HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-11-03; City Council; Minutes* i CITY OF CARLSBAD &. "J r\. : I .' I CITY COUNCIL : Minutes of: i Date of Meeting: Noveniber 3, 1959 I Name ''~~,~'4&, '8, , 'd ?&, I :Time of Meeting: 7:03 P.M, '4%'. ', '%%8, I I Place of Meeting: Council Chambers : Member $'~,$-p.d! 1 ,""""""""""""""""""-"""""""""""""""""""~"""~""""""""~"" i ROLL CALL was answered by Councilmen Grober, Sonneman, t l;l;g* :Ledgerwood, McPherson and La Roche. Also present were t ::::;; i City Manager Palkowski and City Attorney Hayes. t I:: , i INVOCATION was .offed by Councilman Grober. I 1 ;;I:&' i APPROVAL OF MINUTES: I 1: I,I 1 a, The minutes of October 20, 1959, were approved as IGrober : :xi$ : i I presented. ; Sonneman i X: I X: : : ', 8 -\ \ ' '8 '8,'88 .. ieatr; *c 8 I '\, ';.8, ", '8 '8 I I 8 t8 I ' Of 8,d%8q8,44& : I * t Dl ;:i::: 4 1 ;*I:;: $itlt I b !:;;It I:;#:: I1 I1 I 1 I I I I I 1 '8 I I ;:;:;: I 4 I I':::: t I Ledgerwood : ; ~ 9: :x: i i I I 8 : McPherson : : : X! : : I I I I i La Roche i i i X[ I i I l!!*!l I : CORRESPONDENCE t I 9 I r 1 I i I : 1. Letter dated October 22, 1959, from the Knights of i i Columbus, San Luis Rey De Francia Council No. 3162, urging : :that a citic committee be appointed to discourage the sale \ i and use of indecent and suggestive literature, as well as I !discouragement of immoral motion pictures. The City I i Attorney advised the Council that in her opinion it was i :beyond the scope and jurisdiction of the local government ; i to take any action in this matter, and that it was a matter! : for the State Legistlature, By cmon consent of the I I !Council the City Manager was instructed to acknowledge the I :letter and inform the lodge that the Council appreciates ; i their intetest but that the Council feels this matter is i :beyond the scope and jurisdiction of the Council to take ; {any action, and at such time 8s the matter is brought :before the State Legistlature the City will urge the i Legistlature to consider the matter thoroughly. The City I :Attorney was also instructed.to keep the Council informed ; :when this matter came before the tegistlature. * * I 1 * I I I I I 8iilil ;ll:t* I!!*!; I I i 2, Notice of Hearing was read wherein the Public Utili- i : ties Commission will' hold a hearing on December 2, 1959, ; i at 1O:OO A.M., in the City Hall Annex in connection with i jthe closing of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway : ;depot in Carlsbad. The City Attorney stated she felt the : i City should have a representative at this meeting to either: :discourage or incourage the closing of this depot. 0y * jmotion of the Council it was agreed that the Council shouldiGrober I register their objection to the closing of the depot, and isonneman i that the City Attorney appear at the hearing on behalf of : Ledgerwood :the City, The City Manager was instructed to contact the (:NcPherson i service clubs in Carlsbad and urge them to protest: the ILa Roche :closing of the depa. 4 I ; 3, Letter dated October 29, 1959, from John H, Grant, i !appealing the decision of the Council made at: the meeting i ' :of October 20, 1959, regarding the removal of seven trees ; ion property owned by him, on which he proposes to build a i jshopping center. At, the meeting of October 20, 1959, the ; :Council, upon the recommendation of the Parks and Recrea- i :tion Canmission, granted the removal of two trees. Mr. I !Grant agreed to remove e11 the trees at his expense and i :plant new trees recmended by the City and fn the places : :suggested, After considerable discussion by the Council :Grober :it wa8 agreed that Mr, Grant be allowed to remove the i sonneman iseven trees requested at his expense, and that the trees !Ledgerwood :be replaced with suitable trees recanmended by the Parks :McPherson i and Recreat ion Commission, !La Roche I t I 4 &i:*jl :*,:;: ;:::;: 4::;; I::::: ;::::: :::i:i 1::s:: :;;::I I::::: I:;:': flB;:n :l 1::::: I' :;:::; :$:: I:::;, I: ;::;I; ;:::I; :::'I: ;;::!; ;;::;: ;,::I; !;;;q *I111 *!!