HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-10-06; City Council; MinutesI 1- I ', ', '* ., '* -8 I :CITY OF CARLSBAD C 1TY COUNC IL IMinutes of: I I 8, 'x '\, \ \ I :Date of Meeting: October 6, 1959 i N a me ', '\!& '8, '8@8 I :Time of Meeting: 7:OO P. M. '\$'$??,, ', *$A i :Place of Meeting: Council Chambers I I 8, ', *, '\ 't '* I I " \\ '\ '* ' .,,'..;.14 4 i : of ,Ob,,,,., >p..i. 1 I ::*;;; ;:#;I* :I1 I ll:;lt 1 1:;I:: I :;;;:: 9 I i2:;; 1"""""-"-""-~""""""""""""~~"""""""""""""""l""~"""""""""~"~~~l i Member '6\<h' ,o '0 ..PP',O ~8'"<*~, : ,!ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Grober, Ledgerwood, \ i::::: isonneman and McPherson. Also present were City Manager ; :Palkowski and City Attorney Hayes. fINVOCATION was offered by Councilwoman Sonneman. mi I I I I It I1 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 :APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ; 1. Minutes of adjourned regular meeting of September 8, IGrober i1959, were approved as submitted. ; Sonneman I I I I t I : Ledgerwood I I iMcPherson I f 1 I i 2, Minutes of regular meeting of September 15, 1959, :Grober :were approved as submitted. i S onnernan I ;Ledgerwood I : McPherson i 3. Minutes of adjourned meeting of September 23, 1959, iGrober :were approved as submitted. : Sonneman I I I I I 1 1 , I : Ledgerwood I :McPherson I I I I I I I I I 1 I ;CORRESPONDENCE: * : 1. Letter dated September 27, 1959, from Mrs. Margaret i i W, McConnell in which she stated she would like to let the i {Council know what an asset the Maxton Brown Sanctuary is, ; i and that they were happy to learn that the lagoon is to i I remain as is for the present, By comnon consent of the : ;Council the letter was ordered filed, i 2. Letter dated September 25, 1959, from the State i Division of Highways, in which they attached Amendment 1 No. I to the current City-state Maintenance Agreement, : together with resolution authorizing the Mayor and City i i Clerk to sign the agreement on behalf of the City. The i i follawing resolution was presented for the Council*s : approval: i Resolution 8600. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE i Grober I CITY OF CARLSBAD APPROVING AMENDMENT NUMBER 1 TO AGREEMENT : Sonneman : FOR MAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAY IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, I Ledgerwood i was adopted by title only, and further reading waived. : McPherson 1 J I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l a t I I I I I I I I I I I b I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I t I I I 1 I I 4 1 I I I L I 3. Letter dated September 30, 1959, from Doctors Ronald i C. and Floyd L. Packard, dentists stating they were practict ing in the Oceanside and Carlsbad area and were interested i in errecting a medical building in Carlsbad. They were ; interested in the property owned by the City located at i the corner of Elm and Madison, previously occupied by 1 8 Keenan Car Company, and if the City were interested in i selling the property to please inform them of the terms. ; After considerable discussion by the Council, it was felt : that due to the fact that this property had been earmarked ! for the expansion of the Library, the City owns such littld property, and that this is valuable property, the property ; Grober should not be sold. By motion of the Council it was