HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-03-17; City Council; Minutes.I CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY C6UNCIL ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen G.rober, Sonneman, Ledgerwood and Coats. Also present were City Manager Palkowski and City Attorney Smith. CORRESPONDENCE: Letter dated March 11 , 1959 from the Carlsbad Municipal Water District requesting that the City consider granting a 50-year lease on a portion of the City lot at the end of State Street, i. e., the easterly side of the property facing Oak Ave. , approximately 50' x loo', and suggested that the consideration for such lease be $1.00 per year. The City Manager informed the Council this letter was in response to the City contemplating moving the Children's section of the Library to the Mutual build- ing in order that the Library could be housed in one building. Upon inspection it was felt the City could spare a 50' x 100 I space in the City yard. The City A.ttorney pointed out that there was a time limit as to the City leasing property, and also that the City could not accept a token lease in accordance with the terms of the bond resolution that financed the purchase of the Mutual Water Company. By common consent of the Council the City Manager and the City Attorney were instructed to work out the terms of the lease with the Municipal Water Company. ORAL COMMUNICATI0NS: Representatives of the San Diego Gas and Electric Co. were present and spoke in regard to utility easements and placement of lines and poles. MR. FRANK DE VORE, stated their company was prepared to install utility poles and lines in the Seacrest Estates subdivision, had received encroach- ment permits for the work, but had been ordered to stop work until further notice. The City Manager informed the Council be received a phone call that the poles were being placed in the street, therefore, he had ordered the work stopped until an agreement could be reached as to where the poles should be placed. The City Engineer pointed out t.hat in the case of Seacrest Estates tht' terrain is bad; however, in the case of Linmar Village sub- division he felt they should be placed at the rear of JOHN COOPMAN of San Diego Gas and Electric Co. stated they had met with Mr. Robertson of Seacrest Estates and felt they had proved to Mr. Robertson that it would not be practical to place the lines at the rear of the property due to the terrain in that area. As far as Linmar Village is concerned they are pre- pared to submit another set of plans. MR. LARSON of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. informed the Council that El Cajon, Chula Vista m I ! I \by .[ & k.: s ; '. and La Mesa have an ordinanca prepared hy Gordon Whitnall and Associates which is practically the same as the City of Carlsbad, but it is nxxe flexible. By common consent of the Council the City Attorney was instructed to prepare an amendment to Ordinance No. 9050, Section 206(c), in order that the ordinance would be more flexible. By common consent of the Council the City Manager was instructed to release the stop order on Seacrest Estates, permitting the installation of utility poles in the street. REPORT ON BID OPENING: Improvement of Roosevelt Street - Assessment Dist. NO. 5-1958, The Mayor announced the City Clerk had invited bids ' for the construction of certain improvements in Roosevelt Street from its intersection with Elm Ave. to its intersection with Magnolia Ave., as descri'sed in Res, #479 and ordered by Res. #510. The Mayor requested the Clerk to present to the Council Af'fidaviti of Notice as required by Res. #510. The Clerk pre- sented affidavits of posting and publication of Notice Inviting Bids. The Council approved the affidavits and ordered them filed, The Clerk advised the Council that up to the hour of 5:OO o'clock P. M., March 16, 1959, eight (8) sealed bids or proposals were delivered to his office; that in accordance with Resolution No. 510 all bids or pro- posals were opened publicly at a public meeting held for such purpose on March 16, 1959. As this was the next regular meeting of the Council the Clerk sub- mitted a summary of the bids or proposals submitted: SuUy Miller Contracting Co. McIntosh Co. R. E. Hazard Griffith Co. Willard & Rodman Et. E. Millbourne Darwin Construction Co. Ken H. Golden $ 56,958.20 62,689.90 59,897.10 71,557.50 68,841.96 64,204.10 66,663.88 59,357.70 The City Engineer stated he had examined the bids, and found that the amounts as set forth in the Clerk's report were correct and that the lowest responsible bidder was SullyMiller Contracting Co. The City Attorney reported he had examined the form of the lowest responsible bidder and the security deposits and found that they were in satisfactory form. i I The following resolution was presented for the Council review: I t I I I 3 Grober Sonneman Ledgerwood Coats 1 I Res, No. 529. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCI TRACT FOR WORK QR IMF3OVEMENT ORDERED Sonneman BY RESOLUTION NO. 510 OF SAID CITY COUNCIL, Ledgerwood was adopted by title only, and further reading waived. Coats PUBLIC SERVICE: 1. Public VV orks. w OF CARLSBAD, AWARDING CON- ~ Grober a. Memo dated March 1 3, 1959 from the Public Works Commission recommending that a bond issue be t X I t .? I -2- I > y a y b* '. L I 's $ M p\ X X i 38 x X xi X ~ I I I I ~ i ! i IX , I /x f i x. 1 IX li 1 I i I ~ ~ I ! 