HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-09-15; City Council; MinutesI) I I I '8"' , \, '\ ". 8 ' ' I L I \\ 8 \ '\ '\ " i Minutes of: CITY COL?C IL i Date of Meeting: September '15,3.959 : .. i N a me ',, '\!$& '\, "& : Time of Meeting: 7:OO P,M. ; of '5.S. I \\'\' \ \' , \ '\ '\ ', '. ', '!98 \$?& ,o 8 ;\ pi i.,9l,~.c,e,-o_f_Mefl_t_i?~-_-Council-Cha~~~~rs ""_ ""_ - - _""" """" _"_ I"- : blem "_""_"_" ber '$$$$8*'$@3 "_ "", "__ I I ii::: I:::: ;:;I; I I I::!: I 1;::: I ::!I! "111 I '11 1 I !ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Grober, Sonneman, I 111 !Ledgerwood and McPherson. Also present were City Manager i tPalkowski and City Attorney Hayes, i INVOCATION was offered by Councilman Grober. 1. I I I I I I I l.'l; I 1::11 i APPROVAL OF MINUTES : I ;:I!: I I I /:;: I :;::; I 1. Minutes of Regular meeting of September 1, 1959, :Grober ; ;xix I ; I I :Ledgerwood I ; :X: i I jMcPherson iX: :X: : CORR RESPONDENCE: I I 1:::: I I :;Its I I 1:: :::;I ::'I: 1 I I I I :were approved as corrected. jsonneman i I IX i : I I I I I 1. The following applications for sewer connections I :were submitted to the Council for their review and approved$ j:::; I Mansford A, Archer < Calcraft Homes I I I I i:::: 4:: I 1 iGrober 1 : ;x: ; I I Mrs. James B. McNeill !Ledgerwood 1 : :X I i I Harmony Builders, Inc. :McPherson I IX !Xi I :PUBLIC HEARINGS: 7: 30 P.M. I I ::;:: I I ::::; *I I I:::; 1 I ii::: ;:;;: :::e1 I 1;::: I I ::;:j I :*I;; I 11 Isonneman [X: :X! : I I I I I II Ill I 1 I !Jefferson Street Improvement - 1911 Act :The Mayor announced the hour of 7:30 P.M. having, arrived, i :::;I ithis was the time and place fixed by the City Council for : ::;I: :hearing objections or protests .on the proposed work, or the! :extent of the assessment district, or on the proposed grade$ i:::; junder-Resolution of Intention, Resolution No. 577, provid- i ;:::; :ing for the construction of certain street improvements in I ;::;; :Jefferson Street from its intersection with Pine Avenue to : :its intersection with Las'Flores Drive, :T. Bruce Smith, Attorney for the project, on behalf of the !Grober : /x ;x i : :City Clerk presented the affidavits of publication, mai1ing;Sonneman !x i Ix : i !and posting for the Council* s review. Upon motion by the :Ledgerwood i : !X ! : !Council the Affidavits were approved and ordered filed. ' @cPherson : : !X : i !The Mayor requested all written protests that had been filed ::I IIII :to be read. The Attorney for the proJect, on behalf of I I ::;:: jthe City Clerk advised the Council that protest was received ~l,!, ;as follows upon mimeographed form wherein the portion I I ;:I' :protestant: I I PROTEST I I 4 ;I: !posed work set forth in Resolution No, 577 of the City I I I::;: :Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, consisting i ;:I:: :generally of paving, curbs, gutters, and sidewalk on :Jefferson Street between Pine Avenue and Los Flores Drive, { ::I:: t l@l; :described real property situated in Assessment District No, : 1;;;: :3-1959, created pursuant to the said Resolution No. 577, in i 11 L ithe City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Cali- : :#I : f ornia: :;I:; 11 :I;:; 111 I I I I 1 1 ; :' :i; :I:;! :underscored was filled in with individual language of :I;:; I: I :::!; I I I ;::;: I d.i ; 1 1 8 .I.,,: ; 1 ; : t I (we) hereby PROTEST against the whole of the pro- i ::I:; ::,:I I ;::I: I /::, I f:::: I I am (We are) the owner (owners) of the following I I I I I l1 I I I I I I t I I I I I ::::; ;!I:: I I :;::; I I ::;:: 8 I i:::i I ::::I I I :I:@; l I 8::: 8 I I I ::::: :I:;! :p:; I I I :b:l I ;:I:: I I :ii:i 1 I ::::: I I ;:I:: I I 41;; I 1 :;!;I I I I ::,:: I i!;;: 8 I I I I I I I I I I I B; The street address of said property is Dated: September , 1959. I ii:;: I I 1:::: ir::: ;Jefferson Street, Carlsbad, California. I I I I 11 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 8 il 8 I ~- I i I t I :4 I I 6 i I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 8 8 I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 * I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I t I * t 8 I I I I TI I 1 I I I I I * I I .' 8,. 'b,",, .- '\ '\ '\ 8 \\ i 1; ,, -8' , \\ '\ '\ '\ '\ I \\ \ '\ \\ ', " 1 I " I I -2- I i ~a me \\, '\$ ', \;ps'\ I I f of \&&,'\ \$x i 3&&&,;%$. I :"""".""""~"""""""..""""""""""""""""--""""~"""""~""-,"""-~""~~ f Me rn ber ,o \,o \.pp w', I I I Il(II !By motion of the Council it was agreed that the reading iGrober jx: :x: : I : of one mimeographed form constitute the reading of all the ISonneman ; : !xi : i I): I ::pIl 11 i forms. /Ledgerwood 1 I ;X; : : I I I I :McPherson l :Xixi : : I i;:;:: :The above mentioned form was filled in and signed by the i ;:::ti i following property owners: I ;::::I I ::;:;: 11 i NAME I :;::;I IEula Mi Marrow P. 0, Box 486, Carlsbad 1 ;:;::: 3121 Jefferson I 1I1I :Sara F. Troutman I 1 ::::;: :Ruth 8. West 3021 Jefferson I I : i ; I :,i :K, K. Broam 3275 Adams St. 1 I ::If:: IMyrt le Broam 3275 Adams St. I i:p;: :Raymond Wilson ;;;:;; iMrs, Ruth B. West 3021 Jefferson I I 1:;::: :Joseph E. Barth 2541 Jefferson I I ;;:I/ 81 I :Mrs. Barbara A, Smith 995 Knowles I :Richard K. Smith 995 Knovles I I 1::;:: :Ila I. Geyer 949 Knowles Ave, I I ::;::: :Harlan M. Geyer 949 Knowles Ave. I I :::e:: :Herbert P. Cole 2598 Jefferson I ;ll:L !Lois E. Cole I ;;;I11 2598 Jnfferson I I ::: :Marion T. Steen I :I: 2606 Jefferson I I ;::::* :Veronica A. Steen 2606 Jefferson I 8 :!:I:* /I::: iEvelyne V. Moffatt 2614 Jefferson I I I I::: :Ruth E. Peterson & 2618 Jefferson I I ,:;I ;:I:;: :;I::: :Ruth E. Frazee ) :Harold B, Weeks 2629 Jefferson I :::: ;;:4* :Margaret M. Weeks 2629 Jefferson I I ;;:::: :: :Anna L. Hall 2632 Jefferson I I ;+:: :John R. Warden 2637 Jefferson I I ::::;: I I 4l;l; :Finis A. Johnson 2647 Jefferson I i::::: !Pauline S . Johnson 2647 Jefferson I :::I:; :Clarence J. Buck 2642 Jefferson I 1:;::1 !Leslie P. Buck 2642 Jefferson i:;:;: I I;;:11 ;Luella J, Parr 2644 Jefferson I :I 1:: :Victor J, Genereux 2646 Jefferson 1:;;;: :llntl :Ruth Genereux 2646 Jefferson I I :::::: !Michael Sichak 2652 Jefferson