agree$ Sonneman that the parties should be informed this property is to be :Ledgerwood used for the Library and therefore not for sale. i McPherson I, Application requesting a sewer connection by Alice i Grober Amundson was presented and approved by the Council. : Sonneman I J i Ledgerwood ; McPherson I : Public Hearings: 7:30 P.M. I I t I I I I t : 1, Chestnut Avenue Sewers - 1911 Act - Assessment: Dis- ; \ trict W4-1959. I I I 1;;1;* 11(lll ::::;: 1::;:: ! ixtxi ; ; !x: :x: : : ; : ;xi ; ; : i :x; 8 ; i:: :i: :xi :xi ; : I :xixi : : :::l t ::Il;: 1 :xixi : i : : :x: i ; : : ;xi : i ix': :xi ; I ::::;: ;;*l:t ;;;:Is ;It;:: 1:;4:: ::;:;: :;':;: :;;:I: :;; '9; I t:;:;: ::::,I 81 1 ;pI;: ;;I1 /::;: #I::;: I1 ::::I' I:,::: i:'::: ;: #I( 1;;:;: I* I* 84 I I' ; 1 :;; ; i 11 ('1)11 $1 )I' ;' ii;::: I:;: ; ; rxi ; : i$ :xi i ; :::xi: 38 ; :dx; : i 11 :I::!; 1::::; ::pi: :J ;:::;: ::I::: If *;;:;: I::::: 1::t;: ::;::: ;:;::; ;::;:; :i:1:; :I;::l ; ;q$ ; i b: ;x; i i :;:x:; :;;q!; :!:I;; I3 ii i : ::jx:: ;:;d:i I i#q : : :; I+ii ;:::;I 11 :ll'l~ I,:# 1:J:t; 11 I")*( I* ::lJ:; :::::; :I:;ll :!::I: I t I I I 1 I ;i:i;; :!:::: I I I 1' I!:;!: 1- I I I ;::~:i I I !:J:b: 1 I I .l;I1l ::,!:! .t I 'I I '\ - ' I I I I I ', '8, '.,"~."',:',,~ 4 5 i I .-2.. 1 "\, '8, '\, ', '\ 8 I I I '*i?$$+ ', ,*x l 1 i t Member Of '\L\\O\\.p\,ct\\%\\\ '$@\+'9'$b8: :::;:I J !:I;;; :I' ,4:;; 1 I I i !dame \, '.$, '\,'\a 8 '$$, i :""""""""-"-"""""""""""""""""""""""""""-~,.""""~""""..""""" * i The Mayor announced that the hc*Jr of 7:30 P.24; having i ';:it arrived this was the time and placz fixed for the hearing i 1 of protests, objections or appeals in respect of the Lssessk :merit proceedings, and work under and pursuant to Resolutioni I:!::: i of Intention No, 522 and the fmprovment Act of 1911. The :Grober I :x;$ I i : Clerk presented the affidavits of publication, mailing and \ Sonneman i X: :X{ : I i posting notice of hearing on the assessment. By motion of ; Ledgerwood i i i X: ; ; t the Council the affidavits were approved and ordered filed.: McPherson ; i i Xi : : : .The Clerk certified that no written protests had been i i filed in his office up to the hour of 7:30 P.M. i The Mayor asked if any persons wished to make an oral i I protest. There were no oral protests. t As there were no persons present indicating a desire to i I be heard, the matter was closed to the public end the I 1 ijjiij : Council took the matter under consideration. The Assess- i i ment roll was reviewed by the Council and the following : : resolution was presented for the Councilso consideration: i : Resolution #595. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE i ::::;; i CITY OF CMLSBAD OVERRULING ALL PROTESTS ON THE ASSESSMENT,; Grober ;$ !x: i ; t CONFIRMING THE REGULARITY OF PROCEEDINGS, for Assessment I Sonneman i i X $ : : I District No. 4-1959, vas adopted by title only and further ; Ledgerwood i ; i X: i i : reading waived. i McPherson i : : $ : I i 2.. Classification of certain property 8s Zone WBQ. The i i Clerk certified as to publication of notice to hold a I public hearing. Resolution No, 133 of the Planning Corn- i :::I I:; : mission was read wherein they recommended classification : I of certain property known as a portion of Lot K and a I ;ti1 I portion of unnumbered Lok North of Lot J, Rancho Agua i Hedionda, Map #823, being the most easterly 75.64 acres