1 i/ 0 0 c I 1 considered for the constructr2;a of adequa+e sewer facilities, rehabilitation of City streets and the ectab- lishment of a revolving fund for proper maintenance, and for the rehabilitation and repair of the City Water system, They also recommended that the Council reject the suggested area plan of the Vihitnall "Com- munity Redevelopment Plan", The City Engineer submitted a written report in regard to a bond issue. By common consent of the Council it was agreed that the matter be deferred until the next meeting in order that the matter could be given further study. The Council requested that the matter of the Com- munity Redevelopment Plan be tabled, By common consent of the Council no action was taken PLANNING a, Resolution No. 109 of the Planning Commission was read wherein the Commission recommended that certain areas not be excluded from the Master Park from the Master Park Plan. b. Memorandum dated March 16, 1959 from the Planning Commission regarding the request of F, G. Baird, et al, that Temporary Use Permits in the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Area be revoked, recommending that no action be instituted to revoke the Temporary Use Permits as no activities other than those which were contemplated at the time of granting the permits have occurred. MR. GAUS, one of the Harbor Commissioners, was present and stated he felt that if these permits were revoked it would be depriving the people of recreation- al pleasure. By common consent of the Council the Council con- curred with the Planning Commission by taking no action. c, Memorandum from the Planning Commission dated March 17, 1959, requesting that the members of the Planning Commission be furnished with copies of the minutes of the City Council meetings. It was the general feeling of the Council that if one commission is furnished copies of the Council minutes that all commission should receive copies, By common consent it was agreed that all commissions sh-mld receive copies of the Council minutes, d. Memorandum dated March 17, 1959 from the Planning Commission regarding a petition from the property owners on Fine Avenue between Highland A Highland Dr. to Pi0 Pic0 Dr. a and 10' be vacated on the south side of Pine Ave. from Highland Dr. to the intersection of Basswood, with the condition that the property owners install "G" type curbs and gutters 0 0’ 1 and improve the street to sub~hision standards, br?t that the property owners not be required to make the improvements until such time as the property is a condition for vacation, The Council requested the A short recess was called at 8: 20 I?, M. The meeting reconvened at 8:40 I?. M. Proposed Ordinance No, 1063, regarding Nepotism was given further discussion. Cwn. Sonnernan re- or allow to be appointed more than one partner or the above change, Proposed Ordinance No, 3032, amending Ordinance No. 3005 to include certain stop signs was referred to the Traffic Safety Committee and the Chief of Police for their study and recommendation. Council. OLD BUSINESS: to Mr, Durlstan had been prepared; autlmrizatian by the Council was needed before the quitclaim deed could be executed and the quitclaim deed from Mi. Dunstan accepted. By motion of the Co1mcil the May was given authorization to execute the quitclaim deed -4- I ! 1!1I ,. 0 - D l on behalf of the City and the City Clerk ordered to attest to the Mayor's Signature. By motion of the Council the City Cowcil accepted th quitclaim deed from Mr. Dunstan on behalf of the Cit of Carlsbad, and the City Clerk instructed to record , the same, MANAGER'S REPORT: The City Manager informed the Council that the Mayo Cmn. Grober, the City Attorney and himself had met with the attorneys on the San Luis Bey Water suit to discuss the status of the suit. No word ha8 been received from the Atchison, Topek and $anta Fe regarding the right-of-way for the drai age ditch, and it was his understanding that when we receive the 0. K. there will be certain conditions attached that WW necessitate a further delay, By motion of the Council funds in the amount of $8,00 were transferred from the Street Maintenance Fwd, and $4,000 from the Water Revenue Fund to Building Fund in order that the work for the addition to the Cit Hall could commence imrqediately. PAYMENT UF BILLS AND RATIFICATXQN OF I Authorization was given for the payment of bus for the general expenses of the City from March 4, 1959 March 17, 1959 in the amount of $3,861.77, as certi- fied by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Authorization was given for payment of bills for the Water Deparmtent from March 4, 1959 to March 17, 1959 in the amount of $7,780.48, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing I Committee, I Ratification of the payroll was given for tho first of March, 1959, in the amount of $11,700.14, as ffed by the Director of Finance and approved by t Auditing Committee. By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 Respectfully submitted,