HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-06-02; City Council; Minutes? e l CITY GF CARLSBAD Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL ! Date of Meeting: June 2, 1959 i Time of Meeting: 7: 00 P. M. i Place of Meeting: COUNCIL I ! ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Grober, i Sonneman, Ledgerwood, McPherson and Coats. Also [ present were City Manager Palkowski and City A-ttorne i Hayes. 1 ? ; INVOCATION was offered by Councilman Grober. i APPROVAL OF MINUTE§: i a. Minutes of regular meeting of May 19, 1959 were approved as corrected. b. Minutes of regular adjourned meeting of May 26, 1959 were approved as submitted. I Coats Grober Sonneman Ledgerwood ! McPherson Coats CORRESPONDENCE: 1 ! i I I Letter dated May 27, 1959 from KUDE Radio Regarding the availability of the 6: 55 P. M. News, on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, for a public discussion type pro- gram. They stated that the service and time is free, and hoped that if the City had any matter of public interest they would call upon them for this ervice. It was the feeling of the Council this service would be valuable to the citizens. The Mayor requested that a letter of appreciation for their offer be sent to KUDE Ztadio. '1 I I .Letter dated May 21, 1959 from the Buena Vista Audubon Society regarding control of mosquito breed- ing in the entire Buena Vista Lagoon; they stated a plan had been approved by Dr. Askew, County Health Direc- tor and that estimated bids on the cost of constructing the dike, running a power line to the site and the oper- ation of the pump run at $3,000. Residents bordering the lagoon are being asked to donate $100.00 towards th project and the City of Oceanside and Carlsbad are requested to contribute $750.00 each towards the project, They requested that the City of Carlsbad con- sider this contribution. Cmn. Grober stated that he wished to abstain from any discussion on this matter. The City Manager informed the Council there would also be the oost of energy and manpower; the energy would have to run all tee time; The City Attorney was asked if this was a legal expenditure, and she informed the Council this project would benefit some private property owners, however, the control of the mosquito would benefit everyone. The City 4ttorney recommend ed that a written agreement be entered into between the City of Oceanside, City of Carlsbad and the Grober Audubon Society. By motion of the Council the City Sonneman Attorney and the City Engineer were instructed to pre- edgerwood I pare an agreement to be presented to the Council at McPherson 'their next regular meeting. i /Coats k 1 Copy of letter dated May 21, 1959 to John Steigor from , nection with the annexation proceedings of East fSonneman 1 Carl L. Lough was read, regarding statements made ! previously by Laura Steiger and Job Steiger in con- 1 Carlsbad Annexation #2.1. The Council requested the edgerwood letter filed with the original letter from Carl L. Lough McPherson in regards to the same subject matter. 1 Coats Cmn. Grober returned to the Council Chambers. !i/; iI t: $'ii : 'if til i: t ! the Sewer Revolving Fund. MRS. BRGAM was present and stated that they were I I not ordered to connect to the sewer, however, if the i other property owners would participate in the cost of 1 1 the line she would be willing to participate. 1 t f MR. ROBERTS was present and informed the Council i ! they had contacted the Health Department and they pre- I \ ferred that they connect to the deeper sewer line, how- 1 f ever, they were willing to give them an extension of i time to work out a plan. i { MRS. JUSTIN informed the Council they had extended ; ! their leach line and had had their cesspool pumped, i f therefore, they did not wish to connect at this time, as i I they had complied with the instructions of the Health i I Department. i I The City Engineer and City Manager were requested i i to report back at the next meeting as to the cost of I i running a line down the center of the street on Pidams j from Chestnut. i ! i I i I i 1 t ! i i i 0RA.L COMMUNICATIONS: t i MR. ROY CROM, Chairman of the Public 'aorks Corn-j i mission, advised the Council that a preliminary En- i i. gineering report is needed in order to properly present! 1 the bond issues to the voters. Mr. Frank Currie, t representative of an engineering firm in San Bernardinq, i had taken the City Manager, City Engineer and some of i i the members of the Public Jorks Commission on a i field trip to see som2 of the plants built by their firm, i and he was very impressed with their work. Mr. Currje has offered to present a preliminary engineering re- i I port on the sewer needs without cost to the City, how- i i ever, they would expect every consideration at such i I time as we are in a position to build. Mr. Crom re- : \ quested tie Council to consider this offer, f : l 4 ' Cwn, Coats stated that she had been against a prelim- ; i inary . report at tne time the matter was brought up at i 1 of the citizens she felt a report was necessary, md 1 1 felt that a preliminary report should be made of all ! i of the projects, i. e., sewers, street rehabilitation, 1 ; waterworks rehabilitation and drainage. After con- f ; siderable discussion by the Council a motion was made ! j and unanimously passed that a preliminary report be i authorized for sewers, street rehabilitation, water- i Grober 1 works rehabilitation and drainage in the City, and that j Sonnernan i an amount not to exceed $3,000 be authorized from the i Ledgerwood : Contingency Fund to take care of the cost of this re- 2 McPherson \ port. ! Coats the last meeting, however, after talking with several a 1 : 1iii ill\ ji/: !Iij 1 iq 1 I 12 !I\! !ti/ i I' r"i t9 1 i i 1 I 1. i. i ri i i !!