i ::;i;i I of Tax Assessorqs parcel 4, Book 70RA, Page 13, of the ; Assessor's Map of San Diego County. There were no written i :::;I; ; or oral protests. The question of a traffic problem on i I:;:;! i Vista Way if this property were zoned 'PIndustrial@3 was I I :ii$; 11: : raised, and the Council was informed that according to the i :I, i proposed plans for Vista Way there would be a cloverleaf ; i near this are3, The Public Hearing was closed and the I ; following resolution was presented for the Council's I I ;:;::: : review: : Resolution #5?Q. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE : i CITY OF CARLSBAD, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND DECISION i Grober : REGARDING CLASSIFICATION OF CEiiTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY I Sonneman i I 3 I( : ; 8: i OF CARLSBAD TO ZONE Ws, was adopted by title and further i Ledgerwood 1 I i X: i ; ! reading waived. : McPherson ; : : 4 : I I1)l'I i 3, Weed Abatement Program. The Public Works Director I ;::';; ;::;:I i presented a list of properties in which the weeds had been! ;;:::: ! removed in accordance with Resolution No. 549, whereby ! :tl:l: I the Public Works Director was ordered to abate such nui- : 1:;:;l :::;:; i sanee, if the property owner failed to remove the naisanco.i ::p:; ; The Mayor announced that the Council would hear all protest;s :::::I i or objections from any or all persons desiring to be heard i i::::: i as to the amount charged them for such work. I :Ill I I I i::::: I I 1 I ;::i:i ; : M?3. KiTTCMEiJ stcted he was not here to protest but wished: ;::;i: i to pay the anount due. Mr. Kitchen was informed the I I :::::: ; City Treasurer would accept his payment, I I :::::: I I I I ;:I:;: 4 1;:::: ; There were no oral or written protests, and the hearing: Gmber i:c4:: I was declared closed by the Mayor. By motion of the Counci$ Son.neman : 4 i 4 t ' : the assessment as presented by the Public Works Director i Ledgerwood i : i $ ; ; ti i was conf inned. i McPherson ; i 4 'c, ; , I I I I ::;I:: I I : I ::4;: 1 I ::::I; I I I I :I;::; I I I I :::::; I I I I ;::I 1 I :;:::: #I 11 1 I I I I;::;! II 18 I i;::;: I I ll:;lt I::,:: ;;I:;: 1I::l; I I ii: /i: I ;l:l 1: I I ;::;i: 4: 14; ::!!I: :;!:I; I1 I t I :::::: I 1 i::;:: I@ I I I I $1 I I* I 1 I I ::::i; !I: 111 1:;::; I :::I:: i::::: I ;: /;::: I I I I 1::::: I I ::@Ill fi1:::: I::::: ;:l:l! p:::: I I /;::: I I 1 I ::;::: i:;;;: :i s; i i I I I I "" I I III .' II I I I I llgl;I I I I I :::;;; /I::: I t I I I I !It;&; 'i:';; "*'!I a, I I 'I I I .88,,'~\,'~8,.8\,~\8~,, 1 4 6 I I I ." t 1 I \, ', \ ", 's '\ I I -3- ; Name '.\$&,, y*+. \\ 3, j I I 1 : of :abl;8 , I I:!!l4 I i Member <?d%, \&'@$%'8\o.\ .p" 4% : * ~"""""""""""""~""""""~"""""~""-~""-"--*--"-----l--"----------"---""-~--"~ I I - , I ENGINEERING : I I I )I I I I I ! 1. Clearview-Skyline Sewers - 1911 Act Proceedings - ict 3-1958, The Council was advised that i :Assessment Distr: :condemnation proceedings had been filed on the property : !necessary for the easements, and the plans and specificatiojs :had been completed by the Engineering Department; therefore: ithe City was ready to proceed in this matter. The following jresolutions were presented for the Councilts approvzl; I I I I 1 iiiiil p:;;: I( 4;;;: ::::ts ::18:: ;::;I' I1 ":;;; !:;:I* l:Ii:: :;:'I; Il:ii;' :I: 11 1 :;l:tl 11 !l:!ll I I :Resolution 8597. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE :Grober iment District #3-1958, was adopted by title only and :Ledgerwood ! I :Xi : ; :further reading waived, :McPherson : 1l;:l i l I I : !Resolution f598. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE i !*,;I1 !CITY OF CARLSBAD MPROVING PUNS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR :Grober ix: :xi : I :for Assessment District No, 3-1958, was adopted by title :Ledgerwood ; I :X: i i ;only and further reading waived, :McPherson i i :Xi : i :Resolution #599. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE t l:'*;l (1)11 ;li~&a 8 :x:xi i i I TY OF CARLSBADI CHANGING THE ENGINEER OF WORK for Assess-iSonneman ixi jx: ; : I It I 1 I I 18;I:: :;;I'+ II :SANITARY SEWER WORK, AND APPROVING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT MAP, isomeman : \x !xi i : I I I I ;i:':: ;1;::4 i c ITY OF CARLSBAD DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ORDER THE CON- i :AND APPURTENANT WORK IN SAID CITY; DECLARING THE WORK TO BE i :::::: ;::;:; !THE DISTRICT TO BE BENEFITED BY SAID WORK AND TO BE ASSESSE~ l;;l:l tl;::: :TO PAY THE COST AND EXPENSE THEREOF; DETERMINING THAT BONDS : :;4:: !SHALL BE ISSUED TO REPRESENT ASSESSMENTS TO BE LEVIED; AND i ::I I ::); :FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING PROTESTS AND OBJECTIOdS Grober : , $$x; : 4' : !TO SAID WORK OR THE EXTENT OF THE DISTRICT TO BE ASSESSED, i sonneman ;x i :x : \ i :OR BOTH, AND GIVING NOTICE THEREOF, was adopted by title : Ledgerwood i : % i i i :only and further reading waived. i McPherson I : !X i ; I I 2, Approval of final map of Linda Estates Unit C1, The i :City Engineer presented the final map of Linda Estates Unit: !#I1 and advised the Council it complied with Ordinance #9050: ll$*; jof the City. By motion of the Council the final map of ;Linda Estates Unit 81 was approved, and the City Clerk Grober ::ti:: !instructed to sign such map at such time as Improvement Sonneman $ : $ ! : ! ;Agreement had been entered into between the City and the $edgerwood : : 8 ; : : ISvbdivider md proper securities had been posted, McPherson i i 4 $ : i I I 1; @:I : 3. Approval of final map of Falcon Hills Unit #lo The i :City Engineer presented the final map of Falcon Hills # I ;I!::' :Unit #l and advised th2 Council it complied with Ordinance I i::::; W9050 of the City. By motion of the Council the final map ; bf Falcon Hills Unit #l was approved, and the City Clerk prober 4%::: :instructed to sign said map at such time as an Improvement fionneman k: l bi : I &greement had been entered into between the City and the Ledgerwood ; : X : : I Subdivider and proper securities had been posted. WcPherson : 3( b i i 1 SI I I ;I:::; :::;I' :STRUCTION OF CERTAIN SANITARY SEWERS AND APPURTENANCES :OF MORE THAN LOCAL OR ORDINARY PUBLIC BENEFIT; DESCRIBING i I I I I ::I 'c ;::::; ;:/I; ;:;!:I 1 ::::i: l :I ll:'l; I I :;::I: :;:':: ~~l;: I' :::i;: I *I. ! I I I t : 4, Application for water service outside City Limits 0 ; benry Butler- The Council was advised that an appl icarion i lfor water hsd been made by Mr. Henry Butler, whose propprty : " bas located outside the City Limits. It was his intention- i :to have the line extended presently being used by the Isaacs:. Fhe Engineer informed the Council the City would purchase i Fnd install the pipeline, 'He estimated the cost would be ; $2,136.00, which would be paid by Mr. Butler, and Mr. Butler! ftJould do the trenching and filling himself, The City pngineer recommended that Mr. Butler's request be granted, i but that no further extension be made of this line under :Grober $he present system. By motion of the Council Mr. ButlerOs i Sonneman Fequest will be granted but no further extensions are to :Ledgerwood be made to this line under the present water system. i McPherson i 5, Weed Abatement Program. The Council was advised that i $n additional list had been prepared of pxoperries creating : 3 public nuisance, i.ew, weeds, and a resolction had been i hrepared ordering the Public Works Director to abate such i I I a# I I I ;i;;i; '::;I' :::I:: ;;It1: 1:::; ::;l:l :;I:#: :l/:~ ,:I::: :a:::: :::'I: l:;:;l :I,:;: *I; l:~l:l ;I:;:: : ; !xi ; i :xi ;xi 'r *I I i : :x; ; I : :x:x: ; ; II ~l:~l@ !ll!U! ;-;;; :::, I: I (I:l I!!:!: :I;::: :::::: I8 t .. :c 4 ;;I '*;I J I:1; I I +:;,I, (IO ! !llb!l I I I t I ::;:;I I I I I i::::; I I ,I I I I I -\ . \ ., '\ ,, -\, '.,'\, I I I , ' \ 8. , ,147 i t I k f of Y+\O ,,&)J%, 0 \+* ' t t I '\\ '8, '\\ , \ ' : Member ,0.@,5+?',&8 ~""""""~""~""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~~""""--"--"------"--- ! I!!:!: ' \' I ..4* I I N a me '8, '?$,,, '\, .&', i 1 \.+p\w\P +', i ;'I ' *4 . ',a\ I 0 :nuisance. The following resolution was presented for the : CouncilPs approval: I I I I I ;;iIifi t;*:;: l1;Il; :;;:;1 !ll;l! I !Resolution #590. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD I I ;Ilia' :DECL~ING WEEDS AND TRASH UPON CERTAIN PROPERTIES To BE A : Ill::; \ PUBLIC NUISANCE, AND DESCRIBING SUCH PROPERTY; ORDERING THE! :PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO ABATE SUCH NUISANCES, SETTIW TmEiGrober : :xixi : : i AND PLACE FOR HEARING OF OBJECTIONS TO TEZ PROPOSED ORDER I SOnnemn ix! i x: : 8; ; ;OF AB~~TEMENT, was adopted by title only and further reading:Ledgerwood i I i:i [ : : waived. i McPherson :;;:" : PLANNING : 1:;1:1 ::;f$I ;;l:l' 11 I 1 I I 1 IJ ::::I: I ::; ::: I I I :;l:tl ,.*! I I I ; 1. Request €or City owned property - Grant, At the !previous meeting of the Council a request was made by John ! :H. Grant for use of City owned property for sidewalk and oft- :street parking. The matter was referred to the Planning : :Commission. Memorandum from the Planing Comission dated i :September 24, 1959, recommending that the curb, gutter and i :sidewalk on the southerly side of Oak Street, between I I iCarlsbad Blvd. and Lincoln Street. be c0.1~ T rtructed conti- :guous to the property of Mr. Grant in accordance with the i !standards of the City Engineer, and taking into consider- 1 :ation the fact that the property is in a C-2 Zone. It was i ithe Planning Commissiones opinion that, in view of future : ;commercial development in this area and the area's proximiti !to the State Beach, that full utilization of the entire :Grober 180' right-of-way should be reserved for public use. By iSonneman :motion of the Council the request of Mr. Grant was denied i4Ledgerwood :accordance with the findings of the Planning Commission. :McPherson :NEW BUSINESS: I 1, Proclamation. Letter dated September 23, 1959, ad- ; :dressed to the Mayor from the Lions Club, requesting the i Mayor to proclaim October 9th and 10th *$White Cane DaysQQ : !was read. The City Attorney presented a Proclanation for I :the