HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-05-05; City Council; Minutes.- 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL Sonneman, Ledgerwood and Coats. Also present were City Manager Palkowski and City Attorney Hayes. I INVOCATION was offered by Councilman Grober, 1 I MINUTES of April 21, 1959 were approved as corrected. I 1 CGRRESPONDENCE: 1 /I *I i 1 Letter from the liason committee for a Tri-City Sewer .Study was read, in which they requested that the Council, or a committee selected by the Council would meet with their committee to explain the motive of their organization. It was the decision of the Council that this matter be referred to the Public fiforks Commission for their attention and recommend ation, Letter from the Little League Ball Club requesting maintenance by the City of the three ball fields during their ball season, Memorandum from the Parks and Recreation Commis- sion recommending that a man from the Public Works Department be assigned to the maintenarice of the three ball fields for the Little League Ball, Club and the Pony League Ball Club during their regular season It was estimated that it would require approximately two to three hours per .day to maintain the fields. It was the decision of the Council that this matter be deferred until the next meeting and that the City Attorney be instructed to report on the legality of the Sonneman , City forces maintaining these fields due to the fact a Ledgerwood that the properties involved are not owned by the City. Coats Letter dated May 1, 1959 from Claud R. Helton in which he submitted his resignation from the Council Grober to become effective immediately. The resignation was Sonneman accepted and the City Attorney was instructed to pre- pare a Resolution of Appreciation for Mr. Helton. I ORAL COMMUNICATIONS I Ill1 I There were no oral communications. I t IH t. I PUBLIC HEANNGS: 1. Appeal for Variance - reduction of front footage from 60 feet to 17.5 feet - Lot 17, Terramar Unit NO. 1 - William 0. Hind. Notice of Appeal was read, and the Clerk certified as to the Notice of Publication. Bes. #113 of the Planning Commission was read wherein they denied a variance on the above described property. Letter dated April 27, 1959 from P. S. Allen, in which he enclosed a copy of a letter of protest which had been sent to the Planning Commis- sion at the time of their hearing, said letter carkied signatures of the adjoining property owners. 0 There were no opponents or proponents present. The hearing was declared closed. After considerable dis- cussion by the Council, at which time a map of the property was presented, the following resolution was adopted by the Council: I I i j I I h 11 Res, #546. A RESULUnON OF- THE CSTY COUNC 11 -STY OF CARLSBAD DENYING THE 1 .I .:, :*. !/1 ,. 0 APPEAL FCR A VARWCE OM PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS LOT 17, TERRAMAR 2. Conditional Use Permit - Lot 12, Block "C", tional boat landing and Marina - Francis E, Fox. Notice of Appeal was read and the Clerk certified as no written objections to tle request. Ordinance No, 9096, AN ORDINANCE CF THE CITY -mTING A SPECIAL USE PEflNUtT FOR LOT 12, ELGCK "C" OF THUM LANDS, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, was given a first reading by title only, and further reading was PUBLIC SERVICE: The above mentioned easements were presented for the Council's review, It was the decision of the Council that these easements be deferred until the next regular meeting of the Council in order that the Council and the City Attorney might review these 1, Memo - Re - Cross street from State Street to consider a cross street from State Street to Madison Street, was referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. A memorandum from the Planning Commission was presented in which-they They also pointed out this street is shown opposite Page 25 of the Community I)eveloprnent Plan, does not putjthrough a street. At the time Mr, Stein cost $20,000 to acquire the necessary property now. It was the decision of the Council this matter should b referred to the Public Works Commission for their B cost of construction of such street, and report back to the council. Appointment to Harbor Commission. Witin the appro of the Council the Mayor appointed Captain John H, Dennis, Jr, as Harbor Commissioner to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Fatrick Zahler, OLD BUSINESS: Bond issue. Cwn. Coats stated she felt the subject had been avoided long enough and that the Council should proceed without further delay in getting this matter before the voters. By motion of the Council it was agreed that O'Melveny 8~ Myers, Attorneys at Law, be employed to handle the proceedings €or the bond issue along the lines as recommended by the The City Manager was also instructed to investigate the possibility of forming a Sanitation District No. 3, MANAGER'S REPORT. The City Manager informed the Council the agreement between the City and Santa FE Railroad Co. for the drainage ditch had been received. The City Attorney has approved the agreement. A drawing of the pro- be instructed to attest to such signature. I Abatement program as in the past, The City Engine : informed the Council the City forces could do the wo ' instead of hiring an outside contractor. No action w I. rn taken by the Council at this time. CITY ATTOSNEY'S REPORT. The City Attorney informed the Cow& ar! investiga- ,I ~ 0 tion had been made as to the Writ of Prohibition is- the! City from doing anything on the property at the 1 I 1 I , I i ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion of the Council the meeting was adjourned at 8: 35 P. M. ' Respectfully submitted, B