*!I 1i;:j: :::;I; i::t:: ;;4:1 *::::: ::;::: :;::;: :;;::: i::::: ;:I:': 8 ; $: : 8 !xi :x: : ; i : ;xi i i 8 :xix: ; I1 1 :; :xi : : ::Ill; 8'8 :II:;i 8: iijii: :' *I: 't@:l' **I;t; l;~l:l l)'* ::;I;: i:;::: ;::::: :;::;: ;I:;;: :::'I: iiiii; ; : ;x! : ; ; :x$: i ; i ; :xi : i ; J !x: i i :x; :x: ; ; 0: I 1 I I ; 4, Letter dated October 27, 1959, from the Carlsbad :Municipal Water District advising the City they would be i !vacating the offices located at 601 Elm Avenue on October i :31, 1959. By common consent of the Couy.ctl the letter I :was ordered f iled. i 5. Letter dated October 28, 1959, from Arthur W, Spivey, i :Chairman of the Library Commission, urging all possible ; I ! I I I I 8 I 1 I I t 1. I;:;!: ;,::I; ;::::: 1:;;;1 ::;;:I ::;::I ;:;I:: ::;::: I ; !.; ! : :b;sil *It8': a:;:;* :*I:;: I!::!: 11 I 8 I I i 11; I I ;::;I: I I i ;::::: Ifl,!P SI I I I I f 1 1 .\ ' \ -, -, \, \" I I '\ '\* '\\ '\.,'y\J 5 9 i I I : Of +$pc.,+,+,p I ;speed in the completion of the changes in the Water Com- i I::;!: I -2- '*, '\ *\ x ' , I I I \ Na me ', "$\$, '\$, *',:%\ ' 'P&/ i : I i Member ,o~,o.,P\(?\,o'~* ~""""""""""""""""-"""""""""""""""""""""-*-"~"-"""""""""-"-~' I 1 D' I I i;;;;: I:: lpany building for library use, The City Engineer advised : ' 1::::: i the Council the plans and specifications were almost com- IGrober ; :x:xi i ; ipleted and they would soon be ready to advertise for bids, :Sonneman :xi :xi : : !By motion of the Council the City Engineer was instructed !Ledgerwood 1 31 ; :X: ; ; i to advertise for bids for the enlargement of the library :McPherson : : :X i ! : ;facilities. :La Roche : 11 ; !X : : ; i 6, The following requests for sewer connections were iGrober japproved: : S onneman : :x:xi : : I1 11 I I 1 I Itl:;; ;:I 11 I :xi i I I !Ledgerwood / i !X; ; : l a. Ethel J. Helborn fMcPherson :X i :Xi : i 1 b* G. P. Cheadle $a Roche i i !X I i : I C. Guaranteed Homes 1 :::;;; I+ I I ;:VI: I ;I:::: 11 :burning of the tules in the Buena Vista Lagoon. They I 4::ll :: I :::::: i I ::p+ I I I I % I I 11 I I I i 7, Letter from Dr, Askew, San Diego County Health !Department, addressed to the City Engineer regarding the i &((I !advised the Council they would not participate in this :burning and suggested that the local Fire Department burn ; 1:;:;: ithem. As Mr, Fennel is the Owner of the property involved, i :ll*l* I:,::: :it was suggested that Mr. Fennel be contacted. Cinn. Grober: *I ::I;:: 11 :informed the Council there would be 8 meeting of the Buena i ;:::I: :Vista Lagoon Association in the near future, and he would i :!:;#I :;:: ;bring this matter up for discussion. I I ::::;: I I:I' I I I 1 t I 11 I I 1 ;;:;:: I i;;;:: I I ;I :Ii: I :::::: I 1 ::;I1 PUBLIC HEARINGS: L I :I:':: :;I::: I I :;+: i a. *ea1 for reclassification of certain properties i I #:;;:I ;: 8: :from R-1-15 to R-1-10 - Anderson and Sexton, I :I1 I* I I I 0:::: 11 I 1::::: aesolution #134 of the Planning Commission was read wherein : j::;:: Ithey recornended denying the request for reclassification i :;::I: !of certain designated property in the City of Carlsbad I I :::::: :from Zone R-1, 15,000 sq. feet, to R-1,10,000 sq. feet, f I 1:;::: I * I :;':;: 'I ii::;! ketter dated October 23, 1959, from Donald A. Briggs, stat- f 1l;;l; ling that he would like a similar zoning on some sixty- I I !:vi; :five acres that he owns between Sunnyhill and Park Drive, i 4+: It !qhich is contiguous to the property being considered for : ;1*:1; veclassif ication. I i;;::: I I I 'I!!\! !It was pointed out to the Council the minimum required I I I:: ::; :frontage for a 15,000 sq. ft. lot and a 10,000 sq. ft. lot : :is 75 feet, I I ;:;;;; better dated October 23, 1959, signed by 17 property owners i '111 !!:::: >TI the area was presented, in which they protested the I I ::I::: propasr.d change in zoning, as they felt it would cause a i .:::;I, 1: v.epreciation of property values in that area* I :::::; I l:;l;* I !