acknowledge these fetters. I I I l a I ? I ORAL COEMJNfCATIONS : ! I I I I I I I I l a I I I t I I 1 I I I I I I I ;;:; ;::: :;:; 4:: I::: ;i:: ;I;* 1:;; i::; ,;!:I -. t 11 I.!: ;;i:i :I;:; !l#!l :There were no orat comnunications. I I I ;I;;* 8::l: 1 I PUBLIC HEARINGS : 8 I 4 t t 4 ! c I L Reclassification from C-2 to R-3 of pror>erty 1oca-I jted on the south side of Oak Ave. between Lincoln and Wash-: ;inp;ton Streets - Carl L. Brown. The public hearing was de-: jclared opened. There were no oral or written protests. L L ;Resolution No. 100 of the Planning Conmission was intro- : ! duced wherein they recomnended reclassification of said pro; i perty. It was the decision of the Council this reclassifi-l !cation should be granted in accordance with the recomnda-: ;tion of the Planning Conmission. Resolution No. 483 was i i presented, announcing findings and decision regarding change ;of zone classification. By motion. of the Council,' Resolu- jCoats ition Mol 483 was agreed to be adopted. : Grober IHelton i Sonneman . . 8; I 6 I : Ledgerwood IOrdinance No. 9003, amending Ordinance No. 9060, was pre- : ;senred for a first reading. By motion of the Council, it !Coats !was agxeed that this constitutethe first reading of Ordin- :Grober. : ance No. 9093. iHelton I I I I : Ledgerwood 1 i Sonnewan 4 * I 1 ! :Is;: 1;: ;I$;: 1' 1i;I I!!,! 1;;:; ;I1 :::;: :I,;: *I :::;: ;:::: ;::,I ;: a# :::i; *:!{; ;#I;: I:; 8 t '::I: :;;:: :;;:; i ; :x: ; ; ; ;xi : :Fi :x; ; I': :x; ; : ixix; ; :::;I 'I : ; :XI ; ; ; :x; : ix: ;x; : * ' :x: : ;: I :x$~ i 'I !!I*' 0 I I 1 f I I I I I I :""""""""""" ; PUBLIC SERVICE: : 1. Engineerinn. i ! b * I I -3- I I I I I I 8 """"""""""""""""~""""""""""". ! I * I 1 1 I 4 I L ',, *, '\ ' ' ' ', *.., '\ 8.J. 11 *f \$\O' '\x \.&, ? 8%. is,+* * $1;;; *""'I" ::!I: :itl: " '\ '. , , \, '. '. ', '\, *x,'8. 't 8 ' N a rn e "8, '%Fe '. '.$# Member '@$&$ Q ."""""""" ;I::: I::!' i (a) Petitio_nfor paving of alley from Oak Ave. to Pine Av~. i between Hardinp, and Jefferson Streets. The Council was in: : formed that a petition had been received for the paving of ; i the alley, The cost of this project woutd be approximateis i 9320.00; this would be a cash project by the property owne*. i Ey motion of the Council, it was agreed that the petition i Coats I be accepted and that the City Manager be instructed to pro-:Grober i ceed with the work at such tine as the funds have been i Helton i collected from the property owners. : Ledgerwood ! (b) 1911 Act Proceedinps - RooseveLt Street - Assessment : !pistrict No. 5-1958. The Council was informed the plans i I and specifications and the assessment district map for this: f project had been completed. I i #, Resolution No. 479, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CARLS- i i BAD DECLARING THE COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO ORDER CERTAIW 1 4 : STREET IMPROVEMENTS AMI APPURTZNAHCES AND APPURTENANT \?ORK;I i DECLAR1P-X THE WORK TO BE OF MORE THAN LOCAL OR ORDINARY : : PUBLIC 3ERZFIT; DESCRIBING THE DISTRICT TO 3E BENEFITED i hats i AND TO BE ASSESSED; DETERMINING THAT