HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-07-09; City Council; MinutesR CITY OF CARLSBAD Minutes of: CITY CCUNCIL (Adjourned meeting) Date of Meeting: July 9, 1959 Time of Meeting: 7: 30 P. M. of B Name Member Flace of Meeting COUNCIL CHAMBERS I .t r I 0 ' Sonneman and Coats, Also present were members of ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Ledgerwoo the Public Works Commission - Commissioners Crom Lull, Netka, Guevara and Hedrick. The Mayor stated the purpose of this meeting was to discuss some of the questions and answers that might be brought up at the public meeting scheduled for July 21, 1959. I I i i The Mayor further stated he was of the opinion that a detailed plan would be presented with the Engineer's report, so that the citizens would know where the improvements would be constructed. Comm, Crom stated he felt it was best not to devulge the exact location of the sewer plants, as the City would probabl have to purchase property for these plants. The City Engineer informed the Council tha? if the locations are devulged then the eost of the property would go up over night4 They propoae to have tvvo new plants constructed and enlarge the present piant, me plant would be constructed somewhere hi the Ag-ha Medionda Lagoon area which wouid serve Terramar, Also they propose to extend the trunk lines within 1000 feet of .uninhabited areas at such time as improvement plans are presented for such areas. If the sewer bonds are passed it would raise the property taxeb 4 14 per $100.00 ?.ssessed valuation. I The question was raised as to how this would effect the property owners west of. the Freew,ay yho are now paying. 10 per $100.00 assessed v$lvation on SagtaPy Sewer District #2, The Engineer stdted they woud onl be raised ,04, in order that they wodld be paying the same as everyone eke, Areas that are not presently served with sewers, would still have to form separate districts, as these \ funds would only be used for trunk lines. 1 1 I 1 1 # 0 It was pointed out that the Terramar residents have had an eiigineer furnish a report to them on the sewer problem in their area, with a proposed plant being located in the Encino area, The City Engineer stated he did not feel such a plan would be less costly to the people of Terramar. 1 One of the members of the Public Works Commission } felt the City should publicize these bond issues more. The Mayor informed him that the City is not allowed to spend funds on publicity for municipal projects, It was also pointed out that the people should be informed that if this sewer bond fails, the Council will be forced to proceed under the 1911 Act in order to sewer all the area in the city properly. Comm. Crom stated he did not feel the people should be threatened. Discussion was given as to the rcwofing of the Monroe Street reservoir, and if it was worth reroofing. The City Engineer advised the Council that it would cost approximately $250.00, and he felt that it was worth reroofing. 1 ! I Mr. Netka, one of the residents of Terramar, stated he felt the City should purchase the necessary equip- ment to do these improvements themselves. Comm. Crom stated he had checked with other cities on this matter and found they usually contract the larger projects out due to the fact that the equipment is too costly, and the cities take care of the smaller projects i I 1 ! I I 1 ! I i 1 I I I I I .T I ! I i t I, I I ! 1 i I, ;I II ii I1 ! t i .c 0 The rehabilitation of the streets was discussed, The City Engineer stated he felt all the streets should be submitting a written question4 By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 9: 40 P. M. Respectfully submitted, /, .a