#I:*! I I@ :ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: I I ;:@sl: !There were no oral communications, I I I I_ I 1::1; I 1 I I 1 I I I 11 I I I ::/ /I::; :::I:; I l;:l:l I I t I % I I I I I I ?he Mayor asked for discussion from the audience, I F. ALTON ANNABLE, 4220 Sunnyhill Drive, stated that he I I purchased his property due to the large lot size; if the 1 {ouncif approves this reduction there will. be other property: pwners who will want further reductions, If this reclassi- i Fication is allowed it will devaluate their property, I I OhR. GEORGE W. MERKLE, M. D., 4225 Sunnyhill Dr,, felt this 1 brea should be kept at a 15,000 sq. Et. minimum; the people ; 6f Carlsbad paid a great deal of momy for a Planning I I Consultant, and he thought it was certainly against good : ilanning to change the zoning at this tineo I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I # I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I ! ;-Ill *I; ::::,, ::: 1:;::; ::::a: ::I1:: *e :::I ;:::;; 1l:I ::I::: ::::i: ::;:II #I ::1:;: 111 1:;::: ::I::: :;!:a: :I,;:: ;::,:I ::I::: ;:;:I: :::::: :::::: I:;:,: i;l1:1 ,!::a: !I (1' :,::I; 'I I I I I I t I t 1 I 1 I I t I 1 t I -3 - & I I ~"""""""""""""""""-"""""""""""""""""""""'" I I I I 0 :DON BRIGGS, JR. stated that he represented his father, I I Donald Briggs, and that if they would look at the zoning I !map, part of their property has a 7500 sq. ft. require- 4 I lment and part has a 15,000 sq. ft. requirement. Even if : :the Owners of the property in question are held to a I i 15,000 ft, requirement they can still have a 75 ft. :frontage; the only ones who could possibly be hurt are the i !lots that actually adjoin this property. :MR. ANDERSON, one of the owners of the property in question; :informed the Council they only own 10 acres free and clear,: : and that is the reason they are only requesting this por- i ition reclassified at this time. However, they do have an : i option on some of the adjoining property, This will be i i strictly a lot-sale, as they are not builders. If they : ;are required to keep these lots at 15,000 square feet, Ithe cost of improvement will be prohibitive. I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I r I I I I I * I \., \ ., 8 ' - ', '8, '\, '\,",:x, 1 6 0 i I I '5 '' '* \\ 8, '\ '\ ', \\ ', N a me \\ '<$$,,, *\, '?&X i '.$,$, \ '?&, ; Of ~?$+&$+. ; i:;:;; ' 14 0) I-::; ::;;:: ;t18sl ::;Ill 111:: :;l:8# IaIl I::::: 1:ti:: ::::ti :::;:: ;::,I4 I::#:: 61 :::::: I :::::: :II::: ;::Io I:'::: ;I::;; I1:Jii ::::,I Member ,o~~.~pp~,o'~ """"""-""""""- ;:: I:::,: #:I ;I* I* $1 ::!I!: :PAT ZAHLER, one of the members of the Planning Commission, i iadvised the Council one of the reasons the Planning !Commission recommended the denial of this reclassification ; :was due to the fact that Sunnyhill is the only access^ i street, and there are no provisions for sewers in this ; area. :MR. JOHN SALSBERRY, 4240 Sunnyhill Drive, stated he hoped i !the Council would take into consideration the load this : :would put on Sunnyhill Drive, as far as traffic, :MRS, JULIA LA ROCHE, 1152 Chestnut Avenue, asked what the I i front footage requirement was and if there were any build- I : ing restrictions, Mrs. La Roche was informed the minimum : :front footage was 75 feet for either a 15,000 sq. ft, lot : :or a 10,000 sq. ft. lot I I i MR. ANDERSON advised the Council and Mrs. La Roche there i :would be deed restrictions put on this property when it is : i subdivided. 