HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-03-03; City Council; MinutesCITY OF CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL INVOCAT.bN Was offered by Councilman Helton. CORRESPONDENCE: a. Letter dated February 26, 1959 from the Ccean Manor, 2950 Ocean Street, requesting variance to Sign Qr.dinance to enable them to erect a sign at 11 38 Knowles Ave. , Carlsbad. b. Letter dated February 25, 1959 from the Carlsba Chamber of Commerce, requesting that careful con- sideration be given for developing means of granting variances to the City Sign Ordinance. c. Letter dated February 26, 1959 from the Traffic Safety Committee in which they made the following recommendations: 1. Stop signs installed at the following locati a, Northbound traffic on Highland and Buena Vista; 2, That in accordance with the insurance unde writers and the Police Department the Eucalyptus tree in the alley between Elm and Grand Avenues be removed. The Council requested this matter referred to the Parks and Recreation Commission for study and recommendation. The Committee informed the Council they had been requested by the Parks and Recreation Commission to give an opinion on the Commission's idea for planting trees in the center of culdesacs, and they felt they could not make a general recommendation as it would depend on the size of the turn around, They further stated they were making a study of the traffic problem existing during the summer months on Ocean Street before making any recommendations ._ .-.. . ... _.. D; i ; d. A resolution of the City of Oceanside, No. 59-1 2, setting forth the basic facts of a possible agreement between the City of Oceanside and the City of Carlsbad relative to the construction of a sewer plant on Vista A written protest signed by Berry M. -Mayes dated March 3, 1959, was presented, in which he protested the exclusion of any part of East Carlsbad Annexation No. 2.1, and the building of a sewage plant at the 11.92 acre site by the City of Carlsbad, CXty of Oceanside or by both as a joint venture. Mr. Berry Hayes was present and voiced his opinion ********(SEE INSERT PAGE 5) The City Manager was instructed to thank the City of Oceanside for their time and effort in this matter, and to inform them the Council was holding the matter in abeyance in order tbgive this matter fur- ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: There were no oral communications. PUBLIC HEARINGS: a. Vacation of the westerly portion of Carlsbad The Mayor declared the hearing open. There were no proponents or opponents. The hearing was closed. The vacation was approved, and the following resolu- tion presented: OF CARLSBAD BOULEVARD UNNECESSARY FOR PRESENT OR PROSPECTIVE PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES, VACATING SUCH PORTION OF CARLSBAD BOULEVARD; AM4 ORDEJXNG CLERK TO RECORD A CERTIFIED COPY HEREOF WITH was adopted by title only, and further reading was A short recess was declared at 8:40 P. M. The meeting reconvened at 8:55 P. M. PUBLIC SERVICE: 1 . Engineering. a. Petition for sewers between Carlsbad Blvd. and Garfield Street, from Chinquapin hve. to Hemlock Ave. was presented. The following resolu- tions were presented: OF HEALTH OFFICER, AND DECLARING T SEWERS, was adopted by title only, and further NECESSITY OF INSTALLATION OF SANITARY - j'. . .. _. I I I - 3- reading was waived. b. Approval of final map of Knowles Terrace, The City Engineer presented the final map of Knowles Terrace and certified the map was in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth at the time of the approval of the tentative map. The map was approved, subject to the condition that the City Clerk be instructed to sign the map in behalf of the City at such time as an improvement agreement has been entered into between the City and the Subdivider and proper securities have been posted with the City . PLANNING: a. Tentative Map of Village Homes #2. A tentative map of Village Homes #2 was presented for the Council's review, Res. #lo6 of the Planning Commission was read in which they recommended approval of the Tentative Map subject to certain requirements and conditions. The following resolu- tion was presented for the Council*s Approval: Res. #5.26. A. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL mTY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING THE TENTATIVE MAP OF VILLAGE HOMES #2, was adopted by title only and further reading was waived. CIVIL DEFENSE: Res. #527. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL -CITY OF' CARLSBAD RECOMMENDING THAT THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ESTABLISH A CIVIL DEFENSE AND DISASTER BRGAMIZATIQN, was adopted by title only and further reading was waived. NEiFJ BUSINESS: a. Ordinance No, IO6 3 - Nepotism. The Council requested the ma~er dcferwd until the next regular meeting. QLD BUSINESS: a. Policy for water service outside City Limits. After a general discussion the policy as presented was adopted by the Council for water service outaide city limits, MANAGER'S REPORT: The Building Department reported that over one million dollars in building permits had been issued for January and February of this year. An agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the State Retirement System had been received, arnend- ing the Contract providing for the participation of the City of Carlsbad in the St&e Employees' Retire- ment System, together with a resolution, authorizing, empowering and directing the City Clerk to execute said amendment. The following resolution wa6 presented for the Council's approval: r 1 1 -4 - i , ,:. I Res, #528, A RESOLUTION OF TI333 CITY -AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO I THE CONTRACT PROVIDXNG FOR THE PARTICI- 1 PATION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD IN THE STATE EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM, MAKING ITS EMPLOYEES MEMEIERS OF SAfD SYSTEM, was adopted by title only and further reading was waived. The Oirector of Finance has requested that Ordinance No. 1050 be amended, to reduce the amount of the bond requirement for the Director of Finance from $50,000 to $25,000, as he does not handle any monies except the petty cash, and further the City Treasurer is only required to have a bond in the amount of $25,000, The Council requested that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an amendment to Ordinance No, 1050 to change the bond require- ment from $50,000 to $25,000, The City Engineer reported that he had made an inspection of the old Mutual Buifding, and it could be rehabilitated to house both sections of the Library for approximately $4,000.00, The City Engineer has requested that an additional draftsman be hired due to the work load in the Engineering Department, The Council authorized the City Manager to hire an additional draftsman, and that the funds be taken from the Contingency Fund for the balance of the fiscal year, The City Manager reported that he had met with the Citizens Committee appointed to study consolidation last evening, and that Capt, Netka had been elected Chairman and Miss Nordahl had been elected Secretary. The City Engineer presented drawings for a proposed addition to the present City HaU building; he estimated that by using City Employees for labor, it would cost approximately $12,000 for this addition,, me City Manager informed the Council that due to the fact the rainy season is practically over, the $8,000 that had been set aside for the drainage ditch could be used in order that construction could start im- mediably. The Council requested this matter de- ferred until a later date in order to give this matter ~ further study, PAYMENT OF BILLS AM3 RATIFICATION OF Authorization was given for payment of bills for the Water Department from February 18, 1959 to March 3, 1959, in the amount of $9,448.44, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Authorization was given for the payment of bills for the general expenses of the City from February 18, 1959 to March 3, 1959, in the amount uf $3,860,86, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee, Ratification of the Payroll was given for the second half crf February, 1959 in the amount of I I t j .., 0 I t t $11,797.30, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Coats xx ADJOURNMENT: By groper motion of the Council the meeting was adjourned at 11;OO P, M. ,/' ,.x. 1 .. 'a . ' Respectfully submitted, ~~YZ~i2rFDAm INSERT Cwn. Sonneman requested that the following insert be added to the minutes: "Cwn. Sonneman stated she believed a copperative sewage pknt with Oceanside would and could be bene- ficial to Carlsbad as we are in no position to proceed with one at this time, and she would favor the with- drawal of certain properties from our annexation in a plan with Oceanside, but she could not go along with such a plan if it would jeopardize the annexation of the remainder of the properties, as she felt it would not be for the good of our city. Mr. Hayes has many times previously approved of a sewage plant by Carlsba on the disputed ll(p1us) acres. If I I! I f i