Mayor's signature declaring October 9th and 10th jppWhite Cane DaysqQ. I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I L I I I I I I I I 1 I I I i The City Attorney informed the Council that the Mitchie :Publishing Company, who were hired to codify the City !Ordinances, have requested that any new ordinances that :are contemplated in the near future that the City desires :to have printed in the first edition of the codification, :be adopted and sent to then for printing within the next itm or three weeks. The Department heads have been con- itacted and the following ordinances have been prepared for :the Council's review: brdinance No. 4001 (I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD :FIXING RATES FOR WATER AND WATER SERVICE SUPPLIED BY THE hA;TER DEPMTMENT OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, AND PROVIDIE5 aULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNIPJG THE SUPPLYING OF WATER MU'3 i+iP.TER SERVICE, was given a first reading. I 4 :;si:: 8 ;i:::: ::;: ::: ;;l:J1 ::: 111 ::I!#' 11;: ::;at: :::: I*:;;; $Ill# ::;::: ::: :;: l:;*$l sl:~l~ I' lgl::: *vl:;l ::is:: :I ::I;:: i ; ;x: i i :x: ixi ; : :r : :x: ; i : ix:xi : : :::a:; :::;i; i:::;: ii!ii! :: 1:::; ::I :::;I' ::: $8 1;;;; 1: ;;#'I: :::::t '#It l*!Il I I I I 8 I 1 I 1 I I I I I t I I * I I I I 4 t I I I Grober i Sonneman : Ledgerwood : McFheraon 11;' ::;;:I 1: ;;::I1 @I!:;: ::I:): i:::;; is:;, '*; ::;::: ::I::: ::::;: 11 )I1 :::::: :I@::: : :$$ i I +: ;x: ; ; I : :x: i ! q:$:! ! :::::: :;I:;: I I I I ;;ai;; brdinance No. 802. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CtlftLSBALi, brsber iiaii: 'NNDING ORDINANCE NO* 8025, BY ADOPTING THE WESTERN PLUMBING Sonnemm k i x i i i ~~FICIALSQ UNIFOE4 PLUMBING CODE OF 1958, was given a first &edgerwood : s k i : I kead ing . PcPherson i b X ; : : I I l;~l:l I ?t:!l! brdinance No. 8032. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD f;rober : kxi: i Is k3s given a first reading. tecigerwood i i X : I : wcpherson ; I s i : i I :;*::I I1 Prdinance No. 8033. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CMCSBAD lGrober ;x: ;xi ; i PEGULATING TRAILER PARKS AND AUTO CAMPS, was given a firs: i Sonnman ; :X: X: : : treading. : Ledgerwood i I :X; i i I I iMcPherson i I i Xi : i I ;::/I I 1 1 /I::: I t :!:I:@ I I i:::;: 1 I ;:::;: I I:::!: REGULATING GRADIE, EXCAVATIONS, FILLS, AND WATER COURSES, Sonneman k i p i : ; q 5 I 1 I I I I I I I I , I 1:s: 1 1 I 'I .. I I I I I 'yp, y+, 14 8 i I \\ '\ '\' ', '\\'\\ I i Name' 1' x,, '8& ' '.,"?$3' i I \8 8& 8 I I I' of '%$8 ' '3' : i Member .,o~c,..p~o~,o, '\$P#~J'+ ' p, ; :""""~"""""""""""""""-"""""""L""""""""""~"~"""""""-~""~""~~ I I:: i:; ;:I::: I : :x: : : I iMcPherson i iXlX: ! I1 ; I I I I i -5 D 8 I I 1 i Ordinance No. 6031. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBm,iGrober ' I AMENDING SECTION 7 , OF ORDINANCE NO. 6010, TO INCREASE THE; Spnneman i Xi : Xi : : i REQUIRED INSURANCE, was given a first reading, :Ledgerwood i : !Xi : : 11 5 I t I i Ordinance No. 2022. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, iGrober i AMENDING SECTION 1, OF ORDINANCE NO. 2020 OF THE CITY OF : Sonnemsn f CARLSBAD, BY ADOPTING THE 1959 FIRE PREVENTION CODE, was :Ledgemood i given a first reading. :McPherson i Ordinance No. 2023. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, IGrober i OF THE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF CMtLSBfGD, I Ledgerwood : AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 2005, was given a first read- :McPherson ; ing. I I Ordinance No, 2024, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD,/Grober : DECLARING AND ESTABLISHING I FIRE ZONES; AWD REPEALING :Sonneman i SECTION 3 OF ORDINANCE NO. 8005 OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, iLedgerwood ; was given a first reading, :McPherson 1 1 : PROVIDING FOR THE RECOGNITION, REGULATION AND MAINTENANCE Isonnemn 1 I I I I I I I I 1i;:ii ::11:: : : :x: ; ; ;x: :xi : : ; i :x: ': f 1 I :x:x: : : ;ll:l~ l:ll;: :x: :xi 4 It ' :: I : jx: ; ; : I :x; : : : Ixjx: ; : bl$lI ;:I;;; ;::,:I ; :x:x; : i :xi !x; : I' I : : :xi : ; ; ; ;xi i i I* It :: l.!l!: : CITY ATTORNEYPS REPORT: i Condemnation suits. The City Attorney advised the Council i :::;4: ; that both condemnation suits had been filed and they were i : in the process of having the defendants served. i League of California Cities Convention. TheaCity Attorney: ::::,I 1::: : of California Cities Convention in San Francisco, October ; i 18th thru 20th. 1 I Permission for leave of absence. Due to the absence of i Grober ; :xixi : ; i Councilwoman Coats because of illness, by motion of the ; Sonneman :Xi !Xi i : ; Council, an additional 30 days leave of absence was I Ledgerwood i : :X : : i : granted Councilwoman Coats, : McPherson I 1'1 ; :X i I : :!!I!: I I I I :ii:ii I :;*:I: 1 :I:$: :::::: ;::::I I I I ;:;I:: I I ;i;::: i advised the Council that she was going to attend the Leagu+ ::;I:: :::::: :;;::: I I I I :;;::: 5 :*Il@; I( IO I I t I I i CITY MANAGER? S REPORT: I At the previous meeting of the Council a notice from the : ; County Boundary Commission was presented on the boundaries i i of the proposed city of qPMarbe110J8, The Council requested i : the matter referred to the Engineering Department in order; i to check the boundaries. The City Manager read a report I : from the Engineering Department in which they stated there; Grober i would be no reason for the City to object to the boundarie$ Sonneman i proposed. By motion of the Council the matter was tabled: Ledgerwood ; for the present time. I McPherson i Vacation. The City Manager advised the Council he would ' ! : like to take two weeks vacation commencing October 19th ; I through October 30th, 1959. 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I s 4 i:;:i: ;:4:: 1;:::: :;!::: i::;:: I::;:! ::;::I *::::I :::I:: k! gi I i i xx; : : llB:;i 4Fi:: :: ;;a;:: :I 1::::: ;*::I; ll;l~l ;:#;:a IIItI: l!!l!l I I L I I I I I :* :iI I ::;:,, all; '1; t I 1 I I::::: I /I$: l!~l!l I I l'l:;; I I ::: , :!::!: I I I 4 9- I:*::: I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 # I I I I I I I I I I 1 I i 1:11;i I I :;::I: 1111 I ::::;: t 4 ;;:;:: I i:: l*,lfl ::; 8fl:*; I I :::::; I 4 ;;;::: 1 I ::;::: ::: I I ;:::I: * I :::I:( 1 I 1:::;; I:::@: I I ::I::: I I :;::i: i ;; :' ': I I t 1 *I t I I I i::;;: 11; I I ::4::: :!I::: I I I I .-I i .\ ,-, \x. 1 I I I I I '\ '\' '\ 's, "\"'\ p 4 9 i I '\\ *\ '\\ '\ \\ \ I I -6- i N a me ',, ',$\ \, '?& I ,&& '\ +!.!A i I : Member '+d$+,+,;?*\ .%\,o,Lp\p,c\,l : ;::::; . 