1 I 1 MR. JARVIE, one of the Planning Commissioners, stated the i : people in this area want to protect their investment, i DONALD BRIGGS, JR. informed the Council originally this : i area was zoned for acre lots, and subsequently rezoned I I : to 1/2 acre lots, prior to the incorporation of the City. I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 1 t I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I .., : Cwn. Sonneman stated she felt all the area down to the ! lagoon would eventually have to be rezoned, as the closer i : the property is to the lagoon the smaller the lots would i i have to be. i Cmn. McPherson stated he felt the property owners should : : be given consideration. The Planning Commission has given i i their recommendation and the Council should abide by ito : i NRS, t3ARRIERO informed the Council that she owned one of ! I the largest lots in the area, however, she is in favor I I : of cutting the size of the lots and does not feel it would ; : be disadvantageous to any of the property owners. Some I i of the finest homes in the County are at Point Loma and : i they have postage stamp frontages. I I jNR. ALTON ANNABLE stated they know what type of homes are i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a: i in the area now, and how can they be assured of certain i i restrictions? I I I I : MR, ANDERSON advised the Council an Architectual Com- imittee would be appointed to approve ail plans for this i i property, and they would be happy to have one of the pro- i :testants sit on this conanittees I I I 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 @ii:i1 .I :::;I: i:::i: :!I::: i::::: ;:;:'I 4::ll 4:: ::!I:: ';;;I .I :;;I1* ;I4::; ;::'I /I::: ;::::: 'I:::: :;a ;l4:; ::!i:: :::I:: 1::::: :81:8; ::::;; !:::I; ;:ll:l 1;:::: ::;i:: ::;I): :::I:: iiii;I I* :;;I:# 1:;::: ::;:;: ::a IlI I+:: :;::;; !;::I: !#!I 1:~I:l I' 1,: :;;:i: ::I::: lnl:;: ::::I; ::;:I: ::,!:I I~i:i: !:;1:1 :::I:: :::::: :ti::: :::::, 11; ::!;I: 1-1:: ::;: $1 1; :;4:i: ::::a: ;ln~:~ :;::I; 1111: :i::;: ::I::: @I I I :I I:'::: Id::; :::;I; ::!l:l :i: 1.1 :::::; ::; ;:::I: :;:::: :::,:I 8;;:l: :II::: $:'q 1;;::I ::;1:1 :::::: ~1I;l; :!::!: 'I \ .,- -, \- 4 i I I I I '\, \,,'\, '',\\,:b,,lfj 1 ! I i N a me '8, %&,, \\, \?tJ, ,: I '.*$&,+J,;?+ 0 4, f I :""""""-"'""--""~"""""""""""""""""""~"""""""~""""""~"""~""~ I Member ,o*,o\.e$\,& I I I '\ '\ 'x '\ ' * I I -4. 1 ; of y+ '0 \ ' I I '\ -. '. '\ '\ '. 8.. l e t After discussion by the members of the Council it was brober 1. : ;xb: ; : #;I unanimously agreed that the matter be deferred back to :Sonneman :x: x; i i the Planning Commission for further consideration due to :Ledgerwood : i p i ; ; i the fact that a 15,000 sq. ft. lot and a 10,000 sq. ft. NcPherson ; ; :X; ; ; ; lothave the same minimum frontage, i.e,, 75 feet. :La Roche : ; :xi i : 11 Ill 1,. 1 I I I I I I I I 1 i A short recess was declared at 8:35 PA" The meeting I reconvened at 8:52 P.M. I I ; FINANCE: I 1 I I I I I i a. Audit Report. The Director of Finance informed the i : Council that the audit report is a combination of the Zrober i Water Department and the General Expenses of the City, : S onneman i As far as the Water Department audit the bond holders : Ledgerwood i are satisfied with the report, By motion of the Council iMcPherson f the audit report was accepted. :La Roche ; b, Transfer of funds. The Director of Finance stated : i there were two items that had been approved by the Council: ; additional funds for the drainage ditch in the amount of i i $13,590,88 and the election costs in the amount of $6550.06 i .for which he would like authorization from them to : : have these funds transferred from the Contingency Fund, i Grober : By motion of the Council authorization was given for the :Sonneman i transfer of $13,590.88 from the Contingency Fund to i Ledgerwood i Capitol Improvement, and the transfer of $6,550.00 from :McPherson ! the Contingency Fund for payment: of the election eosts. !La Roche I I I I I I 1 I ; CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: l 8 1 I I I I I I ar Chestnut Avenue street width. A petition had been : i received from 56% of the property owners who protested i : the 66' street width agreed upon by the Council at the :Grober i last regular meeting. After discussion among the Council i Sonneman ; members it was agreed that the Council adhere to