HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-09-08; City Council; Minutes1 : CITY OF CARLSBAD i Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL i Date of Meeting: September 8, 1.959 ; Time crf Meeting: 5:30 P.M. I Place of Meeting: Council Chambers :-"" "" L""""" -.. ""_" ..""""""""" .- 0-4 1 '\, \, -8 'x ', -8 I 8, ', *, '\ ' ' I I I 1 . ',, ' '\, 't, 8, t, '8 ','\ '8 '\\ 128 'i "c (Adjourned Maet ing) i Name '8 "% "'"'?& i """",*""""""""-,,,""~"""""""""~""~ 1 Member . \$'@,+p,d, 1 '.$$+, '\,'f+>, i 1 of \~&&,.p,,@#@ l *A. i I ! ROLL CALL was answered by Couhciimen Grober, Sonneman, I i Ledgerwood, Coats and McPherson. Also present were City i : Manager Palkowski and City Attorney Hayes, I I ; The Mayor announced that the main purpose of this meeting i i was to act on the proposed bond election proceedings, : which election has been called for October 13, 1959. i Cwn. Coats stated she felt the bond issue will be defeated: : unless the voters are given more information. Since we I f have ordered the contract drawn up for the engineering ; i plans and specifications, she felt the election should be : i postponed until we can give the people sufficient infor- I : mation. She has talked to several people and they are : ! of the opinion that the bond issue will be defeated more i i this time unless more information is made available before! J the election. She further stated she did not feel it was ; : fair to the taxpayers in Carlsbad not to know what the : i Council is spending their money for, therefore, she felt i I the election should be postponed until this information i i is available, I I i Cwn. Sonneman stated she did not feel the election should I : be delayed as we need the sewers now. If the people don't: i trust us now, they never will. I I I The City Engineer advised the Council that if we wait for :I : the report from the Engineers it would delay the election i i approximately 4 months, He did not feel this information : i was necessary, as we already have a report from Boyle ; Engineers as to the need for sewers. I I i Cwn. Sonneman stated that if we waited for the report : and plans there would not be enough of the voters who i would understand the survey when it was presented. i Cwn. Coats suggested that perhaps a preliminary report : : could be presented prior to the election.. The City i Engineer stated that he did not feel a preliminary report : \ was good. ! Cwn. McPherson stated that if anyone would ask him today 1 : how this money was going to be spent, he could not tell : i them. When we had the meeting on the bond issue several i I people asked him specific questions and he could not I I I answer them, It was his opinion that some definite infor-j i mation should be made available to the people of Carlsbad. : i Cwn. Sonneman stated that it was not the Councilis place : ; to answer these questions - that is why we employ quali- I i fied engineers. I I i Mayor Ledgerwood stated that there is a certain group who : i want to know how they will benefit. I Cwn, Sonneman stated that if you ask certain individuals i ; about the issue, there would be some who feel they, the : i Council, were not capable of spending this money. I I i Cwn,. Coats stated that since we are hiring an engineering I : firm to furnish plans and specifications for the design : I and location of the work needed, why couldn't this infor- i i mation be released to the people? Some of the members \ ; of the Council were just considering the opinion of the : : Subdividers and promoters and are selling the property i l owners in the City of Carlsbad short. I I I The City Attorney suggested that perhaps the City Engineer: : could give the Council some information on the proposed i i work. 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IJ I I I I I 0: i The City Engineer advised the Council there are a few I t who want the plant in the Las Encinas area. He felt that i 1 a plant located at the head of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon i : would be feasible, with a line to the South and a line to ; 1 the Northwest to take care of the Skyline area. Also a i : study would be made of the size and outfall of a new plan.; i As to the present plant he did not know until the Engineer4 i have made their study. 1 I ; Cwn. Coats advised the Council that when she brought up ; ; this matter she was not considering anyone outside the I i City of Carlsbad, but only the taxpayers. I I i MRS. JEANNETTE LULL was present: and informed the Council ! : she felt the reason the bond issue did not pass the first i i time was due to the fact that the taxpayers did not know : : what they were going to pay for. In circulating the I i petitions she worked the Terramar area and knew the ; questions that were being askedr The general public is i I not interested in a pinpoint design, they are only inter- : : ested in the general design, : Cwn. Coats asked if the emergency was so great that the i I election could not be postponed until such time as we have: I this information available? The Engineer stated perhaps i I it could be postponed for 90 days. 1 I i The City Manager advised the Council that at the last ; meeting the Council ordered the City Manager, City Enginee; i and City Attorney to work out a contract with Dr. Pmeroy, I : He feels as Miss Coats does, as he has received many calls i i on this matter. He would like to see the plans and : speciEications prepared by Dr. Pameroy; he has indicated i i his firm can complete the engineering between 3 to 5 month$. i Personally, he would just as soon get this information i i out to the people. In the meantime we are not losing any I : time; whether the people accept the plans or not those i i are the plans that: will be used. i A motion was made by Cwn. Coats that the Election be : postponed to January 13, 1959. Seconded by McPherson. i The City Attorney advised the Council she felt it would i : be proper to have the second reading of Ordinance No. * i 1068, and if it fails to pass by a 4/5ths