1 I! $::if ;;;;I1 i:l;ll I1 $4;:; : Ixix: : : I I , \ \ \\ \\ '\ I I I i : of :"""""""""""""~"~"""""""""~""~-~""""-"""""-~""""""""""~"""- I I I I I @! He plans to go to St. Louis, Mo., to visit his family, IT1 I and as the City ManagersQ Convention is being held there i l this year it is his intention to attend. The only cost i It;#:: i to the City will be the registration fee and any expenses : : incurred while attending the convention. By motion of IGrober i the Council the request for vacation was granted, and any i Sonneman i Xf ;X! ; : : expenses incurred by the City Manager in connection with ;Ledgerwood t : :xi I I i the City Managers' Convention in St. Louis approved. :McPherson : : :X; a I I@ I:' I* I I I i The matter of the City purchasing a tape recorder for the : i taking of the Council minutes was discussed. It was agree4 : that the matter be deferred for the present time. : Discussion was also given as to the licensing of boats on i I the lagoon, as it was felt the City should be receiving ; I some revenue from the boats. The City Attorney pointed i i out that the City has the power to tax for the purpose : i of regulation, but it does not have the power to tax for i 1 revenue. After considerable discussion it was agreed that: I a survey be made of the area around the lagoon, and that iGrober i the City Manager and City Attorney be instructed to pre- :Sonnman : pare a report of the cost of maintenance of this area as iLedgerwood i far as the City is concerned. :McPherson I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I PAYMENT OF BILLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL: I I I i Authorization was given €or the payment of bills €or the : i general expenses of the City in the amount of $22,456.77, iGrober i from September 16, 1959, to October 6, 1959, as certified isonneman ; by the Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing \Ledgerwood i Committee. :McPherson i Authorization was given for the payment of bills for the :Grober : Water Department in the amount of $6,043.84, from Septem- iSonneman i ber 16, 1959, to October 6, 1959, as certified by the :Ledgerwood : Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Cornmittee/McPherson I Ratification of the payroll was given for the second half iGrober i of September, 1959, in the amount of $12,212.99 as certi- :Sonneman : fied by the Director of Finance and approved by the !Ledgerwood i Auditing Committee. iMcPherson I 1 I I I 1 I I * I I : ADJOURNMENT: I I 1 1 I I I i By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. I I I I ! : Respectfully submitted, I I ;flyr& f Q/&; i WRGAR&T E. ADAMS : Deputy City Clerk I I I I i I I I I I I I I \ I I : I 1 I ! @i I I I I I I : I I I 8 I I I I I I I I i $ 1 t I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I 4 I I I : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t :::::: iii'lI 7, 11 '4: ::: :;;;:; :::::: 11i:it ::;I:: ;l#;ls ';:l 1;: :::I:: :;I:l; ::;:!; p:;q :la 1:;;;i ; ix:xI ; i :x; :xi : ; : : :x: : ; : : !xi i : ::11:: ;;::la :I:;:: l:!l!: 'I ai;;;* i:: ; :x:xj ; ; :x; jx: : I i : :x, ;:: * ; : i !xi i ; :;::;; : ; ;x: : : :x; :x: ; ; : : ;xi : ; : jxix: I i I::::: $1' : ixIx: : : :x; :x; : ; : ;: I !x: ; *I I 4 ' :xi : i ':I8 ::;I:: :;::;: ltl:l; ::a I:, :;::;: ;::I:: :::::I :;;::: ;:::I: 1:;:; ::I::: :l;l ::I;:: :::ri: /:Il; ::I::, :::::; If ::::;: :::Ill ::;::: :::::: ::I::: ii::;; 811 :)::I: i;;:;; 11 ::;::: I;;:;: i::::; Ill ; : : 1.: ; :::'I; ;!!::I ;I,::: 1:::;: ::;::: !ri;ii :::I:! l:l::l :::: :: ;;!::; ;!;I:; il: 11 i1 It ;I Ill I(* :I 1:;::: I;::: ItIII