the ; Ledgemood i request of the property owners and that 60 feet be i McPierson I established as the street width. : La Roche i Cmn, La Roche suggested that a roll curb be investigated i : for Chestnut Avenue. The terrane of the street would I I i allow the water to run off, and he did not feel it was i : necessary to Rave the type 'sG*a curb installed, The Mayor : : informed Cmn. La Roche that the Council has adopted the i : type ppGQ' curb for all streets, Cmn. La Roche stated he : i felt this matter should be given further consideration. i I 4 + I I I 1 t I & I b. Security deposits for Subdividers. The Engineering i ; Department and the Finance Department have requested 1 t i that some policy be established for the disbursement of i, : funds deposited by the subdividers. la the past the City ; i on many occasions have had to act as bookkeepers for the I : Subdividers. The City Attorney advised the Council there ; i had been some changes in the law and she was working on I : a new improvement agreement with the subdividers. By I I i comon consent of the Council the City Attorney and the / : Director of Finance were instructed to work out a new 4 I i policy for the disbursement of these funds. I I I I I I 1 ;i;;i; ;llrll ;;:::; !;:::; Il;:;: ;::;:: ;::;;I ;;:;I: ;:to: l ; ;x: : : ;xi :x; 1 { i 1 :xi f : ; ;x:x: ; ; : : :x; ; : ;;:I11 I1 I#:::: ::;:;: iIiii1 ilr;ll I( i:::;; : ; :x: ; : :x: :xi : : i ; :x: ; I: ' I :xixi : : I : :x: ; : ::; ::: ;::I t:;i;.: ii:;:! :;::i: ::;:I' : ; !x: I I !xi :xi : ; 1 I ;x: : 8 : ; :x; i ; i I ; I :x: II @ll:18 It)' 11 IS ~~OII :: ': 1 1;4' l!ll!! ;;:;:i :I::!: ::;I;: v;;:: $1 ;;:::: ::I::: ::;:;: ::::I: !:I:':: 1::::: ;i:iil :I;::: ::::;; I:':;: :I::;; :::::; ::+: ::;;:: I@ 1:;:1: :11::; 1::::; :;;:I; lll;l* 184 :!I:!: I I I ca Applications for position of City Manager. The City i :;:I:; :::::; :::;:; ::;f:I 11:::: ;::,:I *;11;i i Manager inquired what disposition the Council wished to : ;b:;l; : make of the applications received for the positior, of i ' City Managero Cmn. La Roche suggested the Council arrive; at some method of appraisal of the applications, such as i ;;I:*1 an examination, and inquire of other cities as to their : I method. It was pointed out that an advertisement had i ;:;::: : been placed in the Western Cities &.gazine for the : Grober : !d(; 4 ': i position of City Manager, and this magazine would probabli Sonneman I 4 i x i i i be in circulation by November 15, 1959, It was agreed : Ledgerwood i : : 4 ; : : that December 1, 1959, be set as the deadline for receiv- i McPherson ; i I X i i .i I ing applications, 1 I I I I I I I I I : La ~oche i I I 8 : ; I I :::I:( I I 8;:::: I I If:::: I ;;:i:! ! ;!::!, 11 'I I 11111( .I I t I t I I I '\. " \\ '\ -*\ '\ '\,,'\.;;,,J fj 2 i 8 ! Of ',L.,O\&+ I \* '. ', 's, '\ ', I f -5- 'O+. 'A, ; ! """" - _""""""_""""""""" """""""" "-""""""--{ ""-" """"---"-------- i::::; '17 I I ;::::a I t ;!::In I+ *' 8 : Name \~,,YJ+,,>;$+ 1 I : Member $% $Yj-p,&,; I : I I :The City Attorney was instructed to inquire of other t I :::;I; :cities as to their method of appraising app1ications. I I,!@!; 0; I CITY ATTORNEY 1 S REPORT: I L I I I I iPalomar Airport road, The easements had been received i from the County and they had been disbursed to the desig- i :nated parties for signatures. iKrepps condemnation suit. An order for immediate possession! I of the Krepps property has been issued by the Court, and a : :$SOO.OO deposit was made to the Court. 