vote, then a : motion to have the.election called for January 13, 1959, i i would be in order. Cwn. Coats withdrew her motion. I I i Cmn. McPherson asked if the election were nor postponed, ! I could this engineering firm give some sort of a preliminari i report before the election? i The City Attorney stated that the contract that the City i ; is entering into with Dr. Pomeroy will state definitely i I what he is to study and design, and this information could; : be given. : It was agreed that any information that is available from i i Dr. Pomeroy's study would be released to the voters I I 1 prior to the election. ; Cwn. Coats stated that she would like to apologize to the i i people of Carlsbad for being so hasty in calling this 1 election, as she felt she was doing the taxpayers an injustice by not releasing the information they were I l entitled to receive. Mayor Ledgerwood stated that one of i ; the weakest points in the last election was the fact that : : none of the organizations in the City would back the bond I i issue - not even the Chamber of Commerce, I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I * I I 1 I I t I I * I I I I I 8 1 1 I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I i;:;it ::I;:! :::::I ::::I: 11 :::I:: ,ll;:b 111:*' It ::::,I 1:;1:: i::::; 8 1 .I ;:I1 :@;.I I I: :::: :;;;:: $:&I; id::' ;I:;;! ;:I ::~1:: 4s;l! :@I :::I:: ;:;::; :::;:: :':Il 11 :$:! 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The City Attorney stated she did not know the exact I I::::: /;::; I I :: I!;!; I I I I I -3- i Name \, '\* '\ '84 I I m 'I *I? i The City Attorney informed the Council that if they chose i : proceedings. Cwn. Coats asked how much had been spent so i 1:;::; : figure at this time. I I I I I I i After considerable discussion the City Attorney presented i i the following ordinance for a second reading by the I i Council: I I I I I ;;;;it :;:;:: 11 :::::I f:;::; ;:!;!I I I 1 I I ::;:I; i Res. Ik1068. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, 14;;; : CALIFORNIA, ORDERING, CALLING, PROVIDING FOR AND GIVING I I I;: I;: ;:I 1::: i NOTICE OF A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE CITY OF i Grober :xi :x: : ; ; CARLSBAD ON THE 13th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1959, FOR THE PURPOSE: Sonneman i :Xixi' : : i OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY A i Ledgerwood : i :X: ; I1 : t PROPOSITION TO INCUR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS BY SAID CITY i McPherson I i !Xi t : i FOR A CERTAIN MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT, was adopted . : Coats ; : i :xi i I I i Arguments for the proposed bond Issue. : The City Attorney advised the Counci 1 that any arguments i submitted for the bond issue would have to be submitted ; by September 15, 1959. She asked how many wished to i submit arguments? Cwn. Sonneman stated that even though ; she was opposed to this election she would work for the i bond issue. Cwn, Coats stated that even though she was : opposed to having the election on October 13,1959, she i would certainly work for the bond issue. It was agreed : that all of the members of the Council would submit i arguments for the sewer bond issue. The following reso- i lution was presented for the Councilts zpprovzl: : Resolution %585. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE : CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING CERTAIN OF ITS I MEMBERS TO FILE A WRITTEN ARGUMENT FOR A CITY MEASURE, ; was adopted by title only and further reading waived. I I I I i Condemnation of certain properties for sewer easement. f The City Attorney advised the Council in accordance with : their instructions at the previous meeting she had pre- : pared a resolution authorizing condemnation of certain i properties for a sewer easement necessary for Assessment : District No. 3-1958. The following resolution was pre- ; sented for the Council's approval: I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I I a : Grober I Sonneman I Ledgerwood i McPhe rson l Coats I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I iii:i~ ;:;;#I I@ ::'I;; ::;!;I l:b; k:Itl 11 I:;::; !:;I:: I:::;; 81 I ;:I::: :::I:: 14;:;: l;/;:t ;: 11; t::::: :::;ii ::::;I I i :xi ; I : :x:x: ; I ; :I ; !x: ; I ; : :x; : : :x: !xi ; i t1I 1:;::t #I iiiiii I::::: ::::;I :';:;: i:;:;: :I ;I::;: I' 4;l; lI1I 11 ;:!b!l I I Grober ; :xixi : 'i I i Resolution 8584. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONDWQIATION :Sonneman :Xi !X: [ I i OF CERTAIN EASEMENTS FOR SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. i Ledgerwood [ i :xi ; i ; 3-1958, was adopted by title only and further reading lMcPherson ; : !X: i I ! waived. I Coats ; i ;x: : : I I I I t II*I 1:;: :;#I:* a:!::: I::::: !::::I I :::::i I I 1 I :::pi: I ;: /:::; i to what this easement would be worth to him. By mot ion ; Ledgerwood i i :X: 81 ; l I I :::::i i Palomar road. The City Attorney read a copy of a letter i ::I::! : to the Council which she had sent to the Board of Super- : i visors after having read in the paper how much more it i :I;:;: ; would cost to construct a road over the southerly route : ::;I;; i than the northerly route. Today the Board of Supervisors i I voted to construct the road over the northerly route, I I provided the City acquire the necessary rights of way. I I i Easement for drainage ditch. The City Manager advised iGrobex ! : :xi : ; i the Counci 1 to date he had not heard from Mr. Krepps as i Sonneman : i Xi Xi ; i I of the Council it was agreed that the actual offer should IMcPherson i i ;Xi : : i be left up to the discretion of the City Manager, City ;Coats :x: ;x: i I # I 8 ' Engineer and City Attorney. :#I' & #tl::: By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 6:40 P.M. : ;::;:; :::::; 4:;:; I I ::!'!I I I I I Respectfully submitted, I I I I i MARGARET E. AD- ; Deputy City Clerk I I I 1 I I I , 1 I I I -.I.( I 8 I ;I;;:; I I :::;;: I I ;:;::; I 8:;i:l I I ::;:;: I I I:;::: I I ::::;: I I iiiiIi 1 I :::it: I I ::!I!: