HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-07-21; City Council; Minutes0 I ! I I i CITY OF CARLSBAD Minutes of CITY COUNCIL Balkowski and City Attorney Hayes. The meeting was called to order by Vice Mayor Sonneman, i iINVWATION was offered by Councilman Grober, I I Iiil I APPROVAL OF MIMUTES: I 1. Minutes of regular meeting of July 7, 1959 were approved as submitted, i were approved as submitted. 2. Minutes of adjourned meeting of July 9, 1959 I Mayor Ledgerwood was present at '9: 10 I?. M, CORRESPONDENCE: 1, Chamber of Commerce - Re: Surf Boards. Letter dated July 9, 1959, with attached resolution from the Board of Directors, urgently requesting the City Counci to work toward establishing a designated area for surf board riding at the State Beach, The City Manager advised the Council that an area 200 y.-.r .'s north of the life guard station at Tamarack Avenue has been desig- nated and marked off for the surfers, It was the de- cision of the Council that this letter be filed and that the Chamber of Commerce be notified as to the desig- nated area. Grober Sonneman Coats Grober Sonneman Coats Grober Sonneman Ledgerwood Coats 2. Division of Highways - Ze: Widening of Freeway. Letter dated July 13, 1959 from the Division of Highway San Diego District Engineer, advising that a study is being made of traffic on various State highways in §an Diego County, and that consideration is being given to the widening of U, S, 101 through Carlsbad, and conver- sion of the existing expressway to a full freeway from U, S, 101 in Oceanside to Vista, The City Manager advised the Council last Monday a meeting was held with Mr, Dekema, City Engineer, City Clerk, Mr, Stringer and himself in regards to another matter, The Council ordered the letter filed, Coats Ledgerwood information, however, it is a matter of future planning. Sonneman and at that time Mr. Dekerna informed them of this Grober 3, U. S, 0, - Re: Tri City Hospital, Letter dated July 10, 1959 from the Corresponding Secretary of the U, S, 0. in Oceanside, requesting the City Council to reconcile the differences regarding the construction of the Tri-City Hospital. After discussion by the Council it was their decision that the letter be acknowledged and filed, and that no action should be taken by the City Council in this matter. Grober Sonneman Ledgerwood Coats 4, Harry Johnson - Re: - Special use permit, Letter 1 dated July 15, 1959 from Harry Johnson requesting a special use permit on property located at 4235 Harrison Street, for the purpose of launching boats, on and off Grober sale of foods and soft drinks. By motion of the Council the request was referred to the Planning Commission for their study, 5. Sully - Miller - Re: Extension of time. Letter date July 7, 1959 from Sully-Miller Contracting Co., re- questing an extension of sixty (60) days time on the Roosevelt Street Improvement, Assess. Dist, No. 5-19 By motion of the Council the request was granted, a i I 1 t t I xx X I X xx X jx Id ~1 X X X X x :I I1 X Xl I 111 t ; 1 I -2- i \4i$g$$y .I ?, x0 0 6. Claud Fennel - Re: Letter of resignation. Letter Coats letter of appreciation ordered sent to Mr. Fennel, Ledgemi -.A ted by Claud J. Fennel was read and accepted, and a Sonneman of resignation from the Planning Commission submit- . Grober ORAL COMMUNICATIONS MR. "WHITEY" GLISSMAM, was present and request ed the City Council to have ''litterbug'' signs posted in Grober the lagoon area, and he would be willing to make.the Sonneman pickups of the trash by boat. The City Manager was Ledgerwood instructed to work out details with Mr. Glissman Coats MRS; PRIME, 2535 Davis Street, stated that she and her neighbors have a problem of dirty water and asked the Council if something could not be done to remedy this problem,, CAPT BETZMER was present and informed the Council he empties his hot water heater periodically, and has never had any dirt in the tank until this past year, He has been a resident of Carlsbad for the past ten years, After considerable discussion by the Council the City Manager was instructed to have someone from the Water Department make an inspection of this existing condition, MATHEW JARVIE, one of the Planning Commissione advised the Council he had received a copy of the June 16, 1959 minutes, and requested the Council to correct the minutes to show that in the statement mad by the City Manager on Page 1, paragraph 2, under Oral Communications, regarding the extension of Hoover Street, that the word "adjoining" be inserted before the word property. The Council agreed to make this change in the Minutes of June 16, 1959, : PLANNING f. Appointment to Planning Commission. The Council Ledgerwood meeting. Sonneman requested this matter deferred until the next regular Grober Coats PUBLIC w ORKS: 1, Appointment to Public Works Cornmission. By Grober motion of the Council this matter was deferred until Ledgerwood the next regular meeting. Sonneman Coats 2, Memo - Re: Hoover Street. Memorandum dated July 17, 1959 from the Public Works Commission recommending that the City defer expending any funds on improving Hoover Street at this time, was read. Coats time. Ledgerwood improvement of Hoover Street be deferred at this Sonneman ]It was the decision of the Council that any further Grober 3, Weed Abatement Program. The City Attorney informed the Council that in order for the Public Works Director to proceed with the W-eed Abatement Program, the following resolution had heen prepared for their approval: 0 I I i L e .I -3- fees, #567. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCI -CITY OF CARLSBAD DECLARING WEEDS AND TRASH UPON CERTAIN PROPERTIES TO BE A PUBLIC NUISANCE, AND DESCRIBING SUCH PROPERTY; ORDERING THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO ABATE SUCH NUISANCES, SETTIN Grober TIME AND PLACE FOR EWARING OF OBJECTIONS Sonneman TO THE PROPOSED ORDER OF ABATEMENT, was Ledgerwood adopted by title only, end further reading waived, 1 Coats i X i NEW BUSINESS: I 1.iGr;-2i;znncI p~:, 5: 34 - . - Bee control. As previously instructed, the City Attorney presented the following ordinance for the Council's review: Ordinance No. 3034. AM QRDINANCE OF THE CITY D~~~l,ATIMG TO AND REGULATING Grober THE BEE INDUSTRY AND PROVIDING A PENALTY Sonneman FOR THE VIOLATION TXEREOF, was given a first : Ledgerwood reading by the Council. Coats 2. Ordinance No. 9098 - Curbs, At the previous meeting the Council instru cted the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 9050 to require type "G" curbs only in all improvements being made in the City. The following ordinance was presented to the Council €or their review: i Ordinance No. 9098. AN ORDSNANCE OF THE CIT ORDINANCE NO. 9050 @F THE CITY OF CA.RLSEA ,Sonneznan PROVIDING FOIi CONCIlETE CURES WITH VERTI- Ledgerwood CAL FACE, was given a first reading by the Council. Coats OF CARLSBAD ADDING TO AND AMEMDIP;TQ 4 Grober The City Attorney informed the Council she had re- ceived a letter from the attorneys for the San Luis Re Water Suit, stating that they expected Judge Ault to present a memorandum of his decision on the argu- ments before he leaves on vacation August 3, 1959. 1 PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATICN OF PAYROLL, Authorization was given for the payment of bills for the general expenses of the City from July 8, 1959 to July 21, 1959 in the amount of $4,883.5'2, as certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. Authorization was given for the payment of bills for the Water Department in the amount of $13,626.77 from July 8, 1959 to July 21, 1959, as certified by ~ the Cirector of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committee. I I xx X X X X x X Ix 7 1 I Grober Sonneman Ledgerwood Coats Grober Sonneman Ledgerwood Coats t X X X %X X I Ratification of the payroll was given for the first half 1 Grober of July, 1959, in the amount of $12,117, 89, as certi- fied by the Director of Finance and approved by the LIX ;I Auditing Committee. I ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion the meeting was adjourned to the Pine Avenue School for the purpose of presenting the bond issues to the citizens of Carlsbad. The meeting was declared adjourned at 7: 50 P. M. The meeting reconvened at 8: 20 P, M. i i i 1 I I i t I I i 1 i i I1 il :t it ;I 11 I 1 I I I j I i I I I I1 t tI , ,.T ~ -4- 0 The Mayor announced that this was a regular meeting of the City Council, and had been adjourned to the school in order to have the bond issues explained to the citizens. Members of the Council, including Councilmen Grober, Sonneman and Coats were into- duced to the members of the audience by Mayor Ledgerwood. The Mayor also introduced the Chairma of the Public Vhiorks Commission, who in turn intro- duced the members of the Public Works Commission, including Commissioners Lawson, Lull, Guevara and Hedrick. Mr. Les Clayton, Civil Engineer with the firm of Boyle Engineering Co., was introduced. Mr. Clayton presented a very thorough oral report on the need for sewers, water rehabilitation, street rehabilitation and storm drains in the City of Carlsbad. A comparison of the present bonded indebtedness of the City, and the limit of the bonded indebtedness for the City of Carlsbad was also pointed out. A recess was declared at 9: 10 P. M. by the Mayor, in order for the citizens to submit written questions on the bond issues. The meeting reconvened at 9:25 P. M at which time the Chairmm of the Public Works Com- mission acted as Chairman of the meeting. The City Engineer, Mr. Clayton, City Attorney, City Manager and the Chairman of the Public Norks Com- mission endeavored tc? answer all questions submitted. By proper motion of the Council the meeting was adjourned at l0:OO P. M. Respectfully submitted, I -8 I::=: [:&2w>. - ki I LBA.ldS Deputy city &irkA 1 I t I B I ! I i I i i I I : I i i i I;/ ~ i 1; ,