HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-08-18; City Council; Minutes* I 1 I I I I I I I t CSTY OF CARLSBAD Minutes* of: CITY COUNCIL Date of Meeting: August 18, 1959 Time of Meeting: 7:00 P. M. : of Place of Meeting: Council Chambers ; Member $?f@c*? g 1 J I -\, '\ " .\, y,, p 12 "fd$&\ ;;',;@$ I I \\ '. 8% \ i N a me '*,,'$$, '\ ', 's.6 ,,& \, '\ ' '\\ s ', , 8 '\ """""""""""""" ~ """"" + -""" - "W**" "" 1" "..""" ""~"--""""""""~.~-~ I.. "7' I I : ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Grober, i Sonneman, Ledgerwood, McPherson and Coats. Also i I present were City Manager Paikowski and City Attorney ; : Hayes. I I i INVOCATION was offered by Mayor Ledgerwood. I I I t I I I I I I I s I I i APPROVAL OF MINUTES. I I 1 I I I ;!#:I lis: It: :I:;; ::::; ::;:; ::,;I i:::: 8::;: :::a: !l,!l ;l.'l ::::: 1:;;; i The minutes of August 4, 1959 were approved as i Grober : ; ix; i i corrected, : Sonneman I ; x:xi : :I I I I i Ledgerwood i !x: i I : McPherson I : ;xi : t I b i Coats y: ;x: : i Mayor Ledgerwood introduced Mr. O'Leary from the I I ;:::: I Water Pollution Control Board and Mr. Botts from the I I;@:; i San Diego County Health Authorities. :1::1 I:;#: s * I Jls!l I I 4 i MR. OILEARY stated that he had previously appeared i ! before the City Council and the Public Works Commis- i { sion and advised them that the Water Pollution Control ; : Board were very concerned about the present sewer plant,: i ad on several occasions requested that the plant be : brought up to standard. Unfortunately the bond .issue i failed and therefore the problem still remains. They we& : interested in knowing what the City intends to do to I ~~-1leviate these conditions during the interim period, The i : Mayor asked Mr. O'Leary if any further sewer connec- i i tions should be allowed, and Mr. O'Leary advised the i : Mayor that it would depend upon what the City intended ; i to do with the present plant, and felt that perhaps a I limited amount of connections should be allowed. Mr. I : O'Leary was asked how serious the condition of the plant i I was, and he informed the Council that since the plant I J : first started operation it was in violation; any discharge : i within 1000 feet of 8 recreational area is in violation, and! : at the present time there is a threat of possible contami- i i nation in the beach area. I l i MR. BOTTS stated that he would like to clarify the letter i : that was sent to the Co4mcif by Dr. Askew. The flows i i into the plant may have to be curtailed. They feel that i : the City should be very careful as to the permission of * I any more connections. They feel that perhaps the reason: I the bond issue failed was that the people were not inform-: i ed as to how these funds were to be spent. They would : ! like to see plans made for the rehabilitation of the presenj ; plant; they do not feel that wg should wait for another : : election before commencing rehabilitation of this plant; i i due to the trickling filter we are only getting approximate+ I ly 60% usage of the plant, 1 : Discussion was given as to the time element if .the bond i i issue were resubmitted to the voters. The Engineer : informed the Council that it would take time to have the I ! engineering prepared, and by that time they would know i : the outcome of the election if the bonds were resubmit- I i ted to the voters. He estimated that it would cost betwee4 i $250,000 to $300,000 to rehabilitate the present plant. : I I I I I I I e L I I I I I I * I 1I;;l ::::: 'I!:J :;@I; ;&I b 1:::: ;I!:! $1:; :'i:; I' ;:::: ::i:; I1 ;: /::: 1:::; ::::; :::I, ::;:; I:;:: :I1 41 1:4; i:ii: l:ll; ::i':: :::I; (::I; I::;: ::I:: ::{;: I::;: '11:: i:ll: 1:::; iii;: I:;!: :;:I: I:::: 1O1I i:::; :I::; 1~1:1 ;:;'I /I;: ;!:'I :I::; e1 :i;!l I' :::: :::; :::: ,;:: i:, ;:+ '11'1 l*(I 11 ;:;i :!I: !It! J ; The Mayor asked the members of the audience if the : sewer bonds were resubmitted if any of them would work i i against the issue? There was a negative reply. / MR. MATHEW JARVDE stated that he did not feel that i : anyone would work against a bond issue for sewers; I i however, he did not feel that enough campaigning had i ; been done on the issue before the last election. : The Mayor pointed out that the City is not allowed to i spend one dime towards the campaigning of any issue. i I i I I I I I I I & I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 2 I I I ;a;' 4;: II :::; ii4r f' ?"I 1::; :::I i::: 1;'s :;:: ::!* SI ;;i: ::;I ::;i 1::: I::: ;:'I ;::: 11 l It) I:! !;I; I 8 I I 8 I I '\\ ,' '\ '\ '\, y,,J 1 3 I -2- I '\\ '\\'\\ '\,'\\'\ 8 ; of '+$$..,;, q?$+, I i Member \$'$.,b"''\n !- - - . - - ,. - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - -" "" --.. -" " - . - - - - - - - - - - 7- - - - - - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \o. '.PP '\d I . 8, \\ ', 6 I / Name '-\ \%, \\,;<$, ! '< *I I !l:!l 4 : Cwtl. Someman stated that the ban3 Ssuucs were submit- : ! ted in good faith a3d failecl, end that now the qyickest and i i shortest way to alleviate this emergency condition would ; : be to place an assessment on the present sewer district i i in order to rehabilitate the present plant; that the area : : to the south be placed under a 1911 Act District; and I i that a pumping plant be installed in the area to the north, : ; which would include Wi!.son Street. I I I Cwn. Sonnernan further stated that the parties who cir- i i culated these petitions for the resubmission of the sewer : : bonds should be congratulated, and she would like to mak4 i a motion later that a letter of appreciation be sent to thest : individuals who circulated these petitions. I I I I 1 I ! I I :ti:: :;4; I:::; ::I:: :II:: 111 1:::: ::;:; :*I:: 4i:l ::I;: ::!I! *l:ll Ill*1 :;;I; 8:::: ::::: i:::: ;:::: 1;4; ::::a ::.!: :I' I I I I I I I 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! MRS. MliLDABBLT, one of the gzi-ties mhcr zirculated the i petitions, stated that when she \:rerat from door to door i that some of the people informed her they had not voted : at the last election because they were mre the issues i would pass. She ordy found f5ve ps.cjpk who wers not I 1 willing to sign this petition, R?sc &e was fnfornxed by i the Clerk that some of the signatures on -Ex: petition were; not valid, and felt that the parties wh~ circuls.te& the petitions should have been more idly ir1forn?,e.3, I I I I I I i MRS. LULL, one of the partj.es n;lm i:iscu~sd the I petitions, stated tha-t she had 108 signatures ad 21 were : : thrown oat and felt they should have 3een given more : complete instructions before circuI.atjng the petit.t..ions, I I I t I I I I I * ! :ti:; :I::; 1:;Il :tl:a :I::; ;:::I 4::: p:: 1:11: Ill I;;:: 'I:::! 1~1:1 (61 !l,!l :I~'I 1:::: ::I:: 1:::; i;::: ;:I:: !l.!l I I ::':: I MRS. VIRGIL, 175 Chinqaapkl, stated she ;N~S a poperti ::::; : owner in Carlsbad, and thzt Carlsbad io in a position I ::::; I where they can expect a large growth within the next I ten years. Her sori-in-law is one cf the heads of EIarmon-j ;!:I: : Homes, and she hs been isdonned that the area be-iween I * ;t: *::;I ; ,Sari Diego and Los Angeles is the boom area; the popuia- ; ::I;: i tion has increased 10 times within the past ten years I I :::;: i and we can expect an increase of ten times within the I I ;::I: i next few years,, Mrs. Virgil further stated that the City i 4;:: ::/% : should thbk big jn order to take care of this increase. i ;:I:: I ::,:I I I I :*:;: ;I:;, I .I:!: I I : Cwn. Coztr stated she felt there were three thing^ that i i defeated the bond issue- political reasons, confliction of i : personalities and lack of information on the bond issues. ; i We can% help the political factors, nor the personality : I conflicts, but we can give the voters Amore information I i regardhg the sewer bond issue, I I I I I ! ;;''I ,:I !::a: ::I:: ,a::: :::$ 4::: ::; ::p: :a i;::i 111 i After considerable discussion a motion was made that the i i Engineer be instructed to prepare plans for the rehabili- ; ::;j: : tation of the present plant, a cost estimate, and that the i Grober i !Xi 5 / I City Attorney and City Engineer take whatever steps are ; ~0nncmm.n :Xi i X: 1 : necessary to form a 191 1 Act District for the area south : Ledgerwooq ! : : xi I within the limits of the City of Carlsbad, The motion i McPhersonj i ; :xi : failed for lack of a majority. ; Coats :: : :x; I ! :!::! 0)I I" I:;:! 1 I ; The Mayor stated he would like to call upon one of itle i contractors present to get their feelings on this sewer i : emergency. Mr. Ebright was called upon. I I I I I I t I i MR. KENNETH EBXEHT stated he felt both the assess- i i ment on the Sanitary District #2 for the rehabilitation of : i the present plant, arid the resubmission of the bond issue; i to the voters could be accomplished, however, he did not t : feel that it should cost $200,090 to rehabilitate the present ; sewer plant, as the original cost of the plant was only : t $89,000. : MR. NET- stated that he was in agreement with Mr. i I Ebright to some extent, but that an assessment levied i : on the property owners in Sanitary District #2 would I b 08 I I I I I I i I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 4 t I I I I I 1'1 8; :::;; ::::; :::;; '::;l ::!l~ ;:i: $11 :; l:;l ::i: ;; ll:; ::I: I::: :I:: :;:: :::: 18 1::: ;;:: ;::: I::; ;:a1 1;;: : I la 6:I: :!I, SI 11 1 I I ', -. '\\ "\ \\ '\ I I .