HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-02-17; City Council; MinutesRQLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Grober, Sonneman, Ledgerwood, Hefton and Coats. Also present were City Manager Palkowski and City Attorney Smith, .INVOCATION was offered by Councilman Grober. MINUTES of February 3, 1959 were approved, CORRESPONDENCE a. Letter from Ode11 Isaacs dated February 11, 1959, requesting connection to the City water supply. The Mayor requested the matter deferred until later in the meeting when the policy for serving water outside City limits was discussed. and the'balance of $4,770,00 be used for street main- Ledgerwoo tenance. It was agreed that the City Manager be in- Helton structed to proceed ab outlined. c. Letter from John Weeks requesting the City to back to the Council at the next regular meeting. d. Letter from the Library Commission requesting the City to consider the feasibility of enlarging the Mutual Water Co. building in order that the Library could be housed in one building, thereby enabling the personnel to be better utilized. The City Manager was instructed to have the Engineering Department investi- gate the feasibility of enlarging this building. e. A petition from the property owners on Pine Ave. between Pi0 Pic0 Drive and Highland Dr. requesting Grober the vacation of 15 feet on both sides of Pine Ave. a due Sonneman to the fact this is presently an 80 foot right of way. The Council requested the matter referred to the Planning Commission for further study, f, Letter from the Terramar Association requesting ~ they be represented on the committee to be appointed to discuss consolidation with the City of Oceanside. The Mayor stated that at the last meeting the Council members were instructed to select one member to this Committee and possibly a member would be selected from the Terramar area. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: I ~ easement along the boundary line of his property n B provement Act of 1911, he Mayor asked if there were any persons present ho wished to make an oral protest. There were no ral protests, The hearing was closed at 7:40 P, M, Resolution of Intention .. Improvement of osevelt St. - 19 1 1 Act. ion with Magnolia Ave. The Clerk presented the affidavits of publication, mailing and posting. The affidavits were approved and ordered filed, 0 The Mayor requested the Clerk to read all written protests or objections that had been filed, The following protests were read by the Clerk: Letter dated February 2, 1959 from Mrs. Clara Wylie, in which she stated that sidewalks were a luxury ad not a necessity at this time. - B! I I .I 1 \ 1 Letter dated February 13, 1959 from Mrs. Clara Wylie in which she rescinded her previous protest of February 2, 1959. Letter dated February 15, 1959 from William R. Dindinger and Vivian I. Dindinger, in which they di not feel that such a small group of property owners should pay for the improvement of Roosevelt St. as it would benefit the entire City of Carlsbad, and proposed that a traffic survey be made of the cars using this street. Also they did not feel the proper ty owners in this area should have to pay for addi- tional drainage facilities. The City Engineer informed the Council t facilities were not figured in the cost of this proj Letter dated February 16, 1959 from Miles P. Tolbert stating that when this project wa cussed, the proposed cost was said to be appro ly $7.50 per front foot; however, when he was in Carlsbad on Sunday he found the estimated cost is $14. 36 per front foot. In view of the fact that this entire area consists of low income rentals, this assessment is too great for the property owners and would cause a financial burden. The Mayor asked if there were any persons present or their representatives, who had filed written protests that wished to speak in support of their Witten protest? MR. WILLIAM DINDINGER, 1549 Fargo Ave., El Cajon, stated that he owned property on Roose and did not feel that a 48' street was street is proposed to be improved with 1 In a few years this street would have to and felt the City should look ahead to the fut way that the State does when they build highways. Additional facilities should be established for drain age. Mr. Dindinger requested a traffic survey of this street. The Mayor pointed out to Mr. Dindinger thi ment was requested by the property owners and not by the Council. ' The Mayor announced the City Council would now hear any oral protests or objections concerning the work, extent of assessment district or grades. MR. HOLLIS LINTT, 3480 Roosevelt St., stated he did not file a written protest; it was his ing when this project was first proposed that it wo cost approximately $7.50 per front foot, but has found out now it would cost approxim front foot; he had checked with some of owners this evening and they were still impression this would cost $7.50 pe probably the City has complied with al necessary, but he felt the City had a mor to see that all the property owners we this estimated cost. The City Manager recommended that the City parti cipate in this project in the amount of .