I ::I::; :Ethel M. Sichak 2652 Jefferson I I ;::::: ::I:;; ;C. W. Wallace 2659 Jefferson I fi ::;:I; :Alfred C. Prewett 2665 Jefferson I ;::::; :Elaine R. Prewett 2665 Jefferson ;:::1; :Emma M. Alf son 2677 Jefferson 8 I ::!:); I ;:I:/ : (by Dorothy Kelly) I I 1::1:: Pinnie H, Jones 1811 So. Tremont, Oceanside i iiii;: 11 ;tlilbur G, Allen 2688 Jefferson 1 :y::: :Charlotte M. Allen 2688 Jefferson 1 ::;::: ;tl:l; /Alice H. Gehrlich 2928 Jefferson I I ;::a:1 :Edward G. Hagen 4407 Highland Dr. I I II;::, ll;p; !Ethel H. Hagen 4407 Highland Dr. I ::,I:; :Andrew Peraino 2937 Jefferson I I ::::;; hntonina Peraino 2937 Jefferson I I :i:;i: :Amos Possinger 2972 Jefferson I @l:~l~ :Irene Possinger 2972 Jefferson I I 11 01 ha Howard G. Doster 2985 Jefferson I hrs. Bernice I. Doster 2985 Jefferson I I ::/I; hnna L. Halberg 354 Oak Ave, plene Tucker 751 Arbuckle Court :Fred L. Tucker 751 Arbuckle Court I Zlorence M, Getze 2892 Jefferson I I George W, Getze 2892 Jefferson killiam S, Healey 2865 Jefferson I baurice S. Baird 2777 Jefferson I I ;;::;: !Maurice S, Baird 2785 Jefferson I I :;:!:I llll; :Peal E. Baird 2785 Jefferson I I ;::;:: !Kenneth West 2720 Jefferson I :l:ll' I I::::: :Mildred S . West 2720 Jefferson I I ll;::: I :; 14:; 11 I I I 1 1 ADDRESS - I I I It i I :::::: I I 1 I I 1 I I I 11 1131 Las Flcres 3r. 1131 Lss Flores Dr. *I :;I;la 1;4:: !Mary Wilson ;l:lll 11 I I I ;::::I I Ill 81 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I :I I I :::::: ;:;:I: I :I:::: IJ. A. Halberg 354 Oak Ave, I I;:::, ;::::: ,#I::: ;::#:I 1:;::: :;;::: :::i:i I I I * 1 I I 1 I Dl Ill I 4 I I I iii:ii 11( I I I I I I ::::a: I I :!:;:I I I 1 1 I I iI::i: !ll!l! 11 $1 I I I I I I I I I I :""*""""""-"""""""""- I t e ,Leon J, La Cana George E. ' Gibbs !Ellen M. Gibbs :Russell R. Dorr iMaudie Li Dorr :Robert Albert Heavehston :E, M. Graham : Esther M. Graham i Arthur N, Ennis !Ida M. Snyder i James A+ Zahm :Mary L. Zahm i Grace Harrison :Doane Harrison (by G.H,) i John L, Barhydt :Pearl C. Barhydt !Marie Lydia Seaberg :Billy J. Martin i Yvonne E. Mart in :Carl S. Segerblom i Lydia Segerblom : Vince Chalupnik !Robert K. Tracy :Jess McLaughlin :Carol A. McLaughlin : Hubert E. Smith : Joyce W. Smith I Frank A, Vitalie i Thelma D, Vitalie i Edward A. Kincaid : Jacqueline Kincaid i Elmer R . Johnson : Asta Johnson i Mrs. Vera Largent (Wilford N. Norris i Charlotte V, Norris : Charles M. De Weese i Georgianna De Weese :Willard D, Tolles 1 Dorothy L. Tolles : Leo Pinckney i Fran Pinckney : Marion E . Lonzeaux i (Conservator of O.M. Doyle) : Lake E. Buckingham i Max Maletz : Ernestine P. Maletz i William H. Martin :Otis M, Martin i Mrs. Mildred McIntosh : Genevia B. Arbuckle i Mrs. Marie Asti :Leland E. Cole, Sr, i Ruth S, Cole i Frank R, Roberson : Margie C. Roberson :Claude Ernest Barnett i Billie Pauline Barnett I W. W. Rogers i Louise 3, Rogers : Harry 0, Veach, M.D. I I I I I @ Pauline M. Veach ; Ode11 Powell Bowman I i Mrs. Eleanor L. Bowman 1 I i Miss Sara F. Troutman i Gerard C. Gardner I I I I I I 1 I r I I ., . -, . - I \\ ', ' '\ '\\"\ i 1: 1 \\\'+' '3, '\,'\\ $ -3- I ' ' ' 'I, 8.6, I I -. i Na me '8 '\$$,, 8, i of '\+(+, ','?+\ : /: Member \~@,~&~\o'.~ .?& .o ' .p ',.t'$+ : """""""""""""""-""-"~"""""""""""-~""~~ I ;!!I!: I 2753 Jefferson 2770 Jefferson 2770 Jefferson 27 94 Jefferson 2754 Jefferson 2729 Jefferson 2737 Jefferson 2737 Jefferson 2755 Jefferson 3111 Jefferson 3144 Jefferson 3144 Jefferson 3100 Jefferson 3100 Jefferson 2563 Jefferson 2563 Jefferson 2585 Jefferson 915 Bue3.a Plzce 915 Buena Place 2535 Jefferson 2535 3efferson 2601 Jefferson 2735 Jefferson 771 Laguna (corner Laguna Dr. I & Jefferson) I I 771 Laguna (corner Laguna Dr.: & Jefferson) I I 2815 Jefferson 2815 Jefferson I I 3037 Jefferson 3037 Jefferson I I 952 Knowles 952 Knowles I 1 2546 Jefferson 2546 Jefferson $ I 1675 Neptune Ave,, Leucadia i 2530 Jefferson I I 2530 Jefferson 2685 Jefferson I I 2685 Jefferson 3091 Jefferson 3091 Jefferson 2386 Jefferson 2386 Jefferson 1148 Las Flores 1107 Las Flores 2494 Jefferson 2494 Jefferson 1100 Las Flores 1100 Las Flores I I 2499 Jefferson 2942 Jefferson 1038 Buena Vista Way. 2438 Jefferson 2438 Jefferson 2480 Jefferson 2480 Jefferson 2464 Jefferson 2464 Jefferson 2465 Jefferson 2465 Jefferson 3338 Las Vegas Blvd. North : Las Vegas, Nevada I I 2475 Jefferson 4335 Louisiana St, o San Diego 4 4335 Louisiana St., San Diego 4 i I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I b I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I 4 I I 1 I * I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 * I I I I I I I I I I I 1 :ii:ii !::!!! ,:::I; :;:;:I I:::;; It i:::;; 1:::;; :I /;::: ;:1;1 :::4:i l;l:ta ::;I:: It:;:: :::::: :;;I1* ::I::! i;:;:t It ;I 4;::; I* I:::;; ; :.; 11 I 1::::: :'I::: 4:'l; :;I:) I1 ::::I: :::a:: ;:,:I: ::::;: j::;:: 1:;1;: :::;:: :;::;; 1) 'I:::; :::::; :I ;:ill: ::;;:I 11::' i::::: ::i;;; :: 1;:::; 1: ;!:;:I It:::: :::I:: :::i:; !;:;Il I: 1:;1:1 1:;::: ::iiii ;:;;;: Ill 1::::: :;I $8 It:;;: ::I::: ::I::: ;;:::: ;t:tl' ::I::; I@;::; ;: ()I 1:::;; :!::I; 11 ;ll*l; ;:;:;; ::;::; If :;;ii; i::::: ll;::: l1 1:;::: I:;::: I;:::: :a:::: I::::: ;: 1:;:: :;:::; ::I ::;:;: ,::::I :;:::I :;I::: ::::I: :::::: I::::; *1111( 1)111 11 11 Ill1II ;1811; :*I I((1I #I1 lll;l: l!!l!l 3121 Jefferson I I il11 774 Laguna ;ill'# I I ;:I;:; I I :::::; I 4 :I::/; 1 I I :;::I; ;;I1;@ 8 I ::;:I: I I I' ::I:!: *I I I .