\ '\ \\ ', '\\'\' I - 3- \, ', *, '\\ '\ " I .Lr\ 1 $st 4 \,+ + I I .' I I \\\' PI! I 1 i Na me x. 'x$;, \, '\$<, I I : of '$&& '\' 'f+\ I :.."~"""""""""-."""-.~"."""""""*""""""- .-"""""~l."""~"""'-'""""""- i Me n.1 ber \% $f\$-p\,d I I ;ll-l I!l!! I 1 I I I I)i i certainly lose votes on the bond is~ue, 1 I The City Manager Wormed the Comcil that Ila wouiil i like to reco-%mend that t5e sewer bonds be resubmitted i i to the voters, and that the Council itxmediately employ : ; competent engineers to prepare an engineering report i i for the rehabilitation of the prssent phnt, and in the ; event the bonds failed t%en the Council would have no i alternative but to levy an assessment on the present user4 : of the plant. ]He further stated that vre are going to need i i engineering anyway. I 1 I I I I I I I ;i:1* 1;;:: :;I:: ::1r: ::I:: ;::I: 1,::: ::I:: i:::: t:::: I:':: :;::: 1:;:: *l,;l :I::: :;:I; I i After considerable diszussion a motion was made to i Grober : ; I xt : : instruct the Engineering Czpartrneni to proceed to clean t Sonnernan !xi \ X! i I 'out the filter of the present p1a.r.t and that $15,000 be : Ledgerwood ; ; A : ; transferred from the Contingency fuxl to :he Z:r,gheering i McPhersonj i X: 4 I I Department to take care cf this cosjt, : Coats I ' :4 f : A further motion was made that a cCi>s(?J",i.ne engineering I Grober i firm. be employed to prepare plaus fw the rehaijil-itntion I Sonneman k 1 ;x: 'I1 i t of th.e present plant, f Ledgerwood : ;xi : I : Coats : A short recess was called at R:45 P, X. Tkc rxeethg i reconvened at 9:OO P. Nb, i Discussion was given as to trjc resu>vx.wioE ci tnz .. I :;'Il I :;::; I sewer bond issue, and it was agx-eecl that as soon as the i Grober : : :xi : f required number of sigmttrres 03 thz petitions have been I Sonneman % : :x: I : certificjd by the City Clerk, iht the City Attorrrey bz : Ledgerwoo$ i !xi : i instructed to prepare the necessary documczts calling i NIcPherson ; ixix: i : for aa election. : Coats : I ;xi ; I I ;:I I i CORRESPONDENCE: I I 1:4; - I I :$: "II; : 1. Letter dated August 5, 1953 from James 3. Zfowms, i ::::: i 1541 Magnolia Ave, , stating their appre ciatior. to tke I :I::: * I::', i Carlsbad Police Department for mairrtainlag r, sect:ri.ty I :it:; : patrol on their home while they were on ~vaca'cictn, The i I:::: *I:: i Council ordered the letter filed. t I i:::; #!:!! Ii'li 4 I I i:, $4: I I I McPherson i i !x: i t I I I : ;x! ; * I ;:'I; I ;;::: I I ;I::: I ::::: 1:; I :x:x: ; I I I I I I I I I I I SI I I I I :: I 2, Letter dated August 12, 1959 from Dr, Arthur W, I I I Spivey, Library Commissioner, in which he submitted a i ! report of the library activities dwing the early summer, i : commending the staff for their work, and hoped that the : i time would be short until the Engineering Department i : would commence the restoration of the water company : i building to house the library. t I I I 1 1 ;':I' *@I ;:I:: ,$I;: 4:;: ::;;: 0;:: :I, i:;:: 1:111 :::;: /I:: :;:;: i 3, The fallowing applications for sewer corn-ectiors were! Grober l :;a i :xi ! i presented for the Council's review, and approved: I Sonneman : : ix i i ! Richard C, Jones, hc, C. H. Fatterscn : McPherson ; !x :xi : i E. lVI, Graham First Baptist Ckurch ; Costs j, i :x: I : Le:n.a M4 Sutton I?. R. Roberson I I ::::: i Mrs. D, A. Hasselo Ed. Zahler & Son I ::::; : E, J. Hale Construction Co, Ed, Zahler th Son I ::I:: i Guaranteed Homes Robert W. Godwin i Guaranteed Homes Louis V, Dyche I I ;:::: :a':: I I !::!I 1 I : Ledgerwood: : !x; I I I I , I ;I::; 1:; 4 t I I I : ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: I I $ I I I i There were no oral communications. ' i PUBLIC HEARING - Re: Abatement of nT--'"- - - ! """- I ! ~ ~" I I . " f t I 4 I ralsance, I t , i The Council was informed that a hearing had been set for f ; 7: 30 P. M. to hear all proponents and opponents in regard i : to the abatement of nuisance on properties within the City : i of Carlsbad, and that notices h&d been sent to the indivi- i I I I I I I I I I :;;;I :it:: .l!g: 'ti ti ::a:: ::p: ::I:; ::::I !l!1! :;i;; i; 1:; i;!:! +:; 1:::; :;::: ::i:: ::!:I :;::I :!::r 11; I I I I I 1 I I I I $ I I I '\ x '\, '\ '\ -\, I I ,' I 8. ', \ '\ '\,'\, ',, t, \\ \ . i Name \\ x:$, \ ,<tp: '\ '.7& I I \, '\ '\ '\ '\ ' l12 1 -4- I : of ,+ n' ', '.".f, ,O'"P\ s 'X+, I : Mzr,;bg '\~"~.~~~ 2 3,. 4>,4 "' Y ' :"""""""-"""~"-"""""""""""~""~"~""""~""""-~"-~"""""""~".""" ,d O*C"&s : dual property OW~TS and 2nd the :i'~o!.:!)frt~ posted where i :;*I: ;Ill1 i there was found to be a ncisance. I I I;*:: I 1 ::i:: I ::::a : Letter d~t~ci Rilgu~t 2, 1259 from Mrs, DkrJ .Cassa& I :;I:: : in which she complained of tk mismcc cSz,cScd by t??? I I:,:: ;I1 i sewer construction on Cllestwt ~vemz; she nt-ated tbey i 1:::; :: i have tl.1ej.r property ao3Ted tvice a ymr, m.6 felt there : II::; : were other nuisances i~?. the city 'ihz::: et'^ worse than I ::::; i the weeds, I ::;:: I ::!:: t I I I I 1 mi 'I1;l I I I 1 I I Letter from Georgettz d.e la Matte, Ramcho de la T./lc4te, ! ! requesting postpomment of the time the wee& must be i i removed from her property on 038 md HZgW-and, as her ; : caretaker has bee2 i1.I. Tile City PJimagrsr rchised the i i Cou~cil that Mrs. de la Matt? kas called a.5 i.he office 1 I : and that arrangemeq.ts had been ~sde tc li;r:x* mtisfaciion, i i Letter dated August 7, 1959 from i'Lccjor C, 7'. Runyan i I stating he had received the nuisaf-,cs .1,i5.!~e mi, ~ouk? had i the matter taken czre of as soon m ~;~:o.':vibi~~ by &kc I I Thayne, Enclosed were several EeX-adressed post- : cards, wherein he suggested that the adjoiizhg property i i owners notify him when his property becarP,e nnsightly. i i The Council requested the letter be ackmwledged, I I ; thanki.ng him for his coopesztion cnd Im~mt., ';:he Mayor : : asked if there vere arzy oral objectfons, I I i MR, D, R, DmTTJfTJS a~ed on w~z.!; >:x$:; th6~'se assess- i : merits were being made, The City &-@mer Mormerl i i Mr. Binniuc "hat it wodd he doze by z ccltrz!c;toa*. kjzt ; : the City would prefer to have the j.n.diT+dual. px-opex"y i owner do the work, 1 MY. Dinnius requested that he be gives 2 30 day extensiod : i.n order that he might do the work himself. Mre Dimir~a i i was advised to contact the City Engineer and arrarge for ; : an extension of time. ! IUR. PARREH, Adams Street, stated that -3l>? iormer I i Council and this Counci!. have ordered certzh properties : ! cleaned and ether properties not, and he felt that this I i shows favortism, The properties have been posted from : I Hoover to Adams Stree'i, and that the ssme cmdition i exists on 15 acres in front of his property, and asked : : why this property was not posted? The Mayor informed i i Mr.. Parrish in some czses if these hills are clwncd I I ; it causes erosions, I I I Mr. Westree from the Engineering Department was I present ad informed the Colrncil that the property ; owners adjoining Mr. P?..rrishts property had been con- : i tacted and the properties are being posted, I 1 i After discussion by the Council Mr. Westree wan in- : structed to investigate the 15 acres and report bsc4 to i i the Council at the next meeting, I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 l I 1 t I I 8 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 4 I I & I I 1 I t I I I I I I I I 1 ::I:: :I::: 11::: ::;;: :::;I ;::I1 ll;:: ::::: I:!:: ll;l. 1s si;;: $1 ::I:! i:::: si :;::I ::ii: :III: ::p; I' 1:::: ::::: i:::: 31 11:1 ;:I:: ::::; ;:I:: $)I :I:;, /a:: ;:#I; :;::I :;I:; :;::I 1:'l #,!E: I:::: f:::; ::::i ::::; I;::: ::;:: !::ti ~:;~i ::I:: ;:I:I :;::i i:::: ::I I:: ::I:: ;:;it ::I:: I(* ;::I: ::;:: 1:;:: :*I:: :ii:; i:::; ::;:: 1:::; ::;i: ii::: 11 !:::; I" Il1:l I11(1 ::;;: i By motion of the Council all protests and objections i Grober : ; i 2 ; : were overruled, ; Sonneman : :x: 3 *I : ll.li I I I I I Ledgerwooi i i X: ; I I i McPhersoni : i $ i I I ; 1 Coats !xi ;2d : I 0; #*I:# i A further motion was made and passed that the Public i Grober , : i 2 i : Works Director proceed to abate the nuisances, : Sonnernan : :x: $ ; i Ledgerwoocf i i x; J ::I ' r ; McPhersont : :x: : I I i Coats :xi j$ i i PLANNING COMMISSKN: I 1 11,:: i 1. Request for con&tiond use perm!-t - Harry Johnson, i iii:; I 1 I I I:;:; :I:': I I I;':! t i;ii; I I " I I iii;; I I , 1 1:;:; :;I:( I I I 1 I I I I ! I \8 -\ ., b I 6 I 1 1 <, '8,'' \, *, '8 "t"88, 11 6 I I Name \,, '++, ','\a. I I i of $\c&., '\ '?+. I : Member \?h'*,jJ,$q+. ,o.,o\.~?\,t -5- I '\ *\\ '\ '\'\\\ ', I 1 \ '8 ' ~-,,-----,,,-,,,---,----..~~--------.----~--------~~~~~~----~-----~----~-~----~--~~~----~~~-~-~-~-----~~--~ i:!~: 1 I I I : Resolution Noi 127 of the Planning- Commission was read I i wherein they recommended an ordmance not be passed i ;;I:; : to allow a temporary conditional use permit on property : : legally described as the most easterly portion of Lot 11, i : Block C, Thum Lands, according to Map #2103 in the : i City of Carlsbad. I It { After discussion by the Council it was agreed that the i I Council concur with the findings of the Planning Commis- I ::'I; : sion's recommendation, The following resolution was \ i presented to the Council for their review: : Res. #58l. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL 1 i -CITY OF CARLSBAD, OONCURRINd; WITH I I THE FINDINGS OF THE PLANNING CG.MTv%ISSION AND; I DENYING THE REQUEST FOR A TElMFBRARY CON- : i DITIONAL USE PERMIT ON PROPERTY LEGALLY : Grober I DESCRIBED AS THE MOST EASTERLY PORTIQN OF i Sonneman l : !xi 1 I LOT 11, BLOCK C, THUM LANDS, ACCORDING TO I Ledgerwooq : : x: 1 I mP NO, 2103 IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, was I McPherson: :xi x{ I i adopted by title only, and further reading waived. i Coats ix i :x: I I :a:: I 1: I I i::: ii;: 11 ai;@i \:::I 1:::; ::::: ::: :: 1 {::!i I:::: I::;: l'::; ::;I, I ;It:: I :'::: 1:::: 1:: :: ::I:: :#I:; :;;:; ;: 811 II,Il 1 I I I I 1;:) I I I I :#I !;@tl :xi ; I I I . L, I' I. I 1:' 1 PUBLIC WORKS: I I I I I I I I I 1, Appointment to Public Works Commission, I l1I I I I 1::: I::: i With the consent of the Council Mr. Pearce C, Davis, i Grober I I ix!xi ; 2246 Spruce Street, was appointed to the Public Works I Sonneman !X: 1 X: i Commission by the Mayor, to fill the unexpired term of : Ledgerwooq : ; xi : Harry Kelly. i McPherson; i :.x: 11 I I : Coats I ; !x! I :u: I ::;: I I ::I: I I ::ii I I 1::: I ::;: I I ::;I 1;:; :::; ;:;I I I ::I: I I I I I I 1 i ENGINEERING: i 1. Improvement of Roosevelt Street - Assess, Dist. I : NO. 5-1958, * I I I 11 : Mr. T. Bruce Smith, Attorney for the project, was I :I i present and informed the Council the Engineer was ready : : to proceed to make the assessment on Roosevelt Street, i I and he would like to present the following resolution for i pi: : the Councilts review: I I ::I: : Res, #580. A RESOLUTION OF TXE CITY COUNCIL i i -THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, DIREC'SI NG NOTICE i Grober i : i xi i OF FILING OF ASSESSMENT AND OF THE TIME : Sonneman : :xi X : AMD PLACE OF HEARING THEREOF, Assess, Dist, : Ledgerwoo4 i I4 i No. 5-1958, was adopted by title only and further reading! McPherson: : i 3 : waived. : Coats :x: : 3q I I 4::: : 2, Sewer facilities for Wilson Street - Assess. Dist, I I ii'' I I :: B 1:II ! NO. 2-1959, I I;:: I D I :I i The Engineer presented the plat of the District and the ! ;: ;i : Plans and Specifications for the Council*s review: I: I 1, ::i: I I :;I; : Mr. T, Bruce Smith, Attorney for the project, was I present and informed the Council the engineering had, ! !::I :::I : been completed for the construction of sewers on Wilson i :iii i Street, ard he would like to present- the fnllowing resolu- : :I:: : tions for the Council's approval: i Res. #572. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL I :e:; i -CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPBOd-Grober i k ;X: ;::: ! ING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SANITARY : eman an : : :Xi i SEWER WORK, AND APPROVING ASSESSMENT I Ledgerwood i \x: : DISTRICT PLAT, was adopted by title only, and further ! McPherson i : :X; i reading waived, for Assess. District #2-1959, : Coats k: :x: l I 11 I I 11 1 :I:: I I I I * I $ I 1 I I I I I 11 ;I:: I I I I I 1 I I I 8 I I I I I D I I ::ii I I :I:; I ;::I ;:;: I I Ill: I 1::; I I I I I I I :::; i;:: 1 I I I I -6 - I I I I x, \ -, 8 ' x, '\ ', 'x '\ '8 \\ ', 8' ', '\,'*, 111 .I '. " '\ \ '. I 8 '\ '.,t+, ~', '\&, I I 8 a rfis '.,&$-$,, \" '?.. I k I i of ,CJ&,+++, 1 Metxber $3@,Fy?$ :""."""""""""",,"""""""""""""~""~"""""""""~~""""""""""""""~ I I :::i: 1 : Res, #5?3, RESOTJUTION ORDERING OPINION 6F 1 Grober tat "t 1 I) I TIZXGTFOFFICEL~ SPREAD UPON THE MIMUTES, I Sonneman : ;x \x: i : for Assess. Dist. No. 2-1959, was adopted by title only, ; Ledgerwooq : :x! ; ! and further reading waived, i McPherson 15 1 !x: i I : Coats i ; ;x: : 1 lsl:8 i Res, #574, RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF i I::!: ;I1 I: : THE Ci'rY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORFTN, DECLARING: ::: 81 i ITS INTENTION TO BET>ER THE CONSTRUCTION OF ; : CERTAIN SANITARY SEWERS AWD APPURTENANCES i ::;;t i AND APPURTENANT WORK IN SAID CITY; DECLAR- i 11,:: : ING THE WORK TO BE OF MORE THAN LOCAL OR i pi's ::'I: i ORDINARY PUBLIC BENEFIT; DESCM.BING THE I $ I:':; #I:, : DISTRICT TO BE ASSESSED TO FAY THE COST AND i 'I#;; :I::; i EXPENSE THEREOF; DETERII!IINING 'ISAT BONES i SHALL BE ISSUED TO REPEESEKT ASSESSMENTS I iiiii i TO BE LEVIED; AND FKDJG THE 'I'LME AND PLACE i i:::; "I : FQR HEARING PROTESTS AND C3JEC:TIONS TO 4::; I SAID WORK OR THE EXTENT OF YET DTSTRICT I s LI:: 1:::: ; TO BE ASSESSED, OR