$4,65 1.00, which would reduce the cost $1.00 per front foot to the property owner. The City Attorney informe the Council the City could contribute towards this project at any time during the proceedings. This would be consistent with the past policy of the council. -3- I informed the Council there would be better drainage due to the curb and gutters, and there would be fire hydrants installed. LEONARD NAVAREZ, Roosevelt Street, asked if damage were done due to lack of a drainage system, who would be responsible for this damage? The City Engineer informed the Council that due to the change in grade, and the installation of curb and gutter, this hazard should be corrected, There being no other persons present desiring to be heard on the matter, the Mayor asked the Engineer of work to please advise the City Council what per cent of the total area to be assessed for the irnprove- ment is represented by written protests or objections filed with the City Clerk, The Mayor declared a short recess at 8:lO P, M. in order for the Engineer to compute the percentage of protests registered, The meeting reconvened at 8: 30 P. M, The Engineer of 'Work reported that written protests and objections had been filed with the City Clerk by the owners of 8,470 of the total area to be assessed for the improvement. The Engineer of Work presented evidence that dll of the lands included in the district are benefited, The hearing was declared closed at 8:40 P, M. The following resolutions were presented for the Council's approval: Res. #508. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL -CITY OF CARLSBAD DETERMINING THE GENERAL PREVAILING RATE OF PER DIEM WAGES, Assessment District No, 5-1958, was adopted by title only and further reading was waived, Assessment District No. 5-1958, was adopted by title only and further reading was waived, Res, #510, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL -CITY OF CARLSBAD, ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN STREET IMPROVE- Res, frt511, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL -CITY OF CARLSBAD, DIRECTING THAT CERTAIN STREET WGRK BE DOME UNDER THE was adopted by title only and further reading waived, PUBLIC SERVICE: 1. Engineering. a, Improvement of alley between Harding and Jefferson from Oak Ave. to Elm Ave. - 1911 Act. 0 i i The following resolutions were presented for the Council's approval: It Res. #512. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL -CITY OF CARLSBAD, DECLARING IT§ INTENTION TO ORDER THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN STREET IMPROVEMENTS IN SAID CITY; DECLARING THE TWORK TO BE OF' :MORE THAN LOCAL OR ORDINARY PUBLIC BENEFIT; DES- CRIBING THE DISTRICT TO BE BENEFITED BY SAID WORK AND TO BE ASSESSED TO PAY THE COST AND EXPENSE THEREOF; DETERMINING THAT BONDS SHALL BE ISSUED TO REPRESENT ,/ ASSESSMENTS TO BE LEVIED; AND FIXING THE Zrober OBJECTIONS TO SAID WORK OR THE EXTENT OF TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PROTESTS AND GIVING NOTICE THEREOF, Assess. District No. THE DISTRICT TO BE ASSESSED, OR BOTH, AND waived. 1-1959, was adopted by title only and further reading Res. #513, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CGUNCUI -CITY OF CARLSBAD DETERMINING THE GENERAL PREVAILING RATE OF PER DIEM WAGES, Assess. District No. 1-1959, was adopted by title only and further reading waived, ,/' X X X xx xx x xx X xx X I I b.' Chestnut Ave. Sewers - between 'Monrioc. St. and El Camino Real - 191 1 Act. Proceedings. The Council was informed a petition had been pre- sented in September, 1958, showing less than 50% of the property owners consenting to such improve- ment. The City Attorney informed the Council if the Health Officer declared this area as a health problem the Council could proceed with the improve- ment, The following resolutions were presented for the Council's approval: Res. #514. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING PETITION, Assess. District No. 4-1959, was adopted by title only and further reading waived. Res, #515, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REQUESTING THE NECESSITY OF INSTALLATION OF SANITARY SEWERS, Assess. District No. 4-1959, was adopted by title only and further reading waived, Res. #516. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL -CITY OF CAfZLSBAD APPOINTING PERSON TO PREPARE ALL PROCEEDINGS, Assess. District No. 4-1959, was adopted by title only and further reading waived. OPZMON OF HEALTH OFFICER, AND DECLARING X X X X X pr X x X X X. X X X X X X X X X X t Res. #517. RESQLUTION'OF THE CITY COUNCIL -CITY OF CARLSBAD APPOINTING PERSON TO ACT AS ENGINEER OF WORK, DESIGNATION ENGINEER OF WORK AS THE PERSON RESPONSIBL I MENTS, ASSESSMENT DIAGRAMS, ASSESSMENT FGR PREPARATION OF THE ENGINEERING DOCU- ROLL ' AND WARRANT; DESIGNATING THE ENGIN- X. APPOINTING ENGINEER OF WORK AS THE EER OF WOBK TO SUPERVISE ALL WORK; X reading was waived, .IC X No. 4-1959, was adopted by title only and further X COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES, Assess. Dist, ood X. SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS, AND FIXING n 1 I -5- I .I I DISTRICT, DETERMINING THE ION AND EXTENT OF THE he opinion of the Health Officer was presented and ead as follows: ecember 3, 1958. rlsbad, California the undersigned Health Officer of the City of find and recommend as follows: . That the construction of sanitary sewers, as show on said map, is necessary as a health measure, . That proceedings for the construction of said sanit ewers are necessary as a health measure. Very truly yours, Health Officer of the City of Carlsbad, Res, #52L RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Res. #522. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL -1TY OF CARLSBAD, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO GRDER THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN SANITARY SEWERS AND APPURTENANCE AND APPURTENANT WORK IN SAID CITY; DE- CLARING THE WORK TG BE OF MQRE THAN LOCAL OR ORDINARY PUBLIC BENEFIT; DESIG- NATING THE DISTRICT TO BE BENEFITED BY SAID WORK AND TO BE ASSESSED TO PAY THE COST AND EXPENSE THEREOF; DETERMINING THAT BONDS SHALL BE ISSUED TO REPRESENT ASSESSMENTS TO BE LEVIED; AND FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PROTESTS AND OBJECTIONS TO SAID WORK OR THE EXTENT OF e. Approval of final map of Linmar Subdivision. The final map of Linmar Subdivision was presented to the Council for their review, The Engineer certi- fied that the map was in accordance with the condi- tions set forth at the time the tentative map was approved. The Council approved the final map of Linmar Subdivision and instructed the City Clerk to sign the final map at such time as an Improvement Agreement had been entered into between the Sub- divider and the City, and proper securities had been Memo from the Planning Commission was read wherein they expressed their opinion that such a street would be feasible between Highland Dr. and Valley St., from Park Dr. to Oak Ave. The City Engineer was instructed to commence preliminary work on the location of this street. Memo from the Harbor Commission recommending that certain dates, which were requested by the Boat and Ski Club for Special Events,, be granted. It was pointed out that none of the events would re- ABA sanctioned Qutboard Race Inboard race %~ 1 B 2, Appointments to Harbor Commission, With the approval of the Council, the following appointments were made by the Mayor to the Grober X Harbor Commission: Sonneman x) Ledgerwood X Roy Phillips Helton X Jack Hughes Coats X I OLD BUSINESS 1, Policy for water service outside City Limits, Further discussion was given to a policy for water ,./ service outside City Limits, Mayor Ledgerwood and Cmn. Helton stated they objected to the charge of $100,00 inclusion fee for a fraction of an acre, as they felt it should be prorated at the rate of $100 per '. acre, Cwn. Sonneman requested that the matter be deferred until a later date. By common consent of the Council the matter was deferred until a later date. Mr. and Mrs. Isaacs request for water service out- side City limits was given further discussion. After considerable discussion it was agreed that the Isaacs be granted the privilege of connecting to the City water supply at the rate of $400,00, and that this not set a precedent for other requests; that the water rates Grober to be charged to the Isaacs would be 25% in excess of the regular service charge; and at such time as this 25% excess charge would be discontinued. Cmn. Elelton stated that he voted ''no" not because I he was against the Isaacs receiving water service, but because he felt they were being penalized by being charged $100 for a fraction of an acre, 2, Clarification of water stock coverage - J, F, Hoffman, Letter dated January 26, 1959, wherein J, F. Hoffman requested clarification of his water rights on . 28 acres owned by him was again discussed, and as previously pointed out only 11 acres were water stocked according to the cross-hatched map. The City Attorney pointed out that the City Council had no alternative athe4 than to follow the exact terms of the contract for the purchase of the Mutual Water Company, in which the c ross-hatched map was made a part of the contract. I By common consent the City Manager was instructed to inform Mr. Hoffman that by contract the City was obliged to charge him $1-00 per acre inclusion fee for all acreage other than the 11 acres shown on the map as being stocked. 3, Appointment of Citizens Committee for study of consoldation, The following names were submitted to the Ma or by Netka, Hazel Nordahl, Roby Hayes and Whitey Glissman. With the approval of the Council the names as submitted were appointed to the Committee. The F Mayor appointed Capt. Netka as temporary Chairman of the committee. MANAGER'S REPORT Request for name change of Harbor, The City Manager / I ' z property should annex to the City of Carfsbad that the ,' the Council members: Bill Torres, Capt. Wilriarn Bl -8- 1- m informed the Council at their request he had in- vestigated this matter to some extent, and found it would entail a great deal of work, i. e. , changing maps, etc, and costly. It was agreed that the matter be deferred until a later date. Census. A check had been made on. the possibility mg a census check made prior to the 1960 Federal census, and found that the City does not qualify for such request as a census has never been made of the City of Carlsbad. Mayor - Managers meeting. The City Manager re- ported that he and the Mayor had attended the Mayor- Managers meeting in San Diego. Consideration was being given whereby a student in the Junior year of High School would be appointed by each city to attend league meetings and also the league conference. Each City would bear the cost of the annual dues, etc. A further report would be made at a future date as to the ' details of such a project. The City Manager was in- structed to report back at such time as he had re- ceived full information on the matter, Advisory Council for Civil Defense. At the above referenced meeting they requested that a resolution be adopted by each municipality in the county, re- questing that the Board of Supervisors set up a plan for Civil Defense and Disaster for the County, As soon as a resolution is prepared it would be pre- sented to the Council for their approval, Nepotism Qrdinance, The City Attorney presented a rough draft of an ordinance regarding nepotism for the members to study as requested. He informed the Council he had been unable to find any such ordinance in the State to be guided by. PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF Authorization for payment of bills was given for the Water Department from February 4, 1959 to Febru- Sonneman ary 17, 1959, in the amount of $978.39, as certified Ledgerwood by the Director of Finance and approved by the Helton Auditing Committee. Authorization of payment of bills was given for the general expenses of the City from February 4, 1959 to February 17, 1959, in the amount of $5,236.48, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Sonneman Ratification of the Payroll was given for the first Grober half of February, 1959, in the amount of $11,863.92, Sonneman as Certified by the Director of Finance and approved Ledgerwood by the Auditing Committee, Helton m ADJOURNMENT By motion of the Council the meeting was adjourned at 11:09 P. M. . Respectfully submitted, MARGARET E, ADAMS Deputy City Clerk -9 -