- I ,' I ,' I I " I I I I I I -4- I ', i Name :"""~""""""""""""""""~""""""-""""""""""""""""- i Member I : of 1 I C :Mr. Roy L. Snider 'June Snider ;Harry L. Larson !Grace 3, Larson i Samuel T. Justice :Celestina E, Justice : Alberta No11 !Harry L. Larson i Grace B. Larson :Gerard C, Gardner 1 888 Laguna 888 Laguna 2502 Jefferson 2502 Jefferson 2450 Jefferson 2450 Jefferson 760 Laguna 2502 Jefferson 2502 Jefferson 774 Laguna I I I I I 8 I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I :Letter dated September 8, 1959, from William S. Healey and I :Edith P, Healey, 2865 Jefferson Street, requesting that : :their names be removed from the petition which they signed. i :Letter dated April 21, 1959, from Wilford N. Norris, 2530 i i Jefferson Street, in which he stated he wished to enter his: !protest to,the proposed improvement of Jefferson Street. i :The Attorney advised the Council that neither the letter I !from the Healeys nor Mr. Norris contained a legal des- lcription of the property, and therefore their protests i were invalid. :Letter dated September 14, 1959, from James A. Moore, :Attorney at Law, Oceanside, California, advising the Councit :that he would appear at the hearing on this matter as a : irepresentative of certain of the property owners for the I ;purpose of setting forth their thoughts in the matter, :The Mayor asked if any persons, or their representatives i jwho filed written protests desired to be heard? I I :MR. JAMES MOORE, Attorney, stated that he represented a i :number of the Protestants whom he had advised in this !matter. This situation is not new, however, it may be new i :to Carlsbad. Unfortunately most people do not fully inform: i themselves of the petition they sign; the person who passes: :the petition may only give them their understanding on the ! !matter; the people whom he is representing have various : : and sundrie understandings on the matter. These protests I i were gathered in a very short time; unfortunately this misn: I understanding has cost the City of Carlsbad some $5,000. I i If this work is done in the future the cost will not be : :lost. He asked the Council to take a tolerant view of the i i situation. The people are entitled to change their minds. ; :Some of the people thought they were asking for only an i !investigation on this matter - some have changed their 1 I ;minds. In closing he asked that the Council take a mature I ;view of the situation. I I i The Council asked the Engineer of Work to advise the :Council what per cent of the total area to be assessed for ! i the improvement is represented by written protest or I I : objections filed with the City Clerk. Mr. Thornton of i the Engineering Department advised the Council that fwritten protests represented 55.71% of the property to be i i assessed. Also he pointed out that 59% of the original : i signers of the petition protested, and that 13% of the :protests received were incomplete. I I I The Council requested the Engineering Department to give i : the cost per front foot to the property owners: The ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I t I e Council was advised of the following costs: Unit No. 1 1 I I 1 I I : From Pine Avenue to angle point north of Grand Avenue: 1 $11.00 per front foot; : $9.74 if City participates i $8,14 with no sidewalks I 1 I I I I I I I i I I This does not include sewer laterals or driveway approaches; I I I I I I I I 4 I I I I I 1 ! I 1. I I '\, '\ '\ -8 I\\ '. \\ '\\'\\ , ' ' " '\ '\ '.,+\O', ' \ 8' i If \' ' I I ', '. 'X%' '\\ %&, i \,L\(J, :&?@.b.t'@ a,, %+ 1 : ,Q '8 .,P$? 'Q.8 ; """"""""" ;I/:% ;:/I* /:::: ;::::: I::::I :;'I:: :;I:;; ;;:::I 18 I :::;I: 1:I ;;:I:: p;::: ::/I* l;l:81 !I:::: 41:: b:;:l8 ;::I:: l;l;al I* :ti::; i::::: It;;;: !:;!:: i::::: ll~l:: l::@tl ::l;tl ;4:;l 1: l;;*@l :::;i: :;;I ::I;:: SI I 41;: ::I::: ::::la It 1:;::; :;Ill: ;l:~:l 1*:1* :l;l;: ;:I::: ::::;; #I :*::I: ::l:;1 #I 1': ;:*iIi :;I::: 'Il,l; ::;; ::;;:; I; :::::a ::#:I; /:t !!::i: 1:::;: ;;ltll i!:':: ;i:: :;fl': ;I:':; :ii:i; :+;;: It:;:: :;:I:: :I:::: IiiiIi i::;:; ;:::I: ;:I::; ;:;:;; 1 4;: ;::'I; :;i:;; :I;:;: ::;:;; :::::: ;I#*l~ 1::::: :::::: ::,:I: :::;;: :I;: i::::; I1 1::::: :::I1: ;It;:; ;::::; I:::!; i:::;: $:~11 ::;::; II 1:;::: i:::;; I::::, !:I::: +I:;:: ;: /;;;: ;; ::i:;: 1:;::: 11 11,11~ I 1) 811 181,1: 11 I' I' :!*:I: I1 I I .\\ '\ ', '%' -\, '\ I I \" , " \\ '\ '\ '\ : 11 I ' \a\\ " x$#' I I 8' I '\ '\ ,' ', \ ' I ~~ "~ I -5- / N a me '\\,:$, "~~$$~8: : I I I ' Of '$b'\o 8a8,#.\Y,. ! ~"~""~"""""""""""""""""""""""""""~""."~""~~"""""""-"""","-- 1 Member $$%&p\.&t $,..'4 I I #.-I. I I I:!':: Dl :Unit No. 2 :From angle point north of Grand to Las Flores Drive - 6OS : ;right of way with 40' roadway: :$10.53 per front foot {$ 9.66 per front foot if City participates :$ 8.06 if no sidewalks :Properties not fronting on Jefferson Street, but who will ; !have indirect benefit of intersection: I : :Unit No. 1 Pine Avenue to angle point north of Grand Avenue I :will be 87 cents per front foot. :Unit No, 2 from angle point north of Grand to Las Flores ! jDrive will be 56 cents per front foot, $lR. FINIS JOHNSON stated that he circulated the protest in i jthe 2600 block on Jefferson; the people who live on Jeffer- i :son feel this is an important street; they feel the proceed-: \ings should be done over, and that the City should parti- ; pipate with gasoline tax monies. The property owners feel i Ithis is an unbearable financial burden for them to handle i pithout the help of the City. I I The Mayor advised Mr. Johnson that almost the entire I I :amount of gas tax funds accumulated is to be used for (Chestnut Street because of the safety of children to and i !from school; until this commitment is fulfilled, the City i v411 not be able to contribute from the gas tax funds. The : pity is willing to contribute 1/8th towards the Jefferson i Street project. I l There being no further oral protests in support of the I I britten protests, the Council concluded that portion of the i hearing. 1 I :The Mayor next invited persons to make any oral protests. { !There being no oral protests, the Mayor concluded that :portion of the hearing. I t :The Council then discussed the matter among themselves and ! :received a comment from the following: !HAROLD WEEKS stated that Jefferson Street needs paving; :however, he feels this street is an artery and should be i !given priority due to the fast traffic on Jefferson Street. i { JOHN BARHYDT, 2563 Jefferson Street, stated he has lived i {three years on Jefferson Street, and inquired of the Police; ;Department as to the speed limit on that street and was : jinformed it was 25 miles per hour, however he has never I I ;seen anyone drive 25 miles per hour on that street. {MR. JAMES MOORE asked that the Council please abide by the i :peoples* wishes by not proceeding any further on this ;project . I I :The Mayor informed Mr. Moore that the Council bad already j :proceeded according to the property owners8 wishes, and it : :has cost the rest of the taxpayers of Carlsbad. :MR. JAMES MOORE informed the Council that the majority of i :people feel the best thing to do would be to protest against: :the entire project and to hold the matter in obeyance for i ;one year. !Mr. T, Bruce Smith advised that it h2s been the policy of : :the Council to have the property owners pay for a 40' I I jstreet and the City contribute towards any additional width; ;He advised the Council they could overrule the protests, I !grant the protests, or continue the matter. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I % I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I a I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I t a; I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :iili; III ii: :::@d I1,II :;:;I; 11 :::I:I ::::I: ::;:I1 11 :::::: 1;;::: :::;:: ;::I:: ::;;:: :;::;; ::::&I ::;I:: :II::; ;:;::: I:' ::!t,l 1::: I,,:,* l;'*il :::::: ::;:;: ::#I:: i:!::: ;11;;: ;:::;; 1::::; ::;#&I q:::: :::;I* 11( 1:lI:: ::j::: :;l:tl 11 ::j::: ;;41: :I!::: 'I*$' I:: 1:: I:,:;: @l;:ll :: 1:: I:'::: ;:pl: /I::; :::ti; 11 ;:: I:: 1:t:;: :1::1: ::ti:: :::;:a lfil:: ::::I: :::;I: :::;:I ;:::;l 8: :;;;:; 8: :I:;t! ;::::; ::::I: h:::; :I 1:::;: :::::i {::::: ::{;I; lll:i; 4l1 ii::;: j::;:i :::::I I1 :I::;: ::!:I: IS ;::::: !::1;1 11;:: la;;:! #8::;; ;: ::;:I; ::::I 11 1:;1:: :l;::: ::/ ::41:* 1::: :::;I: :p:j; :;;::: :I:::: ::;:;: ::1,1; l:;l:l :::::: :::::: ji:::{ 1I:;l: i:: 8:; l:~:!l 1,II) 1:;1 1~~111 .I I I I I 1 'S8 ',,",, '\, '8, -', i 11 I , \\ ", ', ', '\ I I '\% \\' I I -6- I '\ \, \ 8' '\\ '\& 4 I I I I N a me '.,,'$$,,, I I of , o,+' '\ '$!A .-p t ; I '.f;.'$$&,$q+, ; :""""-"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~"""""""""""""" : Member ,O td ,,pp * \,o, I4 I I It' !\ii I ;; I I ;!I::: I 1::: I I i;:t:: I I b:d;: I !:#;I1 ;Ill I ::;I:; I I I:;::# ;!::;; l c ; Cwn. Sonneman stated that she realized this was a cost to the property owners, but she did not think that any ;would discount the values of their property, and was I I ::::,I :certainly in hopes that something could be worked out. I The City Manager stated that the Council has already i adopted this year's budget. We have earmarked $15,000 t for this project and he would certainly recomend against i i tapping the contingency fund for this project. I I !;::ta I ,!*:: I I I I I -1::; I I I 1 i Cmn, Grober stated that the Council was in sympathy with : I all of the property owners. 1 I i After discussion by the Council members a mot ion was made i Grober : and unanimously passed that this hearing be continued untillSonneman : November 17, 1959, at the hour of 7:30 P.M. in the Counci 1 i Ledgerwood ! Chambers , : McPherson !A short recess was declared by the Mayor at 9:07 P.M. The : \ meeting reconvened at 9: 30 P .El. I I I ! I I I I I I I I 1 I I i Improvement of Roosevelt Street - Assessment District :#5-1958 1911 Act. I ! I I I I I I I i The Mayor announced that the hour of 7:30 P.M. had arrived i ; and this was the time and place fixed for the hearing of i !protests, objections or appeals in respect of the assess- : i ment proceedings, and work under and pursuant to Resolution: i of Intention, Resolution No. 479, and the Improvement Act i i The Clerk presented the affidavits of publication, mailing,; Grober t and posting notice of hearing on assessment. By motion of jSonneman i the Council the affidavits were approved and ordered filed,; Ledgerwood ; of 1911. 1 I I I 1 I I I ; McPherson I I I I 1 The Clerk was asked to read all written protests. The i Clerk advised the Council that up to the hour of 7:30 P.M. i :no written protests had been filed in his office. :The Mayor asked if any person wished to make an oral pro- i i test? There were no oral protests. I I i The assessment roll was presented to the Council for their i i review. I There being no oral protests the Mayor concluded that i portion of the hearing. The Council then discussed the i i matter among themselves, The Attorney presented the : following resolution for the Council's review: 1 I i Resolution No. 586. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF iGrober : THE CITY OF CARLSBAD OVERRULING ALL PROTESTS ON THE ASSESS-! Sonneman i MENT, CONFIRMING THE ASSESSMENT AND CONFIRMING THE REGU- : Ledgerwood : LARITY OF PROCEEDINGS, for Assessment District No. 5-1958, iMcPherson i was adoped by title only, and further reading waived. I I I I I I I t I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 8 I I I I I 13. Wilson Street Sewers - Assessment District 4/2-1959 i 1911 Act Proceedings I I I I I I a I I :The Mayor announced that the hour of 7:30 P.M. had arrived,: i and this was the time and place fixed by this City Council ; : for hearing 0bjectiGa.s or protests on the proposed work, ! or the extent of the assessment district,or on the proposed: grades under the Resolution of Intention, Resolution No. i ; 574, providing for the construction of certain sanitary : i sewers and appurtenances, and appurtenant work in Wilson i : Street; 405.790 in Forest Avenue from Highlznd Drive to ; ;Wilson Street in Highland Drive from Forest Avenue souther-! i ly 216.98'. I I @ I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 :I:;;: 'I;* :@;::; :!;;:: :I:::: ; : :x! : I :xi !x: ; : I :xIx: : : :;l:ab I@ 111:1: I1 ;:;t:t ::':I: ::i;:: ,fiI:l i::;:! :i:;;: ;;:;;; i;ii:; 11~1:: i::::: ::; 1::: :;llll ::: ;1::1; :::;:' :::;;; ;::;I1 ; :x:x: I i ;x: :xi : I ; i ;x: i i : : :x! : : ::;:;: I' 4111; ;I:;:{ 4;;:i ::;I: !;ll;l t 1;::: :;::;I i ;:@ll! 1;::: :I,: :p1:: ::::I: 11;:1; ::;ti1 :; I :;:I ;: I:,:: I::::: ::::I; 811 ii:::; :x: ;xi : 8: 1 i :x:x; : : I i ;x: ; 1: ; i ; :x: 1 ::I:;: ;\!;;: I;::*: :;I::: ;::i:: :::It: :;*:I; :I:;:: :'*l'; ;::;:I ::;1:1 ;:;:4 1:;::: :I/:: 1-:;1 1:1111 :;::I: ::ii;i ::::i; :::!:I 4:;i: ::;I I: 1:;:;: 11 :;I:,; :!::;: Ill 18 1 I rx: i i I 04 111:1: 11 :1~1~1 181 -1 I I -8. '\* 'x. ", -,, ',. : .1' I I '\ 4 .f I I I \, .