BOTH, Ab79 GXYDJG NQTKE i i TEEREOF, Assess. Dist. No. 2-1959, was ado2ted by i : title only, and further reading waived. : Res, #575, RESQLUTIOX QF THE CWY C8?i3XX..L I I ;:a:: ,:,I i 03' THE CITY OF CARESBAD, CALlF'UKi'ZA, DZ'i'EB- i : MINING TEE GENERAL PREVAILZXG RATE FOR i Grober i ; ;xi ; i LEGAL HQLIDRY AND OVERTIME WORK IN THE : Sonneman : : :x: : 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD, FOR CERTAIN CRAFTS OR i Ledgerwood I :x: : : TYPES OF WORKMEN, Assess, Dist. No. 2-1959, was I McPherson i :x :x: I( ; i adopted by title only, and further reading was waived, I : Coats $; I:#: :x: ; i 3. Improvement of Jefferson Street - Asseas. Dist. 8 :'I I I ; :x; 1 11 I I I I +;; I +I( 1 I 1 I 84 I I11 I":: :I, ltl:l I::I: I I ::I:I I I :I:': ::1:1 t ::; I 1 I I 1 Ill11 I k I ::#:I I t ::':] I I ;::'I i Mc. 3-1959. l,!l I ! The Engineer presented the plat of the assessment :;a1 i district and the plans and specifications for the Council'ls ! i;:; : review, I :,I:: I ;::: : Mr. T. Bruce Smith, Attorney for the project, was I I iiii I I 18 i present and advised the Council the engineering had I I $:; : been completed for the improvement of Jefferson Street, i ;::: I and he would like to present the following resolutions I I ii:: I ::It :; : for their review: I I (Ili I ;::: i Res, #576, A RESOLUTIQN OF THE CITY COUNCIL i ('(I i CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING PLANS I :::I : OF THE : Grober ; : :xi I AE'D SPECIFICA.TIONS FOR CERTAIN STREET XMY : Sonn.eman : !x ;xi : PROVEMENTS, AND APPROVING ASSESSMENT i Ledgerwood! i :x: i DISTRICT FLAT, for Assess, Dist. No. 3-1959, was : NPcFherzon i ; :x: ; adopted by title only, and further reading waived. : Coats F: :x: ! I !::! 1 I I I};; 1 I I I I I , I I I i Res, #577. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ; ;*i; :I!: I m OF CA3LSISM3, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING! *@I; I i::: ;::: 1 :i:: I:: :::! :I:: I i:i: :::: I ITS INTENTION TO ORDER CERTAIN STREET IM- i PROVEMENTS AND APPURTENANCES AND APPUR- i : TENANT WORK IN SAID CITY; DECLARING THE I 'I : PUBLIC BENEFIT; DESCRIBING THE DISTRICT TO i i BE ASSESSED TO PAY TED3 COST AND EXPENSE : THEREOF; DETERMINING THAT BONDS SHALL BE i IlI) i ISSUED TO REPRESENT ASSESSMENTS TO BE III: : LEVIED; AND FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR i ;#I: I HEARING PELOTESTS AND OBJECTIONS TO SAID : Grober pi :x: : WORK OR THE EXTENT OF THE DISTRICT TO BE : Sonneman : ixix: i ASSESSED, OR BOTH, AND GIVING NOTICE THEREQ$,Ledgerwoo$ : :x: : for Assess. Dist. No. 3-1959, was adopted by title only : Mclgherson : i :xi i and further reading waived, : Coats : : :x: 1 Res. #578. R RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL i Grober : OF THE CITY OF CARLSBf3.D DETERMINING TME : Sonneman i I :x: i GENERAL PREVAILING SEATE OF PER EIEM WAGES, i Ledgerwoo$ ; :xi : Tor Assess. Dist. No. 3-1959, was adopted by title only 8 McPherson : ix :x: i and further reading waived. i Coats $: :x; I :I 1 :!I; i WORK TO BE OF MORE THAN LOCAL OR ORDINARY~ 1 k l;;l I I % I 1 ;SI: ;::I I : :xi I I I I 1 I I I I ;;ll 1 I ;;:I * i I t I 1 -\, 'x '\, '. '\' 8 -x, '. "\\"\ \ 8 11 8 * I I * -7" -. ', \\ '\\ -\, '\ *\ I i pi a me \\,\ '.s\ \\, ''Q I * .$?%\, \\,X&,,, # I i of .$&+$+ I Member \$$%,&% ~~"""~~""""~"""""""""~""""..~"""""-~-""""".--~~".-------"-"--""---~--- I I :;:!; I I I i I $ I I I 1 1 I I, : NEW BUSINESS: I : The City Manager presented the following ordiriancca 1 and resolution for the Council's review in connection :li:I ;;:I: ::::I ;:I:: l!;8J I Ill *!ll! i with the amount of revenue necessary for the operation i p;:; I of the City departments, setting the tax rate for the I #;:*I I (l(f : year 1959-60, and adopting the salary plan for the year i llItl I: $11 I 1959-60, I 1 ::;:: ;'I I I 4::; nce No, 1066. RN ORDINLYCE GF THE CPTY i ::1:: ARLSBAD FIXING THE AMOUNT OF REVENWE : II ,I:, i FROM PROPERTY TAXES NECESSARY TO SUPPORT I ::pi "It; ! THE DEPART':!!JfENTS OF THE CITY @F CARLSBAD : i:::; i AND FIXING 'THE AMOUNT OF REVENUE FROM *::*I i Grober !x; :xi : i PROPERTY TAXES NECESSARY TO PAY THE i Sonneman ; ; !xi I i BONDED rPaDEBTEDNESS OF T?33 "CITY OF : Ledgerwooq 1 :x; ; i CARLSBAD SEWER DISTRICT NO. 2" FOR THE i McPherson: i i xi i i FISCAL YEAR 1959-60, was reac! -.nd zdopted. : Coats : jx:x: i I I ;1;;1 i Ordinance No, 1067. AN ORDIPaAlfCE OF THE CITY i Grober l ; l :::I: * ,x: I : -T~G THE TAX %ATE FOR THE I Sonnernan : :X: X: i ! CITY OF CARLSBAD AN3 THE "CX'2Y OP CARLSBAD i Ledgerwood i :x: i I SEWER DISTRICT NO, 2" FOR THE FISCAL YEAR I RtcPhersonI : ;xi 1 ; 1959-60, was read and adcpted. i Coats ;xi !xi j i Res. #5W. A RESOLUTSCii4 OF THE CITY COUNCIL i Grober I : :x: I : Fy 'r % TY OF CARLSBAD ADOPTING THE ; Sonneman i i ! x\ i sAd2 &w AND WORK CoPaDITIoNS FOR THE i Ledgerwood i :x: i CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR THE 1959-60 FISCAL : McPherson i :x I xi ! YEAR, was read and adopted. i Coats : OLD BUSmESS i The following ordinances were presented to the Council i ;::: I for a second reading: I Ordinance No, 9099. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY i Grober : i l : OF CARLSBA14 AMENDING ORDIMAMCE NO. 9060, I Sonneman : ; :XI i CHANCING CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROPERTY IN : Ledgerwooq ; :xi : THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FROM ZONE R-A-10 TO i McPherson: jxjx: 1 ZONE R-1-7.5, was given a second reading and adopted.: Coats :xi ;xi I 1 1 :: { ~.~rdt~:~ace NO. 7022. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY I $ 1;;: : ~~i~~~G AND ESTABLISHING CHARGES: 1;:: i FOR SERVICES AND FACILITIES FURNISHED BY : Grober !x; i xi : TEE CITY SEWERAGE SYSTEh'I; PROVIDING FOR i Someman ; :xi x: i THE COLLECTlON OF SAID CHARGES; AND ESTAB- : Ledgerwood i :X! : LISHING THE SEWER FUND, was given a second / McPherson: 1 i xi I reading and adopted. : c02ts I !#!! I I 1 11 I I I f I I I:::: Il :x; ;x\ I I < :::: I I i::: I ii:i I + iii: I 1 I 1::: : I ixi I I I I I I I I 1 1; ; ; :x: I I i CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: I I I I I i Proposed Pafomar Road. The City Attorney advise3 : The Council she had met with the Board of Supervisors i i regarding the northerly route, The Board was receptive i i to the northerly route, however, if the City of Carlsbad : 1 were unable to contribute $53,000 for the construction i i of the road within the City of Carlsbad, they felt it : would be setting a precedent. She had written a letter i i to the members of the Board of Supervisors wherein she : ointed out that if they were unable to exercise their 1 'option agreement", due to the fact that a route was : selected unacceptable to the owners of Carlsbad, or the i I road is not constructed prior to January 3, 1962, they : : would have to pay liquidating damages in the amount of ; I $51, 000, which would almost equal the $53,000 requested i : of the City of Carlsbad for the northerly route. The I i Mayor requested that a copy of this letter bo sent to the i ; San Diego Newspapers. I I I I 1 1 I I I I a I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I ! I It;; ::;I !::I :ii: ::;; !:I: 1::; i::i :::: :::: ;:;I 01 ;::; :111 ::I: :I:: :I:: :::; 1;;1 :::: I::: i::: ;I:: :::: :;:: :I;: 11 1:11 :I:# !it: I I I I I I I I '1:; ::I: I I I I :::: #I I I I I :::: -2- i i Of -,,+;$&\, '\, F+. ',& 4 \ 9',4',+\ 1""""""""""""-.""""""""""""~"""."""""""""~"""""""""""- ! F.lernber \QQ,+y-$ I (I. I I I c' I I I ! 4 .- , x, '\ -8 s ' & I I b, , '\ '\,'\\'~\ 11: i td a me ,\. Ns, %,'\$A, \' 88 '\I\\, '8, '\ '\ I I I I I l.;li ; has introduced a bill for District reapportionment. She i Grober ; !xi x: I : recommended that the Council disagree with this bill. : Sonneman I ; :x! : ; It was agreed that a letter be sent to Mr. Bonelli inform- i Ledgerwood i :x: i i ing him that the City Council of Carlsbad disagreed. with : McPherson : : i x: : I this bill. 1 Coats bi ;x: : ! Bond Issue. If the sewer bond issue is resubmitted to i Grober ; ; I x: : i 'the voters did the Council wish to employ Q'Nelveny and I Someman :x : :xi : : Myers to handle the issue. It was agreed that WMelveny i Ledgerwooc( i I x: i ,f and Myers be employed to handle the sewer bond isme : McPherson i : i xi : i at such time as it is resubmitted to the voters. i Coats : ;.:x; I I), j I Reapportionment Bill. Frank Bonelli of Los Angeles $1:: ;:I:: I I I 1 :: ::::I I I I,.(. 1 I : Engineering Report. A letter had been received from I ,: Mr. Clayton of Boyre Engineers, in which he suggested : i that if the sewer bond issue were to be rebclbmitted to I i the voters that a more detailed engineering report be I I : prepared. The City Engineer advised the Council he did { ! not feel a further report would be necessary. By I I i common consent it was agreed not hc have any further i : report prepared. t I ! I * I f CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: I t I I 1 I I I The City Manager advised the Council one reason for I i being in good shape financially is due to the fact that 1 I : several months ago a stop was put to all departmental I i spending, and therefore we were able to save $45,000. :, 1 A letter had been received from the San