/I i ! property line. There were no written or oral protests. ; j Cwn. Coats stated she wished to abstain from all dis- ! i cussion and voting on this matter for personal reasons. i ! The Secretary of the Planning Commission was present i and informed the Council the reason for the Planning i ~ Commission denying the variance was due to a lack of i f a majority vote. i Mr. Marvin Humphrey, general contractor for the i f applicant, was present and presented another plan for i ; the placement of the house on the lot, which they felt i i was more suitable, however, a 5' set back would still i ! be required on the side yard. i ! : 1 By motion of the Council the appeal was granted due to i j the following reasons: i i 1. There were no objections from the property i i ' owners; and I as the adjoining property. I t 1 Mr. Evans, the applicant, was present and informed i 1 the Council he had contacted all of the property owners i 1 within a 300 foot radius, and that they were in favor of i i this variance being granted. i i The following resolution was presented to the Council 1 . for their review: I Res. #558. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL : 1 i i 1 2. That the 5' variance being granted is the same t i 4 4 OF THE CITY OF CARLSEAD GRANTING A VAR- ! i UNCE ON PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS I A PORTION OF SECTION 31, TOWNSZIP 11 SOUTH i OF THE SUUTKJiiEST 114, RECORD OF SURVEY l P, PORTION OF TAX ASSESSOZ'S PABCEL 6x2, 1 BOOK 35, FAGE 167, OF THE ASSESSCZ'S MAP f OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, was adopted by title only, 1 and further reading waived. j RANGE 4 WEST, A. PGRTION OF THE EAST 1 / 2 i, 841 AND RECORD OF StnVEY 2608, AND BEING -I .* ; I t t i Grober Sonneman Ledgerwood McPherson Coats ; f 2. Reclassification of property from Zone R-1 to Zone. t i R-3 - property located on the north side of Laguna Dr, i between Buena Vista Circle and Jefferson St. - John D. f Angel0 and Carlsbad Planning Commission. i .j i It was pointed out that the Notice was in error. The \ Notice should have read Zone a-1 to Zone 3-3 instead I of Zone 23-1 to Zone k-P. However, the City Attorney 1 1 stated that it would not be necessary to readvertise as I Zone 2-3 has a higher restriction than Zone R-F. I L I 0 I i i i I L 1 i i It was also pointed out that at the time of the hearing of the application made by John D. Angelo, The Flanning Commission by Resolution of Intention No. 8 included additional parcels in the block for reclassifi- cation. The original application of Mr. Angelo's requested a zone change from Lone R-1 to Zone Et-P, but at the time of the hearing the Planning Commission felt that Zone R-3 would be more logical due to the 1 topographical location, and due to the fact that R-3 was1 8 more restrictive zone. i I i f f f z I I f .2 ti ci j1 ii ;i i: ii I {I! i I ii igi I/;i .i ]I!!' 1 + I t I I I I 1 I !i i. ij it i! ir i! ;i if i?, ii I i< 1: ri Ii hi; *i i i i![: i.3 1 i !!if j i 1s $! jd i J iq i Ixiq ti! ' ;ti 1 \!/[ ;;'I !it! i" i riij ;i;; :i; i ;j i i ii i i iij: qi ! tz 8 i >i :i it.; I!, . ir i i ! >?.! jt:; (,i 3;: i ti;: .. ,I I, j: 1;:: I. 1.:: :!, .. :. <. .I i. $1 7: f' 1,' !;: ::I 1:; I .. ,.> {i! ;i i :i. i A letter was read from John M. and Nelle M. Eathum i ;j: ., f I protesting such change. I 1 ! ji .. i<! r1 $7.' ii: ': ,. . ;j i. i :: I .) . i* ij ij -4- 1. formed by the Council there were none. After consideration by the Council the following resolu- 1, j i i 1 j!:i 'tt;; ii!; ! After discussion by the Council the City Attorney 1 was instructed to make a report as to the legal rami- f fications involved in forming a harbor district. 1, Appointment to Parks and Recreation Commis- forth in their letter dated May 29, 1959. e l 1 The following resolutions were presented and read by 1 the City Attorney in connection with the bond election I i if[[ Iiii ~ J"t Res. #553, RESOLUTIGN QF THE CITY CCUNCIL 0 OF CARLSBAD, CA.LIFO3NIR, ORDERIN , CALLING, PROVIDING FOX AND GIVING NOTICE Q +I a ti!; Someman i x17 4- SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD :i,l IN SAD3 CITY ON TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1959, FOR IIfi VOTERS OF SAID CITY fi, PROPOSITXGN FOR TXE Grober ISSUANCE CF WATER REVENUE BONDS EY SAID THE PURPOSE OF SUEMITTING TO THE QU.ALIFIE /\:i 1 i 1x1 IDATING SAID ELECTlCIN WITH Ledgerwood < 1 i :X CIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD McPhsrson ! ; ix ON SAID DATE, was adopted. Coats $: jXJ F CAXLSBAD, CALIFO&NIA, ORDE?t.- 1; *I;. 28th DRY CF JULY, 1959, FCR THE PUJRPGSE @F !,I: !!;I TC THE QWfiLIFIED VOTERS OF SAID Grober i;;! CZSITIBN FGE THE ENACTMENT OF 1 Sonneman i I i XI NANCE, AND CONSOLIDATING 1 Ledgerwood ; i :x! :i 1: TH THE SPECIAL MUNICIPAL 1 McPherson ! ; :xi HELD CN Sf'iID DATE: was adopted. Coats 1 'xixi OLUTIUN OF THE CITY COUNCIL 3 rji! :iii xi pq ip i ING, CALLING AND P80VIDING FOR A SFECIf'!!.L I 1 ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON THE 4: : 11 i i i.. 3 t I. .,x *. i i;:;