\ ', 8 8 . , \\' : I1 I '\ \, '\ 8, " '' i -7 - i Na me ",. '?& '\, "$$' i I I 01 j's', "8,f$ I I I "?d%,.9. #+, i I'l*ll,""I *$y@&~O\ :"""""""""""-""""""""""""""""""""""""""l"""""""""""-~-~"~~ 1,. I i Mamhor I 1 I) iii::; :The Clerk presented the affidavits of publication, mail- jGrober 'I 1 :x; i I ; ing and posting. By motion of the Council the affidavits iSonneman :X: :X; ; ; :were approved and ordered filed, ; Ledgerwood I : i X: : I I iMcPherson i :X:X: : i 8';l :The Clerk presented the following written protests: I I i:: 1:;: I I I I I :I:!;: I I 1 :;!I!! !Letter dated September 14, 1959, from T, B. Nelson, 2588 i :Highland Dr,, Carlsbad, stating he was opposed to the con- ; tstruction of a pumping station and sewer system in Assess- i fment District No, 2-1959 for the following reasons: I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1, Inefficiency of the present sewage disposal plant.; 4 2. Inferior workmanship by contractors and accepted i :by the City on sewer lines, sewer laterals, water lines and: :water service connections. t I I I I I 1 I 3, Paying for paving that will not exist. I I I I I !Petition dated September 11, 1959, signed by Mrs. Agnes i IN. Randall, Wilburn D, Gilbert, Louis P, Guevara, Pierre i !Andre, B. G. Thompson and W. J, Morrow, Mrs. W. J, Morrow, : :Victor L, Mivillo, Erminia S, Mivillo, Carl C. Calcara, I :Mary D, Calcara, Fern-Ellen Yarberry, G. F, Yarberry, Emily: IClift, Abner C. Clift, Lillian Southey, Derrile E. Southey,! ! and Margaret J. Gilbert, all of Wilson Street, stating lthey wished to bring to the Council's attention the follow-! i ing situation: :The properties on Crest Drive obtain their water from a I :line on Wilson by way of an easement, Many of the proper- I ! ties have utility easements and sewers could be laid in i :these easements. Therefore, Wilson Street property owners ; :would be paying for the entire area, Crest Drive is not i :in the sanitary district, and they feel this is unfair and ; !would like the Council to consider putting Crest Drive jinto this district, Furthermore, the property north of i ;Forest and west of Wilson is being bonded for frontage only/ :Property to the east of Wilson is not. This property has : i recently been sold and rezoned for subdivision. When Isewers are put in this property will, of course, pay for I :same, but they will connect with the booster pump station i ifor which we are going to be bonded in full. They further : :stated that this letter does not in any way constitute an I !objection to the proposed sewer on Wilson Street. I I !The City Engineer advised the Council that sewers cannot i :be laid in the same trench as water. If Crest Drive were i ! included in this district they would only be contributing : ; for 1/2 of the street, therefore, it would cost the propert$ i owners on Wilson Street more, As far as the property north: :of Forest and west of Wilson is concerned, the people on i !Wilson Street will benefit by having this property charged : :on a front footage basis, :MRS. SOUTHEY, 2618 Wilson, Carlsbad, stated she did not i :understand why if Crest Drive was included in the district : :it would cost the property owners on Wilson Street more., i i It was pointed out that in normal circumstances it would : :be cheaper, but due to the fact that Crest Drive would only: : be served on one side of the street, because of the ravine ; :on the opposite side of the street, it would cost the :property owners in the district more, :MR. BOLE W, KING, 2515 Wilson, asked how you are charged ! :if you have a corner lot, He was advised that he would be j !charged for the front footage of his property only, How- : lever, if his property was deep, and he sold off lots, he i :would have to pay €or the additional lots. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e' I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I ! I I I I 1 I I I I ! I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1;'1;i ;;::;; ::::;: 8::: ;:;'I# I!!:!: !;::I@ 1;;::; ::::;; !:+; ;Il:ll *I:::; 11 I:::,; ::::I: !;::41 #!#I!! la1 I- 1:;::: ::4:: ;;::;: :I::;: ;a1,11 11 ::;I:: $4:: ;::i:; ;::1:1 #;dl: ::;;:: ::;I:l lll:;; 4:1 :;: i:::ii @:;ll :ll:;: ;::;I: ;:;::: ;I1$; :ti;!: ;:ltt: :i:;:: ;I:1:: 1;;:;1 :::I;: ::::;: I::::: ::;;:i 1::::; I::;:; !!::!; :;:::: !;p;! ::I I:, :::;:: ;:I!;: 4;lll :::I 1: ii;iii IS ;:;:;: ;::I;: ::;::: 1;t::: 1;::': /:;;: ;::::a :I/:: ;:;::: :::::: !;I+! #;;I;: :;:;I: ;:/:I 1:;:: ::,I:: :;I::: :!!ii! ::a::: ::I:;: 1:;::: i:;;:: ;i:::: :::::: ::;::: I::::: ;:;I:: 1:;:;: i::;:: 118 ;I1 l;~tll I :II, 1)' ll~lb: l!~I!l -1 I .\' .- I \8 ',,\,, '8 '\88\, I 1 I I 8 \' \ ' ' '\,'\8'88 i 1; I -a- I '\ \\ \\ \ 8 . I 1 I I I N a me 8t '\%$, \\\ %&8 : I t : of "S.~, ' \p, I I 1 Member 9&,4J8+ ,o ',o ..&?',6'\; q& i :"""""""""""""-"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""-~"" !MR. TOM NELSON, stated he felt that 50% of the cost of the i :::!ij (pumping station was too much for the people on Wilson I p;::: :Street to have to pay. This is being designed for 150 I I :(;:;: :residences and an 8O@ line, which he felt was too large. I I +I:;; ::;tal :The City Engineer informed Mr. Nelson that this is designed! :I:::: ; for 80 residences and that the minimum specifications for I :ll 11 1 1:;::: jthe City of Carlsbad is an 800 line. I I 1:;:;: :As there were no further oral comments the Mayor declared i ft,:1; ithis portion of the hearing closed, The Council then I I :::;:* :::I:: :discussed the matter among themselves. The Mayor asked i ::1:t; ithe City Engineer what per cent of the total area to be i ;ll:l; :assessed for the improvement is represented by written I ;x;;; :protests or objections filed with the City Clerk. The City: ::I;:; ::;::I :Engineer advised the Council that due to the fact that the : ::::;: :protests were unfounded there was 0%. The Engineer of I ;::;I* !Work gave evidence to the Council that all of the lands ! ;:::;; i included in the district will be benefited. ' :. 5.- . . . I I:'# .. :I:: I ::,!Is s mj I :::I:: I I I I I I :@I:;: ::i::: IS I 1:; I 11 1- I.. !The Attorney for the project presented the following i resolutions for the Councilus review: 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I !Resolution No, 587. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF :Grober : THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, MAKING FINDINGS AND OVERRULING i s onneman i PROTESTS AND OBJECTIONS, Assessment District 2-1959, was :Ledgerwood :adopted by title only and further reading waived. . iMcPherson !Resolution No. 588. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF jGrober : STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND ORDERING POSTING AND PUBLICATION :Ledgerwood :OF NOTICES INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS OR BIDS for Assess- :McPherson fment District No. 2-1959, was adopted by title only and i I I I I i THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ORDERING THE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN : sonneman i further reading waived. I I I I I ! !Resolution No. 589. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF IGrober :THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DIRECTING THAT CERTAW Isonneman i STREET WORK BE DONE UNDER THE DIRECTION AND TO THE SATIS- :Ledgerwood !FACTION OF THE ENGINEER OF WORR, for Assessment District jMcPherson :No. 2-1959, was adopted by title only and further reading : i waived. I PLANNING: I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I1. Tentative Map of Bali Hai Subdivision. Resolution NO. i j129 of the Planning Commission was read wherein they ! I lrecomended disapproval of the tentative map of Bali Hai i i Subdivision for the following reasons: I I I I I I I I I 1 1, This subdivision would landlock several parcels of i :property in the area. I t I I I I I I I 1 I I 2. There is a drainage problem in the area. 1 3. In the interest of better planning, OOAst Street :should extend through to Chinquapin Avenue rather than i terminating in a cul de sac . i Letter dated September 10, 1959, f mm Kamptner and Holly, ! :Inc., wherein they stated they were acting as agents for i ithe developer, Kamar Construction Company, Inc., and wished: :to appeal the decision of the Planning Commission denying \ :the approval of the proposed subdivision. They request8d : :that the Council consider approval of the proposed sub- I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I a; ;division at their next regular meeting to be held on :September 15, 1959, I I I I I I ;The tentative map was presented to the Council for their ! :review and discussion. 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ill .i84 I:: lp::: I:: ::::;: i::::: : :xixi ; 4: I !x; :x: : i : 1 !x: ; ; ::: 1;: * :x;xi i i ;x: :x! t : i i :x: i : : ; :xi : : !:!;I: I* ;: ;:;i:! : : :xi ; : !xi :x: i ; : : jxi ; I i jxjxi ; 'I ; :I8 ltl:4; 1 ::i:i: ;: ::I::, I: ::::I: ::;::; ;::I:: :iiii: ;::::: :::::I '::::: ::::I: :::;I: :::;:: :::a /I::; I: j:;;:; /;::; :::I:; It' I;'::* I1 ::i::: :::i:: ::: :a: :;;1:1 ;:,I,, 114~: ::::I: 1I;l 0p;I ;I :I:: ;: 1;:::: 11 :;i:j: i:::;, It: :::;:: -11:: i:::;: 4:11; !::;:I :i:::: II ;$:; :!::!: ; ; Ixi ; i 11 (SI 1:a::: ;: ::;;:i ii;: ;: ;::::: +i -1 I I I I I \ ',x -\ \\ I I 8 I '\ ', '\, '\ '\,'\, I '\ I ', 8 'I '\, ', '\, : :I; I -9- I '\ " '' '8 '\,&8 * I i Na me 'x, '%&, '\, I I : of 'QL'$5J,+ %$, ; I Member '$3@8$4@%4 1- I I 8$\08, \ '!% ! i,,,".. """""""""-"""" """" "" * -"""""-"""""""" 2 "-""" ~ ""_ ~ ""_" I !ll.l I I MR. KAY KALICKA, representing the &mar Construction Com- , i pany, Inc., informed the Council they.had been working with! members of the City Engineering beparkment to try to work : ;something out with this property to the satisfaction of all! icolicerhed. The Engineering Department was satisfied with ; :their plan, and he was shocked over the decision of the I :Planning Commission, as he did not feel any of their I I !reasons were sound, and further, they were not able to give: !any suggestions as to changing the plan, This subdivision i :would not cause the surrounding property to be landlocked; I :as to drainage, there is a natural drainage and O'AQ' Street,; :he did not feel it was up to the subdivider to construct 1 i this through street. I I I I I !After considerable discussion by the Council the City :Engineer was asked if the Map complied with the subdivision: :Ordinance of the City, and he advised the Council that it ; :did, Cwn. Sonneman stated that she would like to make a i :motion to have the matter sent back to the Planning Com- : :mission for reconsideration. The City Attorney advised i i the Council that in accordance with Ordinance No, 9050 this: :could not be done, as the Subdivider was entitled to a I :decision by the Council within 10 days, After further :discussion by the Council the following resolution was :presented to the Council €or their review: I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I iiiii; ::;::: :::;#I I1 1 11 'I:;;: :::::; I::;:; :::I:, ::;I:: i;:::: ::::I; 1::: :::::I :::;:: ::;stl I1 :;l:ll ;Is: ::,;:; ;::1:1 11)11l I,!,, 1l;:l: :::;;; ::!:I; !:::I I1 ::I::; 11 :::::: :I,::: ;:;1:1 1::;:: :::I:: :I;::: 1: :; :::: ::,!Is I::: ::;#:I :I;:l; !Resolution No, 591, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF iGrober i ixixi 1 ; 8'; :HA1 TERRACE SUBDIVISION, was adopted by title only, and :Ledgerwood I I :Xi i i :further reading waived, iMcPherson i i !X I ; I1 : ! I l!!l!l -1 : THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, APPROVING THE TENTATIVE MAP OF BALI i Sonneman !x I :x : l l I :2. Tentative Map of Falcon Hills Subdivision. Resolution i !No. 130 of the Planning Commission was read wherein they i Irecommended approval of the tentative map of Falcon Hill ; :Subdivision, Unit No, 1. I !The tentative map was presented to the Council for their i Ireview, Mr. Ted Robertson, representing the Subdivider, ; :requested the Council to give some thought to the extension! jof Elm Avenue prior to the time they present Unit No. 2. ; :Mr. Robertson was advised that the City did not have suffi-l jcient funds for the engineering costs in this matter, I :After discussion by the Council the following resolution I :was presented to the Council for their review: !Resolution No, 592, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF : Grober i THE CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING TENTATIVE MAP OF FALCON I Sonneman :HILL SUBDIVISION, UNIT NO. 1, was adopted by title only i Ledgerwood i and further reading waived. ; McPherson !Mr. Robertson requested that the Engineering Department i lgive an alignment of the expansion of Elm Avenue. :3, Approval of Engineering Contract between City and i Pomeroy & Assoc. The City Manager advised the Council that i :Dr. Pomeroy had given a horseback guess of the maximum fee i i for their engineering services in submitting the figure of : I$25,000. Dr. Pomeroy submitted a proposed contract and the i !City Engineer, City Attorney and himself redrafted the con-: :tract, Their maximum fee in the contract is now $30,000. i ;Mr. Wagner of Pomeroy &- Associates was present and reviewed: :the contract with the Council, giving their reason for the i i increase in cost. The City Attorney asked Mr. Wagner if : :they felt they would have a preliminary report to submit i :prior to the election, and he advised the Council they . : I should have a fairly good idea of the rehabilitation needed! i for the present plant, and possibly the outfall. I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I #I I I I I 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I t 1 I 1 I I I I I I I ! 1"I') :::::; ;:::I, #I ;::;:; #:::I' I1 !;:;;I :::;:I ;::I:; :::I:; ;::;I; ;:::I; :I::;, I1 ;::@I1 1:;::: :::::: !::!:! :!:::I 4;::; ;I::,: :: I)I : ix:q : I 1 I :x: I 8: ::I ' : :xi 1 4 ;: !x: ;xi : : I: :::1:1 lj'lil :;;:;; :;':I: 1;:::; ::p;: ;;;::; I:;:;: I::::: ;:I:;: 1;::;: ::;:I; 11 :;:;:: ;::::I 4: 1:::;: :I;:;: ::::I: I@ ::;::: ::::I; ::;I:: ;::::; :::::: ;:;;:: I::::! ;::;:: :I:::; :i::i: !:::I: 1;:::: :;::;: !t:!l! -1 I I I I I I '\ '\ .\ '\ 1' -\ I I '\ 8 '8 ', '\,'\, I -10- I i Name 8.8 '+& \, '3' I '8 '8 '\ ', , 8 8, '\ 88 8 8 ' i 14 8 \' I I I ,&& '8 .a I ~ i of $&$&&;?$$ : I ::::;, I .; I i McPherson I I X I : ; I I I I); ~"""""""""1,-""""""""""""""""""""""..""""-~"""""""","~""~-~"~' I Member ,o',08,p0'0'8' !By motion of thie Council the contract was approved for the i Grober si $q f : :engineering se$vices, and the Mayor was authorized to i Sonneman i $ X : i i :execute the coetract on behalf of the City. I Ledgerwood i : b i ! : ! I :::::: I I :CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: ! I #:.!:I I 1 ::;::: I I ::If11 I I ;I*: icondemnation pdoceedings for easements re: Assessment :District No, 3,1958, The City Attorney informed Mr. Don f jPrest that a rtolution was adopted at the adjourned meet- i jing of the Cou cil held on September 8, 1959, authorizing : ;her to cmence condemnation proceedings. Mr. Smith, I !attorney for the 1911 Act proceedings, informed her that he ! hould have the /Resolution of Intention prepared for the I beeting of Octdber 6, 1959. As far as they can ascertain i ithe property oiners on Clearview should have sewers in 5 ; bonths . I I !Complaint of birking dogs, Ordinance No. 3036. The Council 1 !was zdvised thdt several complaints have been received I !regarding barkhg dogs. According to our present ordinance,; :the continuous barking of dogs is prohibited Q'at late hours?; !however, the complaints received recently pertain to the i :barking of dogs in the daytime. Due to these complaints ; !an emergency ordinance was prepared for the Counci 1's revie?, :ammending Ordinance No. 3015, and deleting the words, I I :*Pat late hours,q* I ! I I I I I I I I I 1 I 'ii::; (11 ::::;: ::;i:: ;;::ii ;lI;lt 1:;::: l:;l:; :;;:;: :;p#I ;:I:;: l;;:t* ;:":: I:;; :I I:!!:; It :I; :;I::; ;1:;:4 ;:'I;: 1:::;: ;:I:&@ I;;:;; 11:; ::;##I :;l:81 ;:::;; 11 +;:;I: :;:::* I#(' .1 18) I(I8 ;I l!ll!! [Ordinance No. 3036. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. i Grober :3015 OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, WHICH MIOPTS ORDINANCE NO, ; Sonneman i ~ ;X: : : !lo31 (NEW SERIES) OF THE COUNTY OF SAS DIEGO, RELATING TO i Ledgerwood i i : $ I ' : PESTRAINT OF DOGS BY OWNERS. : McPherson : : $4 : I; l i ,- I i+ : : 58 I . 1 ::!I:: I !Arguments for bond issue. The City Attorney informed the ; :Council members that the arguments for the sewer bond issue i :had been filed today. I I :Drainage ditch easement* Originally Mr. Krepps was offered: :$1,000 for an easement for drainage purposes. Re came back i jwith a counter proposal which came to $3,100, plus a cement ; ;block wall. The Council discussed this matter at the last i \regular meeting. The City Engineer, City Attorney and City i :Manager were instructed to negotiate with Mr, Krspps, and i jthat that portion of the ditch was to be constructed under- I :ground. The City offered him $500.00, but he is not will- ; jing to accept this offer, and he was advised that the City?? :only alternative would be condemnation, He felt this would; !be the only fair thing to do. The City Attorney stated she i :felt he was being unreasonable due to the fact that the ; !Council agreed to construct the easement underground. She i irecommended that the Council adopt a resolution authorizing: !her to commence proceedings for condemnation of his propert$, :The following resolution was presented for the Councilqs : jrevi ew: I I I I I I I I I 5 I I : :Resolution Number 593. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF I Grober :THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, .WTHORIZING CONDEMNATION OF CERTAIN ; Sonnem8.n :PROPERTIES FOR AN EASEMENT FOR RIGHT OF WAY FOR DRAINAGE i Ledgerwood :PURPOSES, was adopted by title only, 2nd further reading :McPherson Saived . I 1 :CITY MANAGER g S REPORT: :The City Manager advised the Council a letter had been :received from the San Diego County Boundary Commission !giving notice that a petition had been filed for the in- :corporation of a city to be known as g@MarbelloP1, which hould include the area known as Leucadia, Encinitas and Cardiff. The Mayor: requested that the boundaries be checked: ko see that this area does not include any of the Municipal ! Mater District, and that a report be made back to the Coun- ; kil at the next regular meeting, ! I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I 4 I 5 I I L I I I I I * I I I I I I I I t I ;;;:I; ::;I 84: I ;;I*:: ::.!la :I:: ::i;:: ::::If 11 i::::; :::I:: 1:;::1 ::;::: :;I::: i;::;; ::::If ;::::; :1:::1 I,Il(I ::::I; ::!:I: ~:l:l; :I 1:;::; ;;;I:: a::::: :l:::: ;: :::; $*::I; ;i ;;:j:: I$ :$ ; i ::I I;;$:; :x: i : i :*xi ; i :a::;; 4:;:: l;*l:l 11 I(::: I1 It ::11:: ::::I: l!!l!l *i;1;e ::;::i :a1:;; $1 1,:::: ::;:;: :II:I: :::::; :::::I 1::1;1 ::::;: i.:;:;: ;:I::; :::::: 1::::: 111 :j:::1 8:: :!