BONDS SZJd3,L BE ISSUED : Grober : TO REPRESENT ASSESS~NTS TO BE LEVIED; ARD FIXING THE TIME i Helton i AND PLACEFFljR H%MING, AND GIVING WTICS THEREOF, was : Ledgerwood : adopted. I Sonneman : (c) 1911 Act Proceedings .I Juniper Ave. Sewer Assessment i i District No. 2-1958. The Council was informed the Assess- i :mnt Roll for the Juniper Avenue Sewer project had been ; i filed. with the City Clerk. Resolution No. 480, directing i ithe City Clerk to give notice of flling of the assessment : I and f ixfng time of hearing, was presented Eo the Council fot :their review. By motion-of the Council, Resolution No. 480;Coats i was adopted. ! Grober I t i Sonneman I I & I I 9 * i I I 4 I I i Helton I : Ledgerwood I i Sonneman i (d) 1911 Act Proceedings --Elm Avenue Lighting. District. i :The City Attorney informed the Council that an error had ; i been made in the legal description of Parcel #6 included in: Ithe assessment district, which will not effect the cost ; ;assessed against the property, and that he had prepared a : i resolution to correct this description. Resolution No. 486 I :was presented to the Council, declaring an error in assess-! jment roll to direct the City Clerk to give notice of inten-: ;tion of the City Council to make a correction in said fassessment, and €ixing a time of hearing. By motion of rhejCoats iCounci1, Resolutian -No. 486 was adopted. ;Grober I t I :Heltan I !Ledgerwood I : Sonneman I :2. Water. 1 t I L * * I I I I I * I I 1 I I I I I $ * 1 I ! 1;; ::I 11; I:: ;:: ::: 1:: :*I :$* ; ;xi : iT : :x; x: :x ii:: (I:( :;;: I::: 1.4 1; *!;e It.! *~i: ij,!: ;i:ij ;:::I 4::; i i !x; ; : t :x: i ;x: ;"i ; ; : !x: i : 'xi"; j :* ;::;I I::'< :;':I ;:::I ;;::; I('i ::I: i::: ; ;%;xi ; ; :x: ;x: !x; I ; ;x: ; * :xi ::I ;::: ::;: 18;: i::: ;::: ;::' f:;i I!:: ;; ': 1 +;!:; :xi :x; i i ; ;x: 1 : !%:XI i i i :xi j i::; * 88 b':: 18 *I' ;I:*; * s :x: l!?l 1 . i (a) State Water Rights Board .I Renewal of Permit #5228, I :The City Aitorney informed the Council that on er about the: ;fSth day of November, 1958, the City received applica+ion ; !to, renew permit #5228. At that time it wag belied this i japplication and permit related to a previous zpplication ; :and permit that had been given to the Carlsbad fiutual Water: :Company to construct a dam at the BonsalF Narrows, and the i :Council adopted a motion to not renew this pernit. However4 :on January 7th. the City was informed that this permit rela3 i ted to a permit to divert 750 acre'tfeet of water per year i :from the Mission Basin, and this permit should be renewed, ; !A resolution had been prepared to rescind the former action i :of the Council. Resolution No. 485 was presented to the :Coats !Council, requesting extension of time to complete benef iciaSGrober :use under water right permit. By motion of the Council, ;Helton !Resolution No. 485 was adopted, ;Ledgerwood I :Sonneman e I I b ! r;;i : t!: ti:: i::: 4::; :::; !::I ::f: :*:: ;::: :::I p: ::;: ;: :::i :i:: :x; ;x; ; : *: : ;x !xi : I F: i i Pq 'I 1' I' :*:: e!!* 4 8 I I I * I 1 '8 . *, \\ S8 ** I \\\,' 8 \ ' I , , 8, 'X\ x\ ', 8, 8t, 8, '\ '.- 8.)' 12 I I I I -4- -8, '8 \8 .\, -\ ' I i Name 8\ '+3$ -, $+t \ '84 * I I I ; of '*,+ 4' 3 ? ? ;*1~,;8,a& . *""""a :""""~""""""""-""""""""""""-"-""""""""""~""""""~""- 1 Member ' !$8@,@\p,< i The Mayor declared a recess at 9:lO P. M., The meeting i li'li i reconvened at 9:25 P.M.. I t ;:#I; I :I:;( ' I:!:! I t I"* I I 4;: 1 * ::'I I 1 I:!: : PJ.&?NING : I 1 I 1. Tentative Map of Linmar Subdivision, The tentative mad i was presented for the Council to review. Resolution No, I : 101 of the Planning Conmission was presented recommending ; i approval of the tentative map of Linmar Village subject to i I certain conditions. Resolution No. 484 was presented for : ; the Council's review approving the tentative map of Linmar i i Village in accordance with the recommendation of the Plannl; i ing Conmission. BY motion of the Council, &solution NO. I Coats : 404 was adopted. : Helton I i Grober I : Ledgerwood I i Sonneman I I ' I : 2. Reclassification of property located on the west side : i of Roosevelt Street just north of Grand Avenue- Albert E. i : 1- Stein. At the previous meeting the Counci;t granted said i : reclassification and instructed the City Attorney to pre- i ;i:: :::: 4:: ::;: :::: :::I :*I: 4:; *:;I :Ill ill; ; jXjX! :x: :xi : i :x: : : :xi i i ;x: ;;'a kt ;::: ;::I :::i t"1 I!!* i pare the necessary documents. Resolution No. 476 was- pre- i Coats ; santed, snnouncing findings and decision regarding change i Grober : i ;xi i of zone classification of certain designated property from i Hellion ;x: :x: : Zone R-P to Zone C-2. By motion of the Council, Resolutioq Ledgerwood i i !XI i No. 475 was adopted, : Sonneman ; : ;x; 8" ; :%:x; I I i a i Ordinance No, 9092 was presented for a first reading, : amending Ordinance No. 9060, changing certain designated i i property from Zone R-P to Zone C-2. By motion of the ! Coats ; Council, it was agreed that this constitute the first i Grober i reading of Ordinance No. 9092, : Helton b : Sonneman :3. - Vacation of portion of Carlsbad Blvd, n State Beach. i i At tke previous meeting, by motion of the Council, the :Council granted vacation of a portion of Carlsbad Blvd., i i and instructed the City Attorney to prepare the necessary i :document. Resolution No. 481 was presented, finding a porn; i tion of Carlsbad Blvd. unnecesszry for present or prospec- I :tive public street purposes; vacating such a portion of ; i Carlsbad Blvd; and ordering Clerk to recoed a certified i :copy hereof with the County Recorder of San Diego County. ; iBj+.motion o€ the Council, Resolution No. 481 was adopted. :Coats l : I I I I i Ledgerwood 1 I I 1 I I I 1 i Grober $ i HeZton I I Sonneman I : Ledgerwood :4. Master Eivic Center Plan - Deletion of Zahler end Lamp-: i ton property. The City Attorney reviewed the previous pro-! lceedings in this matter with the Council. By notion of the:Coats icouncil, the City Attorney was instructed to prepare the !Grober jnecessary documents to delete the Zahler and hmpton pro- :Helton ;perty from the Master Civic Center Pian. :Ledgerwood 1 : Someman : HARBOR : 8 :- I * I I :ii: :::; ;::: :I:a ;x: !xi : ' :xi ; tl !x:": i ; !x! ; : :x; 1::: i::: 1: 1 1:;: :::i 1::: :;j; ::;: I:;; :::: 1::: +; ;x: 1 * :x; :: I * !x: IS ; ; :xi ; :xjx: ::;: ;:I! 1;;o :pc i :xi ; * {xi I' I*( :::: ! ; ;x1 ; :x:% I:: ;;a 'r! !I. Rewest for Tournament Sanction Agua Hedfonda Lagoon, i jPllemorandum dated January 13, 1959 from the Harbor Comnissio$, ;recormending the City Council grant exclusive use of the : iAgua Hedionda Lagoon on Sunday, February 15, 1959 from :8:00 A.M. to 4:OO P.N. to the Cartsbad and Escondido Boat i i and Ski Clubs for the purpose of canducting an open sixty i :mile marathon boat race. By motion of the Council, the !Coats i request was granted. :Grober I I I ' 6 I !He1 ton :2. Appointment of Rarbor Commissioner. Cmr. Allen from isonneman I :Ledgerwood fthe Harbor Commission was present and requested this matter i :bedeferred until after the next meeting of the Habor C0mi-t jssion in order that they might submit a recomnendation for : :the Council to consider. Bly cormon consent of the Councilf ithe matter was deferred until the next meeting. 1 e I * I I I k :I( 1:' ::! i:: :Ii ::: :;; ::; ;x: ;x ; ; :x : ix ix i I !x : : ;x i:* ,:i ::; ::; ::: $' a! I*$ lot :I, 0 I I I + I I 8 I I I 1 -5- I 1""""""""""""""""""-"""""""""""""""""" i HEW BUSINESS: i 1. Resolution of AppreCfation No. 452 - Carl L. Lough. ! RESOLUTION NO. 482 WAS PRESENTED, STATING APPRECTATION TO I I I I t I I I I I 1 I I t * 1 - -1,. I I I I I t I I I %, \\ ,. '.,'\,, \ '., * 8'.'* ', - \ '+. 1 3 ', ""., '\, ',\'., '\ ' ' 'x, '.&' '*,4 .@, '8 '?& Of \?&'O\+ qp i:::: 1"; 'I 1:::; :::;; Na me '8 "$$. t Member *%'$%&?~..O. .""'""""""""1-" 'I, I !l::l : CARL L. LCUGH FOR SERVICES P,EhBE-?,ED TO THE CITY OF CA2LS- i i BAD AS CITY COUNCfLNAR AND AS MAYOR. By motion of the : Coats i Council, Resolution No. 482 was adopted. i Grober I i Heltan I : Ledgemood I i Sonneman t I I i 2. Ordinance No. 8030. Adoptiw 1956 Electrical Code. i : ORDINANCE NO. 8030 WAS PRESENTED FOR A FIRST READING BY ! i THE. comc IL, ESTABLISHIHG REGULATIONS FOR THE INSTALLATION: I ALTERATION AND REPAIR OF ELECTRICAL WIRING AMI APPARATUS; i i PRCVIDSNG FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PERWITS AND COLLECTION OF : : FEES THEREFOB; PROV'IDING PENALTIES FCZ VIOLATION TWE;IEOF ; i : AND REPEALING ORDXMAMCE F30. 8010 AND ALL O"HE3 ORDINANCES : i IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. By mot ion of the Council, it was i Coats i agreed that this cbnsfitue the first reading of Ordinance ; Grober ! No. 8030. i Helton I 4 I I ; Ledgerwood I i Sonneman i OLD BUSINESS : I i I. Becond reading of Ordinance No. 8009, ORDINANCE NO, ! : 8UO9, REGULATING THE ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION, ENLARGEViNT, i i ALTE:IATICN, DEPlOLITIOJ!!, OCCUPANCY, EQUIP&IEb!T, USE, HEIGHT, i ! ARZA, AND MAINTENANCE CF BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES IN THE ; i CITY OF CARLSBAD; PROVFDIMG FOR THE XSSUAhTCE CF PERMITS 1 ; AhQ COLLECTION OF FEES "€EREFORE; DECLARING AND ESTABLISH-: ! ING FIRE DISTRICTS; PROVIDfNG PENAL,TIE§ FOR TEE VIOLATION i I .APICES