HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-05-26; City Council; Minutesa !I t ! ' i CITY OF CARLSBAD i I Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL 1 1 Date of Meeting: May 26, 1959 i ' Time of Meeting: 6:06 P. M. i ' 1 Place of MeetinFr: COUNCIL CHAMBERS . >: i RCLL CALL was answered by Counclmxm Grober, i Sonnemanj Ledgerwood, Coats and MePberson. Also ! present were City Manager Pafkowski and City Attorne i Hayes. i t Born ISSUE: t I i f The City Attorney presented a letter from O'Melveny & i Myers dated May 25, 1959, regarding employment of I their firm for legal services in connection with the i authorization and issuance of three issues of general 1 obligation bonds. Their fees would be as follows: i I i $1,200,000 Sewer Bonds $ 2,203 i $ 50Qj 000 Street Improvement 1 i $ 155,000 Storm Drain Bonds 500 I Bonds 1,000 In the event any bond proposition fails to carry at the election their fee would be $250,00 for each bond pro- posal following the canvass of the election returns. There would also be additional expenses such as tele- phone, telegraph, travel and the like for Which they would be reimbursed, and which they would bill the City from time to time. ! i i i By motion of the Council the firm of O'Melveny & Grober 1 Myers were employed in accordance with the terms Sonneman 1 ! set forth in their letter dated May 25, 1959. i Ledgerwood i Coats t McPherson i The following resolution was presented to the Council i and read in full by the City Attorney: I I I i i Res, #552. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL I 11 ! i UCIFTREZCITY OF CARLSBA.D, CALIFORNIA, I I DETERMINING THAT THE P'ILjBLIC INTEREST AND I ! NECESSITY DEMAND THE ACQUISXTfON AND CON- I ' I STRUCTICN OF CERTAIN MUNICIPAL IMPROVE ii -1 1 MENTS, AND MAKING FINDINGS RELATING THERE i TO, was adopted by the Council, j The following ordinance was presented to the Council I i and read in full by the City Pdtorney: I Ordinance No. 1065. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY D, CALIFORNIA, CALLING, PROVIDIN %?%b?G NOTICE OF A SPECIAL ELECT10 E HEED IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ON THE ITTING TO THE .QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID THiEEE PROPOSITIONS TO INCUR BONDED OF JULY, 1959, FOR THE PURPOSE OF INDEBTEDNESS BY SAID CITY FOR CERTAIN MUMCXPAL IMPROVEMENTS, was given a first .~ I 1 t i I I i t I Election expenses and attorneys' fees. The City ~e~-i%iiuestedithXxiZXi5niexpend funds from the Contingency Fund to cover election expenses and attorneys' fees for the bond issue. By motion of the Council the City Manager was given authorization to expend monies from the contingency fund to cover election expenses and attorneys' fees for the bond issue. The City Manager advised the Council there had been requests from various citizens 2s to how the funds for the proposed bond issue would be used. He asked the Council if they were desirous of having any preliminar;); engineering done at this time. The City Engineer has estimated it would cost approximately $3,000. One of : the Council members felt that if the bond issue failed I I r Grober Sonneman Ledgerwood Coats McPherson ; - 4 Grober Sonneman Ledgerwood coats McPherson Grober Sonneman Ledgerwood Coats McPherson i I X t 1 I1 1 j rl:! 1 pi i:/ X ll 11 I I I 1 1 i t ! i f i I I 1 6 i I t i 1 t -2- i i e I 1 i 1 the Council would be criticized for spending $3,000, By/ common consent of the Council the matter was deferred until the next meeting. i i I i Interchange of Freeway. The City Manager informed jfhe Council that he, together with the City Ehgineer, 1 two members of the Planning Commission and two I mem-bers of the Public .Works Commission met with the ' County Xoad Department in regards to a direct road to the airport. The County has a policy that they will not 1 build a road in an incorporated area. The cost of this i road will be approximately $53,000. On the basis of 1 pate in this cost, he did not feel very optimistic in i their past policies unless the City is willing to partici- having this road constructed within the city limits of Carlsbad, Cwn, Coats stated that she did not feel that any of the funds from the proposed bond issue should new roads but for the existing streets with- 1 I I 1 After discussion by the Council the Mayor appointed a i committee consisting of Mr, Stringer from the Planning ' Commission, Mr. Lawson and Mr. Crom from the I Public Works Commission to work with the City Manage I in following up this matter. i j 1 BEE ORDINANCE: 1 Cwn, Sonneman asked if the City had an ordinance for 1 the control of bees. The City Clerk was present and advised the Council that he had previously had such an inquiry, and to his knowledge the City does not have f such an ordinance. The City Attorney was requested i to investigate such an ordinance. 1 DOG CONTROL: 1 i MRS. R. W, FELKNEB, 1345 Buena Vista, informed the Council there were several dogs that ran in a pack around her property, and asked if the City does not f have an ordinance that controls dogs. She had called ' the Police Department regarding this matter and was i informed that if they caught the dogs they would come 1 and pick them up. They had caught two or three and [ the Folice came and: \picked them up, however, the next i day they were back. i I I 1 I I I The Council was informed that the City does not have a leash law, however, we do have an ordinance that prevents citizens from letting their dogs run at large. After considerable discussion by the Council, the City '. Manager was instructed to make a recommendation as I to this dog contrd and report back. i Burnin of Incinerators. Mrs. Felkner also inquired as 1 l5TIdiF-g of mcmerators, She was informed there f were certain hours in which burning is allowed, and if I she would check with the Fire Department they would l r. give her the time in which burning is allowed, I f ADJOURNMENT: I @I I By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 7:OO P. *. Respectfully submitted. i t.&..? :;k if. . /dA,**.d.,, G'. ADAIO~ I I 1 1 Ill 1' I /I 'i ~ i ~ I I 1 I I I Deputy City Clerk I i ii I .f I