*:I: Y'I 1 ',, \, -,, ' ' . I \ 8 \' I I \\ ', b ', '\\',, I I !I I 1 ; of ,QL\%\g\ '?&, ; I -11- I i N a me ', fa. '\, ',$. .I ',,4$38, '\ '!% : ~"""""""~"""""""""""""""""~""""~""~""~""";-..""-"~"~"""""""- I Member ~~@,&~$$,~ I I IJt 1 i::;:; :Notice of Publfc Hearing from the State Highway Commission : 1:: 11) :to be, held in Qceanside, October 15; 1959, at 1O:OO A.M; i ;;:I:: 1;;::: iregardirig the Vista Way Freeway, By common consent the I JIIIlI ;City Engiheer and City Attorney were instructed to attend ; I:;:: I :this tneeting.. I I:;::# I ::;:la I I ;:It:: ;Letter dated September 15, 1959, from the Carlsbad Chamber ! ;l::l: ::I::: :of Commerce, extending their congratulations for the I I ::;:I; !aggressive approach to the County Board of Supervisors in i 41:;: :obtaining the riortherly route to Palomar Airport. By ::: 1:: !common consent :of the Council the letter was ordered filed. ; :;:;I; 14;t:l I Io I:: !Letter from teqevision station KFMB in san Diego, requestin4 ;:I:;! :a resolution f om each city in the County, commending I #I:;:+ I ::pi: :Harold Keen fo I his years of service to the public. The i !q:;: :following reso ution was presented for the CouncilQs I I ::;:;: japproval: I I I I I i;;:;: 1 I 1,1:1: :Resolution NO. 594. A RESOLliTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF i Grober : :xxi i ; I: :THE :4 CITY OF c LSBAD, EXTENDING APPRECIATION TO WOLD KEEN ; Sonnemn ;x i $ j : : !FOR SERVICES RqNDERED AS Q* MR. NEWS" OF THE S.Ql DIEGO COmT$Ledgemood ; i ? ; 1 ! :was adopted byititle only, and further reading waived, : McPherson i i :X I : I ! I *l.!l* I , \'\ ', , ' \\ '\ ', ' \ ' I I --- t I m1 I 111 I I I I I I I :#:I $ 1 ;dl1 I I :Letter from the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce requesting a i :meeting with tQe City Council and other City Officials to I joutline the sewer bond issue. I !Letter from the Carlsbad Realty Board, stating they would : :adopt a resolution endorsing the sewer bond issue, pro- I hiding the City would furnish them with information con- I icerning the issue. 1 I I I 1 I I I I I 1 J I I I I :After discussion by the Council it was agreed that an i :adjourned meeting be held on September 23, 1959, at 7:30 i :P.M. in the Council Chambers to outline the bond issue. I !The City Manager was instructed to notify the Carlsbad I I :Chamber of Commerce and the Carlsbad Realty Board of this i '+meeting. I !Harbor Commission Meeting. The City Manager informed the i :Council that ttie Harbor Commission had met last evening and ; :submitted the following memorandums: I pernorandun frT the Harbor Commission dated September 14, i 11959, recommending that the City Council establish fees for ; !boats using the Lagoon. They recmended $1.00 per land- i jing or $25.00 ger year. Some of the landing operators at ; :the Lagoon were present and protested this fee. Cormis- i kioner Allen was present, and after considerable discussion : :by the Council, suggested that the landing operators meet ; Wth the Harbor Commission at their next meeting, and per- ; !haps they can come back to the Council with a satisfactory i jrecommendation. I kmorandum fr& the Harbor Commission, recommending that a i :Harbor District be formed, and that the boundaries include i :the boundaries of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. I Qarbor Commissioner Allen pointed out that several changes ; bere made regarding boat harbors at the last legistlature i phich would behefit the City. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I py common consent of the Counci 1 the matter was referred to i $he City Attorney for a further report. OlAmNT OF BrLis AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL: I 1 I I t 1 & I I I kuthorization was given for the payment of bills for the i Grober beneral expensPs of the City in the amount of $4,886.05, i Sonneman gram September'l, 1959, to September 15, 1959, as certified ; Ledgerwood by the Directod of Finance and approved by the Auditing i McPherson Committee. I I I I I I I 1 I I I J I I I I I I 1 :;;:in ;I:::! l::t;l !;4+ ;'I ; ; :;:::; iiii:: I' 81 ::I::: 11 !;;I:: 1;;;:: ::I:;: :'::I: ;::Ill ::::!: ;:;I:: ;:::I, @I; :::::; 4::;: ;:::I ;:;I:: 4:::: :I;:;; I:;:tl ~11:1* ::!I:: :~i:i: ;:;I:( :::::: ;:I::: 1::::; i:p:; ': 4;:;; ::::;; ::::I: I:;;:, :::I:! !::!;I ;::;:I ;::::; 1:1111 ll;l:l ::::;I 1:::;: ::;::: ;i:::: ::/:e I:': ::i;:: iLiii ;:;/t 18: 4:;:: v::;: 1:::11 ;:;1;1 1p::: ::ii:: !:::I: 11 ; :xixi I i :xi :x; : * : ; :x: I i : : !x: ; : 1::::: ::I:*; :::;:: l;;l;l :!I:!: :ll;l; by. I I I I t I -12- I I I I I"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""- I # :Authorization was given for the payment of bills for the :Water Department from September 1, 1959, to September 15, :1959, in the amount of $11,822.81, as certified by the :Director of Pinhnce and approved by the Auditing Consnittee. !Ratification of: the payroll was given for the first half :of September, 1i959, in the amount of $12,927.44 as certi- Ified by the Dirjector of Finance and approved by the Audit- ling Committee. ~ I I I ! i :ADJOURNMENT: 1 I I 1 By motion of tde Council the meeting was adjourned to !Wednesday, Septjember 23, 1959, at 7:30 P.M., in the Council :Chambers, ;The meeting wa$ declared adjourned at 12: 30 A,M. I I I I I I 1 :Respectfully stibmitted, I I I : -- .,..,, " jh&AREd E ADhS I .y&& -2 2 (g; - (;/AM < :Deputy City Cl4rk I I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I . 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