X$!' CONFLICT THEREWITH, was given a second reading by I i the Council, By motion oe the Council, Ordinance No. 8009 ; Coats ; was adopted. : Grober Y I I I I : THEREOF, AND REFEALrHG ALL O?tDIklAE?CBS AND PARTS CF ORDIN- i I I i He1 ton t I Ledgerwood : 2. City Seal. The City Yinager informed the Council that.! i I ; Sonneman : 20 entries had been received for the City Seal. After ; i considerable discussion by the Council, the design submit- i I red by A1 F. Rinehart was selected as the winner. Further ; ; diseussion was given as to a trophy being presented to the i i winner. By motion of the Council, it was agreed that funds; Coats ; be appropriated for a trophy to present to the winner, sai4 Grober : funds not to exceed $25.00. The Council instructed the ; Eelton i City Nanager to make arrangements for all of the entries I Ledgerwood i to be exhibited for public view. : Sonnetnan I I I i 3, Policy for water service outside City limits. TheCityi ; Attorney presented orally a proposed policy for water ser- i 5 vice in accordance with pertain obligations assumed by the ; ; City through the purchase of the Carjtsbad Kutual Water Go. i i and the Terramax Water Co, After considerable discussion ; : by the Council, the City Attorney was instructed to prepare i the policy in final form and present it to the Council for : : their review at the next regular meeting of the Council. i ! * t e r : 4. Full Time City Attorney. In looking forward to the i i next fiscal year, the City Attorney suggested that the Citg : Council consider a full time City Attorney; due to the i i growth of the City he felt it warranted a full time City : i Attorney as a part time City Attorney cannot do justice to! ; the work presently required. He felt a full time City : i Attorney could be employed at a salary ranging between i : $650,00 and $800.00 per month, He further stated that he i i would not be interested in the position as he could not ; : afford to give up his private practice; however, he felt i : an obligation to the City of Carlsbad, and would like to ; i be retained on a consultation basis until such ,time as the I ; new attorney is able to take over. The Nayoro informed Mr. i , i Smith this matter would be taken into corrsideration at : such time as the budget is considered. :*.. I' I I. I I I I t ! ! ;;I" 1,;:: ixi I"! : : :x;q i ;: : ' ;x; i I ; :xi ; 'I ! I :x: ; ;fil;a I:al; ;*;i: (It 1:;1; :;I$ ::::: : ; ; : ;.2 ::;:; i;rii ; ;x ix: ; J ; ;x; : ;x; ;x I : !::I: I 1 ,x: : 4t;l tx v 3 :::a; ::!:: i;c; ::::: : ;.; i: !SI *I*:! ;i;:: 1:::i it::; :::;; ::::; :;;:; : j !x: ; I ;x:xi i ;x: :xi ; ; I 1%: ; : : I%; ; :L 1:;:: ::::: l;t!* :a ,:I I: I !$ii 0;:; ;:ti; I :x :x i f :xi +: ; I : *; I {;PIl I ; :xi il:: 11 ;:;i :* I;*+ ': I; !;:I '; ;::; 1.;: I I " * 1. 4% : t ;'!: 1 :i,s ;I:; t e'!! I 1 I t I I I I : I * I I I I t I a I I I I I 1 I I I I * I I I 1 I 1 ::: ::; :ii ::: ::; ;:: .t 1:: I' : : ;:: 1:; ;'I ::: i:: 1:; ;I* I 9;; 111 I :. ; ,:!I! "# ;'I i't i. J i $3 I I 8,\'\%' I I I I I 1 I 8, '\,'\., '\, '8 " I I Name '\, '6' .$, 'x, 'q$, I : of *+ '9, 'h 'PA8 I I '.c3L*,& +, '?