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I !Easements for Skyline-Clearview area. The documents are in i i the process of being served on the various property owners.: I I I 1 !Harbor District. There have been many changes in the :legistlature this last session regarding harbor districts I 1 I I i and harbors. At the time a harbor district was first idiscussed for Carlsbad she did not feel it was feasible i i if just the boundaries of the City were to be included, i I :however, since they are contemplating a larger district I ishe felt the larger district would have merit. I I :Annexation proceedings, Several weeks ago the Council I I :authorized her to proceed with the annexation proceedings : i to see if this matter could be settled with Oceanside, The! :boundaries were agreed upon. She prepared a stipulation i i for the City Attorney of Oceanside to agree upon; however, : :the stipulation has never been signed by the City Attorney i :of Oceanside. Following this she requested a legal des- : jcription of the property to be deleted from our annexation ! ;proceedings, but she has never been successful in obtaining! !this legal. She asked the Council if they wished to bring ; :this matter to Court and have the Court decide the matter, i ! ! I I 1 I I I 1 iii:il 4:;:: :::::I ::'I;: ::::;: ::;::: ::;::: ::;I:: !::;la 11 1::;:: ::;a1: :;;::: pi::: til :::;:: ;:::I; 4::p ::::;i ::; :;l:l: 'I I :I:;:; :!:;I; ::ii:: 'I :;::;: I* ::i:;: ::,:a: ;::::: ll:i:i ::ii:: i::;:: l;;l:; :::t:: :::;,I IO ;;a 18 I :::: It $4:: ;:ii:: ;::'I' I' ;:I::: ;::::I ;;:i:; IIIItl :!:;!: !By motion of the Council the City Attorney was instructed iGrober :to give the City of Oceanside notice, and if an agreement :Sonneman : :XjX: 'I ; I ; cannot: be reached then have the matter heard by the Court. ;Ledgerwood j : :Xi I : ': I SI!!:# 1- :xi ixi : i I :HcPherson : ; :Xi ; : I I !La Roche i i :X: i : I I I I 1 I I :Hearing on Vista Freeway. The City Attorney and Mr. iJenken, City Engineer, attended the hearing held in Ocean- i : side, The plans do not provide an access side road between! :Jefferson and EL Camino Real. Also discussion was given : :to the Buena Vista drainage area. Many of the property i !owners objected to the present plans, however, there will ; : be ! .::.other hearings . :Financing of sewer system, The City Attorney reported isat she had been investigating the possibility of state I for Federal aid, She has written Congressman Utt and i Senator Engle for information regarding Public Law 660 :to see if the City of Carlsbad could qualify for aid under i jthis law. With the consent of the Council the City Attor- ; :ney was instructed to further investigate the possibility i !of State or Federal aid. I I I 1 I I I I i I I I I I I I I I 1 I i PAYMENT OF BSLLS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL: I I t 1 1 I I I iAuthorization was given for the payment of bills for the IGrober :general expenses of the City in the amount of $14,060.93 isonneman !and the Water Department: in the amount of $2,693.76, from :Ledgerwood :October 20, 1959, to November 3, 1959, as certified by the iMcPhcrson !Director of Finance and approved by the Auditing Committeea :La Roche e I I I I : :;;ii: :;j;:: ::;I:: :I;::: ::;:;: :;:I;: ::;I:, ;*l:e; 111111 t11::: ;:::I; :::::; ;::::; ;:;ti1 ::::I: 1::::: :;1:t: ::!;!: ::;;:: i:;::: ;::;:i :;4:: :,:;I: 1;;1:1 181;;; :::; : f !xi : 1 I! :xi :x: I : i ; !xi ; i : jxix: I : i : :xi : i I I ;:;I:I 1 t 1:::;: 1 ;llll; 1 1 I;;::, :*bll 81; ;p;ll tl#;:a $11 ;#:I:: 81 11 ii' 1 iii: 8: ::::;; I: 1:tl I!&:!: t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I * 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 c *I I * t s I I 96- :""""""-"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" I Ratification of therpayroll was given for the second half of October, 1959, in the amount of $12,492.37, as certi- fied by the Director of Finance and approved by the i Auditing Committee. I I I t I I * I By proper morion the meeting was adjourned at 1O:lO P.M. I I I I I :Respectfully submitted, L l"-w&f&g@ f :' / &2Lv7/u 4 :MARGAR E. ADAMS :Deputy City Clerk I t I t I I I I I I 4 I I I I ! I I t : I I I I I I 1 * I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I 8 I 4 I 4 I I I I I I I t I I I 1 I 1 I I I I t 1 I I 8 I I I 1 I I I I t 1 I I I q * 1 I I 8 I I I t I I I I I I I I I I * a! 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