Diego County [ : Traffic Safety Council requesting that a committee be ; i set up to work out the safety problems in this area. Due : ; to the minimum of safety problems in this area, he I i would like to work with the City Manager in Oceanside i i to coordinate our activities with their activities. By I : common consent of the Council the City Manager was i i authorized to meet with the City Manager of Cceanside i i to see if the activities of the two cities could be coordi- : t nated and report back at the next meeting. I I i The assessed valuation for this year was greater than : I they had anticipated and he would like authority to I ; transfer the following funds: f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, $10,000 from Contingency Fund to the Public : I 2. $20,000 from Contingency Fund to Capital i Works for road materials; and . I I 1 I I I I I .I I : Improvement. I I I I I I ;::ai ::'I; 1:) :::*I ;: ;:: 1:; ::::I :I::: ;;;I: 1:: ;:all ::It: 11::1 ::::; !l::l ;;ai; ::::: 1;::: ;::SI ::*;I ;:: ::I:: I:::; I:::: ,!#I! i:11: 'I::: ::I:: ::I:: ::I;: 1:::: :::I: ::::: :I::; ::::; ip;; :;I:: :I::; ;:::I I!!(! :;It; ;:;:: 1:;:: ;;l:b ::::i ::!:! :ii1 @i ;:::: :;::: !!l:l iiiii :SI:: l:;:1 I!!l! I : It was agreed that these funds be transferred as : Grober : i i 4 t i recommended by the City Manager. i Sonneman :x: ; 3 i i ;;SI; I I I I I I Ledgerwood i i 3 i I ,t I iC&i+ ; I : McPhesson: ; ; & ; : Coats I I 1 I:::: I I ::::: I I t i Cwn. Coats was excused at 11: 31 P. M. I I I!!l! 1 I The City Engineer stated that since the Water Revenue ; Bonds had passed, something should be done regarding i the Water Department, The-D.irector of Finance in-' : formed the Council the Auditors would soon be submit- i ting their Audit Report, and recommended that the : Council wait until this report has been received, i PAYMENT. OF EWkS-.A~E!U"XF'E~QN OF ,. . . .: 1 : z-5 a YROLL: I i Authorization was given for the payment of bills for : the general expenses of the City from August 5, 1959 I to August 18, 1959, in the amount of $9,527.11, aq I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I t I I I t I I l e I I I I I 1 I I I ;;:I: 1:;:: ::;I: ::I:: ":: :it:: :1:;1 I::#: i:::: ::::: :I::! 1.; 1: I :i::i ::::I :I::; :::;; ::::: ::::I ::::: ::I:: I I I i;;;: I I 1 i ;:;:' I s!4! I )r m a I I I I I I I I '\ ", '\ '\ -8'' , ", \ '~,;:\,,J~ 0 '*CY, \ 2% \,$.@&,&,;?+ 4. I I ; Ledgerwood: i :x; : I :I McPherson : ; i xi i I ;:::: I ,\\' \ 8, \, ', '\ '\ t -2 - ~"""~"~""""""""""""""""~""""""..""-."~""""~~~~""""-"""-""-------- I Member ,o\$.pp,d I I '*I i -certified by the Director of Finance and approved by i Grober I lxjx: i ; the Auditing Committee. : Sonneman Sr : ;xi : I I 1 14 a me \\,, '<%, ',,:,;dS' t I of I ;I,:; I I I I I I i141; i Authorization was given for the payment of bills for i Grober : :xixi ; i the Water Department in the amount of $10,535.9 3, : Sonneman k : ;x; i : from August 5, 1959 to August 18, 1959, as certified by i Ledgerwoodl ! ;xi ; i the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing i McPherson : I :x: I : Committee. 1 I ::it: ;;I:# t I I 11: : Ratification of the payroll was given for the first half I 1::11 I I ::I:# i of August, ' 1959, in the amount of $12,220.30, as :,::I I certified by the Director of Finance and approved by the : )!:I1 :::;: i Auditing Committee. I :::I: I I :#I:: i ADJOURNMENT: :x;; *::*1 I I I ::::: ! By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 11: 55 P. Mi ;;1:t I i;;r: I I 4,:, I i::;; 48 i Respectfully submitted, 1 I :I::; :;::: ::;;: ::'I: i fl:q,.id4.&&J5 jz, I :;::: 1 /jd&-d I I ::: I I ;::;* 8 I ;:I:: I ;I,;: I I ;:::: #:al; I I :::'I It;:; I I :;;:: I I I 1Ii:i I I :a I I ;:i:i I 1 4#:; :I:;; I ::::I I I ;::;I I ;;I 1:;: I 1 ;lll; I I :iii! I I :::I' I I :::i i I ::#I I I :;:; I ::;: I I :::I 1 :;:: l it:: 1 ;::: I I ll;l I ;: I I I ,*:I l:ll 1 4 ;;i: 1 I ,I@: I ;::I I I I ;: 18:: I I :i I :hi :I I I I ;::: ::I: I I I t I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 I ..- 1. II I I I I 'MARGARET E. ADAMS I aI*l; i Deputy City Clerk I I 1::'l 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I :I I # I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 f I I d l I I I 1 t I I t I I I I t I I I 1 I 1 I I I + I I I I 11 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 8 I I I I I I I I I 8 I I :I;: I :::I I 1:;; I I :;:: I I :::i * t i;:: I I :::; I I :::: I I ::I: I I ;I:* 1:;; 1 I :::I 1 I:$ I ::;: I t ::I: I l:1 I 1: I I I :::: I ;:;a I Ill: I I I :I!: ': I ;I:: I ! $:: 11 11 I I I I k L I I I It I I *Ill I I I I 't I I I I I * I I I I I I I