* ! Member '$$@8+?$3 : MANAGER'S REPORT: ~""""""""""",""""""""""""""""""""""""""~""""""""" "" "- I I ;;tt' '1: I ;\J; t 1, Santa Fe Railway Station. Ths-Manager informed 1 ::;:: i the Council he had written letters to the various agencies! :;':: ;lvl : regarding the closing of the station, and received a reply: iiii! i that the closing of the station would be held in abeyance,: '1 1; i and if they chose to pursue the matter, a public hearing ; :;pI ::;I: i would be held. I I;::; 1 i:::; i 2. Chestnut Avenue Improvement. The general feeling of i ;:I ::: : the yropefty owners along Chestnut Avenue is that Chesnut ; 1111+ It*:; i Avenue should be improved with gas tax funds the same. 8s i :i::: i 'Elm Avenue was imprtived. If gas tax funds were used, it : ;1:11 4,:l l1I : would cost approximately $110,030.00 to improve Chestnut i la;; i Avenue from Monroe Street to Pi0 Pic0 Drive. It was I ;p: : suggested that perhaps sidewalks only could be installed. I I It ;:; i The Council requested that an estimate be submitted as to : I;*:; ! the cost of just sidewalks from Pi0 Pic0 Drive to Monroe i ::p: :;;:: i Street. I /:I:: 1 I I 1';;; i PAWENT OF BILLS ANI RATIFICATION OF PAYRCLL: I ::,,I 1 1:::; I By motion of the Council, authorization of payment of bill? Coats j::h ; :":xi : ! for the Water Department from January 7, 1959 to January ; Grober I ; !xi i i 20, 1953 in the amount of $13,816.17, as certified by the : Helton 1 ; :x; i i Director of Finance. and approved by the Auditing Commifteej Ledgerwood ; j: !xi i 1 was given. : Sanneman jk.: ;x ; I I I :::I1 I1 i By motion of the Council, authorization of payment of bill? Coats ; ix;xi : ! for the general expenses of the City from January 7, 1959,i Grober ; : :xi i i to January 20, 1959 as certified by the Director oE Financt Helton : 4 :x; : : and approved by the Auditing Comittee was given. ! Eedgerwood : ; !xi i 1: : BY motion of tlie Council, ratification of the payroll for i ;:p; 1:: { the first half of January, 1959, in the amount of i C03$8 ;x: :xi I : $11,807.33, as certified by the Director of Finance and i Grober * : :xi ; i approved by the Auditing Conmitee was given. : Helton J i {x: 1 I I -6- I I * ", 8 \\ 'k, \ ", '8,", y,, I 4 I I \, '\ '8 8 B; I I I t I b I I I I llbl; I I I I 11 I I 1' ' I I I : Sonneman !XI ;x I 1 I: I I I i Ledgerwood t , ;xi ~ I : Sonneman i !x: k b 1:;; i:" I i ADJOllRNMEWT: I ;I 1' i By motion of ttre Counci 1, the Nayor declared the meeting .4 Coats ; ; :xi ; adjourned at 11 :45 P.M. t Grober :xi 1%: It I I I I i €k!lton : ;x:xi I I i Ledgerwood i i :x; # { Respectfully submitted, ; I Sonneman i i ;xi s t I ;I'1 I:! I I I I <,e/ I I I I t b I I t I I I I $ I I I 1 I t I I I I ;I;: ::ii ;: **I: :::; t'S 1": 1;'l 4,'t 11:; :::: :ii: !I.! * I I e I I :;i; l I :!I; :I I 1 l I !I!! ; I 'ti; I I 4 I I I I I I 1 I * I I I I I ;::; I I :p; :;I; I I I :::I **I; !I.! I I I @; )(I # I* 7. I I i:j: 1 I I I I ;::: 4::: I I 1 1 I :::: : 1 ::if I I I I I I * 1 I I 1 I I I I 1- 1;;: :;I: :::; ::!! $1 'I t * I 1 I I t I ;I;: I I :::; ;:I: I I :i:; 1 :;i: I # I 1 !*I!